############################################################################ # # Copyright (C) 2012 PX4 Development Team. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in # the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # 3. Neither the name PX4 nor the names of its contributors may be # used to endorse or promote products derived from this software # without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, # INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, # BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS # OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED # AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN # ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # ############################################################################ # # Common Makefile for nsh command modules and utility libraries; should be # included by the module-specific Makefile. # # To build an app that appears as an nsh external command, the caller # must define: # # LIBNAME - the name of the library, defaults to the name of the # directory # # The calling makefile may also set: # # ASRCS - list of assembly source files, defaults to all .S # files in the directory # # CSRCS - list of C source files, defaults to all .c files # in the directory # # CXXSRCS - list of C++ source files, defaults to all .cpp # files in the directory # # INCLUDES - list of directories to be added to the include # search path # # PRIORITY - thread priority for the command (defaults to # SCHED_PRIORITY_DEFAULT) # # STACKSIZE - stack size for the command (defaults to 4096) # # Symbols in the module are private to the module unless deliberately exported # using the __EXPORT tag. # ############################################################################ # No user-serviceable parts below ############################################################################ # build the variables to emulate Arduino.mk build system SRCROOT := $(realpath $(dir $(firstword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))) SKETCH := $(lastword $(subst /, ,$(SRCROOT))) # this is where we put the generated cpp file, created from the *.pde/*.ino TMPDIR ?= /tmp BUILDROOT := $(abspath $(TMPDIR)/$(SKETCH).build) HARDWARE ?= px4 AWK ?= gawk SRCSUFFIXES = *.cpp *.c *.S SKETCHPDESRCS := $(wildcard $(SRCROOT)/*.pde $(SRCROOT)/*.ino) SKETCHSRCS := $(wildcard $(addprefix $(SRCROOT)/,$(SRCSUFFIXES))) SKETCHPDE := $(wildcard $(SRCROOT)/$(SKETCH).pde $(SRCROOT)/$(SKETCH).ino) SKETCHCPP := $(BUILDROOT)/$(SKETCH).cpp ifneq ($(words $(SKETCHPDE)),1) $(error ERROR: sketch $(SKETCH) must contain exactly one of $(SKETCH).pde or $(SKETCH).ino) endif # Sketch object files SKETCHOBJS := $(subst $(SRCROOT),$(BUILDROOT),$(SKETCHSRCS)) $(SKETCHCPP) SKETCHOBJS := $(addsuffix .o,$(basename $(SKETCHOBJS))) # List of input files to the sketch.cpp file in the order they should # be appended to create it SKETCHCPP_SRC := $(SKETCHPDE) $(sort $(filter-out $(SKETCHPDE),$(SKETCHPDESRCS))) ################################################################################ # Libraries # # Pick libraries to add to the include path and to link with based on # #include directives in the sketchfiles. # # For example: # # #include # # implies that there might be a Foo library. # # Note that the # and $ require special treatment to avoid upsetting # make. # SYSTYPE := $(shell uname) SEXPR = 's/^[[:space:]]*\#include[[:space:]][<\"]([^>\"./]+).