using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Net; using System.Net.Sockets; namespace ArdupilotMega.HIL { class XPlane : Hil { Socket SimulatorRECV; UdpClient XplanesSEND; EndPoint Remote = (EndPoint)(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0)); // place to store the xplane packet data float[][] DATA = new float[113][]; public override void SetupSockets(int recvPort, int SendPort, string simIP) { // setup receiver IPEndPoint ipep = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, recvPort); SimulatorRECV = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp); SimulatorRECV.Bind(ipep); UpdateStatus(-1, "Listerning on port UDP " + recvPort + " (sim->planner)\n"); // setup sender XplanesSEND = new UdpClient(simIP, SendPort); UpdateStatus(-1, "Sending to port UDP " + SendPort + " (planner->sim)\n"); setupXplane(); UpdateStatus(-1, "Sent xplane settings\n"); } public override void Shutdown() { try { SimulatorRECV.Close(); } catch { } try { XplanesSEND.Close(); } catch { } } public override void GetFromSim(ref sitl_fdm sitldata) { if (SimulatorRECV.Available > 0) { byte[] udpdata = new byte[1500]; int receviedbytes = 0; try { while (SimulatorRECV.Available > 0) { receviedbytes = SimulatorRECV.ReceiveFrom(udpdata, ref Remote); } } catch { } if (udpdata[0] == 'D' && udpdata[1] == 'A') { // Xplanes sends // 5 byte header // 1 int for the index - numbers on left of output // 8 floats - might be useful. or 0 if not int count = 5; while (count < receviedbytes) { int index = BitConverter.ToInt32(udpdata, count); DATA[index] = new float[8]; DATA[index][0] = BitConverter.ToSingle(udpdata, count + 1 * 4); ; DATA[index][1] = BitConverter.ToSingle(udpdata, count + 2 * 4); ; DATA[index][2] = BitConverter.ToSingle(udpdata, count + 3 * 4); ; DATA[index][3] = BitConverter.ToSingle(udpdata, count + 4 * 4); ; DATA[index][4] = BitConverter.ToSingle(udpdata, count + 5 * 4); ; DATA[index][5] = BitConverter.ToSingle(udpdata, count + 6 * 4); ; DATA[index][6] = BitConverter.ToSingle(udpdata, count + 7 * 4); ; DATA[index][7] = BitConverter.ToSingle(udpdata, count + 8 * 4); ; count += 36; // 8 * float } bool xplane9 = !xplane10; if (xplane9) { sitldata.pitchDeg = (DATA[18][0]); sitldata.rollDeg = (DATA[18][1]); sitldata.yawDeg = (DATA[18][2]); sitldata.pitchRate = (DATA[17][0] * rad2deg); sitldata.rollRate = (DATA[17][1] * rad2deg); sitldata.yawRate = (DATA[17][2] * rad2deg); sitldata.heading = ((float)DATA[19][2]); } else { sitldata.pitchDeg = (DATA[17][0]); sitldata.rollDeg = (DATA[17][1]); sitldata.yawDeg = (DATA[17][2]); sitldata.pitchRate = (DATA[16][0] * rad2deg); sitldata.rollRate = (DATA[16][1] * rad2deg); sitldata.yawRate = (DATA[16][2] * rad2deg); sitldata.heading = (DATA[18][2]); } sitldata.airspeed = ((DATA[3][5] * .44704)); sitldata.latitude = (DATA[20][0]); sitldata.longitude = (DATA[20][1]); sitldata.altitude = (DATA[20][2] * ft2m); sitldata.speedN = DATA[21][3];// (DATA[3][7] * 0.44704 * Math.Sin(sitldata.heading * deg2rad)); sitldata.speedE = -DATA[21][5];// (DATA[3][7] * 0.44704 * Math.Cos(sitldata.heading * deg2rad)); Matrix3 dcm = new Matrix3(); dcm.from_euler(sitldata.rollDeg * deg2rad, sitldata.pitchDeg * deg2rad, sitldata.yawDeg * deg2rad); // rad = tas^2 / (tan(angle) * G) float turnrad = (float)(((DATA[3][7] * 0.44704) * (DATA[3][7] * 0.44704)) / (float)(9.8f * Math.Tan(sitldata.rollDeg * deg2rad))); float gload = (float)(1 / Math.Cos(sitldata.rollDeg * deg2rad)); // calculated