/// -*- tab-width: 4; Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- #include "Copter.h" /* * control_rtl.pde - init and run calls for RTL flight mode * * There are two parts to RTL, the high level decision making which controls which state we are in * and the lower implementation of the waypoint or landing controllers within those states */ // rtl_init - initialise rtl controller bool Copter::rtl_init(bool ignore_checks) { if (position_ok() || ignore_checks) { rtl_build_path(true); rtl_climb_start(); return true; }else{ return false; } } // re-start RTL with terrain following disabled void Copter::rtl_restart_without_terrain() { // log an error Log_Write_Error(ERROR_SUBSYSTEM_NAVIGATION, ERROR_CODE_RESTARTED_RTL); if (rtl_path.terrain_used) { rtl_build_path(false); rtl_climb_start(); gcs_send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL,"Restarting RTL - Terrain data missing"); } } // rtl_run - runs the return-to-launch controller // should be called at 100hz or more void Copter::rtl_run() { // check if we need to move to next state if (rtl_state_complete) { switch (rtl_state) { case RTL_InitialClimb: rtl_return_start(); break; case RTL_ReturnHome: rtl_loiterathome_start(); break; case RTL_LoiterAtHome: if (rtl_path.land || failsafe.radio) { rtl_land_start(); }else{ rtl_descent_start(); } break; case RTL_FinalDescent: // do nothing break; case RTL_Land: // do nothing - rtl_land_run will take care of disarming motors break; } } // call the correct run function switch (rtl_state) { case RTL_InitialClimb: rtl_climb_return_run(); break; case RTL_ReturnHome: rtl_climb_return_run(); break; case RTL_LoiterAtHome: rtl_loiterathome_run(); break; case RTL_FinalDescent: rtl_descent_run(); break; case RTL_Land: rtl_land_run(); break; } } // rtl_climb_start - initialise climb to RTL altitude void Copter::rtl_climb_start() { rtl_state = RTL_InitialClimb; rtl_state_complete = false; // initialise waypoint and spline controller wp_nav.wp_and_spline_init(); // RTL_SPEED == 0 means use WPNAV_SPEED if (!is_zero(g.rtl_speed_cms)) { wp_nav.set_speed_xy(g.rtl_speed_cms); } // set the destination if (!wp_nav.set_wp_destination(rtl_path.climb_target)) { // this should not happen because rtl_build_path will have checked terrain data was available Log_Write_Error(ERROR_SUBSYSTEM_NAVIGATION, ERROR_CODE_FAILED_TO_SET_DESTINATION); set_mode(LAND, MODE_REASON_TERRAIN_FAILSAFE); return; } wp_nav.set_fast_waypoint(true); // hold current yaw during initial climb set_auto_yaw_mode(AUTO_YAW_HOLD); } // rtl_return_start - initialise return to home void Copter::rtl_return_start() { rtl_state = RTL_ReturnHome; rtl_state_complete = false; if (!wp_nav.set_wp_destination(rtl_path.return_target)) { // failure must be caused by missing terrain data, restart RTL rtl_restart_without_terrain(); } // initialise yaw to point home (maybe) set_auto_yaw_mode(get_default_auto_yaw_mode(true)); } // rtl_climb_return_run - implements the initial climb, return home and descent portions of RTL which all rely on the wp controller // called by rtl_run at 100hz or more void Copter::rtl_climb_return_run() { // if not auto armed or motor interlock not enabled set throttle to zero and exit immediately if (!motors.armed() || !ap.auto_armed || !motors.get_interlock()) { #if FRAME_CONFIG == HELI_FRAME // Helicopters always stabilize roll/pitch/yaw // call attitude controller attitude_control.input_euler_angle_roll_pitch_euler_rate_yaw_smooth(0, 0, 0, get_smoothing_gain()); attitude_control.set_throttle_out(0,false,g.throttle_filt); #else