/* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /* support for serial connected AHRS systems */ #define ALLOW_DOUBLE_MATH_FUNCTIONS #include "AP_ExternalAHRS_config.h" #if AP_EXTERNAL_AHRS_VECTORNAV_ENABLED #include "AP_ExternalAHRS_VectorNav.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include extern const AP_HAL::HAL &hal; /* TYPE::VN_AHRS configures 2 packets: high-rate IMU and mid-rate EKF Header for IMU packet $VNWRG,75,3,16,01,0721*D415 Common group (Group 1) TimeStartup AngularRate Accel Imu MagPres Header for EKF packet $VNWRG,76,3,16,11,0001,0106*B36B Common group (Group 1) TimeStartup Attitude group (Group 4) Ypr Quaternion YprU */ struct PACKED VN_IMU_packet { static constexpr uint8_t header[]{0x01, 0x21, 0x07}; uint64_t timeStartup; float gyro[3]; float accel[3]; float uncompAccel[3]; float uncompAngRate[3]; float mag[3]; float temp; float pressure; }; constexpr uint8_t VN_IMU_packet::header[]; constexpr uint8_t VN_IMU_LENGTH = sizeof(VN_IMU_packet) + sizeof(VN_IMU_packet::header) + 1 + 2; // Includes sync byte and CRC struct PACKED VN_AHRS_ekf_packet { static constexpr uint8_t header[]{0x11, 0x01, 0x00, 0x06, 0x01}; uint64_t timeStartup; float ypr[3]; float quaternion[4]; float yprU[3]; }; constexpr uint8_t VN_AHRS_ekf_packet::header[]; constexpr uint8_t VN_AHRS_EKF_LENGTH = sizeof(VN_AHRS_ekf_packet) + sizeof(VN_AHRS_ekf_packet::header) + 1 + 2; // Includes sync byte and CRC /* TYPE::VN_INS configures 3 packets: high-rate IMU, mid-rate EKF, and 5Hz GNSS Header for IMU packet $VNWRG,75,3,16,01,0721*D415 Common group (Group 1) TimeStartup AngularRate Accel Imu MagPres Header for EKF packet $VNWRG,76,3,16,31,0001,0106,0613*097A Common group (Group 1) TimeStartup Attitude group (Group 4) Ypr Quaternion YprU Ins group (Group 5) InsStatus PosLla VelNed PosU VelU Header for GNSS packet $VNWRG,77,1,160,49,0003,26B8,0018*4FD9 Common group (Group 1) TimeStartup TimeGps Gnss1 group (Group 3) NumSats GnssFix GnssPosLla GnssVelNed PosU1 VelU1 GnssDop Gnss2 group (Group 6) NumSats GnssFix */ union Ins_Status { uint16_t _value; struct { uint16_t mode : 2; uint16_t gnssFix : 1; uint16_t resv1 : 2; uint16_t imuErr : 1; uint16_t magPresErr : 1; uint16_t gnssErr : 1; uint16_t resv2 : 1; uint16_t gnssHeadingIns : 2; }; }; struct PACKED VN_INS_ekf_packet { static constexpr uint8_t header[]{0x31, 0x01, 0x00, 0x06, 0x01, 0x13, 0x06}; uint64_t timeStartup; float ypr[3]; float quaternion[4]; float yprU[3]; uint16_t insStatus; double posLla[3]; float velNed[3]; float posU; float velU; }; constexpr uint8_t VN_INS_ekf_packet::header[]; constexpr uint8_t VN_INS_EKF_LENGTH = sizeof(VN_INS_ekf_packet) + sizeof(VN_INS_ekf_packet::header) + 1 + 2; // Includes sync byte and CRC struct PACKED VN_INS_gnss_packet { static constexpr uint8_t header[]{0x49, 0x03, 0x00, 0xB8, 0x26, 0x18, 0x00}; uint64_t timeStartup; uint64_t timeGps; uint8_t numSats1; uint8_t fix1; double posLla1[3]; float velNed1[3]; float posU1[3]; float velU1; float dop1[7]; uint8_t numSats2; uint8_t fix2; }; constexpr uint8_t VN_INS_gnss_packet::header[]; constexpr uint8_t VN_INS_GNSS_LENGTH = sizeof(VN_INS_gnss_packet) + sizeof(VN_INS_gnss_packet::header) + 1 + 2; // Includes sync byte and CRC // constructor AP_ExternalAHRS_VectorNav::AP_ExternalAHRS_VectorNav(AP_ExternalAHRS *_frontend, AP_ExternalAHRS::state_t &_state) : AP_ExternalAHRS_backend(_frontend, _state) { auto &sm = AP::serialmanager(); uart = sm.find_serial(AP_SerialManager::SerialProtocol_AHRS, 0); if (!uart) { GCS_SEND_TEXT(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "VectorNav ExternalAHRS no UART"); return; } baudrate = sm.find_baudrate(AP_SerialManager::SerialProtocol_AHRS, 0); port_num = sm.find_portnum(AP_SerialManager::SerialProtocol_AHRS, 0); bufsize = MAX(MAX(MAX(VN_IMU_LENGTH, VN_INS_EKF_LENGTH), VN_INS_GNSS_LENGTH), VN_AHRS_EKF_LENGTH); pktbuf = NEW_NOTHROW uint8_t[bufsize]; latest_ins_ekf_packet = NEW_NOTHROW VN_INS_ekf_packet; latest_ins_gnss_packet = NEW_NOTHROW VN_INS_gnss_packet; if (!pktbuf || !latest_ins_ekf_packet) { AP_BoardConfig::allocation_error("VectorNav ExternalAHRS"); } if (!hal.scheduler->thread_create(FUNCTOR_BIND_MEMBER(&AP_ExternalAHRS_VectorNav::update_thread, void), "AHRS", 2048, AP_HAL::Scheduler::PRIORITY_SPI, 0)) { AP_HAL::panic("VectorNav Failed to start ExternalAHRS update thread"); } GCS_SEND_TEXT(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "VectorNav ExternalAHRS initialised"); } /* check the UART for more data returns true if the function should be called again straight away */ #define SYNC_BYTE 0xFA bool AP_ExternalAHRS_VectorNav::check_uart() { if (!setup_complete) { return false; } WITH_SEMAPHORE(state.sem); // ensure we own the uart uart->begin(0); uint32_t n = uart->available(); if (n == 0) { return false; } if (pktoffset < bufsize) { ssize_t nread = uart->read(&pktbuf[pktoffset], MIN(n, unsigned(bufsize-pktoffset))); if (nread <= 0) { return false; } pktoffset += nread; } bool match_header1 = false; bool match_header2 = false; bool match_header3 = false; bool match_header4 = false; if (pktbuf[0] != SYNC_BYTE) { goto reset; } match_header1 = (0 == memcmp(&pktbuf[1], VN_IMU_packet::header, MIN(sizeof(VN_IMU_packet::header), unsigned(pktoffset - 1)))); if (type == TYPE::VN_AHRS) { match_header2 = (0 == memcmp(&pktbuf[1], VN_AHRS_ekf_packet::header, MIN(sizeof(VN_AHRS_ekf_packet::header), unsigned(pktoffset - 1)))); } else { match_header3 = (0 == memcmp(&pktbuf[1], VN_INS_ekf_packet::header, MIN(sizeof(VN_INS_ekf_packet::header), unsigned(pktoffset - 1)))); match_header4 = (0 == memcmp(&pktbuf[1], VN_INS_gnss_packet::header, MIN(sizeof(VN_INS_gnss_packet::header), unsigned(pktoffset - 1)))); } if (!match_header1 && !match_header2 && !match_header3 && !match_header4) { goto reset; } if (match_header1 && pktoffset >= VN_IMU_LENGTH) { uint16_t crc = crc16_ccitt(&pktbuf[1], VN_IMU_LENGTH - 1, 0); if (crc == 0) { process_imu_packet(&pktbuf[sizeof(VN_IMU_packet::header) + 1]); memmove(&pktbuf[0], &pktbuf[VN_IMU_LENGTH], pktoffset - VN_IMU_LENGTH); pktoffset -= VN_IMU_LENGTH; } else { goto reset; } } else if (match_header2 && pktoffset >= VN_AHRS_EKF_LENGTH) { uint16_t crc = crc16_ccitt(&pktbuf[1], VN_AHRS_EKF_LENGTH - 1, 0); if (crc == 0) { process_ahrs_ekf_packet(&pktbuf[sizeof(VN_AHRS_ekf_packet::header) + 1]); memmove(&pktbuf[0], &pktbuf[VN_AHRS_EKF_LENGTH], pktoffset - VN_AHRS_EKF_LENGTH); pktoffset -= VN_AHRS_EKF_LENGTH; } else { goto reset; } } else if (match_header3 && pktoffset >= VN_INS_EKF_LENGTH) { uint16_t crc = crc16_ccitt(&pktbuf[1], VN_INS_EKF_LENGTH - 1, 0); if (crc == 0) { process_ins_ekf_packet(&pktbuf[sizeof(VN_INS_ekf_packet::header) + 1]); memmove(&pktbuf[0], &pktbuf[VN_INS_EKF_LENGTH], pktoffset - VN_INS_EKF_LENGTH); pktoffset -= VN_INS_EKF_LENGTH; } else { goto reset; } } else if (match_header4 && pktoffset >= VN_INS_GNSS_LENGTH) { uint16_t crc = crc16_ccitt(&pktbuf[1], VN_INS_GNSS_LENGTH - 1, 0); if (crc == 0) { process_ins_gnss_packet(&pktbuf[sizeof(VN_INS_gnss_packet::header) + 1]); memmove(&pktbuf[0], &pktbuf[VN_INS_GNSS_LENGTH], pktoffset - VN_INS_GNSS_LENGTH); pktoffset -= VN_INS_GNSS_LENGTH; } else { goto reset; } } return true; reset: uint8_t *p = (uint8_t *)memchr(&pktbuf[1], SYNC_BYTE, pktoffset-1); if (p) { uint8_t newlen = pktoffset - (p - pktbuf); memmove(&pktbuf[0], p, newlen); pktoffset = newlen; } else { pktoffset = 0; } return true; } // Send command and wait for response // Only run from thread! This blocks and retries until a non-error response is received #define READ_REQUEST_RETRY_MS 500 void AP_ExternalAHRS_VectorNav::run_command(const char * fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); hal.util->vsnprintf(message_to_send, sizeof(message_to_send), fmt, ap); va_end(ap); uint32_t request_sent = 0; while (true) { hal.scheduler->delay(1); const uint32_t now = AP_HAL::millis(); if (now - request_sent > READ_REQUEST_RETRY_MS) { nmea_printf(uart, "$%s", message_to_send); request_sent = now; } int16_t nbytes = uart->available(); while (nbytes-- > 0) { char c = uart->read(); if (decode(c)) { if (nmea.error_response && nmea.sentence_done) { // Received a valid VNERR. Try to resend after the timeout length break; } return; } } } } // add a single character to the buffer and attempt to decode // returns true if a complete sentence was successfully decoded bool AP_ExternalAHRS_VectorNav::decode(char c) { switch (c) { case ',': // end of a term, add to checksum nmea.checksum ^= c; FALLTHROUGH; case '\r': case '\n': case '*': { if (nmea.sentence_done) { return false; } if (nmea.term_is_checksum) { nmea.sentence_done = true; uint8_t checksum = 16 * char_to_hex(nmea.term[0]) + char_to_hex(nmea.term[1]); return ((checksum == nmea.checksum) && nmea.sentence_valid); } // null terminate and decode latest term nmea.term[nmea.term_offset] = 0; if (nmea.sentence_valid) { nmea.sentence_valid = decode_latest_term(); } // move onto next term nmea.term_number++; nmea.term_offset = 0; nmea.term_is_checksum = (c == '*'); return false; } case '$': // sentence begin nmea.sentence_valid = true; nmea.term_number = 0; nmea.term_offset = 0; nmea.checksum = 0; nmea.term_is_checksum = false; nmea.sentence_done = false; nmea.error_response = false; return false; } // ordinary characters are added to term if (nmea.term_offset < sizeof(nmea.term) - 1) { nmea.term[nmea.term_offset++] = c; } if (!nmea.term_is_checksum) { nmea.checksum ^= c; } return false; } // decode the most recently consumed term // returns true if new term is valid bool AP_ExternalAHRS_VectorNav::decode_latest_term() { // Check the first two terms (In most cases header + reg number) that they match