--[[ trajectory tracking aerobatic control See README.md for usage Written by Matthew Hampsey, Andy Palmer and Andrew Tridgell, with controller assistance from Paul Riseborough, testing by Henry Wurzburg ]]-- -- luacheck: ignore 212 (Unused argument) ---@diagnostic disable: param-type-mismatch ---@diagnostic disable: undefined-field ---@diagnostic disable: missing-parameter ---@diagnostic disable: need-check-nil ---@diagnostic disable: undefined-global ---@diagnostic disable: inject-field -- setup param block for aerobatics, reserving 35 params beginning with AERO_ local PARAM_TABLE_KEY = 70 local PARAM_TABLE_PREFIX = 'AEROM_' assert(param:add_table(PARAM_TABLE_KEY, "AEROM_", 40), 'could not add param table') local MAV_SEVERITY = {EMERGENCY=0, ALERT=1, CRITICAL=2, ERROR=3, WARNING=4, NOTICE=5, INFO=6, DEBUG=7} -- add a parameter and bind it to a variable function bind_add_param(name, idx, default_value) assert(param:add_param(PARAM_TABLE_KEY, idx, name, default_value), string.format('could not add param %s', name)) return Parameter(PARAM_TABLE_PREFIX .. name) end --[[ // @Param: AEROM_ANG_ACCEL // @DisplayName: Angular acceleration limit // @Description: Maximum angular acceleration in maneuvers // @Units: deg/s/s --]] AEROM_ANG_ACCEL = bind_add_param('ANG_ACCEL', 1, 6000) --[[ // @Param: AEROM_ANG_TC // @DisplayName: Roll control filtertime constant // @Description: This is the time over which we filter the desired roll to smooth it // @Units: s --]] AEROM_ANG_TC = bind_add_param('ANG_TC', 2, 0.1) -- 3 was AEROM_KE_ANG --[[ // @Param: AEROM_THR_PIT_FF // @DisplayName: Throttle feed forward from pitch // @Description: This controls how much extra throttle to add based on pitch ange. The value is for 90 degrees and is applied in proportion to pitch // @Units: % --]] THR_PIT_FF = bind_add_param('THR_PIT_FF', 4, 80) --[[ // @Param: AEROM_SPD_P // @DisplayName: P gain for speed controller // @Description: This controls how rapidly the throttle is raised to compensate for a speed error // @Units: % --]] SPD_P = bind_add_param('SPD_P', 5, 5) --[[ // @Param: AEROM_SPD_I // @DisplayName: I gain for speed controller // @Description: This controls how rapidly the throttle is raised to compensate for a speed error // @Units: % --]] SPD_I = bind_add_param('SPD_I', 6, 25) --[[ // @Param: AEROM_ROL_COR_TC // @DisplayName: Roll control time constant // @Description: This is the time constant for correcting roll errors. A smaller value leads to faster roll corrections // @Units: s --]] ROLL_CORR_TC = bind_add_param('ROL_COR_TC', 8, 0.25) -- removed 9 and 10 --[[ // @Param: AEROM_TIME_COR_P // @DisplayName: Time constant for correction of our distance along the path // @Description: This is the time constant for correcting path position errors // @Units: s --]] TIME_CORR_P = bind_add_param('TIME_COR_P', 11, 1.0) --[[ // @Param: AEROM_ERR_COR_P // @DisplayName: P gain for path error corrections // @Description: This controls how rapidly we correct back onto the desired path --]] ERR_CORR_P = bind_add_param('ERR_COR_P', 12, 2.0) --[[ // @Param: AEROM_ERR_COR_D // @DisplayName: D gain for path error corrections // @Description: This controls how rapidly we correct back onto the desired path --]] ERR_CORR_D = bind_add_param('ERR_COR_D', 13, 2.8) --[[ // @Param: AEROM_ENTRY_RATE // @DisplayName: The roll rate to use when entering a roll maneuver // @Description: This controls how rapidly we roll into a new orientation // @Units: deg/s --]] AEROM_ENTRY_RATE = bind_add_param('ENTRY_RATE', 14, 60) --[[ // @Param: AEROM_THR_LKAHD // @DisplayName: The lookahead for throttle control // @Description: This controls how far ahead we look in time along the path for the target throttle // @Units: s --]] AEROM_THR_LKAHD = bind_add_param('THR_LKAHD', 15, 1) --[[ // @Param: AEROM_DEBUG // @DisplayName: Debug control // @Description: This controls the printing of extra debug information on paths --]] AEROM_DEBUG = bind_add_param('DEBUG', 16, 0) --[[ // @Param: AEROM_THR_MIN // @DisplayName: Minimum Throttle // @Description: Lowest throttle used during maneuvers // @Units: % --]] AEROM_THR_MIN = bind_add_param('THR_MIN', 17, 0) --[[ // @Param: AEROM_THR_BOOST // @DisplayName: Throttle boost // @Description: This is the extra throttle added in schedule elements marked as needing a throttle boost // @Units: % --]] AEROM_THR_BOOST = bind_add_param('THR_BOOST', 18, 50) --[[ // @Param: AEROM_YAW_ACCEL // @DisplayName: Yaw acceleration // @Description: This is maximum yaw acceleration to use // @Units: deg/s/s --]] AEROM_YAW_ACCEL = bind_add_param('YAW_ACCEL', 19, 1500) --[[ // @Param: AEROM_LKAHD // @DisplayName: Lookahead // @Description: This is how much time to look ahead in the path for calculating path rates // @Units: s --]] AEROM_LKAHD = bind_add_param('LKAHD', 20, 0.5) --[[ // @Param: AEROM_PATH_SCALE // @DisplayName: Path Scale // @Description: Scale factor for Path/Box size. 0.5 would half the distances in maneuvers. Radii are unaffected. // @Range: 0.1 100 --]] AEROM_PATH_SCALE = bind_add_param('PATH_SCALE', 21, 1.0) --[[ // @Param: AEROM_BOX_WIDTH // @DisplayName: Box Width // @Description: Length of aerobatic "box" // @Units: m --]] AEROM_BOX_WIDTH = bind_add_param('BOX_WIDTH', 22, 400) --[[ // @Param: AEROM_STALL_THR // @DisplayName: Stall turn throttle // @Description: Amount of throttle to reduce to for a stall turn // @Units: % --]] AEROM_STALL_THR = bind_add_param('STALL_THR', 23, 40) --[[ // @Param: AEROM_STALL_PIT // @DisplayName: Stall turn pitch threshold // @Description: Pitch threashold for moving to final stage of stall turn // @Units: deg --]] AEROM_STALL_PIT = bind_add_param('STALL_PIT', 24, -20) -- 25 was AEROM_KE_TC --[[ // @Param: AEROM_KE_RUDD // @DisplayName: KnifeEdge Rudder // @Description: Percent of rudder normally uses to sustain knife-edge at trick speed // @Units: % --]] AEROM_KE_RUDD = bind_add_param('KE_RUDD', 26, 25) --[[ // @Param: AEROM_KE_RUDD_LK // @DisplayName: KnifeEdge Rudder lookahead // @Description: Time to look ahead in the path to calculate rudder correction for bank angle // @Units: s --]] AEROM_KE_RUDD_LK = bind_add_param('KE_RUDD_LK', 27, 0.25) --[[ // @Param: AEROM_ALT_ABORT // @DisplayName: Altitude Abort // @Description: Maximum allowable loss in altitude during a trick or sequence from its starting altitude. // @Units: m --]] AEROM_ALT_ABORT = bind_add_param('ALT_ABORT',28,15) --[[ // @Param: AEROM_TS_P // @DisplayName: Timesync P gain // @Description: This controls how rapidly two aircraft are brought back into time sync --]] AEROM_TS_P = bind_add_param('TS_P', 29, 0.33) --[[ // @Param: AEROM_TS_I // @DisplayName: Timesync I gain // @Description: This controls how rapidly two aircraft are brought back into time sync --]] AEROM_TS_I = bind_add_param('TS_I', 30, 0.33) --[[ // @Param: AEROM_TS_SPDMAX // @DisplayName: Timesync speed max // @Description: This sets the maximum speed adjustment for time sync between aircraft // @Units: m/s --]] AEROM_TS_SPDMAX = bind_add_param('TS_SPDMAX', 31, 0.0) --[[ // @Param: AEROM_TS_RATE // @DisplayName: Timesync rate of send of NAMED_VALUE_FLOAT data // @Description: This sets the rate we send data for time sync between aircraft // @Units: Hz --]] AEROM_TS_RATE = bind_add_param('TS_RATE', 32, 4.0) --[[ // @Param: AEROM_MIS_ANGLE // @DisplayName: Mission angle // @Description: When set to a non-zero value, this is the assumed direction of the mission. Otherwise the waypoint angle is used // @Units: deg --]] AEROM_MIS_ANGLE = bind_add_param('MIS_ANGLE', 33, 0.0) --[[ // @Param: AEROM_OPTIONS // @DisplayName: Aerobatic options // @Description: Options to control aerobatic behavior // @Bitmask: 0:UseRTLOnAbort, 1:AddAtToMessages, 2:DualAircraftSynchronised // @Units: deg --]] AEROM_OPTIONS = bind_add_param('OPTIONS', 34, 0.0) local OPTIONS = { ABORT_RTL=(1<<0), MSG_ADD_AT=(1<<1), DUAL_AIRCRAFT=(1<<2) } --[[ return true if an option is set --]] function option_set(option) local options = math.floor(AEROM_OPTIONS:get()) return options & option ~= 0 end -- cope with old param values if AEROM_ANG_ACCEL:get() < 100 and AEROM_ANG_ACCEL:get() > 0 then AEROM_ANG_ACCEL:set_and_save(3000) end if AEROM_ANG_TC:get() > 1.0 then AEROM_ANG_TC:set_and_save(0.2) end ACRO_ROLL_RATE = Parameter("ACRO_ROLL_RATE") ACRO_YAW_RATE = Parameter('ACRO_YAW_RATE') AIRSPEED_MIN = Parameter("AIRSPEED_MIN") SCALING_SPEED = Parameter("SCALING_SPEED") SYSID_THISMAV = Parameter("SYSID_THISMAV") GRAVITY_MSS = 9.80665 --[[ list of attributes that can be added to a path element --]] local path_attribs = { "roll_ref", "set_orient", "rate_override", "thr_boost", "pos_corr", "message", "shift_xy", "timestamp", "pos_gain_mul" } --[[ Aerobatic tricks on a switch support - allows for tricks to be initiated outside AUTO mode --]] -- 2nd param table for tricks on a switch local PARAM_TABLE_KEY2 = 71 local PARAM_TABLE_PREFIX2 = "TRIK" assert(param:add_table(PARAM_TABLE_KEY2, PARAM_TABLE_PREFIX2, 63), 'could not add param table2') -- add a parameter and bind it to a variable in table2 function bind_add_param2(name, idx, default_value) assert(param:add_param(PARAM_TABLE_KEY2, idx, name, default_value), string.format('could not add param %s', name)) return Parameter(PARAM_TABLE_PREFIX2 .. name) end --[[ // @Param: TRIK_ENABLE // @DisplayName: Tricks on Switch Enable // @Description: Enables Tricks on Switch. TRIK params hidden until enabled --]] local TRIK_ENABLE = bind_add_param2("_ENABLE", 1, 0) local TRICKS = nil local TRIK_SEL_FN = nil local TRIK_ACT_FN = nil local TRIK_COUNT = nil local function TrickDef(id, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) local self = {} self.id = id self.args = {arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4} return self end -- constrain a value between limits local function constrain(v, vmin, vmax) if v < vmin then v = vmin end if v > vmax then v = vmax end return v end local function sq(x) return x*x end local last_trick_action_state = nil if TRIK_ENABLE:get() > 0 then --[[ // @Param: TRIK_SEL_FN // @DisplayName: Trik Selection Scripting Function // @Description: Setting an RC channel's _OPTION to this value will use it for trick selection // @Range: 301 307 --]] TRIK_SEL_FN = bind_add_param2("_SEL_FN", 2, 301) --[[ // @Param: TRIK_ACT_FN // @DisplayName: Trik Action Scripting Function // @Description: Setting an RC channel's _OPTION to this value will use it for trick action (abort,announce,execute) // @Range: 301 307 --]] TRIK_ACT_FN = bind_add_param2("_ACT_FN", 3, 300) --[[ // @Param: TRIK_COUNT // @DisplayName: Trik Count // @Description: Number of tricks which can be selected over the range of the trik selection RC channel // @Range: 1 11 --]] TRIK_COUNT = bind_add_param2("_COUNT", 4, 3) TRICKS = {} last_trick_action_state = rc:get_aux_cached(TRIK_ACT_FN:get()) -- setup parameters for tricks local count = math.floor(constrain(TRIK_COUNT:get(),1,11)) for i = 1, count do local k = 5*i local prefix = string.format("%u", i) TRICKS[i] = TrickDef(bind_add_param2(prefix .. "_ID", k+0, -1), bind_add_param2(prefix .. "_ARG1", k+1, 30), bind_add_param2(prefix .. "_ARG2", k+2, 0), bind_add_param2(prefix .. "_ARG3", k+3, 0), bind_add_param2(prefix .. "_ARG4", k+4, 0)) end gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.ALERT, string.format("Enabled %u aerobatic tricks", TRIK_COUNT:get())) end local NAV_SCRIPT_TIME = 42702 local MODE_AUTO = 10 local MODE_RTL = 11 local LOOP_RATE = 40 local DO_JUMP = 177 local k_throttle = 70 local NAME_FLOAT_RATE = 2 local AIRSPEED_CRUISE = Parameter("AIRSPEED_CRUISE") local last_id = 0 local current_task = nil local last_named_float_t = 0 local last_named_float_send_t = 0 local path_var = {} local function wrap_360(angle) local res = math.fmod(angle, 360.0) if res < 0 then res = res + 360.0 end return res end local function wrap_180(angle) local res = wrap_360(angle) if