motors.set_desired_spool_state(AP_Motors::DESIRED_SPIN_WHEN_ARMED); // multicopters do not stabilize roll/pitch/yaw when disarmed // reset attitude control targets attitude_control.set_throttle_out_unstabilized(0,true,g.throttle_filt); #endif // To-Do: re-initialise wpnav targets return; } // process pilot's yaw input float target_yaw_rate = 0; if (!failsafe.radio) { // get pilot's desired yaw rate target_yaw_rate = get_pilot_desired_yaw_rate(channel_yaw->get_control_in()); if (!is_zero(target_yaw_rate)) { set_auto_yaw_mode(AUTO_YAW_HOLD); } } // set motors to full range motors.set_desired_spool_state(AP_Motors::DESIRED_THROTTLE_UNLIMITED); // run waypoint controller failsafe_terrain_set_status(wp_nav.update_wpnav()); // call z-axis position controller (wpnav should have already updated it's alt target) pos_control.update_z_controller(); // call attitude controller if (auto_yaw_mode == AUTO_YAW_HOLD) { // roll & pitch from waypoint controller, yaw rate from pilot attitude_control.input_euler_angle_roll_pitch_euler_rate_yaw(wp_nav.get_roll(), wp_nav.get_pitch(), target_yaw_rate); }else{ // roll, pitch from waypoint controller, yaw heading from auto_heading() attitude_control.input_euler_angle_roll_pitch_yaw(wp_nav.get_roll(), wp_nav.get_pitch(), get_auto_heading(),true); } // check if we've completed this stage of RTL rtl_state_complete = wp_nav.reached_wp_destination(); } // rtl_loiterathome_start - initialise return to home void Copter::rtl_loiterathome_start() { rtl_state = RTL_LoiterAtHome; rtl_state_complete = false; rtl_loiter_start_time = millis(); // yaw back to initial take-off heading yaw unless pilot has already overridden yaw if(get_default_auto_yaw_mode(true) != AUTO_YAW_HOLD) { set_auto_yaw_mode(AUTO_YAW_RESETTOARMEDYAW); } else { set_auto_yaw_mode(AUTO_YAW_HOLD); } } // rtl_climb_return_descent_run - implements the initial climb, return home and descent portions of RTL which all rely on the wp controller // called by rtl_run at 100hz or more void Copter::rtl_loiterathome_run() { // if not auto armed or motor interlock not enabled set throttle to zero and exit immediately if (!motors.armed() || !ap.auto_armed || !motors.get_interlock()) { #if FRAME_CONFIG == HELI_FRAME // Helicopters always stabilize roll/pitch/yaw // call attitude controller attitude_control.input_euler_angle_roll_pitch_euler_rate_yaw_smooth(0, 0, 0, get_smoothing_gain()); attitude_control.set_throttle_out(0,false,g.throttle_filt); #else motors.set_desired_spool_state(AP_Motors::DESIRED_SPIN_WHEN_ARMED); // multicopters do not stabilize roll/pitch/yaw when disarmed // reset attitude control targets attitude_control.set_throttle_out_unstabilized(0,true,g.throttle_filt); #endif // To-Do: re-initialise wpnav targets return; } // process pilot's yaw input float target_yaw_rate = 0; if (!failsafe.radio) { // get pilot's desired yaw rate target_yaw_rate = get_pilot_desired_yaw_rate(channel_yaw->get_control_in()); if (!is_zero(target_yaw_rate)) { set_auto_yaw_mode(AUTO_YAW_HOLD); } } // set motors to full range motors.set_desired_spool_state(AP_Motors::DESIRED_THROTTLE_UNLIMITED); // run waypoint controller failsafe_terrain_set_status(wp_nav.update_wpnav()); // call z-axis position controller (wpnav should have already updated it's alt target) pos_control.update_z_controller(); // call attitude controller if (auto_yaw_mode == AUTO_YAW_HOLD) { // roll & pitch from waypoint controller, yaw rate from pilot attitude_control.input_euler_angle_roll_pitch_euler_rate_yaw(wp_nav.get_roll(), wp_nav.get_pitch(), target_yaw_rate); }else{ // roll, pitch from waypoint controller, yaw heading from auto_heading() attitude_control.input_euler_angle_roll_pitch_yaw(wp_nav.get_roll(), wp_nav.get_pitch(), get_auto_heading(),true); } // check if we've completed this stage of RTL if ((millis() - rtl_loiter_start_time) >= (uint32_t)g.rtl_loiter_time.get()) { if (auto_yaw_mode == AUTO_YAW_RESETTOARMEDYAW) { // check if heading is within 2 degrees of heading when vehicle was armed if (labs(wrap_180_cd(ahrs.yaw_sensor-initial_armed_bearing)) <= 200) { rtl_state_complete = true; } } else { // we have loitered long enough rtl_state_complete = true; } } } // rtl_descent_start - initialise descent to final alt void Copter::rtl_descent_start() { rtl_state = RTL_FinalDescent; rtl_state_complete = false; // Set wp navigation target to above home wp_nav.init_loiter_target(wp_nav.get_wp_destination()); // initialise altitude target to stopping point pos_control.set_target_to_stopping_point_z(); // initialise yaw set_auto_yaw_mode(AUTO_YAW_HOLD); } // rtl_descent_run - implements the final descent to the RTL_ALT // called by rtl_run at 100hz or more void Copter::rtl_descent_run() { int16_t roll_control = 0, pitch_control = 0; float target_yaw_rate = 0; // if not auto armed or motor interlock not enabled set throttle to zero and exit immediately if (!motors.armed() || !ap.auto_armed || !motors.get_interlock()) { #if FRAME_CONFIG == HELI_FRAME // Helicopters always stabilize roll/pitch/yaw // call attitude controller attitude_control.input_euler_angle_roll_pitch_euler_rate_yaw_smooth(0, 0, 0, get_smoothing_gain()); attitude_control.set_throttle_out(0,false,g.throttle_filt); #else motors.set_desired_spool_state(AP_Motors::DESIRED_SPIN_WHEN_ARMED); // multicopters do not stabilize roll/pitch/yaw when disarmed attitude_control.set_throttle_out_unstabilized(0,true,g.throttle_filt); #endif // set target to current position wp_nav.init_loiter_target(); return; } // process pilot's input if (!failsafe.radio) { if ((g.throttle_behavior & THR_BEHAVE_HIGH_THROTTLE_CANCELS_LAND) != 0 && rc_throttle_control_in_filter.get() > LAND_CANCEL_TRIGGER_THR){ Log_Write_Event(DATA_LAND_CANCELLED_BY_PILOT); // exit land if throttle is high if (!set_mode(LOITER, MODE_REASON_THROTTLE_LAND_ESCAPE)) { set_mode(ALT_HOLD, MODE_REASON_THROTTLE_LAND_ESCAPE); } } if (g.land_repositioning) { // apply SIMPLE mode transform to pilot inputs update_simple_mode(); // process pilot's roll and pitch input roll_control = channel_roll->get_control_in(); pitch_control = channel_pitch->get_control_in(); } // get pilot's desired yaw rate target_yaw_rate = get_pilot_desired_yaw_rate(channel_yaw->get_control_in()); } // set motors to full range motors.set_desired_spool_state(AP_Motors::DESIRED_THROTTLE_UNLIMITED); // process roll, pitch inputs wp_nav.set_pilot_desired_acceleration(roll_control, pitch_control); // run loiter controller wp_nav.update_loiter(ekfGndSpdLimit, ekfNavVelGainScaler); // call z-axis position controller pos_control.set_alt_target_with_slew(rtl_path.descent_target.alt, G_Dt); pos_control.update_z_controller(); // roll & pitch from waypoint controller, yaw rate from pilot attitude_control.input_euler_angle_roll_pitch_euler_rate_yaw(wp_nav.get_roll(), wp_nav.get_pitch(), target_yaw_rate); // check if we've reached within 20cm of final altitude rtl_state_complete = fabsf(rtl_path.descent_target.alt - current_loc.alt) < 20.0f; } // rtl_loiterathome_start - initialise controllers to loiter over home void