Gs // a = v^2/r float centripaccel = (float)((DATA[3][7] * 0.44704) * (DATA[3][7] * 0.44704)) / turnrad; Vector3 accel_body = dcm.transposed() * (new Vector3(0, 0, -9.8)); Vector3 centrip_accel = new Vector3(0, centripaccel * Math.Cos(sitldata.rollDeg * deg2rad), centripaccel * Math.Sin(sitldata.rollDeg * deg2rad)); accel_body -= centrip_accel; sitldata.xAccel = DATA[4][5] * 9.8; sitldata.yAccel = DATA[4][6] * 9.8; sitldata.zAccel = (0 - DATA[4][4]) * 9.8; // Console.WriteLine(accel_body.ToString()); // Console.WriteLine(" {0} {1} {2}",sitldata.xAccel, sitldata.yAccel, sitldata.zAccel); } } } public override void SendToSim() { roll_out = (float)MainV2.comPort.MAV.cs.hilch1 / rollgain; pitch_out = (float)MainV2.comPort.MAV.cs.hilch2 / pitchgain; throttle_out = ((float)MainV2.comPort.MAV.cs.hilch3) / throttlegain; rudder_out = (float)MainV2.comPort.MAV.cs.hilch4 / ruddergain; // Limit min and max roll_out = Constrain(roll_out, -1, 1); pitch_out = Constrain(pitch_out, -1, 1); rudder_out = Constrain(rudder_out, -1, 1); throttle_out = Constrain(throttle_out, 0, 1); // sending only 1 packet instead of many. byte[] Xplane = new byte[5 + 36 + 36]; if (heli) { Xplane = new byte[5 + 36 + 36 + 36]; } Xplane[0] = (byte)'D'; Xplane[1] = (byte)'A'; Xplane[2] = (byte)'T'; Xplane[3] = (byte)'A'; Xplane[4] = 0; Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes((int)25), 0, Xplane, 5, 4); // packet index Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes((float)throttle_out), 0, Xplane, 9, 4); // start data Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes((float)throttle_out), 0, Xplane, 13, 4); Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes((float)throttle_out), 0, Xplane, 17, 4); Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes((float)throttle_out), 0, Xplane, 21, 4); Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes((int)-999), 0, Xplane, 25, 4); Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes((int)-999), 0, Xplane, 29, 4); Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes((int)-999), 0, Xplane, 33, 4); Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes((int)-999), 0, Xplane, 37, 4); // NEXT ONE - control surfaces Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes((int)11), 0, Xplane, 41, 4); // packet index Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes((float)(pitch_out * REV_pitch)), 0, Xplane, 45, 4); // start data Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes((float)(roll_out * REV_roll)), 0, Xplane, 49, 4); Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes((float)(rudder_out * REV_rudder)), 0, Xplane, 53, 4); Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes((int)-999), 0, Xplane, 57, 4); Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes((float)(roll_out * REV_roll * 0.5)), 0, Xplane, 61, 4); Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes((int)-999), 0, Xplane, 65, 4); Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes((int)-999), 0, Xplane, 69, 4); Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes((int)-999), 0, Xplane, 73, 4); if (heli) { Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes((float)(0)), 0, Xplane, 53, 4); int a = 73 + 4; Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes((int)39), 0, Xplane, a, 4); // packet index a += 4; Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes((float)(12 * collective_out)), 0, Xplane, a, 4); // main rotor 0 - 12 a += 4; Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes((float)(12 * rudder_out)), 0, Xplane, a, 4); // tail rotor -12 - 12 a += 4; Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes((int)-999), 0, Xplane, a, 4); a += 4; Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes((int)-999), 0, Xplane, a, 4); a += 4; Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes((int)-999), 0, Xplane, a, 4); a += 4; Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes((int)-999), 0, Xplane, a, 4); a += 4; Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes((int)-999), 0, Xplane, a, 4); a += 4; Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes((int)-999), 0, Xplane, a, 4); } try { XplanesSEND.Send(Xplane, Xplane.Length); } catch (Exception e) { log.Info("Xplanes udp send error " + e.Message); } } public override void SendToAP(sitl_fdm sitldata) { TimeSpan gpsspan = DateTime.Now - lastgpsupdate; // add gps delay if (gpsspan.TotalMilliseconds >= GPS_rate) { lastgpsupdate = DateTime.Now; // save current fix = 3 sitl_fdmbuffer[gpsbufferindex % sitl_fdmbuffer.Length] = sitldata; // Console.WriteLine((gpsbufferindex % gpsbuffer.Length) + " " + ((gpsbufferindex + (gpsbuffer.Length - 1)) % gpsbuffer.Length)); // return buffer index + 5 = (3 + 5) = 8 % 6 = 2 oldgps = sitl_fdmbuffer[(gpsbufferindex + (sitl_fdmbuffer.Length - 1)) % sitl_fdmbuffer.Length]; //comPort.sendPacket(oldgps); gpsbufferindex++; } MAVLink.mavlink_hil_state_t hilstate = new MAVLink.mavlink_hil_state_t(); hilstate.time_usec = (UInt64)DateTime.Now.Ticks; // microsec = (int)(oldgps.latitude * 1e7); // * 1E7 hilstate.lon = (int)(oldgps.longitude * 1e7); // * 1E7 hilstate.alt = (int)(oldgps.altitude * 1000); // mm // Console.WriteLine(hilstate.alt); hilstate.pitch = (float)sitldata.pitchDeg * deg2rad; // (rad) hilstate.pitchspeed = (float)sitldata.pitchRate * deg2rad; // (rad/s) hilstate.roll = (float)sitldata.rollDeg * deg2rad; // (rad) hilstate.rollspeed = (float)sitldata.rollRate * deg2rad; // (rad/s) hilstate.yaw = (float)sitldata.yawDeg * deg2rad; // (rad) hilstate.yawspeed = (float)sitldata.yawRate * deg2rad; // (rad/s) hilstate.vx = (short)(sitldata.speedN * 100); // m/s * 100 hilstate.vy = (short)(sitldata.speedE * 100); // m/s * 100 hilstate.vz = 0; // m/s * 100 hilstate.xacc = (short)(sitldata.xAccel * 1000); // (mg) hilstate.yacc = (short)(sitldata.yAccel * 1000); // (mg) hilstate.zacc = (short)(sitldata.zAccel * 1000); // (mg) MainV2.comPort.sendPacket(hilstate); MainV2.comPort.sendPacket(new MAVLink.mavlink_vfr_hud_t() { airspeed = (float)sitldata.airspeed }); } public override void GetFromAP() { } void setupXplane() { // sending only 1 packet instead of many. byte[] Xplane = new byte[5 + 4 * 8]; Xplane[0] = (byte)'D'; Xplane[1] = (byte)'S'; Xplane[2] = (byte)'E'; Xplane[3] = (byte)'L'; Xplane[4] = 0; if (xplane10) { int pos = 5; Xplane[pos] = 0x3; pos += 4; Xplane[pos] = 0x4; pos += 4; Xplane[pos] = 0x6; pos += 4; Xplane[pos] = 0x10; pos += 4; Xplane[pos] = 0x11; pos += 4; Xplane[pos] = 0x12; pos += 4; Xplane[pos] = 0x14; pos += 4; Xplane[pos] = 0x15; pos += 4; } else { int pos = 5; Xplane[pos] = 0x3; pos += 4; Xplane[pos] = 0x4; pos += 4; Xplane[pos] = 0x6; pos += 4; Xplane[pos] = 0x11; pos += 4; Xplane[pos] = 0x12; pos += 4; Xplane[pos] = 0x13; pos += 4; Xplane[pos] = 0x14; pos += 4; Xplane[pos] = 0x15; pos += 4; } try { XplanesSEND.Send(Xplane, Xplane.Length); } catch (Exception e) { log.Info("Xplanes udp send error " + e.Message); } } } }