--[[ Populate the VIDEO_STREAM_INFORMATION message based on user parameters --]] local PARAM_TABLE_KEY = 90 local PARAM_TABLE_PREFIX = "VID1_" local MAV_SEVERITY = {EMERGENCY=0, ALERT=1, CRITICAL=2, ERROR=3, WARNING=4, NOTICE=5, INFO=6, DEBUG=7} local VID_TYPE_ENUM = {RTSP=0, RTPUDP=1, TCP_MPEG=2, MPEG_TS=3} local CAMMODEL_ENUM = {UNKNOWN=0, SIYI_A8=1, SIYI_ZR10=2, SIYI_ZR30=3, SIYI_ZT30_ZOOM=4, SIYI_ZT30_WIDE=5, SIYI_ZT30_IR=6, SIYI_ZT6_RGB=7, SIYI_ZT6_IR=8, HERELINK_WIFIAP=9, HERELINK_USB_TETHERING=10, TOPOTEK_1080P=11, TOPOTEK_480P=12, VIEWPRO=13} local TEXT_PREFIX_STR = "video-stream-information:" local SIYI_IP_DEFAULT = '' local TOPOTEK_IP_DEFAULT = '' local VIEWPRO_IP_DEFAULT = '' -- add a parameter and bind it to a variable function bind_add_param(name, idx, default_value) assert(param:add_param(PARAM_TABLE_KEY, idx, name, default_value), string.format('could not add param %s', name)) return Parameter(PARAM_TABLE_PREFIX .. name) end -- setup script specific parameters assert(param:add_table(PARAM_TABLE_KEY, PARAM_TABLE_PREFIX, 15), 'could not add param table') --[[ // @Param: VID1_CAMMODEL // @DisplayName: Camera1 Video Stream Camera Model // @Description: Video stream camera model // @Values: 0:Unknown, 1:Siyi A8, 2:Siyi ZR10, 3:Siyi ZR30, 4:Siyi ZT30 Zoom, 5:Siyi ZT30 Wide, 6:Siyi ZT30 IR, 7:Siyi ZT6 RGB, 8:Siyi ZT6 IR, 9:Herelink WifiAP, 10:Herelink USB-tethering, 11:Topotek 1080p, 12:Topotek 480p, 13:Viewpro // @User: Standard --]] -- values should match CAMMODEL_ENUM local VID1_CAMMODEL = bind_add_param('CAMMODEL', 1, 0) --[[ // @Param: VID1_ID // @DisplayName: Camera1 Video Stream Id // @Description: Video stream id // @Range: 0 50 // @User: Standard --]] local VID1_ID = bind_add_param('ID', 2, 1) --[[ // @Param: VID1_TYPE // @DisplayName: Camera1 Video Stream Type // @Description: Video stream type // @Values: 0:RTSP, 1:RTPUDP, 2:TCP_MPEG, 3:MPEG_TS // @User: Standard --]] -- values should match VID_TYPE_ENUM local VID1_TYPE = bind_add_param('TYPE', 3, 0) --[[ // @Param: VID1_FLAG // @DisplayName: Camera1 Video Stream Flags // @Description: Video stream flags // @Bitmask: 0:Running,1:Thermal,2:Thermal Range Enabled // @User: Standard --]] local VID1_FLAG = bind_add_param('FLAG', 4, 1) --[[ // @Param: VID1_FRAME_RATE // @DisplayName: Camera1 Video Stream Frame Rate // @Description: Video stream frame rate // @Range: 0 50 // @User: Standard --]] local VID1_FR = bind_add_param('FRAME_RATE', 5, 30) --[[ // @Param: VID1_HRES // @DisplayName: Camera1 Video Stream Horizontal Resolution // @Description: Video stream horizontal resolution // @Range: 0 4096 // @User: Standard --]] local VID1_HRES = bind_add_param('HRES', 6, 1920) --[[ // @Param: VID1_VRES // @DisplayName: Camera1 Video Stream Vertical Resolution // @Description: Video stream vertical resolution // @Range: 0 4096 // @User: Standard --]] local VID1_VRES = bind_add_param('VRES', 7, 1080) --[[ // @Param: VID1_BITRATE // @DisplayName: Camera1 Video Stream Bitrate // @Description: Video stream bitrate // @Range: 0 10000 // @User: Standard --]] local VID1_BITR = bind_add_param('BITRATE', 8, 1500) --[[ // @Param: VID1_HFOV // @DisplayName: Camera1 Video Stream Horizontal FOV // @Description: Video stream horizontal FOV // @Range: 0 360 // @User: Standard --]] local VID1_HFOV = bind_add_param('HFOV', 9, 0) --[[ // @Param: VID1_ENCODING // @DisplayName: Camera1 Video Stream Encoding // @Description: Video stream encoding // @Values: 0:Unknown, 1:H264, 2:H265 // @User: Standard --]] local VID1_ENCODING = bind_add_param('ENCODING', 10, 1) --[[ // @Param: VID1_IPADDR0 // @DisplayName: Camera1 Video Stream IP Address 0 // @Description: Video stream IP Address first octet // @Range: 0 255 // @User: Standard --]] local VID1_IPADDR0 = bind_add_param('IPADDR0', 11, -1) --[[ // @Param: VID1_IPADDR1 // @DisplayName: Camera1 Video Stream IP Address 1 // @Description: Video stream IP Address second octet // @Range: 0 255 // @User: Standard --]] local VID1_IPADDR1 = bind_add_param('IPADDR1', 12, -1) --[[ // @Param: VID1_IPADDR2 // @DisplayName: Camera1 Video Stream IP Address 2 // @Description: Video stream IP Address third octet // @Range: 0 255 // @User: Standard --]] local VID1_IPADDR2 = bind_add_param('IPADDR2', 