Copter::rtl_land_start() { rtl_state = RTL_Land; rtl_state_complete = false; // Set wp navigation target to above home wp_nav.init_loiter_target(wp_nav.get_wp_destination()); // initialise altitude target to stopping point pos_control.set_target_to_stopping_point_z(); // initialise yaw set_auto_yaw_mode(AUTO_YAW_HOLD); } // rtl_returnhome_run - return home // called by rtl_run at 100hz or more void Copter::rtl_land_run() { int16_t roll_control = 0, pitch_control = 0; float target_yaw_rate = 0; // if not auto armed or landing completed or motor interlock not enabled set throttle to zero and exit immediately if (!motors.armed() || !ap.auto_armed || ap.land_complete || !motors.get_interlock()) { #if FRAME_CONFIG == HELI_FRAME // Helicopters always stabilize roll/pitch/yaw // call attitude controller attitude_control.input_euler_angle_roll_pitch_euler_rate_yaw_smooth(0, 0, 0, get_smoothing_gain()); attitude_control.set_throttle_out(0,false,g.throttle_filt); #else motors.set_desired_spool_state(AP_Motors::DESIRED_SPIN_WHEN_ARMED); // multicopters do not stabilize roll/pitch/yaw when disarmed attitude_control.set_throttle_out_unstabilized(0,true,g.throttle_filt); #endif // set target to current position wp_nav.init_loiter_target(); #if LAND_REQUIRE_MIN_THROTTLE_TO_DISARM == ENABLED // disarm when the landing detector says we've landed and throttle is at minimum if (ap.land_complete && (ap.throttle_zero || failsafe.radio)) { init_disarm_motors(); } #else // disarm when the landing detector says we've landed if (ap.land_complete) { init_disarm_motors(); } #endif // check if we've completed this stage of RTL rtl_state_complete = ap.land_complete; return; } // relax loiter target if we might be landed if (ap.land_complete_maybe) { wp_nav.loiter_soften_for_landing(); } // process pilot's input if (!failsafe.radio) { if ((g.throttle_behavior & THR_BEHAVE_HIGH_THROTTLE_CANCELS_LAND) != 0 && rc_throttle_control_in_filter.get() > LAND_CANCEL_TRIGGER_THR){ Log_Write_Event(DATA_LAND_CANCELLED_BY_PILOT); // exit land if throttle is high if (!set_mode(LOITER, MODE_REASON_THROTTLE_LAND_ESCAPE)) { set_mode(ALT_HOLD, MODE_REASON_THROTTLE_LAND_ESCAPE); } } if (g.land_repositioning) { // apply SIMPLE mode transform to pilot inputs update_simple_mode(); // process pilot's roll and pitch input roll_control = channel_roll->get_control_in(); pitch_control = channel_pitch->get_control_in(); } // get pilot's desired yaw rate target_yaw_rate = get_pilot_desired_yaw_rate(channel_yaw->get_control_in()); } // set motors to full range motors.set_desired_spool_state(AP_Motors::DESIRED_THROTTLE_UNLIMITED); // process pilot's roll and pitch input wp_nav.set_pilot_desired_acceleration(roll_control, pitch_control); // run loiter controller wp_nav.update_loiter(ekfGndSpdLimit, ekfNavVelGainScaler); // call z-axis position controller float cmb_rate = get_land_descent_speed(); pos_control.set_alt_target_from_climb_rate(cmb_rate, G_Dt, true); pos_control.update_z_controller(); // record desired climb rate for logging desired_climb_rate = cmb_rate; // roll & pitch from waypoint controller, yaw rate from pilot attitude_control.input_euler_angle_roll_pitch_euler_rate_yaw(wp_nav.get_roll(), wp_nav.get_pitch(), target_yaw_rate); // check if we've completed this stage of RTL rtl_state_complete = ap.land_complete; } void Copter::rtl_build_path(bool terrain_following_allowed) { // origin point is our stopping point Vector3f stopping_point; pos_control.get_stopping_point_xy(stopping_point); pos_control.get_stopping_point_z(stopping_point); rtl_path.origin_point = Location_Class(stopping_point); rtl_path.origin_point.change_alt_frame(Location_Class::ALT_FRAME_ABOVE_HOME); // set return target to nearest rally point or home position #if AC_RALLY == ENABLED rtl_path.return_target = rally.calc_best_rally_or_home_location(current_loc, ahrs.get_home().alt); #else rtl_path.return_target = ahrs.get_home(); #endif // compute return altitude rtl_compute_return_alt(rtl_path.origin_point, rtl_path.return_target, terrain_following_allowed); // climb target is above our origin point at the return altitude rtl_path.climb_target = Location_Class(rtl_path.origin_point.lat, rtl_path.origin_point.lng, rtl_path.return_target.alt, rtl_path.return_target.get_alt_frame()); // descent target is below return target at rtl_alt_final rtl_path.descent_target = Location_Class(rtl_path.return_target.lat, rtl_path.return_target.lng, g.rtl_alt_final, Location_Class::ALT_FRAME_ABOVE_HOME); // set land flag rtl_path.land = g.rtl_alt_final <= 0; } // return altitude in cm above home at which vehicle should return home // rtl_origin_point is the stopping point of the vehicle when rtl is initiated // rtl_return_target is the home or rally point that the vehicle is returning to. It's lat, lng and alt values must already have been filled in before this function is called // rtl_return_target's altitude is updated to a higher altitude that the vehicle can safely return at (frame may also be set) void Copter::rtl_compute_return_alt(const Location_Class &rtl_origin_point, Location_Class &rtl_return_target, bool terrain_following_allowed) { float rtl_return_dist_cm = rtl_return_target.get_distance(rtl_origin_point) * 100.0f; // curr_alt is current altitude above home or above terrain depending upon use_terrain int32_t curr_alt = current_loc.alt; // decide if we should use terrain altitudes rtl_path.terrain_used = terrain_use() && terrain_following_allowed; if (rtl_path.terrain_used) { // attempt to retrieve terrain alt for current location, stopping point and origin int32_t origin_terr_alt, return_target_terr_alt; if (!rtl_origin_point.get_alt_cm(Location_Class::ALT_FRAME_ABOVE_TERRAIN, origin_terr_alt) || !rtl_origin_point.get_alt_cm(Location_Class::ALT_FRAME_ABOVE_TERRAIN, return_target_terr_alt) || !current_loc.get_alt_cm(Location_Class::ALT_FRAME_ABOVE_TERRAIN, curr_alt)) { rtl_path.terrain_used = false; Log_Write_Error(ERROR_SUBSYSTEM_TERRAIN, ERROR_CODE_MISSING_TERRAIN_DATA); } } // maximum of current altitude + climb_min and rtl altitude float ret = MAX(curr_alt + MAX(0, g.rtl_climb_min), MAX(g.rtl_altitude, RTL_ALT_MIN)); // don't allow really shallow slopes if (g.rtl_cone_slope >= RTL_MIN_CONE_SLOPE) { ret = MAX(curr_alt, MIN(ret, MAX(rtl_return_dist_cm*g.rtl_cone_slope, curr_alt+RTL_ABS_MIN_CLIMB))); } #if AC_FENCE == ENABLED // ensure not above fence altitude if alt fence is enabled // Note: we are assuming the fence alt is the same frame as ret if ((fence.get_enabled_fences() & AC_FENCE_TYPE_ALT_MAX) != 0) { ret = MIN(ret, fence.get_safe_alt()*100.0f); } #endif // ensure we do not descend ret = MAX(ret, curr_alt); // convert return-target to alt-above-home or alt-above-terrain if (!rtl_path.terrain_used || !rtl_return_target.change_alt_frame(Location_Class::ALT_FRAME_ABOVE_TERRAIN)) { if (!rtl_return_target.change_alt_frame(Location_Class::ALT_FRAME_ABOVE_HOME)) { // this should never happen but just in case rtl_return_target.set_alt_cm(0, Location_Class::ALT_FRAME_ABOVE_HOME); } } // add ret to altitude rtl_return_target.alt += ret; }