/* AP_Logger logging - file oriented variant This uses posix file IO to create log files called logs/NN.bin in the given directory SD Card Rates on PixHawk: - deletion rate seems to be ~50 files/second. - stat seems to be ~150/second - readdir loop of 511 entry directory ~62,000 microseconds */ #include "AP_Logger_config.h" #if HAL_LOGGING_FILESYSTEM_ENABLED #include #include #include "AP_Logger.h" #include "AP_Logger_File.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include extern const AP_HAL::HAL& hal; #define LOGGER_PAGE_SIZE 1024UL #define MB_to_B 1000000 #define B_to_MB 0.000001 // time between tries to open log #define LOGGER_FILE_REOPEN_MS 5000 /* constructor */ AP_Logger_File::AP_Logger_File(AP_Logger &front, LoggerMessageWriter_DFLogStart *writer) : AP_Logger_Backend(front, writer), _log_directory(HAL_BOARD_LOG_DIRECTORY) { df_stats_clear(); } void AP_Logger_File::ensure_log_directory_exists() { int ret; struct stat st; EXPECT_DELAY_MS(3000); ret = AP::FS().stat(_log_directory, &st); if (ret == -1) { ret = AP::FS().mkdir(_log_directory); } if (ret == -1 && errno != EEXIST) { printf("Failed to create log directory %s : %s\n", _log_directory, strerror(errno)); } } void AP_Logger_File::Init() { // determine and limit file backend buffersize uint32_t bufsize = _front._params.file_bufsize; bufsize *= 1024; const uint32_t desired_bufsize = bufsize; // If we can't allocate the full size, try to reduce it until we can allocate it while (!_writebuf.set_size(bufsize) && bufsize >= _writebuf_chunk) { bufsize *= 0.9; } if (bufsize >= _writebuf_chunk && bufsize != desired_bufsize) { DEV_PRINTF("AP_Logger: reduced buffer %u/%u\n", (unsigned)bufsize, (unsigned)desired_bufsize); } if (!_writebuf.get_size()) { DEV_PRINTF("Out of memory for logging\n"); return; } DEV_PRINTF("AP_Logger_File: buffer size=%u\n", (unsigned)bufsize); _initialised = true; const char* custom_dir = hal.util->get_custom_log_directory(); if (custom_dir != nullptr){ _log_directory = custom_dir; } uint16_t last_log_num = find_last_log(); if (last_log_is_marked_discard) { // delete the last log leftover from LOG_DISARMED=3 char *filename = _log_file_name(last_log_num); if (filename != nullptr) { AP::FS().unlink(filename); free(filename); } } Prep_MinSpace(); } bool AP_Logger_File::file_exists(const char *filename) const { struct stat st; EXPECT_DELAY_MS(3000); if (AP::FS().stat(filename, &st) == -1) { // hopefully errno==ENOENT. If some error occurs it is // probably better to assume this file exists. return false; } return true; } bool AP_Logger_File::log_exists(const uint16_t lognum) const { char *filename = _log_file_name(lognum); if (filename == nullptr) { return false; // ?! } bool ret = file_exists(filename); free(filename); return ret; } void AP_Logger_File::periodic_1Hz() { AP_Logger_Backend::periodic_1Hz(); if (_initialised && _write_fd == -1 && _read_fd == -1 && erase.log_num == 0 && erase.was_logging) { // restart logging after an erase if needed erase.was_logging = false; // setup to open the log in the backend thread start_new_log_pending = true; } if (_initialised && !start_new_log_pending && _write_fd == -1 && _read_fd == -1 && logging_enabled() && !recent_open_error()) { // setup to open the log in the backend thread start_new_log_pending = true; } if (!io_thread_alive()) { if (io_thread_warning_decimation_counter == 0 && _initialised) { // we don't print this error unless we did initialise. When _initialised is set to true // we register the IO timer callback GCS_SEND_TEXT(MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL, "AP_Logger: stuck thread (%s)", last_io_operation); } if (io_thread_warning_decimation_counter++ > 30) { io_thread_warning_decimation_counter = 0; } } if (rate_limiter == nullptr && (_front._params.file_ratemax > 0 || _front._params.disarm_ratemax > 0 || _front._log_pause)) { // setup rate limiting if log rate max > 0Hz or log pause of streaming entries is