13, -1) --[[ // @Param: VID1_IPADDR3 // @DisplayName: Camera1 Video Stream IP Address 3 // @Description: Video stream IP Address fourth octet // @Range: 0 255 // @User: Standard --]] local VID1_IPADDR3 = bind_add_param('IPADDR3', 14, -1) --[[ // @Param: VID1_IPPORT // @DisplayName: Camera1 Video Stream IP Address Port // @Description: Video stream IP Address Port // @Range: 0 65535 // @User: Standard --]] local VID1_IPPORT = bind_add_param('IPPORT', 15, -1) function set_video_stream_information() local INSTANCE = 0 local name = 'Video' -- set defaults by camera model local uri_ip = '' local uri_suffix = '' local hfov = 50 if VID1_CAMMODEL:get() == CAMMODEL_ENUM.SIYI_A8 then uri_ip = SIYI_IP_DEFAULT uri_suffix = '/main.264' hfov = 81 end if VID1_CAMMODEL:get() == CAMMODEL_ENUM.SIYI_ZR10 then uri_ip = SIYI_IP_DEFAULT uri_suffix = '/main.264' hfov = 62 end if VID1_CAMMODEL:get() == CAMMODEL_ENUM.SIYI_ZR30 then uri_ip = SIYI_IP_DEFAULT uri_suffix = '/main.264' hfov = 58 end if VID1_CAMMODEL:get() == CAMMODEL_ENUM.SIYI_ZT30_ZOOM then uri_ip = SIYI_IP_DEFAULT uri_suffix = '/video2' hfov = 58 end if VID1_CAMMODEL:get() == CAMMODEL_ENUM.SIYI_ZT30_WIDE then uri_ip = SIYI_IP_DEFAULT uri_suffix = '/video2' hfov = 85 end if VID1_CAMMODEL:get() == CAMMODEL_ENUM.SIYI_ZT30_IR then uri_ip = SIYI_IP_DEFAULT uri_suffix = '/video1' hfov = 24 end if VID1_CAMMODEL:get() == CAMMODEL_ENUM.SIYI_ZT6_RGB then uri_ip = SIYI_IP_DEFAULT uri_suffix = '/video2' hfov = 85 end if VID1_CAMMODEL:get() == CAMMODEL_ENUM.SIYI_ZT6_IR then uri_ip = SIYI_IP_DEFAULT uri_suffix = '/video1' hfov = 32 end if VID1_CAMMODEL:get() == CAMMODEL_ENUM.HERELINK_WIFIAP then uri_ip = '' uri_suffix = '/fpv_stream' end if VID1_CAMMODEL:get() == CAMMODEL_ENUM.HERELINK_USB_TETHERING then uri_ip = '' uri_suffix = '/fpv_stream' end if VID1_CAMMODEL:get() == CAMMODEL_ENUM.TOPOTEK_1080P then uri_ip = TOPOTEK_IP_DEFAULT uri_suffix = '/stream=0' hfov = 50 end if VID1_CAMMODEL:get() == CAMMODEL_ENUM.TOPOTEK_480P then uri_ip = TOPOTEK_IP_DEFAULT uri_suffix = '/stream=1' hfov = 50 end if VID1_CAMMODEL:get() == CAMMODEL_ENUM.VIEWPRO then uri_ip = VIEWPRO_IP_DEFAULT end -- calculate hfov if VID1_HFOV:get() ~= 0 then hfov = VID1_HFOV:get() end -- construct uri if VID1_IPADDR0:get() > 0 or VID1_IPADDR1:get() > 0 or VID1_IPADDR2:get() > 0 or VID1_IPADDR3:get() > 0 or VID1_IPPORT:get() > 0 then uri_ip = math.floor(VID1_IPADDR0:get()) .. '.' .. math.floor(VID1_IPADDR1:get()) .. '.' .. math.floor(VID1_IPADDR2:get()) .. '.' .. math.floor(VID1_IPADDR3:get()) .. ':' .. math.floor(VID1_IPPORT:get()) end local uri if VID1_TYPE:get() == VID_TYPE_ENUM.RTPUDP or VID1_TYPE:get() == VID_TYPE_ENUM.MPEG_TS then -- sanity check port number if VID1_IPPORT:get() < 0 then gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.ERROR, TEXT_PREFIX_STR .. "check VID1_IPPORT") do return end end uri = tostring(math.floor(VID1_IPPORT:get())) elseif VID1_TYPE:get() == VID_TYPE_ENUM.RTSP then -- sanity check IP address if uri_ip == '' then gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.ERROR, TEXT_PREFIX_STR .. "check VID1_IPADDR params") do return end end uri = 'rtsp://' .. uri_ip .. uri_suffix else uri = uri_ip .. uri_suffix end -- create Video Stream Information message local stream_info = mavlink_video_stream_information_t() stream_info:stream_id(VID1_ID:get()) stream_info:count(1) -- hard coded to just a single stream stream_info:type(VID1_TYPE:get()) stream_info:flags(VID1_FLAG:get()) stream_info:framerate(VID1_FR:get()) stream_info:resolution_h(VID1_HRES:get()) stream_info:resolution_v(VID1_VRES:get()) stream_info:bitrate(VID1_BITR:get()) stream_info:rotation(0) -- video image rotation clockwise, hardcoded to zero stream_info:hfov(hfov) stream_info:encoding(VID1_ENCODING:get()) for i = 0, #name do stream_info:name(i, name:byte(i+1)) end for i = 0, #uri do stream_info:uri(i, uri:byte(i+1)) end -- update camera library with the latest stream information camera:set_stream_information(INSTANCE, stream_info) end -- print welcome message gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.INFO, "video-stream-information script loaded") -- update function runs every 5 secs function update() set_video_stream_information() return update, 5000 end return update()