#pragma once #if CONFIG_HAL_BOARD_SUBTYPE == HAL_BOARD_SUBTYPE_ESP32_DIY #include "esp32diy.h" // Charles #elif CONFIG_HAL_BOARD_SUBTYPE == HAL_BOARD_SUBTYPE_ESP32_BUZZ #include "esp32buzz.h" //Buzz #elif CONFIG_HAL_BOARD_SUBTYPE == HAL_BOARD_SUBTYPE_ESP32_ICARUS #include "esp32icarus.h" //Alex #elif CONFIG_HAL_BOARD_SUBTYPE == HAL_BOARD_SUBTYPE_ESP32_EMPTY #include "esp32empty.h" //wiktor-m #elif CONFIG_HAL_BOARD_SUBTYPE == HAL_BOARD_SUBTYPE_ESP32_TOMTE76 #include "esp32tomte76.h" //tomte76 on discord #elif CONFIG_HAL_BOARD_SUBTYPE == HAL_BOARD_SUBTYPE_ESP32_NICK #include "esp32nick.h" //Nick K. on discord #elif CONFIG_HAL_BOARD_SUBTYPE == HAL_BOARD_SUBTYPE_ESP32_S3DEVKIT #include "esp32s3devkit.h" //Nick K. on discord #elif CONFIG_HAL_BOARD_SUBTYPE == HAL_BOARD_SUBTYPE_ESP32_S3EMPTY #include "esp32s3empty.h" #else #error "Invalid CONFIG_HAL_BOARD_SUBTYPE for esp32" #endif #define HAL_BOARD_NAME "ESP32" #define HAL_CPU_CLASS HAL_CPU_CLASS_150 #define HAL_WITH_DRONECAN 0 #define HAL_WITH_UAVCAN 0 #define HAL_MAX_CAN_PROTOCOL_DRIVERS 0 #define HAL_HAVE_SAFETY_SWITCH 0 #define HAL_HAVE_BOARD_VOLTAGE 0 #define HAL_HAVE_SERVO_VOLTAGE 0 #define HAL_WITH_IO_MCU 0 #define O_CLOEXEC 0 #define HAL_STORAGE_SIZE (16384) #ifdef __cplusplus // allow for static semaphores #include <AP_HAL_ESP32/Semaphores.h> #define HAL_Semaphore ESP32::Semaphore #define HAL_BinarySemaphore ESP32::BinarySemaphore #endif #ifndef HAL_HAVE_HARDWARE_DOUBLE #define HAL_HAVE_HARDWARE_DOUBLE 0 #endif #ifndef HAL_WITH_EKF_DOUBLE #define HAL_WITH_EKF_DOUBLE HAL_HAVE_HARDWARE_DOUBLE #endif #define HAL_NUM_CAN_IFACES 0 #define HAL_MEM_CLASS HAL_MEM_CLASS_192 // disable uncommon stuff that we'd otherwise get #define HAL_EXTERNAL_AHRS_ENABLED 0 #define HAL_GENERATOR_ENABLED 0 #define __LITTLE_ENDIAN 1234 #define __BYTE_ORDER __LITTLE_ENDIAN // ArduPilot uses __RAMFUNC__ to place functions in fast instruction RAM #define __RAMFUNC__ IRAM_ATTR // whenver u get ... error: "xxxxxxx" is not defined, evaluates to 0 [-Werror=undef] just define it below as 0 #define CONFIG_SPIRAM_ALLOW_BSS_SEG_EXTERNAL_MEMORY 0 #define XCHAL_ERRATUM_453 0 //#define CONFIG_FREERTOS_CORETIMER_0 0 #define CONFIG_FREERTOS_CHECK_STACKOVERFLOW_NONE 0 #define CONFIG_FREERTOS_CHECK_STACKOVERFLOW_PTRVAL 0 #define CONFIG_FREERTOS_ENABLE_STATIC_TASK_CLEAN_UP 0 #define CONFIG_FREERTOS_USE_TICKLESS_IDLE 0 #define CONFIG_SYSVIEW_ENABLE 0 #define CONFIG_SPI_FLASH_DANGEROUS_WRITE_ALLOWED 0 #define CONFIG_SPI_FLASH_ENABLE_COUNTERS 0 #define USE_LIBC_REALLOC 0 #define CONFIG_LWIP_DHCP_RESTORE_LAST_IP 0 #define CONFIG_LWIP_STATS 0 #define CONFIG_LWIP_PPP_SUPPORT 0 #define CONFIG_LWIP_STATS 0 //#define CONFIG_ESP32_WIFI_CSI_ENABLED 0 //#define CONFIG_ESP32_WIFI_NVS_ENABLED 0 #define CONFIG_NEWLIB_NANO_FORMAT 0 #define CONFIG_LWIP_IP4_REASSEMBLY 0 #define CONFIG_LWIP_IP6_REASSEMBLY 0 #define CONFIG_LWIP_STATS 0 #define LWIP_COMPAT_SOCKET_INET 0 #define LWIP_COMPAT_SOCKET_ADDR 0 //#define CONFIG_ESP32_WIFI_TX_BA_WIN 0 //#define CONFIG_ESP32_WIFI_RX_BA_WIN 0 // turn off all the compasses by default.. #ifndef AP_COMPASS_BACKEND_DEFAULT_ENABLED #define AP_COMPASS_BACKEND_DEFAULT_ENABLED 0 #endif // we don't need 32, 16 is enough #define NUM_SERVO_CHANNELS 16 // disble temp cal of gyros by default #define HAL_INS_TEMPERATURE_CAL_ENABLE 0 //turn off a bunch of advanced plane scheduler table things. see Plane.cpp #define AP_ADVANCEDFAILSAFE_ENABLED 0 #define AP_ICENGINE_ENABLED 0 #define AP_OPTICALFLOW_ENABLED 0 #define AP_RPM_ENABLED 0 #define AP_AIRSPEED_AUTOCAL_ENABLE 0 #define HAL_MOUNT_ENABLED 0 #define AP_CAMERA_ENABLED 0 #define HAL_SOARING_ENABLED 0 #define AP_TERRAIN_AVAILABLE 0 #define HAL_ADSB_ENABLED 0 #define HAL_BUTTON_ENABLED 0 #define AP_GRIPPER_ENABLED 0 #define AP_LANDINGGEAR_ENABLED 0 // disable avoid-fence-follow in copter, these all kinda need each other, so its all or none. #define AP_AVOIDANCE_ENABLED 0 #define AP_FENCE_ENABLED 0 #define MODE_FOLLOW_ENABLED 0 #define AP_OAPATHPLANNER_ENABLED 0 // other big things.. #define HAL_QUADPLANE_ENABLED 0 #define HAL_GYROFFT_ENABLED 0 // remove once ESP32 isn't so chronically slow #define AP_SCHEDULER_OVERTIME_MARGIN_US 50000UL