res > 180 then res = res - 360 end return res end local function wrap_pi(angle) local angle_deg = math.deg(angle) local angle_wrapped = wrap_180(angle_deg) return math.rad(angle_wrapped) end local function wrap_2pi(angle) local angle_deg = math.deg(angle) local angle_wrapped = wrap_360(angle_deg) return math.rad(angle_wrapped) end --[[ calculate an alpha for a first order low pass filter --]] local function calc_lowpass_alpha(dt, time_constant) local rc = time_constant/(math.pi*2) return dt/(dt+rc) end --[[ get the c.y element of a quaternion, which gives the projection of the vehicle y axis in the down direction This is equal to sin(roll)*cos(pitch) --]] local function get_quat_dcm_c_y(q) local q1 = q:q1() local q2 = q:q2() local q3 = q:q3() local q4 = q:q4() local q3q4 = q3 * q4 local q1q2 = q1 * q2 return 2*(q3q4 + q1q2) end --[[ get the c.y element of the DCM body to earth matrix, which gives the projection of the vehicle y axis in the down direction This is equal to sin(roll)*cos(pitch) --]] local function get_ahrs_dcm_c_y() return get_quat_dcm_c_y(ahrs:get_quaternion()) end -- a PI controller implemented as a Lua object local function PI_controller(kP,kI,iMax,min,max) -- the new instance. You can put public variables inside this self -- declaration if you want to local self = {} -- private fields as locals local _kP = kP or 0.0 local _kI = kI or 0.0 local _iMax = iMax local _min = min local _max = max local _last_t = nil local _I = 0 local _P = 0 local _total = 0 local _counter = 0 local _target = 0 local _current = 0 -- update the controller. function self.update(target, current) local now = millis():tofloat() * 0.001 if not _last_t then _last_t = now end local dt = now - _last_t _last_t = now local err = target - current _counter = _counter + 1 local P = _kP * err if ((_total < _max and _total > _min) or (_total >= _max and err < 0) or (_total <= _min and err > 0)) then _I = _I + _kI * err * dt end if _iMax then _I = constrain(_I, -_iMax, iMax) end local I = _I local ret = P + I _target = target _current = current _P = P ret = constrain(ret, _min, _max) _total = ret return ret end -- reset integrator to an initial value function self.reset(integrator) _I = integrator end function self.set_I(I) _kI = I end function self.set_P(P) _kP = P end function self.set_Imax(Imax) _iMax = Imax end -- log the controller internals function self.log(name, add_total) -- allow for an external addition to total logger.write(name,'Targ,Curr,P,I,Total,Add','ffffff',_target,_current,_P,_I,_total,add_total) end -- return the instance return self end local function speed_controller(kP_param,kI_param, kFF_pitch_param, Imax, min, max) local self = {} local kFF_pitch = kFF_pitch_param local PI = PI_controller(kP_param:get(), kI_param:get(), Imax, min, max) function self.update(target, anticipated_pitch_rad) local current_speed = ahrs:get_velocity_NED():length() local throttle = PI.update(target, current_speed) local FF = math.sin(anticipated_pitch_rad)*kFF_pitch:get() PI.log("AESP", FF) return throttle + FF end function self.reset() PI.reset(0) local temp_throttle = self.update(ahrs:get_velocity_NED():length(), 0) local current_throttle = SRV_Channels:get_output_scaled(k_throttle) PI.reset(current_throttle-temp_throttle) end return self end local speed_PI = speed_controller(SPD_P, SPD_I, THR_PIT_FF, 100.0, 0.0, 100.0) local function speed_adjust_controller(kP_param, kI_param) local self = {} local spd_max = AEROM_TS_SPDMAX:get() local PI = PI_controller(kP_param:get(), kI_param:get(), spd_max, -spd_max, spd_max) function self.update(spd_error) local adjustment = PI.update(0, spd_error) PI.log("AESA", 0) return adjustment end function self.reset() PI.reset(0) end return self end local speed_adjustment_PI = speed_adjust_controller(AEROM_TS_P, AEROM_TS_I) function sgn(x) local eps = 0.000001 if (x > eps) then return 1.0 elseif x < eps then return -1.0 else return 0.0 end end local function get_wp_location(i) local m = mission:get_item(i) local loc = Location() loc:lat(m:x()) loc:lng(m:y()) loc:relative_alt(true) loc:terrain_alt(false) loc:origin_alt(false) loc:alt(math.floor(m:z()*100)) return loc end local function resolve_jump(i) local m = mission:get_item(i) while m:command() == DO_JUMP do i = math.floor(m:param1()) m = mission:get_item(i) end return i end --[[ Wrapper to construct a Vector3f{x, y, z} from (x, y, z) --]] local function makeVector3f(x, y, z) local vec = Vector3f() vec:x(x) vec:y(y) vec:z(z) return vec end --[[ get quaternion rotation between vector1 and vector2 with thanks to https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1171849/finding-quaternion-representing-the-rotation-from-one-vector-to-another --]] local function vectors_to_quat_rotation(vector1, vector2) local v1 = vector1:copy() local v2 = vector2:copy() v1:normalize() v2:normalize() local dot = v1:dot(v2) local a = v1:cross(v2) local w = 1.0 + dot local q = Quaternion() q:q1(w) q:q2(a:x()) q:q3(a:y()) q:q4(a:z()) q:normalize() return q end --[[ get path rate from two tangents and delta time --]] local function tangents_to_rate(t1, t2, dt) local q_delta = vectors_to_quat_rotation(t1, t2) local rate_rads = Vector3f() q_delta:to_axis_angle(rate_rads) rate_rads = rate_rads:scale(1.0/dt) return rate_rads end --[[ create a class that inherits from a base class --]] local function inheritsFrom(baseClass, name_in) local new_class = { name = name_in } local class_mt = { __index = new_class } function new_class:create() local newinst = {} setmetatable( newinst, class_mt ) return newinst end if nil ~= baseClass then setmetatable( new_class, { __index = baseClass } ) end return new_class end --[[ return a quaternion for a roll, pitch, yaw (321 euler sequence) attitude --]] function qorient(roll_deg, pitch_deg, yaw_deg) local q = Quaternion() q:from_euler(math.rad(roll_deg), math.rad(pitch_deg), math.rad(yaw_deg)) return q end --[[ rotate a vector by a quaternion --]] local function quat_earth_to_body(quat, v) local v2 = v:copy() quat:earth_to_body(v2) return v2 end --[[ rotate a vector by a inverse quaternion --]] local function quat_body_to_earth(quat, v) local v2 = v:copy() quat:inverse():earth_to_body(v2) return v2 end --[[ copy a quaternion --]] local function quat_copy(q) return q:inverse():inverse() end --[[ trajectory building blocks. We have two types of building blocks, roll blocks and path blocks. These are combined to give composite paths --]] --[[ roll component that goes through a fixed total angle at a fixed roll rate --]] local _roll_angle = inheritsFrom(nil, 'roll_angle') function _roll_angle:get_roll(t) if self.angle == nil then return 0 end return self.angle * t end function roll_angle(angle) local self = _roll_angle:create() if angle ~= 0 then self.angle = angle end return self end --[[ roll component that banks to _angle over AEROM_ENTRY_RATE degrees/s, then holds that angle, then banks back to zero at AEROM_ENTRY_RATE degrees/s --]] local _roll_angle_entry_exit = inheritsFrom(nil, "roll_angle_entry_exit") function _roll_angle_entry_exit:get_roll(t, time_s) local entry_s = math.abs(self.angle) / AEROM_ENTRY_RATE:get() local entry_t = entry_s / time_s if entry_t > 0.5 then entry_t = 0.5 end if t <= 0 then return 0 end if t < entry_t then return self.angle * t / entry_t end if t < 1.0 - entry_t then return self.angle end if self.angle == 0 or t >= 1.0 then return 0 end return (1.0 - ((t - (1.0 - entry_t)) / entry_t)) * self.angle end function roll_angle_entry_exit(angle) local self = _roll_angle_entry_exit:create() self.angle = angle return self end --[[ roll component that banks to _angle over AEROM_ENTRY_RATE degrees/s, then holds that angle --]] local _roll_angle_entry = inheritsFrom(nil, "roll_angle_entry") function _roll_angle_entry:get_roll(t, time_s) local entry_s = math.abs(self.angle) / AEROM_ENTRY_RATE:get() local entry_t = entry_s / time_s if entry_t > 0.5 then entry_t = 0.5 end if t < entry_t then return self.angle * t / entry_t end return self.angle end function roll_angle_entry(angle) local self = _roll_angle_entry:create() self.angle = angle return self end --[[ roll component that holds angle until the end of the subpath, then rolls back to 0 at the AEROM_ENTRY_RATE --]] local _roll_angle_exit = inheritsFrom(nil, "roll_angle_exit") function _roll_angle_exit:get_roll(t, time_s) local entry_s = math.abs(self.angle) / AEROM_ENTRY_RATE:get() local entry_t = entry_s / time_s if t < 1.0 - entry_t then return 0 end if self.angle == 0 then return 0 end return ((t - (1.0 - entry_t)) / entry_t) * self.angle end function roll_angle_exit(angle) local self = _roll_angle_exit:create() self.angle = angle return self end --[[ implement a sequence of rolls, specified as a list of {proportion, roll_angle} pairs --]] local _roll_sequence = inheritsFrom(nil, "roll_sequence") function _roll_sequence:get_roll(t) for i = 1, #self.seq do if t <= self.end_t[i] then local t2 = (t - self.start_t[i])/(self.seq[i][1]/self.total) return self.start_ang[i] + t2 * self.seq[i][2] end end -- we've gone past the end return self.start_ang[#self.seq] + self.seq[#self.seq][2] end function roll_sequence(seq) local self = _roll_sequence:create() self.seq = seq self.total = 0.0 self.end_t = {} self.start_t = {} self.start_ang = {} for i = 1, #seq do self.total = self.total + seq[i][1] end local t = 0.0 local angle = 0.0 for i = 1, #seq do self.start_t[i] = t self.start_ang[i] = angle angle = angle + seq[i][2] t = t + seq[i][1]/self.total self.end_t[i] = t end return self end --[[ given a path function get_pos() calculate the extents of the path along the X axis as a tuple --]] local function get_extents_x(obj) local p = obj:get_pos(0) local min_x = p:x() local max_x = min_x for t=0, 1, 0.02 do p = obj:get_pos(t) min_x = math.min(min_x, p:x()) max_x = math.max(max_x, p:x()) end return { min_x, max_x } end --[[ all path components inherit from PathComponent --]] local _PathComponent = inheritsFrom(nil) function _PathComponent:get_pos(t) return makeVector3f(0, 0, 0) end function _PathComponent:get_length() return 0 end function _PathComponent:get_final_orientation() return Quaternion() end function _PathComponent:get_roll_correction(t) return 0 end function _PathComponent:get_attribute(t, attrib) return self[attrib] end function _PathComponent:get_extents_x() if self.extents ~= nil then return self.extents end self.extents = get_extents_x(self) return self.extents end --[[ path component that does a straight horizontal line --]] local _path_straight = inheritsFrom(_PathComponent, "path_straight") function _path_straight:get_pos(t) return makeVector3f(self.distance*t, 0, 0) end function _path_straight:get_length() return self.distance end function path_straight(distance) local self = _path_straight:create() self.distance = distance return self end --[[ path component that does a straight line then reverses direction --]] local _path_reverse = inheritsFrom(_PathComponent, "path_reverse") function _path_reverse:get_pos(t) if t < 0.5 then return makeVector3f(self.distance*t*2, 0, 0) else return makeVector3f(self.distance-(self.distance*(t-0.5)*2), 0, 0) end end function _path_reverse:get_length() return self.distance*2 end function path_reverse(distance) local self = _path_reverse:create() self.distance = distance return self end --[[ path component that aligns to within the aerobatic box --]] local _path_align_box = inheritsFrom(_PathComponent, "path_align_box") function _path_align_box:get_pos(t) return makeVector3f(self.distance*t, 0, 0) end function _path_align_box:get_length() return self.distance end function _path_align_box:set_next_extents(extents, start_pos, start_orientation) local box_half = AEROM_BOX_WIDTH:get()/2 local start_x = start_pos:x() local next_max_x = extents[2] if math.abs(math.deg(start_orientation:get_euler_yaw())) > 90 then -- we are on a reverse path self.distance = (box_half * self.alignment) + start_x - next_max_x else -- we are on a forward path self.distance = (box_half * self.alignment) - start_x - next_max_x end self.distance = math.max(self.distance, 0.01) end function path_align_box(alignment) local self = _path_align_box:create() self.distance = nil self.alignment = alignment return self end --[[ path component that aligns so the center of the next maneuver is centered within the aerobatic box --]] local _path_align_center = inheritsFrom(_PathComponent, "path_align_center") function _path_align_center:get_pos(t) return makeVector3f(self.distance*t, 0, 0) end function _path_align_center:get_length() return self.distance end function _path_align_center:set_next_extents(extents, start_pos, start_orientation) local start_x = start_pos:x() local next_mid_x = (extents[1]+extents[2])*0.5 if math.abs(math.deg(start_orientation:get_euler_yaw())) > 90 then -- we are on a reverse path self.distance = start_x - next_mid_x else -- we are on a forward path self.distance = - start_x - next_mid_x end self.distance = math.max(self.distance, 0.01) end function path_align_center() local self = _path_align_center:create() self.distance = nil return self end --[[ path component that does a vertical arc over a given angle --]] local _path_vertical_arc = inheritsFrom(_PathComponent, "path_vertical_arc") function _path_vertical_arc:get_pos(t) local t2ang = wrap_2pi(t * math.rad(self.angle)) return makeVector3f(math.abs(self.radius)*math.sin(t2ang), 0, -self.radius*(1.0 - math.cos(t2ang))) end function _path_vertical_arc:get_length() return math.abs(self.radius) * 2 * math.pi * math.abs(self.angle) / 360.0 end function _path_vertical_arc:get_final_orientation() local q = Quaternion() q:from_axis_angle(makeVector3f(0,1,0), sgn(self.radius)*math.rad(wrap_180(self.angle))) q:normalize() return q end function path_vertical_arc(radius, angle) local self = _path_vertical_arc:create() self.radius = radius self.angle = angle return self end --[[ path component that does a horizontal arc over a given angle --]] local _path_horizontal_arc = inheritsFrom(_PathComponent, "path_horizontal_arc") function _path_horizontal_arc:get_pos(t) local t2ang = t * math.rad(self.angle) return makeVector3f(math.abs(self.radius)*math.sin(t2ang), self.radius*(1.0 - math.cos(t2ang)), -self.height_gain*t) end function _path_horizontal_arc:get_length() local circumference = 2 * math.pi * math.abs(self.radius) local full_circle_height_gain = self.height_gain * 360.0 / math.abs(self.angle) local helix_length = math.sqrt(full_circle_height_gain*full_circle_height_gain + circumference*circumference) return helix_length * math.abs(self.angle) / 360.0 end function _path_horizontal_arc:get_final_orientation() local q = Quaternion() q:from_axis_angle(makeVector3f(0,0,1), sgn(self.radius)*math.rad(self.angle)) return q end --[[ roll correction for the rotation caused by height gain --]] function _path_horizontal_arc:get_roll_correction(t) if self.height_gain == 0 then return 0 end local gamma=math.atan(self.height_gain*(360/self.angle)/(2*math.pi*self.radius)) return -t*self.angle*math.sin(gamma) end function path_horizontal_arc(radius, angle, height_gain) local self = _path_horizontal_arc:create() self.radius = radius self.angle = angle self.height_gain = height_gain or 0 return self end --[[ path component that does a cylinder for a barrel roll --]] local _path_cylinder = inheritsFrom(_PathComponent, "path_cylinder") function _path_cylinder:get_pos(t) local t2ang = t * self.num_spirals * math.pi * 2 local v = makeVector3f(self.length*t, math.abs(self.radius)*math.sin(t2ang+math.pi), -math.abs(self.radius)*(1.0 - math.cos(t2ang))) local qrot = Quaternion() qrot:from_axis_angle(makeVector3f(0,0,1), (0.5*math.pi)-self.gamma) v = quat_earth_to_body(qrot, v) if self.radius < 0 then -- mirror for reverse radius v:y(-v:y()) end return v end function _path_cylinder:get_length() local circumference = 2 * math.pi * math.abs(self.radius) local length_per_spiral = self.length / self.num_spirals local helix_length = math.sqrt(length_per_spiral*length_per_spiral + circumference*circumference) return helix_length * self.num_spirals end --[[ roll correction for the rotation caused by the path --]] function _path_cylinder:get_roll_correction(t) return sgn(self.radius)*t*360*math.sin(self.gamma)*self.num_spirals end function path_cylinder(radius, length, num_spirals) local self = _path_cylinder:create() self.radius = radius self.length = length self.num_spirals = num_spirals self.gamma = math.atan((length/num_spirals)/(2*math.pi*math.abs(radius))) return self end --[[ a Path has the methods of both RollComponent and PathComponent allowing for a complete description of a subpath --]] local _Path = inheritsFrom(nil) function _Path:get_roll(t, time_s) return wrap_180(self.roll_component:get_roll(t, time_s)) end function _Path:get_roll_correction(t) return self.path_component:get_roll_correction(t) end function _Path:get_pos(t) return self.path_component:get_pos(t) end function _Path:get_length() return self.path_component:get_length() end function _Path:get_final_orientation() return self.path_component:get_final_orientation() end function _Path:get_attribute(t, attrib) return self[attrib] end function _Path:set_next_extents(extents, start_pos, start_orientation) self.path_component:set_next_extents(extents, start_pos, start_orientation) end local function Path(path_component, roll_component) local self = _Path:create() self.name = string.format("%s|%s", path_component.name, roll_component.name) assert(path_component) assert(roll_component) self.path_component = path_component self.roll_component = roll_component return self end --[[ componse multiple sub-paths together to create a full trajectory --]] local _path_composer = inheritsFrom(nil) -- return the subpath with index i. Used to cope with two ways of calling path_composer function _path_composer:subpath(i) if i == self.cache_i then return self.cache_sp end self.cache_i = i local sp = self.subpaths[i] if sp.name then -- we are being called with a list of Path objects self.cache_sp = sp else -- we are being called with a list function/argument tuples local args = self.subpaths[i][2] self.cache_sp = self.subpaths[i][1](args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], self.start_pos[i], self.start_orientation[i]) -- copy over path attributes for _, v in pairs(path_attribs) do self.cache_sp[v] = self.subpaths[i][v] end end return self.cache_sp end function _path_composer:end_time(i) local proportion = self.lengths[i] / self.total_length return self.start_time[i] + proportion end function _path_composer:get_subpath_t(t) if self.last_subpath_t[1] == t then -- use cached value return self.last_subpath_t[2], self.last_subpath_t[3] end local i = 1 while t >= self:end_time(i) and i < self.num_sub_paths do i = i + 1 end local proportion = self.lengths[i]/self.total_length local subpath_t = (t - self.start_time[i]) / proportion self.last_subpath_t = { t, subpath_t, i } local sp = self:subpath(i) if i > self.highest_i and t < 1.0 and t > 0 then self.highest_i = i if sp.message ~= nil then local msg = sp.message if option_set(OPTIONS.MSG_ADD_AT) then msg = "@" .. msg end gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.ALERT, msg) end if AEROM_DEBUG:get() > 0 then gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.ALERT, string.format("starting %s[%d] %s", self.name, i, sp.name)) end end return subpath_t, i end -- return position at time t function _path_composer:get_pos(t) local subpath_t, i = self:get_subpath_t(t) local sp = self:subpath(i) return quat_earth_to_body(self.start_orientation[i], sp:get_pos(subpath_t)) + self.start_pos[i] end -- return angle for the composed path at time t function _path_composer:get_roll(t, time_s) local subpath_t, i = self:get_subpath_t(t) local speed = target_groundspeed() local sp = self:subpath(i) local angle = sp:get_roll(subpath_t, self.lengths[i]/speed) return angle + self.start_angle[i] end function _path_composer:get_roll_correction(t) local subpath_t, i = self:get_subpath_t(t) local sp = self:subpath(i) return sp:get_roll_correction(subpath_t) + (self.start_roll_correction[i] or 0) end function _path_composer:get_length() return self.total_length end function _path_composer:get_final_orientation() return self.final_orientation end function _path_composer:get_attribute(t, attrib) local subpath_t, i = self:get_subpath_t(t) local sp = self:subpath(i) return sp[attrib] or sp:get_attribute(subpath_t, attrib) end function _path_composer:get_extents_x() if self.extents ~= nil then return self.extents end self.extents = get_extents_x(self) return self.extents end function _path_composer:calculate_timestamps() self.timestamp_start = {} self.timestamp_start[1] = 0.0 self.have_timestamps = false for i = 1, self.num_sub_paths do local sp = self:subpath(i) local timestamp = sp.timestamp if timestamp then self.timestamp_start[i] = timestamp self.have_timestamps = true end end if self.have_timestamps then local tstart = 0.0 for i = 2, self.num_sub_paths do if not self.timestamp_start[i] then -- find the next element with a timestamp, getting total length local length_sum = self:subpath(i-1):get_length() for j = i, self.num_sub_paths do if self.timestamp_start[j] then --gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.ALERT, string.format("found %u %u %.3f ts=%.3f", i, j, length_sum, tstart)) for k = i, j-1 do local len = self:subpath(k):get_length() self.timestamp_start[k] = tstart + len / length_sum --gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.ALERT, string.format("ts[%u] %.3f %.2f/%.2f", k, self.timestamp_start[k], len, length_sum)) end break end length_sum = length_sum + self:subpath(j):get_length() end else tstart = self.timestamp_start[i] end end self.timestamp_start[self.num_sub_paths+1] = self.timestamp_start[self.num_sub_paths]+1.0 end self.patht_start = {} self.patht_start[1] = 0.0 self.patht_start[self.num_sub_paths+1] = 1.0 local total_length = self:get_length() for i = 2, self.num_sub_paths do self.patht_start[i] = self.patht_start[i-1] + self:subpath(i-1):get_length() / total_length end if self.have_timestamps then gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.INFO,"Calculated timestamps") end end function _path_composer:patht_to_timestamp(path_t) path_t = constrain(path_t, 0.0, 1.0) if not self.have_timestamps then return path_t end for i = 1, self.num_sub_paths do if self.patht_start[i+1] >= path_t then local dt = path_t - self.patht_start[i] local p = dt / (self.patht_start[i+1] - self.patht_start[i]) return self.timestamp_start[i] + p * (self.timestamp_start[i+1] - self.timestamp_start[i]) end end return self.timestamp_start[self.num_sub_paths+1] end function _path_composer:timestamp_to_patht(tstamp) if not self.have_timestamps then return tstamp end tstamp = constrain(tstamp, 0.0, self.timestamp_start[self.num_sub_paths+1]) for i = 1, self.num_sub_paths do if self.timestamp_start[i+1] >= tstamp then local dt = tstamp - self.timestamp_start[i] local p = dt / (self.timestamp_start[i+1] - self.timestamp_start[i]) return self.patht_start[i] + p * (self.patht_start[i+1] - self.patht_start[i]) end end return 1.0 end --[[ get the time that the next segment starts --]] function _path_composer:get_next_segment_start(t) local subpath_t, i = self:get_subpath_t(t) local sp = self:subpath(i) if sp.get_next_segment_start ~= nil then return self.start_time[i] + (sp:get_next_segment_start(subpath_t) * (self:end_time(i) - self.start_time[i])) end return self:end_time(i) end local function path_composer(name, subpaths) local self = _path_composer:create() self.name = name self.subpaths = subpaths self.lengths = {} self.start_time = {} self.start_orientation = {} self.start_pos = {} self.start_angle = {} self.start_roll_correction = {} self.total_length = 0 self.num_sub_paths = #subpaths