the sent // message. If not, the response is invalid. switch (nmea.term_number) { case 0: if (strncmp(nmea.term, "VNERR", nmea.term_offset) == 0) { nmea.error_response = true; // Message will be printed on next term } else if (strncmp(nmea.term, message_to_send, nmea.term_offset) != 0) { return false; } return true; case 1: if (nmea.error_response) { GCS_SEND_TEXT(MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL, "VectorNav received VNERR code: %s", nmea.term); } else if (strlen(message_to_send) > 6 && strncmp(nmea.term, &message_to_send[6], nmea.term_offset) != 0) { // Start after "VNXXX," return false; } return true; case 2: if (strncmp(nmea.term, "VN-", 3) == 0) { // This term is the model number strncpy(model_name, nmea.term, sizeof(model_name)); } return true; default: return true; } } void AP_ExternalAHRS_VectorNav::initialize() { // Open port in the thread uart->begin(baudrate, 1024, 512); // Pause asynchronous communications to simplify packet finding run_command("VNASY,0"); // Stop ASCII async outputs for both UARTs. If only active UART is disabled, we get a baudrate // overflow on the other UART when configuring binary outputs (reg 75 and 76) to both UARTs run_command("VNWRG,06,0,1"); run_command("VNWRG,06,0,2"); // Read Model Number Register, ID 1 run_command("VNRRG,01"); // Setup for messages respective model types (on both UARTs) if (strncmp(model_name, "VN-1", 4) == 0) { // VN-1X0 type = TYPE::VN_AHRS; // These assumes unit is still configured at its default rate of 800hz run_command("VNWRG,75,3,%u,01,0721", unsigned(800 / get_rate())); run_command("VNWRG,76,3,16,11,0001,0106"); } else { // Default to setup for sensors other than VN-100 or VN-110 // This assumes unit is still configured at its default IMU rate of 400hz for VN-300, 800hz for others uint16_t imu_rate = 800; // Default for everything but VN-300 if (strncmp(model_name, "VN-300", 6) == 0) { imu_rate = 400; } if (strncmp(model_name, "VN-3", 4) == 0) { has_dual_gnss = true; } run_command("VNWRG,75,3,%u,01,0721", unsigned(imu_rate / get_rate())); run_command("VNWRG,76,3,%u,31,0001,0106,0613", unsigned(imu_rate / 50)); run_command("VNWRG,77,3,%u,49,0003,26B8,0018", unsigned(imu_rate / 5)); } // Resume asynchronous communications run_command("VNASY,1"); setup_complete = true; } void AP_ExternalAHRS_VectorNav::update_thread() { initialize(); while (true) { if (!check_uart()) { hal.scheduler->delay(1); } } } const char* AP_ExternalAHRS_VectorNav::get_name() const { if (setup_complete) { return model_name; } return nullptr; } // Input data struct for EAHA logging message, used by both AHRS mode and INS mode struct AP_ExternalAHRS_VectorNav::EAHA { uint64_t timeUs; float quat[4]; float ypr[3]; float yprU[3]; }; void AP_ExternalAHRS_VectorNav::write_eaha(const EAHA& data_to_log) const { #if HAL_LOGGING_ENABLED // @LoggerMessage: EAHA // @Description: External AHRS Attitude data // @Field: TimeUS: Time since system startup // @Field: Q1: Attitude quaternion 1 // @Field: Q2: Attitude quaternion 2 // @Field: Q3: Attitude quaternion 3 // @Field: Q4: Attitude quaternion 4 // @Field: Yaw: Yaw // @Field: Pitch: Pitch // @Field: Roll: Roll // @Field: YU: Yaw unceratainty // @Field: PU: Pitch