# hwdef for bootloader for mRoX21-777 # The X2.1-777 is a member of the X2.1 flight controller from Mayan Robotics (mRo) www.mrobotics.io # Introduced in October 2018 # Designed by Nikolay Arsov, Phillip Kocmoud, and Jordi Munoz # with a STM32F777VIT6 MCU # and STM32F103C8T6 IO MCU # MCU class and specific type MCU STM32F7xx STM32F777xx # crystal frequency OSCILLATOR_HZ 24000000 # board ID for firmware load APJ_BOARD_ID 136 # flash size FLASH_SIZE_KB 2048 # USB setup USB_STRING_MANUFACTURER "mRo" # order of UARTs (and USB) SERIAL_ORDER OTG1 USART2 USART3 UART7 PD5 USART2_TX USART2 PD6 USART2_RX USART2 PD3 USART2_CTS USART2 PD4 USART2_RTS USART2 # the telem2 USART, also with RTS/CTS available # USART3 serial3 telem2 PD8 USART3_TX USART3 PD9 USART3_RX USART3 PD11 USART3_CTS USART3 PD12 USART3_RTS USART3 PE7 UART7_RX UART7 PE8 UART7_TX UART7 # define a LED PE12 LED_BOOTLOADER OUTPUT define HAL_LED_ON 1 # now we define the pins that USB is connected on PA11 OTG_FS_DM OTG1 PA12 OTG_FS_DP OTG1 # these are the pins for SWD debugging with a STlinkv2 or black-magic probe PA13 JTMS-SWDIO SWD PA14 JTCK-SWCLK SWD # no reserved flash for bootloader FLASH_RESERVE_START_KB 0 # start on 4th sector (1st sector for bootloader, 2 for extra storage) FLASH_BOOTLOADER_LOAD_KB 96 define HAL_USE_EMPTY_STORAGE 1 define HAL_STORAGE_SIZE 16384 # Add CS pins to ensure they are high in bootloader PC1 MAG_CS CS #Not Connected PC2 MPU_CS CS #MPU9250 PC15 ACCEL_CS CS #MPU20602 PD7 BARO_CS CS #MS5611 PD10 FRAM_CS CS SPEED_VERYLOW