requested rate_limiter = new AP_Logger_RateLimiter(_front, _front._params.file_ratemax, _front._params.disarm_ratemax); } } void AP_Logger_File::periodic_fullrate() { AP_Logger_Backend::push_log_blocks(); } uint32_t AP_Logger_File::bufferspace_available() { const uint32_t space = _writebuf.space(); const uint32_t crit = critical_message_reserved_space(_writebuf.get_size()); return (space > crit) ? space - crit : 0; } bool AP_Logger_File::recent_open_error(void) const { if (_open_error_ms == 0) { return false; } return AP_HAL::millis() - _open_error_ms < LOGGER_FILE_REOPEN_MS; } // return true for CardInserted() if we successfully initialized bool AP_Logger_File::CardInserted(void) const { return _initialised && !recent_open_error(); } // returns the amount of disk space available in _log_directory (in bytes) // returns -1 on error int64_t AP_Logger_File::disk_space_avail() { return AP::FS().disk_free(_log_directory); } // returns the total amount of disk space (in use + available) in // _log_directory (in bytes). // returns -1 on error int64_t AP_Logger_File::disk_space() { return AP::FS().disk_space(_log_directory); } /* convert a dirent to a log number */ bool AP_Logger_File::dirent_to_log_num(const dirent *de, uint16_t &log_num) const { uint8_t length = strlen(de->d_name); if (length < 5) { return false; } if (strncmp(&de->d_name[length-4], ".BIN", 4) != 0) { // doesn't end in .BIN return false; } uint16_t thisnum = strtoul(de->d_name, nullptr, 10); if (thisnum > _front.get_max_num_logs()) { return false; } log_num = thisnum; return true; } // find_oldest_log - find oldest log in _log_directory // returns 0 if no log was found uint16_t AP_Logger_File::find_oldest_log() { if (_cached_oldest_log != 0) { return _cached_oldest_log; } uint16_t last_log_num = find_last_log(); if (last_log_num == 0) { return 0; } uint16_t current_oldest_log = 0; // 0 is invalid // We could count up to find_last_log(), but if people start // relying on the min_avail_space_percent feature we could end up // doing a *lot* of asprintf()s and stat()s EXPECT_DELAY_MS(3000); auto *d = AP::FS().opendir(_log_directory); if (d == nullptr) { // SD card may have died? On linux someone may have rm-rf-d return 0; } // we only remove files which look like xxx.BIN EXPECT_DELAY_MS(3000); for (struct dirent *de=AP::FS().readdir(d); de; de=AP::FS().readdir(d)) { EXPECT_DELAY_MS(3000); uint16_t thisnum; if (!dirent_to_log_num(de, thisnum)) { // not a log filename continue; } if (current_oldest_log == 0) { current_oldest_log = thisnum; } else { if (current_oldest_log <= last_log_num) { if (thisnum > last_log_num) { current_oldest_log = thisnum; } else if (thisnum < current_oldest_log) { current_oldest_log = thisnum; } } else { // current_oldest_log > last_log_num if (thisnum > last_log_num) { if (thisnum < current_oldest_log) { current_oldest_log = thisnum; } } } } } AP::FS().closedir(d); _cached_oldest_log = current_oldest_log; return current_oldest_log; } void AP_Logger_File::Prep_MinSpace() { if (hal.util->was_watchdog_reset()) { // don't clear space if watchdog reset, it takes too long return; } if (!CardInserted()) { return; } const uint16_t first_log_to_remove = find_oldest_log(); if (first_log_to_remove == 0) { // no files to remove return; } const int64_t target_free = (int64_t)_front._params.min_MB_free * MB_to_B; uint16_t log_to_remove = first_log_to_remove; uint16_t count = 0; do { int64_t avail = disk_space_avail(); if (avail == -1) { break; } if (avail >= target_free) { break; } if (count++ > _front.get_max_num_logs() + 10) { // *way* too many deletions going on here. Possible internal error. INTERNAL_ERROR(AP_InternalError::error_t::logger_too_many_deletions); break; } char *filename_to_remove = _log_file_name(log_to_remove); if (filename_to_remove == nullptr) { INTERNAL_ERROR(AP_InternalError::error_t::logger_bad_getfilename); break; } if (file_exists(filename_to_remove)) { DEV_PRINTF("Removing (%s) for