*$$/\1/p' ifeq ($(SYSTYPE),Darwin) LIBTOKENS := $(sort $(shell cat $(SKETCHPDESRCS) $(SKETCHSRCS) | sed -nEe $(SEXPR))) else LIBTOKENS := $(sort $(shell cat $(SKETCHPDESRCS) $(SKETCHSRCS) | sed -nre $(SEXPR))) endif # # Find sketchbook libraries referenced by the sketch. # # Include paths for sketch libraries # SKETCHBOOK=$(MK_DIR)/.. SKETCHLIBS := $(wildcard $(addprefix $(SKETCHBOOK)/libraries/,$(LIBTOKENS))) SKETCHLIBNAMES := $(notdir $(SKETCHLIBS)) SKETCHLIBSRCDIRS := $(SKETCHLIBS) $(addsuffix /utility,$(SKETCHLIBS)) SKETCHLIBSRCS := $(wildcard $(foreach suffix,$(SRCSUFFIXES),$(addsuffix /$(suffix),$(SKETCHLIBSRCDIRS)))) SKETCHLIBOBJS := $(addsuffix .o,$(basename $(subst $(SKETCHBOOK),$(BUILDROOT),$(SKETCHLIBSRCS)))) SKETCHLIBINCLUDES := $(addprefix -I,$(SKETCHLIBS)) # add sketch libs to includes INCLUDES += $(SKETCHLIBS) # Library object files LIBOBJS := $(SKETCHLIBOBJS) # common header for rules, prints what is being built define RULEHDR @echo %% $(subst $(BUILDROOT)/,,$@) @mkdir -p $(dir $@) endef ############################################################################ # Work out who included us so we can report decent errors # THIS_MAKEFILE := $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)) PARENT_MAKEFILE := $(lastword $(filter-out $(THIS_MAKEFILE),$(MAKEFILE_LIST))) ############################################################################ # Get configuration # -include $(TOPDIR)/.config -include $(TOPDIR)/Make.defs include $(APPDIR)/Make.defs # this allows us to generate the main function SKETCHFLAGS = -DCONFIG_HAL_BOARD=HAL_BOARD_PX4 -DSKETCHNAME=\"$(SKETCH)\" -DSKETCH_MAIN=$(SKETCH)_main CFLAGS += $(SKETCHFLAGS) CXXFLAGS += $(SKETCHFLAGS) ############################################################################ # Sanity-check the information we've been given and set any defaults # SRCDIR ?= $(dir $(PARENT_MAKEFILE)) PRIORITY ?= SCHED_PRIORITY_DEFAULT STACKSIZE ?= 4096 INCLUDES += $(APPDIR) ASRCS ?= $(wildcard $(SRCDIR)/*.S) CSRCS ?= $(wildcard $(SRCDIR)/*.c) CXXSRCS ?= $(wildcard $(SRCDIR)/*.cpp) $(SKETCHCPP) PDESRCS ?= $(wildcard $(SRCDIR)/*.pde) APPNAME = $(SKETCH) # there has to be a source file ifeq ($(ASRCS)$(CSRCS)$(CXXSRCS)$(PDESRCS),) $(error $(realpath $(PARENT_MAKEFILE)): at least one of ASRCS, CSRCS, CXXSRCS or PDESRCS must be set) endif # check that C++ is configured if we have C++ source files and we are building ifneq ($(CXXSRCS),) ifneq ($(CONFIG_HAVE_CXX),y) ifeq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),build) $(error $(realpath $(PARENT_MAKEFILE)): cannot set CXXSRCS if CONFIG_HAVE_CXX not set in configuration) endif endif endif ############################################################################ # Adjust compilation flags to implement EXPORT # CFLAGS += -fsigned-char -fvisibility=hidden -include $(APPDIR)/systemlib/visibility.h CXXFLAGS += -fsigned-char -fvisibility=hidden -include $(APPDIR)/systemlib/visibility.h ############################################################################ # Add extra include directories # CFLAGS += $(addprefix -I,$(INCLUDES)) CXXFLAGS += $(addprefix -I,$(INCLUDES)) ############################################################################ # Things we are going to build # SRCS = $(ASRCS) $(CSRCS) $(CXXSRCS) AOBJS = $(patsubst %.S,%.o,$(ASRCS)) COBJS = $(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(CSRCS)) CXXOBJS = $(patsubst %.cpp,%.o,$(CXXSRCS)) OBJS = $(AOBJS) $(COBJS) $(CXXOBJS) $(SKETCHLIBOBJS) # The prelinked object that we are ultimately going to build ifneq ($(APPNAME),) PRELINKOBJ = $(APPNAME).pre.o else PRELINKOBJ = $(LIBNAME).pre.o endif # The archive that the object file will be placed in # XXX does WINTOOL ever get set? ifeq ($(WINTOOL),y) INCDIROPT = -w BIN = "$(shell cygpath -w $(APPDIR)/libapps$(LIBEXT))" else BIN = "$(APPDIR)/libapps$(LIBEXT)" endif ############################################################################ # Rules for building things # all: .built .PHONY: clean depend distclean # # Top-level build; add prelinked object to the apps archive # .built: $(PRELINKOBJ) $(RULEHDR) @$(call ARCHIVE, $(BIN), $(PRELINKOBJ)) @touch $@ # # Source dependencies # depend: .depend .depend: $(MAKEFILE_LIST) $(SRCS) @$(MKDEP) --dep-path . $(CC) -- $(CFLAGS) -- $(CSRCS) >Make.dep @$(MKDEP) --dep-path . $(CXX) -- $(CXXFLAGS) -- $(CXXSRCS) >>Make.dep @touch $@ ifneq ($(APPNAME),) # # App registration # context: .context .context: $(MAKEFILE_LIST) $(call REGISTER,$(APPNAME),$(PRIORITY),$(STACKSIZE),$(APPNAME)_main) @touch $@ else context: endif # # Object files # $(PRELINKOBJ): $(OBJS) $(call PRELINK, $@, $(OBJS)) $(AOBJS): %.o : %.S $(call ASSEMBLE, $<, $@) $(COBJS): %.o : %.c $(call COMPILE, $<, $@) $(CXXOBJS): %.o : %.cpp $(call COMPILEXX, $<, $@) # # Tidying up # clean: @rm -f $(OBJS) $(PRELINKOBJ) Make.dep .built $(call CLEAN) distclean: clean @rm -f Make.dep .depend # # Build the sketch.cpp file # # This process strives to be as faithful to the Arduino implementation as # possible. Conceptually, the process is as follows: # # * All of the .pde/.ino files are concatenated, starting with the file named # for the sketch and followed by the others in alphabetical order. # * An insertion point is created in the concatenated file at # the first statement that isn't a preprocessor directive or comment. # * An include of "WProgram.h" is inserted at the insertion point. # * The file following the insertion point is scanned for function definitions # and prototypes for these functions are inserted at the insertion point. # # In addition, we add #line directives wherever the originating file changes # to help backtrack from compiler messages and in the debugger. # $(SKETCHCPP): $(SKETCHCPP_SRC) $(RULEHDR) $(v)$(AWK) -v mode=header '$(SKETCH_SPLITTER)' $(SKETCHCPP_SRC) > $@ $(v)echo "#line 1 \"autogenerated\"" >> $@ $(v)$(AWK) '$(SKETCH_PROTOTYPER)' $(SKETCHCPP_SRC) >> $@ $(v)$(AWK) -v mode=body '$(SKETCH_SPLITTER)' $(SKETCHCPP_SRC) >> $@ # delete the sketch.cpp file if a processing error occurs .DELETE_ON_ERROR: $(SKETCHCPP) # # The sketch splitter is an awk script used to split off the # header and body of the concatenated .pde/.ino files. It also # inserts #line directives to help in backtracking from compiler # and debugger messages to the original source file. # # Note that # and $ require special treatment here to avoid upsetting # make. # # This script requires BWK or GNU awk. # define SKETCH_SPLITTER BEGIN { \ scanning = 1; \ printing = (mode ~ "header") ? 1 : 0; \ } \ { toggles = 1 } \ (FNR == 1) && printing { \ printf "#line %d \"%s\"\n", FNR, FILENAME; \ } \ /^[[:space:]]*\/\*/,/\*\// { \ toggles = 0; \ } \ /^[[:space:]]*$$/ || /^[[:space:]]*\/\/.*/ || /^\#.*$$/ { \ toggles = 0; \ } \ scanning && toggles { \ scanning = 0; \ printing = !printing; \ if (printing) { \ printf "#line %d \"%s\"\n", FNR, FILENAME; \ } \ } \ printing endef # # The prototype scanner is an awk script used to generate function # prototypes from the concantenated .pde/.ino files. # # Function definitions are expected to follow the form # # [...]([]){ # # with whitespace permitted between the various elements. The pattern # is assembled from separate subpatterns to make adjustments easier. # # Note that $ requires special treatment here to avoid upsetting make, # and backslashes are doubled in the partial patterns to satisfy # escaping rules. # # This script requires BWK or GNU awk. # define SKETCH_PROTOTYPER BEGIN { \ RS="{"; \ type = "((\\n)|(^))[[:space:]]*[[:alnum:]_]+[[:space:]]+"; \ qualifiers = "([[:alnum:]_\\*&]+[[:space:]]*)*"; \ name = "[[:alnum:]_]+[[:space:]]*"; \ args = "\\([[:space:][:alnum:]_,&\\*\\[\\]]*\\)"; \ bodycuddle = "[[:space:]]*$$"; \ pattern = type qualifiers name args bodycuddle; \ } \ match($$0, pattern) { \ proto = substr($$0, RSTART, RLENGTH); \ gsub("\n", " ", proto); \ printf "%s;\n", proto; \ } endef $(BUILDROOT)/libraries/%.o: $(SKETCHBOOK)/libraries/%.cpp $(RULEHDR) $(call COMPILEXX, $<, $@) $(BUILDROOT)/libraries/%.o: $(SKETCHBOOK)/libraries/%.c $(RULEHDR) $(call COMPILE, $<, $@) $(BUILDROOT)/libraries/%.o: $(SKETCHBOOK)/libraries/%.S $(RULEHDR) $(call ASSEMBLE, $<, $@) -include Make.dep