self.last_subpath_t = { -1, 0, 0 } self.highest_i = 0 local orientation = Quaternion() local pos = makeVector3f(0,0,0) local angle = 0 local roll_correction = 0 local speed = target_groundspeed() for i = 1, self.num_sub_paths do -- accumulate orientation, position and angle self.start_orientation[i] = quat_copy(orientation) self.start_pos[i] = pos:copy() self.start_angle[i] = angle if roll_correction ~= 0 then self.start_roll_correction[i] = roll_correction end local sp = self:subpath(i) self.lengths[i] = sp:get_length() if self.lengths[i] == nil and i < self.num_sub_paths then local sp2 = self:subpath(i+1) local next_extents = sp2:get_extents_x() if next_extents ~= nil then sp:set_next_extents(next_extents, self.start_pos[i], self.start_orientation[i]) self.lengths[i] = sp:get_length() -- solidify this subpath now that it has its length calculated self.subpaths[i] = sp end end self.total_length = self.total_length + self.lengths[i] local spos = quat_earth_to_body(orientation, sp:get_pos(1.0)) pos = pos + spos orientation = sp:get_final_orientation() * orientation orientation:normalize() angle = angle + sp:get_roll(1.0, self.lengths[i]/speed) roll_correction = roll_correction + sp:get_roll_correction(1.0) if sp.set_orient ~= nil then -- override orientation at this point in the sequence orientation = sp.set_orient end if sp.roll_ref ~= nil then local q = Quaternion() q:from_axis_angle(makeVector3f(1,0,0), math.rad(sp.roll_ref)) orientation = orientation * q orientation:normalize() end end -- get our final orientation, including roll self.final_orientation = quat_copy(orientation) local q = Quaternion() q:from_axis_angle(makeVector3f(1,0,0), math.rad(wrap_180(angle))) self.final_orientation = q * self.final_orientation -- work out the proportion of the total time we will spend in each sub path local total_time = 0 for i = 1, self.num_sub_paths do self.start_time[i] = total_time local proportion = self.lengths[i]/self.total_length total_time = total_time + proportion end return self end --[[ make a list of Path() objects from a list of PathComponent, RollComponent pairs --]] function make_paths(name, paths) local p = {} for i = 1, #paths do if paths[i][2] == nil then p[i] = paths[i][1] else p[i] = Path(paths[i][1], paths[i][2]) end -- copy over path attributes for _, v in pairs(path_attribs) do if paths[i][v] ~= nil then p[i][v] = paths[i][v] end end end return path_composer(name, p) end --[[ composed trajectories, does as individual aerobatic maneuvers --]] function climbing_circle(radius, height, bank_angle, arg4) return make_paths("climbing_circle", { { path_horizontal_arc(radius, 360, height), roll_angle_entry_exit(bank_angle) }, }) end function half_climbing_circle(radius, height, bank_angle, arg4) return make_paths("half_climbing_circle", { { path_horizontal_arc(radius, 180, height), roll_angle_entry_exit(bank_angle) }, }) end function partial_circle(radius, bank_angle, angle) return make_paths("partial_circle", { { path_horizontal_arc(radius, angle, 0), roll_angle_entry_exit(bank_angle) }, }) end function loop(radius, bank_angle, num_loops, arg4) if not num_loops or num_loops <= 0 then num_loops = 1 end return make_paths("loop", { { path_vertical_arc(radius, 360*num_loops), roll_angle_entry_exit(bank_angle) }, }) end function straight_roll(length, num_rolls, arg3, arg4) return make_paths("straight_roll", { { path_straight(length), roll_angle(num_rolls*360) }, }) end --[[ fly straight until we are distance meters from the composite path origin in the maneuver frame along the X axis. If we are already past that position then return immediately --]] function straight_align(distance, arg2, arg3, arg4, start_pos, start_orientation) local d2 = distance - start_pos:x() local v = quat_earth_to_body(start_orientation, makeVector3f(d2, 0, 0)) local len = math.max(v:x(),0.01) return make_paths("straight_align", { { path_straight(len), roll_angle(0) }, }) end --[[ fly straight so that the next maneuver in the sequence ends at the given proportion of the aerobatic box --]] function align_box(alignment, arg2, arg3, arg4) return Path(path_align_box(alignment), roll_angle(0)) end --[[ fly straight so that the next maneuver in the sequence is centered in the aerobatic box --]] function align_center(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) return Path(path_align_center(), roll_angle(0)) end function immelmann_turn(r, arg2, arg3, arg4) local rabs = math.abs(r) return make_paths("immelmann_turn", { { path_vertical_arc(r, 180), roll_angle(0) }, { path_straight(rabs), roll_angle(180) }, }) end -- immelmann with max roll rate function immelmann_turn_fast(r, arg2, arg3, arg4) local roll_time = 180.0 / ACRO_ROLL_RATE:get() local roll_dist = target_groundspeed() * roll_time return make_paths("immelmann_turn_fast", { { path_vertical_arc(r, 180), roll_angle(0) }, { path_straight(roll_dist), roll_angle(180) }, }) end function humpty_bump(r, h, arg3, arg4) assert(h >= 2*r) local rabs = math.abs(r) return make_paths("humpty_bump", { { path_vertical_arc(r, 90), roll_angle(0) }, { path_straight((h-2*rabs)/3), roll_angle(0) }, { path_straight((h-2*rabs)/3), roll_angle(180) }, { path_straight((h-2*rabs)/3), roll_angle(0) }, { path_vertical_arc(-r, 180), roll_angle(0) }, { path_straight(h-2*rabs), roll_angle(0) }, { path_vertical_arc(-r, 90), roll_angle(0) }, { path_straight(2*rabs), roll_angle(0) }, }) end function laydown_humpty(r, h, arg3, arg4) assert(h >= 2*r) local rabs = math.abs(r) return make_paths("laydown_humpty", { { path_vertical_arc(r, 45), roll_angle(0) }, { path_straight((h-2*rabs)/3), roll_angle(0) }, { path_straight((h-2*rabs)/3), roll_angle(-90), roll_ref=90 }, { path_straight((h-2*rabs)/3), roll_angle(0) }, { path_vertical_arc(r, 180), roll_angle(0) }, { path_straight((h-2*rabs)/3), roll_angle(0) }, { path_straight((h-2*rabs)/3), roll_angle(90), roll_ref=-90 }, { path_straight((h-2*rabs)/3), roll_angle(0) }, { path_vertical_arc(-r, 45), roll_angle(0), roll_ref=180}, }) end function split_s(r, arg2, arg3, arg4) local rabs = math.abs(r) return make_paths("split_s", { { path_straight(rabs/2), roll_angle(180) }, { path_vertical_arc(-r, 180), roll_angle(0) }, }) end function upline_45(r, height_gain, arg3, arg4) --local h = (height_gain - 2*r*(1.0-math.cos(math.rad(45))))/math.sin(math.rad(45)) local h = (height_gain - (2 * r) + (2 * r * math.cos(math.rad(45)))) / math.cos(math.rad(45)) assert(h >= 0) return make_paths("upline_45", { { path_vertical_arc(r, 45), roll_angle(0) }, { path_straight(h), roll_angle(0) }, { path_vertical_arc(-r, 45), roll_angle(0) }, }) end function upline_20(r, height_gain, arg3, arg4) local h = (height_gain - 2*r*(1.0-math.cos(math.rad(20))))/math.sin(math.rad(20)) assert(h >= 0) return make_paths("upline_45", { { path_vertical_arc(r, 20), roll_angle(0) }, { path_straight(h), roll_angle(0) }, { path_vertical_arc(-r, 20), roll_angle(0) }, }) end function downline_45(r, height_loss, arg3, arg4) local h = (height_loss - 2*r*(1.0-math.cos(math.rad(45))))/math.sin(math.rad(45)) assert(h >= 0) return make_paths("downline_45", { { path_vertical_arc(-r, 45), roll_angle(0) }, { path_straight(h), roll_angle(0) }, { path_vertical_arc(r, 45), roll_angle(0) }, }) end function rolling_circle(radius, num_rolls, arg3, arg4) return make_paths("rolling_circle", { { path_horizontal_arc(radius, 360), roll_angle(360*num_rolls), thr_boost=true }, }) end function barrel_roll(radius, length, num_spirals, arg4) local gamma_deg = math.deg(math.atan((length/num_spirals)/(2*math.pi*math.abs(radius)))) local speed = target_groundspeed() local bank = math.deg(math.atan((speed*speed) / (radius * GRAVITY_MSS))) local radius2 = radius/(1.0 - math.cos(math.rad(90-gamma_deg))) return make_paths("barrel_roll", { { path_horizontal_arc(-radius2, 90-gamma_deg, 0), roll_angle_entry_exit(-bank) }, { path_cylinder(radius, length, num_spirals), roll_angle(0) }, { path_horizontal_arc(radius2, 90-gamma_deg, 0), roll_angle_entry_exit(bank) }, }) end function side_step(displacement, length, arg3, arg4) local speed = target_groundspeed() local radius = (displacement*displacement + length*length)/(4*displacement) local angle = math.deg(2*math.atan(displacement, length)) local sign = sgn(displacement) local bank = math.deg(math.atan((speed*speed) / (radius * GRAVITY_MSS))) return make_paths("side_step",{ {path_horizontal_arc(sign*radius, angle, 0), roll_angle_entry_exit(sign*bank)}, {path_horizontal_arc(-sign*radius, angle, 0) , roll_angle_entry_exit(-sign*bank)}, }) end function straight_flight(length, bank_angle, arg3, arg4) return make_paths("straight_flight", { { path_straight(length), roll_angle_entry_exit(bank_angle) }, }) end function straight_hold(length, bank_angle, arg3, arg4) return make_paths("straight_hold", { { path_straight(length), roll_angle_entry(bank_angle) }, }) end function scale_figure_eight(r, bank_angle, arg3, arg4) local rabs = math.abs(r) return make_paths("scale_figure_eight", { { path_straight(rabs), roll_angle(0) }, { path_horizontal_arc(r, 90), roll_angle_entry_exit(bank_angle) }, { path_horizontal_arc(-r, 360), roll_angle_entry_exit(-bank_angle) }, { path_horizontal_arc(r, 270), roll_angle_entry_exit(bank_angle) }, { path_straight(3*rabs), roll_angle(0) }, }) end function figure_eight(r, bank_angle, arg3, arg4) local rabs = math.abs(r) return make_paths("figure_eight", { { path_straight(rabs*math.sqrt(2)), roll_angle(0) }, { path_horizontal_arc(r, 225), roll_angle_entry_exit(bank_angle) }, { path_straight(2*rabs), roll_angle(0) }, { path_horizontal_arc(-r, 270), roll_angle_entry_exit(-bank_angle) }, { path_straight(2*rabs), roll_angle(0) }, { path_horizontal_arc(r, 45), roll_angle_entry_exit(bank_angle) }, }) end --[[ perform a rudder over maneuver --]] function rudder_over(direction, min_speed) local self = {} local reached_speed = false local kick_started = false local pitch2_done = false local descent_done = false local target_q = nil local initial_q = nil local last_t = nil local initial_z = nil local desired_direction = nil --[[ the update() method is called during the rudder over, it should return true when the maneuver is completed --]] function self.update(path, t, target_speed) if descent_done then -- we're all done return true end local ahrs_quat = ahrs:get_quaternion() local ahrs_pos = ahrs:get_relative_position_NED_origin() local ahrs_gyro = ahrs:get_gyro() local now = millis():tofloat() * 0.001 if target_q == nil then -- initialising initial_z = ahrs_pos:z() target_q = quat_copy(ahrs_quat) initial_q = quat_copy(target_q) last_t = now end local dt = now - last_t last_t = now local error_quat = ahrs_quat:inverse() * target_q local rate_rads = Vector3f() error_quat:to_axis_angle(rate_rads) local tc = ROLL_CORR_TC:get() local rate_dps = rate_rads:scale(math.deg(1)/tc) -- use user set throttle for achieving the stall local throttle = AEROM_STALL_THR:get() local pitch_deg = math.deg(ahrs:get_pitch()) if reached_speed and not kick_started and math.abs(math.deg(ahrs_gyro:z())) > ACRO_YAW_RATE:get()/3 then kick_started = true end if kick_started then -- when we have established some yaw rate cut the throttle to minimum throttle = AEROM_THR_MIN:get() end vehicle:set_target_throttle_rate_rpy(throttle, rate_dps:x(), rate_dps:y(), rate_dps:z()) log_pose('POSM', ahrs_pos, ahrs:get_quaternion()) log_pose('POST', ahrs_pos, target_q) local current_speed_up = -ahrs:get_velocity_NED():z() if not reached_speed and current_speed_up <= min_speed then reached_speed = true end if not reached_speed then return false end -- integrate desired attitude through yaw local q_rate_rads = makeVector3f(0,0,ahrs_gyro:z()) if pitch2_done then -- stop adding yaw q_rate_rads:z(0) end local rotation = Quaternion() rotation:from_angular_velocity(q_rate_rads, dt) target_q = target_q * rotation target_q:normalize() --[[ override rudder to maximum, basing PWM on the