minimum-space requirements (%.0fMB < %.0fMB)\n", filename_to_remove, (double)avail*B_to_MB, (double)target_free*B_to_MB); EXPECT_DELAY_MS(2000); if (AP::FS().unlink(filename_to_remove) == -1) { _cached_oldest_log = 0; DEV_PRINTF("Failed to remove %s: %s\n", filename_to_remove, strerror(errno)); free(filename_to_remove); if (errno == ENOENT) { // corruption - should always have a continuous // sequence of files... however, there may be still // files out there, so keep going. } else { break; } } else { free(filename_to_remove); } } log_to_remove++; if (log_to_remove > _front.get_max_num_logs()) { log_to_remove = 1; } } while (log_to_remove != first_log_to_remove); } /* construct a log file name given a log number. The number in the log filename will *not* be zero-padded. Note: Caller must free. */ char *AP_Logger_File::_log_file_name_short(const uint16_t log_num) const { char *buf = nullptr; if (asprintf(&buf, "%s/%u.BIN", _log_directory, (unsigned)log_num) == -1) { return nullptr; } return buf; } /* construct a log file name given a log number. The number in the log filename will be zero-padded. Note: Caller must free. */ char *AP_Logger_File::_log_file_name_long(const uint16_t log_num) const { char *buf = nullptr; if (asprintf(&buf, "%s/%08u.BIN", _log_directory, (unsigned)log_num) == -1) { return nullptr; } return buf; } /* return a log filename appropriate for the supplied log_num if a filename exists with the short (not-zero-padded name) then it is the appropirate name, otherwise the long (zero-padded) version is. Note: Caller must free. */ char *AP_Logger_File::_log_file_name(const uint16_t log_num) const { char *filename = _log_file_name_short(log_num); if (filename == nullptr) { return nullptr; } if (file_exists(filename)) { return filename; } free(filename); return _log_file_name_long(log_num); } /* return path name of the lastlog.txt marker file Note: Caller must free. */ char *AP_Logger_File::_lastlog_file_name(void) const { char *buf = nullptr; if (asprintf(&buf, "%s/LASTLOG.TXT", _log_directory) == -1) { return nullptr; } return buf; } // remove all log files void AP_Logger_File::EraseAll() { if (hal.util->get_soft_armed()) { // do not want to do any filesystem operations while we are e.g. flying return; } if (!_initialised) { return; } erase.was_logging = (_write_fd != -1); stop_logging(); erase.log_num = 1; } bool AP_Logger_File::WritesOK() const { if (_write_fd == -1) { return false; } if (recent_open_error()) { return false; } return true; } bool AP_Logger_File::StartNewLogOK() const { if (recent_open_error()) { return false; } #if !APM_BUILD_TYPE(APM_BUILD_Replay) if (hal.scheduler->in_main_thread()) { return false; } #endif return AP_Logger_Backend::StartNewLogOK(); } /* Write a block of data at current offset */ bool AP_Logger_File::_WritePrioritisedBlock(const void *pBuffer, uint16_t size, bool is_critical) { WITH_SEMAPHORE(semaphore); if (! WriteBlockCheckStartupMessages()) { _dropped++; return false; } #if APM_BUILD_TYPE(APM_BUILD_Replay) if (AP::FS().write(_write_fd, pBuffer, size) != size) { AP_HAL::panic("Short write"); } return true; #endif uint32_t space = _writebuf.space(); if (_writing_startup_messages && _startup_messagewriter->fmt_done()) { // the state machine has called us, and it has finished // writing format messages out. It can always get back to us // with more messages later, so let's leave room for other // things: const uint32_t now = AP_HAL::millis(); const bool must_dribble = (now - last_messagewrite_message_sent) > 100; if (!must_dribble && space < non_messagewriter_message_reserved_space(_writebuf.get_size())) { // this message isn't dropped, it will be sent again... return false; } last_messagewrite_message_sent = now; } else { // we reserve some amount of space for critical messages: if (!is_critical && space < critical_message_reserved_space(_writebuf.get_size())) { _dropped++; return false; } } // if no room for entire