# HW definition file for Sierra-TrueNavIC # MCU class and specific type MCU STM32L431 STM32L431xx # bootloader starts firmware at 36k + 4k (STORAGE_FLASH) FLASH_RESERVE_START_KB 40 FLASH_SIZE_KB 256 # store parameters in pages 18 and 19 STORAGE_FLASH_PAGE 18 define HAL_STORAGE_SIZE 800 # ChibiOS system timer STM32_ST_USE_TIMER 15 define CH_CFG_ST_RESOLUTION 16 # board ID for firmware load APJ_BOARD_ID 5302 # crystal frequency OSCILLATOR_HZ 16000000 env AP_PERIPH 1 define HAL_NO_GPIO_IRQ define SERIAL_BUFFERS_SIZE 512 define PORT_INT_REQUIRED_STACK 64 define DMA_RESERVE_SIZE 0 # MAIN_STACK is stack for ISR handlers MAIN_STACK 0x300 # PROCESS_STACK controls stack for main thread PROCESS_STACK 0xA00 # save memory define HAL_GCS_ENABLED 0 define HAL_NO_LOGGING define HAL_USE_ADC FALSE # we setup a small defaults.parm define AP_PARAM_MAX_EMBEDDED_PARAM 256 # debugger support PA13 JTMS-SWDIO SWD PA14 JTCK-SWCLK SWD # --------------------- SPI1 RM3100+DPS310 ----------------------- PA5 SPI1_SCK SPI1 PA6 SPI1_MISO SPI1 PA7 SPI1_MOSI SPI1 PA8 BARO_CS CS # Baro probe SPIDEV dps310 SPI1 DEVID3 BARO_CS MODE3 5*MHZ 5*MHZ BARO DPS310 SPI:dps310 # QMC5883L on I2C2 I2C_ORDER I2C2 PB13 I2C2_SCL I2C2 PB11 I2C2_SDA I2C2 define HAL_I2C_CLEAR_ON_TIMEOUT 0 define HAL_I2C_INTERNAL_MASK 1 COMPASS QMC5883L I2C:0:0xd false ROTATION_YAW_180 # ---------------------- CAN bus ------------------------- PA11 CAN1_RX CAN1 PA12 CAN1_TX CAN1 PB1 GPIO_CAN1_SILENT OUTPUT PUSHPULL SPEED_LOW LOW PB6 GPIO_CAN1_TERM OUTPUT PUSHPULL SPEED_LOW LOW define HAL_CAN_POOL_SIZE 8000 # ---------------------- UARTs --------------------------- SERIAL_ORDER EMPTY USART1 # USART1 for GPS PA9 USART1_TX USART1 SPEED_HIGH PA10 USART1_RX USART1 SPEED_HIGH # keep ROMFS uncompressed as we don't have enough RAM # to uncompress the bootloader at runtime env ROMFS_UNCOMPRESSED True # enable GPS and compass define AP_PERIPH_GPS_ENABLED 1 define GPS_MAX_RATE_MS 200 define AP_PERIPH_MAG_ENABLED 1 define AP_PERIPH_BARO_ENABLED 1 # disable dual GPS and GPS blending to save flash space define GPS_MAX_RECEIVERS 1 define GPS_MAX_INSTANCES 1 define HAL_COMPASS_MAX_SENSORS 1 define BARO_MAX_INSTANCES 1 define HAL_PERIPH_GPS_PORT_DEFAULT 1 # GPS PPS PA15 GPS_PPS_IN INPUT # PWM, WS2812 LED PB10 TIM2_CH3 TIM2 PWM(1) define CAN_APP_NODE_NAME "in.sierraaerospace.TrueNavIC" # Enable GPS LDO PC13 VDD_3V3_SENSORS_EN OUTPUT HIGH # do direct neopixel LED output to enable the 'rainbow' effect on startup define HAL_PERIPH_NEOPIXEL_CHAN_WITHOUT_NOTIFY 0 define HAL_PERIPH_NEOPIXEL_COUNT_WITHOUT_NOTIFY 8 define DEFAULT_NTF_LED_TYPES 455 # PA1 LED OUTPUT LOW GPIO(1) define HAL_SERIAL_ESC_COMM_ENABLED 1