/* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /* Send and receve JSON backend data to alow a second AP instance to ride along */ #include "SIM_JSON_Master.h" #if HAL_SIM_JSON_MASTER_ENABLED #include #include using namespace SITL; void JSON_Master::init(const int32_t num_slaves) { socket_list *list = &_list; uint8_t i = 1; for (i = 1 ; i <= num_slaves; i++) { // init each socket and instance list->instance = i; uint16_t port = 9002 + 10 * i; if (!list->sock_in.reuseaddress()) { AP_HAL::panic("JSON master: socket reuseaddress failed on port: %d - %s\n", port, strerror(errno)); } if (!list->sock_in.bind("", port)) { AP_HAL::panic("JSON master: socket reuseaddress failed on port: %d - %s\n", port, strerror(errno)); } if (!list->sock_in.set_blocking(false)) { AP_HAL::panic( "JSON master: socket set_blocking(false) failed on port: %d - %s\n", port, strerror(errno)); } printf("Slave %u: listening on %u\n", list->instance, port); list->next = new socket_list; list = list->next; initialized = true; } } // Receive PWM outs from ride along controlers void JSON_Master::receive(struct sitl_input &input) { if (!initialized) { return; } uint8_t master_instance = AP::sitl()->ride_along_master.get(); for (socket_list *list = &_list; list->next; list=list->next) { // cycle through all ride along instances struct servo_packet { uint16_t magic; uint16_t frame_rate; uint32_t frame_count; uint16_t pwm[16]; } buffer; while (true) { ssize_t ret = list->sock_in.recv(&buffer, sizeof(buffer), 100); if (ret == 0) { // wait some more continue; } if (buffer.magic != 18458) { // magic value does not match continue; } if (!list->connected) { // connect back to the last address for send uint16_t port; const char *_ip = nullptr; list->sock_in.last_recv_address(_ip, port); list->connected = list->sock_out.connect(_ip, port) && (port != 0); if (list->connected) { printf("Slave %u connected to %s:%u\n", list->instance, _ip, port); } } if (list->connected) { break; } } const bool use_servos = list->instance == master_instance; // @LoggerMessage: SLV1 // @Description: Log data received from JSON simulator 1 // @Field: TimeUS: Time since system startup (us) // @Field: Instance: Slave instance // @Field: magic: magic JSON protocol key // @Field: frame_rate: Slave instance's desired frame rate // @Field: frame_count: Slave instance's current frame count // @Field: active: 1 if the servo outputs are being used from this instance AP::logger().WriteStreaming("SLV1", "TimeUS,Instance,magic,frame_rate,frame_count,active", "s#----", "F?????", "QBHHIB", AP_HAL::micros64(), list->instance, buffer.magic, buffer.frame_rate, buffer.frame_count, use_servos); // @LoggerMessage: SLV2 // @Description: Log data received from JSON simulator 2 // @Field: TimeUS: Time since system startup // @Field: Instance: Slave instance // @Field: C1: channel 1 output // @Field: C2: channel 2 output // @Field: C3: channel 3 output // @Field: C4: channel 4 output // @Field: C5: channel 5 output // @Field: C6: channel 6 output // @Field: C7: channel 7 output // @Field: C8: channel 8 output // @Field: C9: channel 9 output // @Field: C10: channel 10 output // @Field: C11: channel 11 output // @Field: C12: channel 12 output // @Field: C13: channel 13 output // @Field: C14: channel 14 output // @Field: C15: channel 15 output AP::logger().WriteStreaming("SLV2", "TimeUS,Instance,C1,C2,C3,C4,C5,C6,C7,C8,C9,C10,C11,C12,C13,C14,C15", "s#YYYYYYYYYYYYYY", "F?--------------", "QBHHHHHHHHHHHHHH", AP_HAL::micros64(), list->instance, buffer.pwm[0], buffer.pwm[1], buffer.pwm[2], buffer.pwm[3], buffer.pwm[4], buffer.pwm[5], buffer.pwm[6], buffer.pwm[7], buffer.pwm[8], buffer.pwm[9], buffer.pwm[10], buffer.pwm[11], buffer.pwm[12], buffer.pwm[13], buffer.pwm[14]); if (list->instance == master_instance) { // Use the servo outs from this instance memcpy(input.servos,buffer.pwm,sizeof(input.servos)); } } } // send vehicle state to ride along controlers void JSON_Master::send(const struct sitl_fdm &output, const Vector3d &position) { if (!initialized) { return; } // message is the same to all slaves int length = asprintf(&json_out,"\n{\"timestamp\":%f,\"imu\":{\"gyro\":[%f,%f,%f],\"accel_body\":[%f,%f,%f]},\"position\":[%f,%f,%f],\"quaternion\":[%f,%f,%f,%f],\"velocity\":[%f,%f,%f],\"no_time_sync\":1}\n", output.timestamp_us * 1e-6, radians(output.rollRate), radians(output.pitchRate), radians(output.yawRate), output.xAccel, output.yAccel, output.zAccel, position.x, position.y, position.z, output.quaternion.q1, output.quaternion.q2, output.quaternion.q3, output.quaternion.q4, output.speedN, output.speedE, output.speedD); for (socket_list *list = &_list; list->next; list=list->next) { list->sock_out.send(json_out,length); } } #endif // HAL_SIM_JSON_MASTER_ENABLED