uncertainty // @Field: RU: Roll uncertainty AP::logger().WriteStreaming("EAHA", "TimeUS,Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4,Yaw,Pitch,Roll,YU,PU,RU", "s----dddddd", "F0000000000", "Qffffffffff", data_to_log.timeUs, data_to_log.quat[0], data_to_log.quat[1], data_to_log.quat[2], data_to_log.quat[3], data_to_log.ypr[0], data_to_log.ypr[1], data_to_log.ypr[2], data_to_log.yprU[0], data_to_log.yprU[1], data_to_log.yprU[2]); #endif } // process INS mode INS packet void AP_ExternalAHRS_VectorNav::process_imu_packet(const uint8_t *b) { const struct VN_IMU_packet &pkt = *(struct VN_IMU_packet *)b; last_pkt1_ms = AP_HAL::millis(); const bool use_uncomp = option_is_set(AP_ExternalAHRS::OPTIONS::VN_UNCOMP_IMU); { WITH_SEMAPHORE(state.sem); if (use_uncomp) { state.accel = Vector3f{pkt.uncompAccel[0], pkt.uncompAccel[1], pkt.uncompAccel[2]}; state.gyro = Vector3f{pkt.uncompAngRate[0], pkt.uncompAngRate[1], pkt.uncompAngRate[2]}; } else { state.accel = Vector3f{pkt.accel[0], pkt.accel[1], pkt.accel[2]}; state.gyro = Vector3f{pkt.gyro[0], pkt.gyro[1], pkt.gyro[2]}; } } #if AP_BARO_EXTERNALAHRS_ENABLED { AP_ExternalAHRS::baro_data_message_t baro; baro.instance = 0; baro.pressure_pa = pkt.pressure * 1e3; baro.temperature = pkt.temp; AP::baro().handle_external(baro); } #endif #if AP_COMPASS_EXTERNALAHRS_ENABLED { AP_ExternalAHRS::mag_data_message_t mag; mag.field = Vector3f{pkt.mag[0], pkt.mag[1], pkt.mag[2]}; mag.field *= 1000; // to mGauss AP::compass().handle_external(mag); } #endif { AP_ExternalAHRS::ins_data_message_t ins; ins.accel = state.accel; ins.gyro = state.gyro; ins.temperature = pkt.temp; AP::ins().handle_external(ins); } #if HAL_LOGGING_ENABLED // @LoggerMessage: EAHI // @Description: External AHRS IMU data // @Field: TimeUS: Time since system startup // @Field: Temp: Temprature // @Field: Pres: Pressure // @Field: MX: Magnetic feild X-axis // @Field: MY: Magnetic feild Y-axis // @Field: MZ: Magnetic feild Z-axis // @Field: AX: Acceleration X-axis // @Field: AY: Acceleration Y-axis // @Field: AZ: Acceleration Z-axis // @Field: GX: Rotation rate X-axis // @Field: GY: Rotation rate Y-axis // @Field: GZ: Rotation rate Z-axis AP::logger().WriteStreaming("EAHI", "TimeUS,Temp,Pres,MX,MY,MZ,AX,AY,AZ,GX,GY,GZ", "sdPGGGoooEEE", "F00000000000", "Qfffffffffff", AP_HAL::micros64(), pkt.temp, pkt.pressure*1e3, pkt.mag[0], pkt.mag[1], pkt.mag[2], state.accel[0], state.accel[1], state.accel[2], state.gyro[0], state.gyro[1], state.gyro[2], state.quat[0], state.quat[1], state.quat[2], state.quat[3]); #endif // HAL_LOGGING_ENABLED } // process AHRS mode AHRS packet void AP_ExternalAHRS_VectorNav::process_ahrs_ekf_packet(const uint8_t *b) { const struct VN_AHRS_ekf_packet &pkt = *(struct VN_AHRS_ekf_packet *)b; last_pkt2_ms = AP_HAL::millis(); state.quat = Quaternion{pkt.quaternion[3], pkt.quaternion[0], pkt.quaternion[1], pkt.quaternion[2]}; state.have_quaternion = true; #if HAL_LOGGING_ENABLED EAHA data_to_log; data_to_log.timeUs = AP_HAL::micros64(); memcpy(data_to_log.quat, pkt.quaternion, sizeof(pkt.quaternion)); memcpy(data_to_log.ypr, pkt.ypr, sizeof(pkt.ypr)); memcpy(data_to_log.yprU, pkt.yprU, sizeof(pkt.yprU)); write_eaha(data_to_log); #endif // HAL_LOGGING_ENABLED } // process INS mode EKF packet void AP_ExternalAHRS_VectorNav::process_ins_ekf_packet(const uint8_t *b) { const struct VN_INS_ekf_packet &pkt = *(struct VN_INS_ekf_packet *)b; last_pkt2_ms = AP_HAL::millis(); *latest_ins_ekf_packet = pkt; state.quat = Quaternion{pkt.quaternion[3], pkt.quaternion[0], pkt.quaternion[1], pkt.quaternion[2]}; state.have_quaternion = true; state.velocity = Vector3f{pkt.velNed[0], pkt.velNed[1], pkt.velNed[2]}; state.have_velocity = true; state.location = Location{int32_t(pkt.posLla[0] * 1.0e7), int32_t(pkt.posLla[1] * 1.0e7), int32_t(pkt.posLla[2] * 1.0e2), Location::AltFrame::ABSOLUTE}; state.last_location_update_us = AP_HAL::micros(); state.have_location = true; #if HAL_LOGGING_ENABLED EAHA data_to_log; auto now = AP_HAL::micros64(); data_to_log.timeUs = now; memcpy(data_to_log.quat, pkt.quaternion, sizeof(pkt.quaternion)); memcpy(data_to_log.ypr, pkt.ypr, sizeof(pkt.ypr)); memcpy(data_to_log.yprU, pkt.yprU, sizeof(pkt.yprU)); write_eaha(data_to_log); // @LoggerMessage: EAHK // @Description: External AHRS INS Kalman Filter data // @Field: TimeUS: Time since system startup // @Field: InsStatus: VectorNav INS health status // @Field: Lat: Latitude // @Field: Lon: Longitude // @Field: Alt: Altitude // @Field: VelN: Velocity Northing // @Field: VelE: Velocity Easting // @Field: VelD: Velocity Downing // @Field: PosU: Filter estimated position uncertainty // @Field: VelU: Filter estimated Velocity uncertainty AP::logger().WriteStreaming("EAHK", "TimeUS,InsStatus,Lat,Lon,Alt,VelN,VelE,VelD,PosU,VelU", "s-ddmnnndn", "F000000000", "QHdddfffff", now, pkt.insStatus, pkt.posLla[0], pkt.posLla[1], pkt.posLla[2], pkt.velNed[0], pkt.velNed[1], pkt.velNed[2], pkt.posU, pkt.velU); #endif // HAL_LOGGING_ENABLED } // process INS mode GNSS packet void AP_ExternalAHRS_VectorNav::process_ins_gnss_packet(const uint8_t *b) { const struct VN_INS_gnss_packet &pkt = *(struct VN_INS_gnss_packet *)b; AP_ExternalAHRS::gps_data_message_t gps; last_pkt3_ms = AP_HAL::millis(); *latest_ins_gnss_packet = pkt; // get ToW in milliseconds gps.gps_week = pkt.timeGps / (AP_MSEC_PER_WEEK * 1000000ULL); gps.ms_tow = (pkt.timeGps / 1000000ULL) % (60 * 60 * 24 * 7 * 1000ULL); gps.fix_type = pkt.fix1; gps.satellites_in_view = pkt.numSats1; gps.horizontal_pos_accuracy = pkt.posU1[0]; gps.vertical_pos_accuracy = pkt.posU1[2]; gps.horizontal_vel_accuracy = pkt.velU1; gps.hdop = pkt.dop1[4]; gps.vdop = pkt.dop1[3]; gps.latitude = pkt.posLla1[0] * 1.0e7; gps.longitude = pkt.posLla1[1] * 1.0e7; gps.msl_altitude = pkt.posLla1[2] * 1.0e2; gps.ned_vel_north = pkt.velNed1[0]; gps.ned_vel_east = pkt.velNed1[1]; gps.ned_vel_down = pkt.velNed1[2]; if (!state.have_origin && gps.fix_type >= 3) { WITH_SEMAPHORE(state.sem); state.origin = Location{int32_t(pkt.posLla1[0] * 1.0e7), int32_t(pkt.posLla1[1] * 1.0e7), int32_t(pkt.posLla1[2] * 1.0e2), Location::AltFrame::ABSOLUTE}; state.have_origin = true; } uint8_t instance; if (AP::gps().get_first_external_instance(instance)) { AP::gps().handle_external(gps, instance); } } // get serial port number for the uart int8_t AP_ExternalAHRS_VectorNav::get_port(void) const { if (!uart) { return -1; } return port_num; }; // accessors for