MIN/MAX of the channel according to the desired direction --]] if desired_direction == nil then desired_direction = direction if desired_direction == 0 then local c_y = get_ahrs_dcm_c_y() if c_y > 0 then desired_direction = 1 else desired_direction = -1 end end end if not pitch2_done then vehicle:set_rudder_offset(desired_direction * 100, false) else vehicle:set_rudder_offset(0, true) end if not kick_started then return false end -- see if we are nose down if kick_started and pitch_deg < AEROM_STALL_PIT:get() and not pitch2_done then -- lock onto a descent path pitch2_done = true target_q = initial_q * qorient(0, 0, 180) --[[ correct the attitude to the opposite correction that we had at the start of the slowdown, so we fight the wind on the way down --]] local error_q = initial_q:inverse() * qorient(0, 90, math.deg(initial_q:get_euler_yaw())) local error_pitch = error_q:get_euler_pitch() local error_yaw = error_q:get_euler_yaw() target_q = target_q * qorient(0, math.deg(-2*error_pitch), math.deg(2*error_yaw)) target_q:normalize() return false end if not pitch2_done or ahrs_pos:z() < initial_z then -- haven't finished the descent return false end -- all done, update state descent_done = true path_var.tangent = path_var.tangent:scale(-1) path_var.path_t = path:get_next_segment_start(t) path_var.accumulated_orientation_rel_ef = path_var.accumulated_orientation_rel_ef * qorient(0,0,180) path_var.last_time = now path_var.last_ang_rate_dps = ahrs_gyro:scale(math.deg(1)) path_var.pos = rotate_path(path, path_var.path_t, path_var.initial_ori, path_var.initial_ef_pos) -- ensure that the path will move fwd on the next step path_var.pos:z(path_var.pos:z()-10) return false end return self end --[[ stall turn is not really correct, as we don't fully stall. Needs to be reworked --]] function stall_turn(radius, height, direction, min_speed) local h = height - radius assert(h >= 0) return make_paths("stall_turn", { { path_vertical_arc(radius, 90), roll_angle(0) }, { path_straight(h), roll_angle(0) }, { path_reverse(h/4), roll_angle(0), rate_override=rudder_over(direction,min_speed), set_orient=qorient(0,-90,0) }, { path_straight(h), roll_angle(0), pos_corr=0.5, shift_xy=true }, { path_vertical_arc(-radius, 90), roll_angle(0), set_orient=qorient(0,0,180) }, }) end --[[ takeoff controller --]] function takeoff_controller(distance, thr_slew) local self = {} local start_time = 0 local start_pos = nil local all_done = false local initial_yaw_deg = math.deg(ahrs:get_yaw()) local yaw_correction_tconst = 1.0 gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.INFO,string.format("Takeoff init")) --[[ the update() method is called during the rudder over, it should return true when the maneuver is completed --]] function self.update(path, t, target_speed) if all_done then return true end local now = millis():tofloat() * 0.001 local ahrs_pos = ahrs:get_relative_position_NED_origin() if start_time == 0 then gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.INFO,string.format("Takeoff start")) start_time = now start_pos = ahrs_pos end local throttle = constrain(thr_slew * (now - start_time), 0, 100) local yaw_deg = math.deg(ahrs:get_yaw()) local yaw_err_deg = wrap_180(yaw_deg - initial_yaw_deg) local targ_yaw_rate = -yaw_err_deg / yaw_correction_tconst vehicle:set_target_throttle_rate_rpy(throttle, 0, 0, targ_yaw_rate) vehicle:set_rudder_offset(0, true) local dist_moved = (ahrs_pos - start_pos):length() if dist_moved > distance then gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.INFO,string.format("Takeoff complete dist=%.1f", dist_moved)) path_var.path_t = path:get_next_segment_start(t) path_var.last_time = now path_var.last_ang_rate_dps = ahrs:get_gyro():scale(math.deg(1)) path_var.pos = rotate_path(path, path_var.path_t, path_var.initial_ori, path_var.initial_ef_pos) all_done = true end return false end return self end --[[ stall turn is not really correct, as we don't fully stall. Needs to be reworked --]] function takeoff(dist, height, thr_slew) local angle_deg = 20 local dist_per_arc = 3*dist/8 local radius = dist_per_arc / math.sin(math.rad(angle_deg)) local h1 = dist_per_arc * (1.0 - math.cos(math.rad(angle_deg))) local line_h = constrain(height - 2*h1, 0, height) local line_len = (line_h - 2*radius*(1.0-math.cos(math.rad(angle_deg))))/math.sin(math.rad(angle_deg)) return make_paths("takeoff", { { path_straight(dist/4), roll_angle(0), rate_override=takeoff_controller(dist/4, thr_slew) }, { path_vertical_arc(radius, 20), roll_angle(0), pos_gain_mul=0.3 }, { path_straight(line_len), roll_angle(0), pos_gain_mul=0.5 }, { path_vertical_arc(-radius, 20), roll_angle(0), pos_gain_mul=0.5 }, }) end function half_cuban_eight(r, arg2, arg3, arg4) local rabs = math.abs(r) return make_paths("half_cuban_eight", { { path_straight(2*rabs*math.sqrt(2)), roll_angle(0) }, { path_vertical_arc(r, 225), roll_angle(0) }, { path_straight(2*rabs/3), roll_angle(0) }, { path_straight(2*rabs/3), roll_angle(180) }, { path_straight(2*rabs/3), roll_angle(0) }, { path_vertical_arc(-r, 45), roll_angle(0) }, }) end function cuban_eight(r, arg2, arg3, arg4) local rabs = math.abs(r) return make_paths("cuban_eight", { { path_straight(rabs*math.sqrt(2)), roll_angle(0) }, { path_vertical_arc(r, 225), roll_angle(0) }, { path_straight(2*rabs/3), roll_angle(0) }, { path_straight(2*rabs/3), roll_angle(180) }, { path_straight(2*rabs/3), roll_angle(0) }, { path_vertical_arc(-r, 270), roll_angle(0) }, { path_straight(2*rabs/3), roll_angle(0) }, { path_straight(2*rabs/3), roll_angle(180) }, { path_straight(2*rabs/3), roll_angle(0) }, { path_vertical_arc(r, 45), roll_angle(0) }, }) end function half_reverse_cuban_eight(r, arg2, arg3, arg4) local rabs = math.abs(r) return make_paths("half_reverse_cuban_eight", { { path_vertical_arc(r, 45), roll_angle(0) }, { path_straight(2*rabs/3), roll_angle(0) }, { path_straight(2*rabs/3), roll_angle(180) }, { path_straight(2*rabs/3), roll_angle(0) }, { path_vertical_arc(-r, 225), roll_angle(0) }, }) end function horizontal_rectangle(total_length, total_width, r, bank_angle) local l = total_length - 2*r local w = total_width - 2*r return make_paths("horizontal_rectangle", { { path_straight(0.5*l), roll_angle(0) }, { path_horizontal_arc(r, 90), roll_angle_entry_exit(bank_angle)}, { path_straight(w), roll_angle(0) }, { path_horizontal_arc(r, 90), roll_angle_entry_exit(bank_angle) }, { path_straight(l), roll_angle(0) }, { path_horizontal_arc(r, 90), roll_angle_entry_exit(bank_angle) }, { path_straight(w), roll_angle(0) }, { path_horizontal_arc(r, 90), roll_angle_entry_exit(bank_angle) }, { path_straight(0.5*l), roll_angle(0) }, }) end function vertical_aerobatic_box(total_length, total_width, r, bank_angle) local l = total_length - 2*r local w = total_width - 2*r return make_paths("vertical_aerobatic_box", { { path_straight(0.5*l), roll_angle_entry(bank_angle) }, { path_vertical_arc(r, 90), roll_angle(0) }, { path_straight(w), roll_angle(0) }, { path_vertical_arc(r, 90), roll_angle(0) }, { path_straight(l), roll_angle(0) }, { path_vertical_arc(r, 90), roll_angle(0) }, { path_straight(w), roll_angle(0) }, { path_vertical_arc(r, 90), roll_angle(0) }, { path_straight(0.5*l), roll_angle_exit(-bank_angle) }, }) end --[[ a multi-point roll - length = total length of straight flight - N = number of points of roll for full 360 - hold_frac = proportion of each segment to hold attitude, will use 0.2 if 0 - num_points = number of points of the N point roll to do, will use N if 0 Note that num_points can be greater than N, for example do 6 points of a 4 point roll, resulting in inverted flight --]] function multi_point_roll(length, N, hold_frac, num_points) if hold_frac <= 0 then hold_frac = 0.2 end if num_points <= 0 then num_points = N end --[[ construct a roll sequence to use over the full length --]] local seq = {} local roll_frac = 1.0 - hold_frac for i = 1, num_points do seq[#seq+1] = { roll_frac, 360 / N } if i < num_points then seq[#seq+1] = { hold_frac, 0 } end end return make_paths("multi_point_roll", {{ path_straight(length), roll_sequence(seq) }}) end function eight_point_roll(length, arg2, arg3, arg4) return multi_point_roll(length, 8, 0.5) end function procedure_turn(radius, bank_angle, step_out, arg4) local rabs = math.abs(radius) return make_paths("procedure_turn", { { path_horizontal_arc(radius, 90), roll_angle_entry_exit(bank_angle) }, { path_straight(step_out), roll_angle(0) }, { path_horizontal_arc(-radius, 270), roll_angle_entry_exit(-bank_angle) }, { path_straight(3*rabs), roll_angle(0) }, }) end --------------------------------------------------- --[[ target speed is taken as max of target airspeed and current 3D velocity at the start of the maneuver --]] function target_groundspeed() return math.max(ahrs:get_EAS2TAS()*AIRSPEED_CRUISE:get(), ahrs:get_velocity_NED():length()) end --[[ get ground course from AHRS --]] function get_ground_course_deg() local vned = ahrs:get_velocity_NED() return wrap_180(math.deg(math.atan(vned:y(), vned:x()))) end --args: -- path_f: path function returning position -- t: normalised [0, 1] time -- arg1, arg2: arguments for path function -- orientation: maneuver frame orientation --returns: requested position, angle and speed in maneuver frame function rotate_path(path_f, t0, orientation, offset) local t = constrain(t0, 0, 1) local point = path_f:get_pos(t) local angle = path_f:get_roll(t) local roll_correction = path_f:get_roll_correction(t) local attrib = {} for _, v in pairs(path_attribs) do attrib[v] = path_f:get_attribute(t, v) end point = point + path_var.path_shift point = quat_earth_to_body(orientation, point) local scale = AEROM_PATH_SCALE:get() point = point:scale(math.abs(scale)) if scale < 0 then -- we need to mirror the path point:y(-point:y()) roll_correction = -roll_correction angle = -angle -- compensate path orientation for the mirroring local orient = orientation:inverse() point = quat_body_to_earth((orient * orient), point) end return point+offset, math.rad(angle+roll_correction), attrib end --Given vec1, vec2, returns an (rotation axis, angle) tuple that rotates vec1 to be parallel to vec2 --If vec1 and vec2 are already parallel, returns a zero vector and zero angle --Note that the rotation will not be unique. function vectors_to_rotation(vector1, vector2) local axis = vector1:cross(vector2) if axis:length() < 0.00001 then local vec = Vector3f() vec:x(1) return vec, 0 end axis:normalize() local angle = vector1:angle(vector2) return axis, angle end --returns Quaternion function vectors_to_rotation_w_roll(vector1, vector2, roll) local axis, angle = vectors_to_rotation(vector1, vector2) local vector_rotation = Quaternion() vector_rotation:from_axis_angle(axis, angle) local roll_rotation = Quaternion() roll_rotation:from_euler(roll, 0, 0) local total_rot = vector_rotation*roll_rotation return to_axis_and_angle(total_rot) end --Given vec1, vec2, returns an angular velocity tuple that rotates vec1 to be parallel to vec2 --If vec1 and vec2 are already parallel, returns a zero vector and zero angle function vectors_to_angular_rate(vector1, vector2, time_constant) local axis, angle = vectors_to_rotation(vector1, vector2) local angular_velocity = angle/time_constant return axis:scale(angular_velocity) end function vectors_to_angular_rate_w_roll(vector1, vector2, time_constant, roll) local axis, angle = vectors_to_rotation_w_roll(vector1, vector2, roll) local angular_velocity = angle/time_constant return axis:scale(angular_velocity) end -- convert a quaternion to axis angle form function to_axis_and_angle(quat) local axis_angle = Vector3f() quat:to_axis_angle(axis_angle) local angle = axis_angle:length() if angle < 0.00001 then return makeVector3f(1.0, 0.0, 0.0), 0.0 end return axis_angle:scale(1.0/angle), angle end --projects x onto the othogonal subspace of span(unit_v) function ortho_proj(x, unit_v) local temp_x = unit_v:cross(x) return