/* CAN UDP multicast server */ #include "AP_Networking_Config.h" #if AP_NETWORKING_CAN_MCAST_ENABLED #include "AP_Networking.h" #include <AP_HAL/utility/Socket.h> #include <AP_HAL/CANIface.h> #include <GCS_MAVLink/GCS.h> #include <AP_Math/crc.h> #if CONFIG_HAL_BOARD == HAL_BOARD_CHIBIOS #include "hal.h" #include <AP_HAL_ChibiOS/hwdef/common/stm32_util.h> #include <AP_HAL_ChibiOS/CANIface.h> #endif #define MCAST_ADDRESS_BASE "" #define MCAST_PORT 57732U #define MCAST_MAGIC 0x2934U #define MCAST_FLAG_CANFD 0x0001 #define MCAST_MAX_PKT_LEN 74 // 64 byte data + 10 byte header struct PACKED mcast_pkt { uint16_t magic; uint16_t crc; uint16_t flags; uint32_t message_id; uint8_t data[MCAST_MAX_PKT_LEN-10]; }; #define MCAST_HDR_LENGTH offsetof(mcast_pkt, data) extern const AP_HAL::HAL& hal; #ifdef HAL_BOOTLOADER_BUILD void AP_Networking_CAN::mcast_trampoline(void *ctx) { auto *mcast = (AP_Networking_CAN *)ctx; mcast->mcast_server(); } extern ChibiOS::CANIface can_iface[HAL_NUM_CAN_IFACES]; extern void thread_sleep_us(uint32_t us); #endif // HAL_BOOTLOADER_BUILD /* get CAN interface for a bus */ AP_HAL::CANIface *AP_Networking_CAN::get_caniface(uint8_t bus) const { #ifdef HAL_BOOTLOADER_BUILD return &can_iface[bus]; #else return hal.can[bus]; #endif } /* start the CAN multicast server */ void AP_Networking_CAN::start(const uint8_t _bus_mask) { const uint32_t stack_size = 8192; bus_mask = _bus_mask; #ifdef HAL_BOOTLOADER_BUILD thread_create_alloc(THD_WORKING_AREA_SIZE(stack_size), "CAN_MCAST", 60, mcast_trampoline, this); #else hal.scheduler->thread_create(FUNCTOR_BIND_MEMBER(&AP_Networking_CAN::mcast_server, void), "CAN_MCAST", stack_size, AP_HAL::Scheduler::PRIORITY_CAN, -1); #endif } /* main thread for CAN multicast server */ void AP_Networking_CAN::mcast_server(void) { #ifndef HAL_BOOTLOADER_BUILD while (!hal.scheduler->is_system_initialized()) { hal.scheduler->delay(100); } #endif GCS_SEND_TEXT(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "CAN_MCAST: starting"); ObjectBuffer<AP_HAL::CANFrame> *frame_buffers[HAL_NUM_CAN_IFACES] {}; for (uint8_t bus=0; bus<HAL_NUM_CAN_IFACES; bus++) { auto *cbus = get_caniface(bus); if (cbus == nullptr) { continue; } if (bus_mask & (1U<<bus)) { mcast_sockets[bus] = NEW_NOTHROW SocketAPM(true); if (mcast_sockets[bus] == nullptr) { GCS_SEND_TEXT(MAV_SEVERITY_ERROR, "CAN_MCAST[%u]: failed to create socket", unsigned(bus)); continue; } } char address[] = MCAST_ADDRESS_BASE; const uint32_t buffer_size = 20; // good for fw upload uint8_t callback_id = 0; address[strlen(address)-1] = '0' + bus; if (!mcast_sockets[bus]->connect(address, MCAST_PORT)) { GCS_SEND_TEXT(MAV_SEVERITY_ERROR, "CAN_MCAST[%u]: failed to connect", unsigned(bus)); goto de_allocate; } if (!cbus->register_frame_callback( FUNCTOR_BIND_MEMBER(&AP_Networking_CAN::can_frame_callback, void, uint8_t, const AP_HAL::CANFrame &), callback_id)) { GCS_SEND_TEXT(MAV_SEVERITY_ERROR, "CAN_MCAST[%u]: failed to register", unsigned(bus)); goto de_allocate; } #if CONFIG_HAL_BOARD == HAL_BOARD_CHIBIOS // tell the ethernet interface that we want to receive all // multicast packets ETH->MACPFR |= ETH_MACPFR_PM; #endif frame_buffers[bus] = NEW_NOTHROW ObjectBuffer<AP_HAL::CANFrame>(buffer_size); if (frame_buffers[bus] == nullptr) { GCS_SEND_TEXT(MAV_SEVERITY_ERROR, "CAN_MCAST[%u]: failed to allocate buffers", unsigned(bus)); goto de_allocate; } continue; de_allocate: delete mcast_sockets[bus]; mcast_sockets[bus] = nullptr; } // main loop while (true) { const uint32_t delay_us = 100; // limit to 10k packets/s #ifndef HAL_BOOTLOADER_BUILD hal.scheduler->delay_microseconds(delay_us); #else thread_sleep_us(delay_us); #endif for (uint8_t bus=0; bus<HAL_NUM_CAN_IFACES; bus++) { if (mcast_sockets[bus] == nullptr) { continue; } struct mcast_pkt pkt; const ssize_t ret = mcast_sockets[bus]->recv((void*)&pkt, sizeof(pkt), 0); if (ret > MCAST_HDR_LENGTH && ret <= sizeof(pkt)) { const uint8_t data_len = ret - MCAST_HDR_LENGTH; bool is_canfd = false; #if HAL_CANFD_SUPPORTED is_canfd = (pkt.flags & MCAST_FLAG_CANFD) != 0; #endif if (pkt.magic != MCAST_MAGIC) { continue; } const auto crc = crc16_ccitt((uint8_t*)&pkt.flags, ret - offsetof(mcast_pkt,flags), 0xFFFFU); if (pkt.crc != crc) { continue; } // push into queue frame_buffers[bus]->push(AP_HAL::CANFrame(pkt.message_id, pkt.data, data_len, is_canfd)); } /* send pending frames */ AP_HAL::CANFrame frame; const uint16_t timeout_us = 2000; while (frame_buffers[bus]->peek(frame)) { auto retcode = get_caniface(bus)->send(frame, AP_HAL::micros64() + timeout_us, AP_HAL::CANIface::IsMAVCAN); if (retcode == 0) { break; } // we either sent it or there was an error, either way we discard the frame frame_buffers[bus]->pop(); } } } } /* handler for CAN frames from the registered callback, sending frames out as multicast UDP */ void AP_Networking_CAN::can_frame_callback(uint8_t bus, const AP_HAL::CANFrame &frame) { if (bus >= HAL_NUM_CAN_IFACES || mcast_sockets[bus] == nullptr) { return; } struct mcast_pkt pkt {}; pkt.magic = MCAST_MAGIC; pkt.flags = 0; #if HAL_CANFD_SUPPORTED if (frame.isCanFDFrame()) { pkt.flags |= MCAST_FLAG_CANFD; } #endif pkt.message_id = frame.id; const uint8_t data_length = AP_HAL::CANFrame::dlcToDataLength(frame.dlc); memcpy(pkt.data, frame.data, data_length); // 6 is the size of the flags and message_id, ie header data after crc pkt.crc = crc16_ccitt((uint8_t*)&pkt.flags, data_length+6, 0xFFFFU); mcast_sockets[bus]->send((void*)&pkt, data_length+MCAST_HDR_LENGTH); } #endif // AP_NETWORKING_ENABLED && AP_NETWORKING_CAN_MCAST_ENABLED