message - drop it: if (space < size) { _dropped++; return false; } _writebuf.write((uint8_t*)pBuffer, size); df_stats_gather(size, _writebuf.space()); return true; } /* find the highest log number */ uint16_t AP_Logger_File::find_last_log() { unsigned ret = 0; char *fname = _lastlog_file_name(); if (fname == nullptr) { return ret; } EXPECT_DELAY_MS(3000); FileData *fd = AP::FS().load_file(fname); free(fname); last_log_is_marked_discard = false; if (fd != nullptr) { char *endptr = nullptr; ret = strtol((const char *)fd->data, &endptr, 10); if (endptr != nullptr) { last_log_is_marked_discard = *endptr == 'D'; } delete fd; } return ret; } uint32_t AP_Logger_File::_get_log_size(const uint16_t log_num) { char *fname = _log_file_name(log_num); if (fname == nullptr) { return 0; } if (_write_fd != -1 && write_fd_semaphore.take_nonblocking()) { if (_write_filename != nullptr && strcmp(_write_filename, fname) == 0) { // it is the file we are currently writing free(fname); write_fd_semaphore.give(); return _write_offset; } write_fd_semaphore.give(); } struct stat st; EXPECT_DELAY_MS(3000); if (AP::FS().stat(fname, &st) != 0) { free(fname); return 0; } free(fname); return st.st_size; } uint32_t AP_Logger_File::_get_log_time(const uint16_t log_num) { char *fname = _log_file_name(log_num); if (fname == nullptr) { return 0; } if (_write_fd != -1 && write_fd_semaphore.take_nonblocking()) { if (_write_filename != nullptr && strcmp(_write_filename, fname) == 0) { // it is the file we are currently writing free(fname); write_fd_semaphore.give(); #if AP_RTC_ENABLED uint64_t utc_usec; if (!AP::rtc().get_utc_usec(utc_usec)) { return 0; } return utc_usec / 1000000U; #else return 0; #endif } write_fd_semaphore.give(); } struct stat st; EXPECT_DELAY_MS(3000); if (AP::FS().stat(fname, &st) != 0) { free(fname); return 0; } free(fname); return st.st_mtime; } /* find the number of pages in a log */ void AP_Logger_File::get_log_boundaries(const uint16_t list_entry, uint32_t & start_page, uint32_t & end_page) { const uint16_t log_num = log_num_from_list_entry(list_entry); if (log_num == 0) { // that failed - probably no logs start_page = 0; end_page = 0; return; } start_page = 0; end_page = _get_log_size(log_num) / LOGGER_PAGE_SIZE; } /* retrieve data from a log file */ int16_t AP_Logger_File::get_log_data(const uint16_t list_entry, const uint16_t page, const uint32_t offset, const uint16_t len, uint8_t *data) { if (!_initialised || recent_open_error()) { return -1; } const uint16_t log_num = log_num_from_list_entry(list_entry); if (log_num == 0) { // that failed - probably no logs return -1; } if (_read_fd != -1 && log_num != _read_fd_log_num) { AP::FS().close(_read_fd); _read_fd = -1; } if (_read_fd == -1) { char *fname = _log_file_name(log_num); if (fname == nullptr) { return -1; } stop_logging(); EXPECT_DELAY_MS(3000); _read_fd = AP::FS().open(fname, O_RDONLY); if (_read_fd == -1) { _open_error_ms = AP_HAL::millis(); int saved_errno = errno; ::printf("Log read open fail for %s - %s\n", fname, strerror(saved_errno)); DEV_PRINTF("Log read open fail for %s - %s\n", fname, strerror(saved_errno)); free(fname); return -1; } free(fname); _read_offset = 0; _read_fd_log_num = log_num; } uint32_t ofs = page * (uint32_t)LOGGER_PAGE_SIZE + offset; if (ofs != _read_offset) { if (AP::FS().lseek(_read_fd, ofs, SEEK_SET) == (off_t)-1) { AP::FS().close(_read_fd); _read_fd = -1; return -1; } _read_offset = ofs; } int16_t ret = (int16_t)AP::FS().read(_read_fd, data, len); if (ret > 0) { _read_offset += ret; } return ret; } /* find size and date of a log */ void AP_Logger_File::get_log_info(const uint16_t list_entry, uint32_t &size, uint32_t &time_utc) { uint16_t log_num = log_num_from_list_entry(list_entry); if (log_num == 0) { // that failed - probably no logs size = 0; time_utc = 0; return; } size = _get_log_size(log_num); time_utc = _get_log_time(log_num); } /* get the number of logs - note that the log numbers must