unit_v:cross(temp_x) end -- log a pose from position and quaternion attitude function log_pose(logname, pos, quat) local loc = ahrs:get_origin():copy() loc:offset(pos:x(),pos:y()) logger.write(logname, 'px,py,pz,q1,q2,q3,q4,r,p,y,Lat,Lon', 'ffffffffffLL', pos:x(), pos:y(), pos:z(), quat:q1(), quat:q2(), quat:q3(), quat:q4(), math.deg(quat:get_euler_roll()), math.deg(quat:get_euler_pitch()), math.deg(quat:get_euler_yaw()), loc:lat(), loc:lng()) end --[[ get GPS week and MS, coping with crossing a week boundary --]] function get_gps_times() local gps_last_fix_ms1 = gps:last_fix_time_ms(0) local gps_week = gps:time_week(0) local gps_week_ms = gps:time_week_ms(0) local gps_last_fix_ms2 = gps:last_fix_time_ms(0) local now_ms = millis() if gps_last_fix_ms2 ~= gps_last_fix_ms1 then -- we got a new fix while requesting the values. fetch again, -- and assume we won't get another fix during these calls gps_week = gps:time_week(0) gps_week_ms = gps:time_week_ms(0) end gps_week_ms = gps_week_ms + (now_ms - gps_last_fix_ms2) return gps_week, gps_week_ms end function log_position(logname, loc, quat) local gps_week, gps_week_ms = get_gps_times() logger.write(logname, 'I,GWk,GMS,Lat,Lon,Alt,R,P,Y', 'BHILLffff', '#--DU----', '---GG----', SYSID_THISMAV:get(), gps_week, gps_week_ms, loc:lat(), loc:lng(), loc:alt()*0.01, math.deg(quat:get_euler_roll()), math.deg(quat:get_euler_pitch()), math.deg(quat:get_euler_yaw())) end --[[ check if a number is Nan. --]] function isNaN(value) -- NaN is lua is not equal to itself return value ~= value end function Vec3IsNaN(v) return isNaN(v:x()) or isNaN(v:y()) or isNaN(v:z()) end function qIsNaN(q) return isNaN(q:q1()) or isNaN(q:q2()) or isNaN(q:q3()) or isNaN(q:q4()) end --[[ return the body y projection down, this is the c.y element of the equivalent rotation matrix --]] function quat_projection_ground_plane(q) local q1q2 = q:q1() * q:q2() local q3q4 = q:q3() * q:q4() return 2.0 * (q3q4 + q1q2) end --[[ calculate rudder offset --]] function calculate_rudder_offset(ahrs_quat, ahrs_gyro, airspeed_constrained) --[[ look ahead for what our y projection will be at AEROM_KE_RUDD_LK seconds forward in time --]] local qchange = Quaternion() qchange:from_angular_velocity(ahrs_gyro, -AEROM_KE_RUDD_LK:get()) local qnew = qchange * ahrs_quat local airspeed_scaling = SCALING_SPEED:get()/airspeed_constrained local y_projection = get_quat_dcm_c_y(qnew:inverse()) local rudder_ofs = -y_projection * AEROM_KE_RUDD:get() * sq(airspeed_scaling) rudder_ofs = constrain(rudder_ofs, -100, 100) return rudder_ofs end --[[ convert a table of bytes to a lua string --]] function bytes_to_string(bytes) local ret = {} for _, b in ipairs(bytes) do if b == 0 then break end table.insert(ret, string.char(b)) end return table.concat(ret) end --[[ a lua implementation of the jitter correction algorithm from libraries/AP_RTC note that the use of a 32 bit float lua number for a uint32_t milliseconds means we lose accuracy over time. At 9 hours we have an accuracy of about 1 millisecond --]] local function JitterCorrection(max_lag_ms, convergence_loops) local self = {} local link_offset_ms = 0 local min_sample_ms = 0 local initialised = false local min_sample_counter = 0 function self.correct_offboard_timestamp_msec(offboard_ms, local_ms) local diff_ms = local_ms - offboard_ms if not initialised or diff_ms < link_offset_ms then --[[ this message arrived from the remote system with a timestamp that would imply the message was from the future. We know that isn't possible, so we adjust down the correction value --]] link_offset_ms = diff_ms initialised = true end local estimate_ms = offboard_ms + link_offset_ms if estimate_ms + max_lag_ms < local_ms then --[[ this implies the message came from too far in the past. clamp the lag estimate to assume the message had maximum lag --]] estimate_ms = local_ms - max_lag_ms link_offset_ms = estimate_ms - offboard_ms end if min_sample_counter == 0 then min_sample_ms = diff_ms end min_sample_counter = (min_sample_counter+1) if diff_ms < min_sample_ms then min_sample_ms = diff_ms end if min_sample_counter == convergence_loops then --[[ we have the requested number of samples of the transport lag for convergence. To account for long term clock drift we set the diff we will use in future to this value --]] link_offset_ms = min_sample_ms min_sample_counter = 0 end return estimate_ms end return self end --[[ import mavlink support for NAMED_VALUE_FLOAT, only used for DUAL_AIRCRAFT operation --]] local function mavlink_receiver() local self = {} local mavlink_msgs = require("mavlink_msgs") local NAMED_VALUE_FLOAT_msgid = mavlink_msgs.get_msgid("NAMED_VALUE_FLOAT") local msg_map = {} local jitter_correction = JitterCorrection(5000, 100) msg_map[NAMED_VALUE_FLOAT_msgid] = "NAMED_VALUE_FLOAT" -- initialize MAVLink rx with buffer depth and number of rx message IDs to register mavlink.init(10, 1) -- register message id to receive mavlink.register_rx_msgid(NAMED_VALUE_FLOAT_msgid) --[[ get a NAMED_VALUE_FLOAT incoming message, handling jitter correction --]] function self.get_named_value_float() local msg,_,timestamp_ms = mavlink.receive_chan() if msg then local parsed_msg = mavlink_msgs.decode(msg, msg_map) if (parsed_msg ~= nil) and (parsed_msg.msgid == NAMED_VALUE_FLOAT_msgid) then -- convert remote timestamp to local timestamp with jitter correction local time_boot_ms = jitter_correction.correct_offboard_timestamp_msec(parsed_msg.time_boot_ms, timestamp_ms:toint()) local value = parsed_msg.value local name = bytes_to_string(parsed_msg.name) return time_boot_ms, name, value, parsed_msg.sysid end end return nil end return self end local mavlink_handler = nil if option_set(OPTIONS.DUAL_AIRCRAFT) then mavlink_handler = mavlink_receiver() end --[[ handle NAMED_VALUE_FLOAT from another vehicle to sync our schedules --]] function handle_speed_adjustment() local local_t = millis():tofloat() * 0.001 local named_float_rate = AEROM_TS_RATE:get() local loc_timestamp = current_task.fn:patht_to_timestamp(path_var.path_t) if named_float_rate > 0 and loc_timestamp > 1 and local_t - last_named_float_send_t > 1.0/named_float_rate then last_named_float_send_t = local_t gcs:send_named_float("PATHT", loc_timestamp) end local time_boot_ms, name, remote_timestamp, sysid = mavlink_handler.get_named_value_float() if not time_boot_ms then return end -- gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.INFO, string.format("NVF: name='%s' value=%f sysid=%d tbm=%f", name, remote_timestamp, sysid, time_boot_ms)) if name == "PATHT" and sysid ~= SYSID_THISMAV:get() then local remote_t = time_boot_ms * 0.001 local dt = local_t - remote_t local rem_patht = current_task.fn:timestamp_to_patht(remote_timestamp) local adjusted_rem_path_t = rem_patht + dt / path_var.total_time local dist_err = (path_var.path_t - adjusted_rem_path_t) * path_var.total_time * path_var.target_speed if loc_timestamp > 1 and remote_timestamp > 1 then path_var.speed_adjustment = speed_adjustment_PI.update(dist_err) else path_var.speed_adjustment = 0.0 end local gps_week, gps_week_ms = get_gps_times() logger.write("PTHT", 'SysID,GWk,GMS,RemT,LocT,TS,RTS,PT,RPT,Dt,ARPT,DE,SA', 'BHIffffffffff', '#------------', '-------------', sysid, gps_week, gps_week_ms, remote_t, local_t, loc_timestamp, remote_timestamp, path_var.path_t, rem_patht, dt, adjusted_rem_path_t, dist_err, path_var.speed_adjustment) end end path_var.count = 0 function do_path() local now = millis():tofloat() * 0.001 local ahrs_pos_NED = ahrs:get_relative_position_NED_origin() local ahrs_pos = ahrs:get_position() local ahrs_gyro = ahrs:get_gyro() local ahrs_velned = ahrs:get_velocity_NED() local ahrs_airspeed = ahrs:airspeed_estimate() --[[ ahrs_quat is the quaterion which when used with quat_earth_to_body() rotates a vector from earth to body frame. It needs to be the inverse of ahrs:get_quaternion() --]] local ahrs_quat = ahrs:get_quaternion():inverse() path_var.count = path_var.count + 1 local path = current_task.fn if not current_task.started then local initial_yaw_deg = current_task.initial_yaw_deg current_task.started = true local speed = target_groundspeed() path_var.target_speed = speed path_var.speed_adjustment = 0.0 path_var.length = path:get_length() * math.abs(AEROM_PATH_SCALE:get()) path_var.total_rate_rads_ef = makeVector3f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) --assuming constant velocity path_var.total_time = path_var.length/speed --deliberately only want yaw component, because the maneuver should be performed relative to the earth, not relative to the initial orientation path_var.initial_ori = Quaternion() path_var.initial_ori:from_euler(0, 0, math.rad(initial_yaw_deg)) path_var.initial_ori = path_var.initial_ori path_var.initial_ori:normalize() path_var.initial_ef_pos = ahrs_pos_NED:copy() path_var.start_pos = ahrs_pos:copy() path_var.path_int = path_var.start_pos:copy() speed_PI.reset() path_var.accumulated_orientation_rel_ef = path_var.initial_ori path_var.time_correction = 0.0 path_var.filtered_angular_velocity = Vector3f() path_var.last_time = now - 1.0/LOOP_RATE path_var.last_ang_rate_dps = ahrs_gyro:scale(math.deg(1)) path_var.path_t = 0.0 path_var.pos = path_var.initial_ef_pos:copy() path_var.roll = 0.0 path_var.last_shift_xy = nil path_var.path_shift = Vector3f() path_var.ss_angle = 0.0 path_var.ss_angle_filt = 0.0 path_var.last_rate_override = 0 path.highest_i = 0 -- get initial tangent local p1, _ = rotate_path(path, path_var.path_t + 0.1/(path_var.total_time*LOOP_RATE), path_var.initial_ori, path_var.initial_ef_pos) path_var.tangent = p1 - path_var.pos return true end local vel_length = ahrs_velned:length() local actual_dt = now - path_var.last_time if actual_dt < 0.25 / LOOP_RATE then -- the update has been executed too soon return true end path_var.last_time = now local local_n_dt = (1.0/LOOP_RATE)/path_var.total_time if path_var.path_t + local_n_dt > 1.0 then -- all done return false end if option_set(OPTIONS.DUAL_AIRCRAFT) then handle_speed_adjustment() end -- airspeed, assume we don't go below min local airspeed_constrained = math.max(AIRSPEED_MIN:get(), ahrs_airspeed) --[[ calculate positions and angles at previous, current and next time steps --]] local p0 = path_var.pos:copy() local r0 = path_var.roll local p1, _, attrib = rotate_path(path, path_var.path_t + local_n_dt, path_var.initial_ori, path_var.initial_ef_pos) local current_measured_pos_ef = ahrs_pos_NED:copy() if attrib.rate_override ~= nil then if not attrib.rate_override.update(path, path_var.path_t + local_n_dt, path_var.target_speed) then -- not done yet path_var.pos = current_measured_pos_ef path_var.last_rate_override = now return true end end --[[ see if this path element has a shift_xy attribute --]] local shift_xy = attrib.shift_xy if shift_xy and not path_var.last_shift_xy then --[[ we have entered a new sub-element with a shift_xy --]] local curpos_mf = quat_body_to_earth(path_var.initial_ori, current_measured_pos_ef) local pathpos_mf = quat_body_to_earth(path_var.initial_ori, p1) local shift = curpos_mf - pathpos_mf shift:z(0) path_var.path_shift = path_var.path_shift + shift local shift_ef = quat_earth_to_body(path_var.initial_ori, shift) p1 = p1 + shift_ef p0:y(p1:y()) p0:x(p1:x()) end path_var.last_shift_xy = shift_xy --[[ get tangents to the path --]] local tangent1_ef = path_var.tangent:copy() local tangent2_ef = p1 - p0 local tv_unit = tangent2_ef:copy() if tv_unit:length() < 0.00001 then gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.EMERGENCY, string.format("path not advancing %f", tv_unit:length())) end tv_unit:normalize() --[[ use actual vehicle velocity to calculate how far along the path we have progressed --]] local v = ahrs_velned:copy() local path_dist = v:dot(tv_unit)*actual_dt if path_dist < 0 and path_var.last_rate_override > 0 and now - path_var.last_rate_override > 1 then gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.EMERGENCY, string.format("aborting %.2f at %d tv=(%.2f,%.2f,%.2f) vx=%.2f adt=%.2f", path_dist, path_var.count, tangent2_ef:x(), tangent2_ef:y(), tangent2_ef:z(), v:x(), actual_dt)) if option_set(OPTIONS.ABORT_RTL) and vehicle:get_mode() == MODE_AUTO then vehicle:set_mode(MODE_RTL) end path_var.last_rate_override = 0 return false end local path_t_delta = constrain(path_dist/path_var.length, 0.2*local_n_dt, 4*local_n_dt) --[[ recalculate the current path position and angle based on actual delta time --]] p1, _, _ = rotate_path(path, constrain(path_var.path_t + path_t_delta, 0, 1), path_var.initial_ori, path_var.initial_ef_pos) local last_path_t = path_var.path_t path_var.path_t = path_var.path_t + path_t_delta -- tangents needs to be recalculated tangent2_ef = p1 - p0 tv_unit = tangent2_ef:copy() tv_unit:normalize() -- error in position versus current point on the path local pos_error_ef = current_measured_pos_ef - p1 --[[ calculate a time correction. We first get the projection of the position error onto the track. This tells us how far we are ahead or behind on the track --]] local path_dist_err_m = tv_unit:dot(pos_error_ef) -- normalize against the total path length local path_err_t = path_dist_err_m / path_var.length -- don't allow the path to go backwards in time, or faster than twice the actual rate path_err_t = constrain(path_err_t, -0.9*path_t_delta, 2*path_t_delta) -- correct time to bring us back into sync path_var.path_t = path_var.path_t + TIME_CORR_P:get() * path_err_t -- get the path again with the corrected time local r1 p1, r1, attrib = rotate_path(path, constrain(path_var.path_t, 0, 1), path_var.initial_ori, path_var.initial_ef_pos) -- recalculate the tangent to match the amount we advanced the path time tangent2_ef = p1 - p0 -- get the real world time corresponding to the quaternion change local q_change_t = (path_var.path_t - last_path_t) * path_var.total_time -- low pass filter the demanded roll angle r1 = path_var.roll + wrap_pi(r1 - path_var.roll) local alpha = calc_lowpass_alpha(q_change_t, AEROM_ANG_TC:get()) r1 = (1.0 - alpha) * path_var.roll + alpha * r1 r1 = wrap_pi(r1) path_var.tangent = tangent2_ef:copy() path_var.pos = p1:copy() path_var.roll = r1 --[[ calculation of error correction, calculating acceleration needed to bring us back on the path, and body rates in pitch and yaw to achieve those accelerations --]] -- component of pos_err perpendicular to the current path tangent local B = ortho_proj(pos_error_ef, tv_unit) -- derivative of pos_err perpendicular to the current path tangent, assuming tangent is constant local B_dot = ortho_proj(v, tv_unit) -- gains for error correction. local acc_err_ef = B:scale(ERR_CORR_P:get()) + B_dot:scale(ERR_CORR_D:get()) if attrib.pos_gain_mul then -- allow for reduced gains during some maneuvers like takeoff acc_err_ef = acc_err_ef:scale(attrib.pos_gain_mul) end -- scale by per-maneuver error correction scale factor acc_err_ef = acc_err_ef:scale(attrib.pos_corr or 1.0) local acc_err_bf = quat_earth_to_body(ahrs_quat, acc_err_ef) local TAS = constrain(ahrs:get_EAS2TAS()*airspeed_constrained, 3, 100) local corr_rate_bf_y_rads = -acc_err_bf:z()/TAS local corr_rate_bf_z_rads = acc_err_bf:y()/TAS local cor_ang_vel_bf_rads = makeVector3f(0.0, corr_rate_bf_y_rads, corr_rate_bf_z_rads) if Vec3IsNaN(cor_ang_vel_bf_rads) then cor_ang_vel_bf_rads = makeVector3f(0,0,0) end local cor_ang_vel_bf_dps = cor_ang_vel_bf_rads:scale(math.deg(1)) if path_var.count < 2 then cor_ang_vel_bf_dps = Vector3f() end --[[ work out body frame path rate, this is based on two adjacent tangents on the path --]] local path_rate_ef_rads = tangents_to_rate(tangent1_ef, tangent2_ef, actual_dt) if Vec3IsNaN(path_rate_ef_rads) then gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.EMERGENCY,string.format("path_rate_ef_rads: NaN")) path_rate_ef_rads = makeVector3f(0,0,0) end local path_rate_ef_dps = path_rate_ef_rads:scale(math.deg(1)) if path_var.count < 3 then -- cope with small initial misalignment path_rate_ef_dps:z(0) end local path_rate_bf_dps = quat_earth_to_body(ahrs_quat, path_rate_ef_dps) -- set the path roll rate path_rate_bf_dps:x(math.deg(wrap_pi(r1 - r0)/actual_dt)) --[[ calculate body frame roll rate to achieved the desired roll angle relative to the maneuver path --]] local zero_roll_angle_delta = Quaternion() zero_roll_angle_delta:from_angular_velocity(path_rate_ef_rads, actual_dt) path_var.accumulated_orientation_rel_ef = zero_roll_angle_delta*path_var.accumulated_orientation_rel_ef path_var.accumulated_orientation_rel_ef:normalize() local mf_axis = quat_earth_to_body(path_var.accumulated_orientation_rel_ef, makeVector3f(1, 0, 0)) local orientation_rel_mf_with_roll_angle = Quaternion() orientation_rel_mf_with_roll_angle:from_axis_angle(mf_axis, r1) orientation_rel_ef_with_roll_angle = orientation_rel_mf_with_roll_angle*path_var.accumulated_orientation_rel_ef --[[ calculate the error correction for the roll versus the desired roll --]] local roll_error = orientation_rel_ef_with_roll_angle * ahrs_quat roll_error:normalize() local err_axis_ef, err_angle_rad = to_axis_and_angle(roll_error) local time_const_roll = ROLL_CORR_TC:get() local err_angle_rate_ef_rads = err_axis_ef:scale(err_angle_rad/time_const_roll) local err_angle_rate_bf_dps = quat_earth_to_body(ahrs_quat,err_angle_rate_ef_rads):scale(math.deg(1)) -- zero any non-roll components err_angle_rate_bf_dps:y(0) err_angle_rate_bf_dps:z(0) --[[ implement lookahead for path rates --]] if AEROM_LKAHD:get() > 0 then local lookahead = AEROM_LKAHD:get() local lookahead_vt = lookahead / path_var.total_time p2 = rotate_path(path, constrain(path_var.path_t+lookahead_vt, 0, 1), path_var.initial_ori, path_var.initial_ef_pos) local tangent3_ef = p2 - p1 local lk_ef_rads = tangents_to_rate(tangent2_ef, tangent3_ef, 0.5*(lookahead+(1.0/LOOP_RATE))) -- scale for airspeed lk_ef_rads = lk_ef_rads:scale(sq(vel_length/path_var.target_speed)) local lookahead_bf_rads = quat_earth_to_body(ahrs_quat, lk_ef_rads) local lookahead_bf_dps = lookahead_bf_rads:scale(math.deg(1)) logger.write('AELK','Py,Ly,Pz,Lz', 'ffff', path_rate_bf_dps:y(), lookahead_bf_dps:y(), path_rate_bf_dps:z(), lookahead_bf_dps:z()) if not Vec3IsNaN(lookahead_bf_dps) then path_rate_bf_dps:y(lookahead_bf_dps:y()) path_rate_bf_dps:z(lookahead_bf_dps:z()) end end --[[ calculate an additional yaw rate to get us to the right angle of sideslip for knifeedge --]] -- local sideslip_rate_bf_dps = calculate_side_slip_aoa(path_rate_bf_dps, ahrs_quat, airspeed_constrained, tv_unit, ahrs_velned, actual_dt) local sideslip_rate_bf_dps = Vector3f() --[[ total angular rate is sum of path rate, correction rate and roll correction rate --]] local tot_ang_vel_bf_dps = path_rate_bf_dps + cor_ang_vel_bf_dps + err_angle_rate_bf_dps + sideslip_rate_bf_dps --[[ apply angular accel limit --]] local ang_rate_diff_dps = tot_ang_vel_bf_dps - path_var.last_ang_rate_dps local max_delta_dps = AEROM_ANG_ACCEL:get() * actual_dt local max_delta_yaw_dps = max_delta_dps if AEROM_YAW_ACCEL:get() > 0 and (AEROM_YAW_ACCEL:get() < AEROM_ANG_ACCEL:get() or AEROM_ANG_ACCEL:get() <= 0) then max_delta_yaw_dps = AEROM_YAW_ACCEL:get() * actual_dt end if max_delta_dps > 0 then ang_rate_diff_dps:x(constrain(ang_rate_diff_dps:x(), -max_delta_dps, max_delta_dps)) ang_rate_diff_dps:y(constrain(ang_rate_diff_dps:y(), -max_delta_dps, max_delta_dps)) end if max_delta_yaw_dps > 0 then ang_rate_diff_dps:z(constrain(ang_rate_diff_dps:z(), -max_delta_yaw_dps, max_delta_yaw_dps)) end tot_ang_vel_bf_dps = path_var.last_ang_rate_dps + ang_rate_diff_dps path_var.last_ang_rate_dps = tot_ang_vel_bf_dps --[[ calculate a rudder offset for knife-edge --]] local rudder_offset_pct = 0 if AEROM_KE_RUDD:get() > 0 then rudder_offset_pct = calculate_rudder_offset(ahrs_quat, ahrs_gyro, airspeed_constrained) end --[[ log POSM is pose-measured, POST is pose-track, POSB is pose-track without the roll --]] log_pose('POSM', current_measured_pos_ef, ahrs_quat:inverse()) log_pose('POST', p1, orientation_rel_ef_with_roll_angle) logger.write('AETM', 'T,Terr,QCt,Adt','ffff', path_var.path_t, path_err_t, q_change_t, actual_dt) logger.write('AERT','Cx,Cy,Cz,Px,Py,Pz,Ex,Tx,Ty,Tz,Perr,Aerr,Yff,Rofs', 'ffffffffffffff', cor_ang_vel_bf_dps:x(), cor_ang_vel_bf_dps:y(), cor_ang_vel_bf_dps:z(), path_rate_bf_dps:x(), path_rate_bf_dps:y(), path_rate_bf_dps:z(), err_angle_rate_bf_dps:x(), tot_ang_vel_bf_dps:x(), tot_ang_vel_bf_dps:y(), tot_ang_vel_bf_dps:z(), pos_error_ef:length(), wrap_180(math.deg(err_angle_rad)), sideslip_rate_bf_dps:z(), rudder_offset_pct) --log_pose('POSB', p1, path_var.accumulated_orientation_rel_ef) --[[ run the throttle based speed controller get the anticipated pitch at the throttle lookahead time we use the maximum of the current path pitch and the anticipated pitch --]] local qchange = Quaternion() qchange:from_angular_velocity(path_rate_ef_rads, AEROM_THR_LKAHD:get()) local qnew = qchange * orientation_rel_ef_with_roll_angle local anticipated_pitch_rad = math.max(qnew:get_euler_pitch(), orientation_rel_ef_with_roll_angle:get_euler_pitch()) local throttle = speed_PI.update(path_var.target_speed + path_var.speed_adjustment, anticipated_pitch_rad) local thr_min = AEROM_THR_MIN:get() if attrib.thr_boost then thr_min = math.max(thr_min, AEROM_THR_BOOST:get()) end throttle = constrain(throttle, thr_min, 100.0) if isNaN(throttle) or Vec3IsNaN(tot_ang_vel_bf_dps) then gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.EMERGENCY,string.format("Path NaN - aborting")) return false end vehicle:set_target_throttle_rate_rpy(throttle, tot_ang_vel_bf_dps:x(), tot_ang_vel_bf_dps:y(), tot_ang_vel_bf_dps:z()) vehicle:set_rudder_offset(rudder_offset_pct, true) if now - last_named_float_t > 1.0 / NAME_FLOAT_RATE then last_named_float_t = now gcs:send_named_float("PERR", pos_error_ef:length()) end local alt_error = (current_measured_pos_ef - path_var.initial_ef_pos):z() if alt_error > AEROM_ALT_ABORT:get() then gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.EMERGENCY,"Too low altitude, aborting") return false end return true end --[[ an object defining a path --]] function PathFunction(fn, name) local self = {} self.fn = fn self.name = name return self end local last_preload = nil local command_table = {} command_table[1] = PathFunction(figure_eight, "Figure Eight") command_table[2] = PathFunction(loop, "Loop") command_table[3] = PathFunction(horizontal_rectangle, "Horizontal Rectangle") command_table[4] = PathFunction(climbing_circle, "Climbing Circle") command_table[5] = PathFunction(vertical_aerobatic_box, "Vertical Box") command_table[6] = PathFunction(immelmann_turn_fast, "Immelmann Fast") command_table[7] = PathFunction(straight_roll, "Axial Roll") command_table[8] = PathFunction(rolling_circle, "Rolling Circle") command_table[9] = PathFunction(half_cuban_eight, "Half Cuban Eight") command_table[10]= PathFunction(half_reverse_cuban_eight, "Half Reverse Cuban Eight") command_table[11]= PathFunction(cuban_eight, "Cuban Eight") command_table[12]= PathFunction(humpty_bump, "Humpty Bump") command_table[13]= PathFunction(straight_flight, "Straight Flight") command_table[14]= PathFunction(scale_figure_eight, "Scale Figure Eight") command_table[15]= PathFunction(immelmann_turn, "Immelmann Turn") command_table[16]= PathFunction(split_s, "Split-S") command_table[17]= PathFunction(upline_45, "Upline-45") command_table[18]= PathFunction(downline_45, "Downline-45") command_table[19]= PathFunction(stall_turn, "Stall Turn") command_table[20]= PathFunction(procedure_turn, "Procedure Turn") command_table[23]= PathFunction(half_climbing_circle, "Half Climbing Circle") command_table[25]= PathFunction(laydown_humpty, "Laydown Humpty") command_table[26]= PathFunction(barrel_roll, "Barrel Roll") command_table[27]= PathFunction(straight_flight, "Straight