AP_AHRS bool AP_ExternalAHRS_VectorNav::healthy(void) const { const uint32_t now = AP_HAL::millis(); return (now - last_pkt1_ms < 40) && (now - last_pkt2_ms < 500) && (type == TYPE::VN_AHRS ? true: now - last_pkt3_ms < 1000); } bool AP_ExternalAHRS_VectorNav::initialised(void) const { if (!setup_complete) { return false; } return last_pkt1_ms != UINT32_MAX && last_pkt2_ms != UINT32_MAX && (type == TYPE::VN_AHRS ? true : last_pkt3_ms != UINT32_MAX); } bool AP_ExternalAHRS_VectorNav::pre_arm_check(char *failure_msg, uint8_t failure_msg_len) const { if (!setup_complete) { hal.util->snprintf(failure_msg, failure_msg_len, "VectorNav setup failed"); return false; } if (!healthy()) { hal.util->snprintf(failure_msg, failure_msg_len, "VectorNav unhealthy"); return false; } if (type == TYPE::VN_INS) { if (latest_ins_gnss_packet->fix1 < 3) { hal.util->snprintf(failure_msg, failure_msg_len, "VectorNav no GPS1 lock"); return false; } if (has_dual_gnss && (latest_ins_gnss_packet->fix2 < 3)) { hal.util->snprintf(failure_msg, failure_msg_len, "VectorNav no GPS2 lock"); return false; } } return true; } /* get filter status. We don't know the meaning of the status bits yet, so assume all OK if we have GPS lock */ void AP_ExternalAHRS_VectorNav::get_filter_status(nav_filter_status &status) const { memset(&status, 0, sizeof(status)); status.flags.initalized = initialised(); if (healthy()) { if (type == TYPE::VN_AHRS) { status.flags.attitude = true; } else { status.flags.attitude = true; if (latest_ins_ekf_packet) { status.flags.vert_vel = true; status.flags.vert_pos = true; status.flags.horiz_vel = true; status.flags.horiz_pos_rel = true; status.flags.horiz_pos_abs = true; status.flags.pred_horiz_pos_rel = true; status.flags.pred_horiz_pos_abs = true; status.flags.using_gps = true; } } } } // send an EKF_STATUS message to GCS void AP_ExternalAHRS_VectorNav::send_status_report(GCS_MAVLINK &link) const { if (!latest_ins_ekf_packet) { return; } // prepare flags uint16_t flags = 0; nav_filter_status filterStatus; get_filter_status(filterStatus); if (filterStatus.flags.attitude) { flags |= EKF_ATTITUDE; } if (filterStatus.flags.horiz_vel) { flags |= EKF_VELOCITY_HORIZ; } if (filterStatus.flags.vert_vel) { flags |= EKF_VELOCITY_VERT; } if (filterStatus.flags.horiz_pos_rel) { flags |= EKF_POS_HORIZ_REL; } if (filterStatus.flags.horiz_pos_abs) { flags |= EKF_POS_HORIZ_ABS; } if (filterStatus.flags.vert_pos) { flags |= EKF_POS_VERT_ABS; } if (filterStatus.flags.terrain_alt) { flags |= EKF_POS_VERT_AGL; } if (filterStatus.flags.const_pos_mode) { flags |= EKF_CONST_POS_MODE; } if (filterStatus.flags.pred_horiz_pos_rel) { flags |= EKF_PRED_POS_HORIZ_REL; } if (filterStatus.flags.pred_horiz_pos_abs) { flags |= EKF_PRED_POS_HORIZ_ABS; } if (!filterStatus.flags.initalized) { flags |= EKF_UNINITIALIZED; } // send message const struct VN_INS_ekf_packet &pkt = *(struct VN_INS_ekf_packet *)latest_ins_ekf_packet; const float vel_gate = 5; const float pos_gate = 5; const float hgt_gate = 5; const float mag_var = 0; mavlink_msg_ekf_status_report_send(link.get_chan(), flags, pkt.velU / vel_gate, pkt.posU / pos_gate, pkt.posU / hgt_gate, mag_var, 0, 0); } #endif // AP_EXTERNAL_AHRS_VECTORNAV_ENABLED