Hold") command_table[28]= PathFunction(partial_circle, "Partial Circle") command_table[31]= PathFunction(multi_point_roll, "Multi Point Roll") command_table[32]= PathFunction(side_step, "Side Step") --[[ a table of function available in loadable tricks --]] local load_table = {} load_table["loop"] = loop load_table["horizontal_rectangle"] = horizontal_rectangle load_table["climbing_circle"] = climbing_circle load_table["vertical_aerobatic_box"] = vertical_aerobatic_box load_table["immelmann_turn_fast"] = immelmann_turn_fast load_table["straight_roll"] = straight_roll load_table["rolling_circle"] = rolling_circle load_table["half_cuban_eight"] = half_cuban_eight load_table["half_reverse_cuban_eight"] = half_reverse_cuban_eight load_table["cuban_eight"] = cuban_eight load_table["humpty_bump"] = humpty_bump load_table["straight_flight"] = straight_flight load_table["scale_figure_eight"] = scale_figure_eight load_table["immelmann_turn"] = immelmann_turn load_table["split_s"] = split_s load_table["upline_45"] = upline_45 load_table["upline_20"] = upline_20 load_table["takeoff"] = takeoff load_table["downline_45"] = downline_45 load_table["stall_turn"] = stall_turn load_table["procedure_turn"] = procedure_turn load_table["two_point_roll"] = two_point_roll load_table["half_climbing_circle"] = half_climbing_circle load_table["laydown_humpty"] = laydown_humpty load_table["straight_align"] = straight_align load_table["figure_eight"] = figure_eight load_table["barrel_roll"] = barrel_roll load_table["straight_hold"] = straight_hold load_table["partial_circle"] = partial_circle load_table["multi_point_roll"] = multi_point_roll load_table["side_step"] = side_step load_table["align_box"] = align_box load_table["align_center"] = align_center --[[ interpret an attribute value, coping with special cases --]] function interpret_attrib(v) if v == "true" then return true end if v == "false" then return false end -- could be a number local n = tonumber(v) if n ~= nil then return n end -- assume a string return v end --[[ parse a function definition in a txt load file, adding it to the load table so it can be used in schedules --]] function parse_function(line, file) _, _, funcname = string.find(line, "^function%s*([%w_]+).*$") if not funcname then gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.ERROR, string.format("Parse error: %s", line)) return end local funcstr = line .. "\n" while true do line = file:read() if not line then gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.ERROR, string.format("Error: end of file in %s", funcname)) break end funcstr = funcstr .. line .. "\n" if string.sub(line,1,3) == "end" then break end end local f, errloc, err = load(funcstr, funcname, "t", _ENV) if not f then gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.ERROR,string.format("Error %s: %s", errloc, err)) return end -- fun the function code, which creates the function local success success, err = pcall(f) if not success then gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.ERROR,string.format("Error %s: %s", funcname, err)) end load_table[funcname] = _ENV[funcname] end --[[ load a trick description from a text file --]] function load_trick(id) if command_table[id] ~= nil then -- already have it return end -- look in 3 possible locations for the trick, coping with SITL and real boards local trickdirs = { "APM/scripts/", "scripts/", "./" } local file = nil local fname = string.format("trick%u.txt", id) local filename = nil for i = 1, #trickdirs do filename = trickdirs[i] .. fname file = io.open(filename, "r") if file then break end end if file == nil then gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.ERROR,string.format("Failed to open %s", fname)) return end local name = string.format("Trick%u", id) local attrib = {} local paths = {} while true do local line = file:read() if not line then break end -- trim trailing spaces line = string.gsub(line, '^(.-)%s*$', '%1') local _, _, cmd, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4 = string.find(line, "^([%w_:]+)%s*([-.%d]*)%s*([-.%d]*)%s*([-.%d]*)%s*([-.%d]*)") if cmd == "" or cmd == nil or string.sub(cmd,1,1) == "#" then -- ignore comments goto continue elseif cmd == "name:" then _, _, name = string.find(line, "^name:%s*([%w_]+)$") elseif string.sub(cmd,-1) == ":" then _, _, a, s = string.find(line, "^([%w_]+):%s*([%w_:%s-]+)$") if a ~= nil then attrib[a] = interpret_attrib(s) else gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.ERROR, string.format("Bad line: '%s'", line)) end elseif cmd == "function" then parse_function(line, file) elseif cmd ~= nil then arg1 = tonumber(arg1) or 0 arg2 = tonumber(arg2) or 0 arg3 = tonumber(arg3) or 0 arg4 = tonumber(arg4) or 0 local f = load_table[cmd] if f == nil then gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.ERROR,string.format("Unknown command '%s' in %s", cmd, fname)) else paths[#paths+1] = { f, { arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4 }} for k, v in pairs(attrib) do paths[#paths][k] = v end attrib = {} end end ::continue:: end local pc = path_composer(name, paths) gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.INFO, string.format("Loaded trick%u '%s'", id, name)) command_table[id] = PathFunction(pc, name) if logger.log_file_content then logger:log_file_content(filename) end calculate_timestamps(command_table[id]) end function calculate_timestamps(pc) pc.fn:calculate_timestamps() end function PathTask(fn, name, id, initial_yaw_deg, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) local self = {} if type(fn) == "table" then self.fn = fn else self.fn = fn(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) end self.name = name self.id = id self.initial_yaw_deg = initial_yaw_deg self.started = false return self end --[[ see if we should prepare for an upcoming trick --]] function check_preload_trick() local idx = mission:get_current_nav_index() if idx == last_preload then return end last_preload = idx local m = mission:get_item(idx+1) if not m then return end if m:command() ~= NAV_SCRIPT_TIME then return end cmdid = m:param1() if command_table[cmdid] == nil then load_trick(cmdid) end end -- see if an auto mission item needs to be run function check_auto_mission() id, cmd, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4 = vehicle:nav_script_time() if not id then check_preload_trick() return end if id ~= last_id then -- we've started a new command current_task = nil last_id = id local initial_yaw_deg = get_ground_course_deg() load_trick(cmd) if command_table[cmd] == nil then gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.ERROR, string.format("Trick %u not found", cmd)) return end gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.INFO, string.format("Starting %s!", command_table[cmd].name )) -- work out yaw between previous WP and next WP local cnum = mission:get_current_nav_index() if AEROM_MIS_ANGLE:get() == 0 then -- find previous nav waypoint local loc_prev = ahrs:get_location() if cnum > 1 then loc_prev = get_wp_location(cnum-1) local i= cnum-1 while get_wp_location(i):lat() == 0 and get_wp_location(i):lng() == 0 do i = i-1 loc_prev = get_wp_location(i) end end -- find next nav waypoint local loc_next = get_wp_location(cnum+1) i = cnum+1 while get_wp_location(i):lat() == 0 and get_wp_location(i):lng() == 0 do i = i+1 loc_next = get_wp_location(resolve_jump(i)) end local wp_yaw_deg = math.deg(loc_prev:get_bearing(loc_next)) if math.abs(wrap_180(initial_yaw_deg - wp_yaw_deg)) > 90 and cnum > 1 then gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.INFO, string.format("Doing turnaround! iyaw=%.1f wyaw=%.1f", initial_yaw_deg, wp_yaw_deg)) wp_yaw_deg = wrap_180(wp_yaw_deg + 180) end initial_yaw_deg = wp_yaw_deg else initial_yaw_deg = AEROM_MIS_ANGLE:get() end current_task = PathTask(command_table[cmd].fn, command_table[cmd].name, id, initial_yaw_deg, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) end end local trick_sel_chan = nil local last_trick_selection = nil --[[ get selected trick. Trick numbers are 1 .. TRIK_COUNT. A value of 0 is invalid --]] function get_trick_selection() if trick_sel_chan == nil then trick_sel_chan = rc:find_channel_for_option(TRIK_SEL_FN:get()) if trick_sel_chan == nil then return 0 end end -- get trick selection based on selection channel input and number of tricks local i = math.floor(TRIK_COUNT:get() * constrain(0.5*(trick_sel_chan:norm_input_ignore_trim()+1),0,0.999)+1) if TRICKS[i] == nil then return 0 end return i end --[[ check for running a trick --]] function check_trick() local selection = get_trick_selection() local action = rc:get_aux_cached(TRIK_ACT_FN:get()) if action == 0 and current_task ~= nil then gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.ALERT,string.format("Trick aborted")) current_task = nil last_trick_selection = nil -- use invalid mode to disable script control vehicle:nav_scripting_enable(255) return end if selection == 0 then return end if action == 1 and selection ~= last_trick_selection then local id = TRICKS[selection].id:get() if id == -1 then gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.ERROR,string.format("Trick %u not setup",selection)) last_trick_selection = selection return end load_trick(id) if command_table[id] ~= nil then local cmd = command_table[id] gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.INFO, string.format("Trick %u selected (%s)", selection, cmd.name)) last_trick_selection = selection return end end if current_task ~= nil then -- let the task finish return end if action ~= last_trick_action_state then last_trick_selection = selection last_trick_action_state = action if selection == 0 then gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.ALERT, string.format("No trick selected")) return end local id = TRICKS[selection].id:get() if id == -1 then gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.ALERT,string.format("Trick %u not setup",selection)) last_trick_selection = selection return end load_trick(id) if command_table[id] == nil then gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.ALERT, string.format("Invalid trick ID %u", id)) return end local cmd = command_table[id] if action == 1 then gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.INFO, string.format("Trick %u selected (%s)", selection, cmd.name)) end if action == 2 then last_trick_selection = nil local current_mode = vehicle:get_mode() if not vehicle:nav_scripting_enable(current_mode) then gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.ALERT, string.format("Tricks not available in mode")) return end gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.INFO, string.format("Trick %u started (%s)", selection, cmd.name)) local initial_yaw_deg = get_ground_course_deg() current_task = PathTask(cmd.fn, cmd.name, nil, initial_yaw_deg, TRICKS[selection].args[1]:get(), TRICKS[selection].args[2]:get(), TRICKS[selection].args[3]:get(), TRICKS[selection].args[4]:get()) end end end function update() if ahrs:get_velocity_NED() == nil or ahrs:get_EAS2TAS() == nil or ahrs:get_relative_position_NED_origin() == nil then -- don't start till we have valid ahrs estimates return update, 1000.0/LOOP_RATE end if vehicle:get_mode() == MODE_AUTO then if arming:is_armed() then log_position("VEH", ahrs:get_location(), ahrs:get_quaternion()) end check_auto_mission() elseif TRICKS ~= nil then check_trick() end if current_task ~= nil then if not do_path() then gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.INFO, string.format("Finishing %s!", current_task.name)) if current_task.id ~= nil then vehicle:nav_script_time_done(current_task.id) else -- use invalid mode to disable script control vehicle:nav_scripting_enable(255) end current_task = nil end end return update, 1000.0/LOOP_RATE end gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.INFO, string.format("Loaded plane_aerobatics.lua")) return update()