be consecutive */ uint16_t AP_Logger_File::get_num_logs() { auto *d = AP::FS().opendir(_log_directory); if (d == nullptr) { return 0; } uint16_t high = find_last_log(); uint16_t ret = high; uint16_t smallest_above_last = 0; EXPECT_DELAY_MS(2000); for (struct dirent *de=AP::FS().readdir(d); de; de=AP::FS().readdir(d)) { EXPECT_DELAY_MS(100); uint16_t thisnum; if (!dirent_to_log_num(de, thisnum)) { // not a log filename continue; } if (thisnum > high && (smallest_above_last == 0 || thisnum < smallest_above_last)) { smallest_above_last = thisnum; } } AP::FS().closedir(d); if (smallest_above_last != 0) { // we have wrapped, add in the logs with high numbers ret += (_front.get_max_num_logs() - smallest_above_last) + 1; } return ret; } /* stop logging */ void AP_Logger_File::stop_logging(void) { // best-case effort to avoid annoying the IO thread const bool have_sem = write_fd_semaphore.take(hal.util->get_soft_armed()?1:20); if (_write_fd != -1) { int fd = _write_fd; _write_fd = -1; AP::FS().close(fd); } if (have_sem) { write_fd_semaphore.give(); } } /* does start_new_log in the logger thread */ void AP_Logger_File::PrepForArming_start_logging() { if (logging_started()) { return; } uint32_t start_ms = AP_HAL::millis(); const uint32_t open_limit_ms = 1000; /* log open happens in the io_timer thread. We allow for a maximum of 1s to complete the open */ start_new_log_pending = true; EXPECT_DELAY_MS(1000); while (AP_HAL::millis() - start_ms < open_limit_ms) { if (logging_started()) { break; } #if !APM_BUILD_TYPE(APM_BUILD_Replay) && AP_AHRS_ENABLED // keep the EKF ticking over AP::ahrs().update(); #endif hal.scheduler->delay(1); } } /* start writing to a new log file */ void AP_Logger_File::start_new_log(void) { if (recent_open_error()) { // we have previously failed to open a file - don't try again // to prevent us trying to open files while in flight return; } if (erase.log_num != 0) { // don't start a new log while erasing, but record that we // want to start logging when erase finished erase.was_logging = true; return; } const bool open_error_ms_was_zero = (_open_error_ms == 0); // set _open_error here to avoid infinite recursion. Simply // writing a prioritised block may try to open a log - which means // if anything in the start_new_log path does a gcs().send_text() // (for example), you will end up recursing if we don't take // precautions. We will reset _open_error if we actually manage // to open the log... _open_error_ms = AP_HAL::millis(); stop_logging(); start_new_log_reset_variables(); if (_read_fd != -1) { AP::FS().close(_read_fd); _read_fd = -1; } if (disk_space_avail() < _free_space_min_avail && disk_space() > 0) { DEV_PRINTF("Out of space for logging\n"); return; } uint16_t log_num = find_last_log(); // re-use empty logs if possible if (_get_log_size(log_num) > 0 || log_num == 0) { log_num++; } if (log_num > _front.get_max_num_logs()) { log_num = 1; } if (!write_fd_semaphore.take(1)) { return; } if (_write_filename) { free(_write_filename); _write_filename = nullptr; } _write_filename = _log_file_name(log_num); if (_write_filename == nullptr) { write_fd_semaphore.give(); return; } #if CONFIG_HAL_BOARD == HAL_BOARD_CHIBIOS // remember if we had utc time when we opened the file #if AP_RTC_ENABLED uint64_t utc_usec; _need_rtc_update = !AP::rtc().get_utc_usec(utc_usec); #endif #endif // create the log directory if need be ensure_log_directory_exists(); EXPECT_DELAY_MS(3000); _write_fd = AP::FS().open(_write_filename, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC); _cached_oldest_log = 0; if (_write_fd == -1) { write_fd_semaphore.give(); int saved_errno = errno; if (open_error_ms_was_zero) { ::printf("Log open fail for %s - %s\n", _write_filename, strerror(saved_errno)); DEV_PRINTF("Log open fail for %s - %s\n", _write_filename, strerror(saved_errno)); } return; } _last_write_ms = AP_HAL::millis(); _open_error_ms = 0; _write_offset = 0; _writebuf.clear(); write_fd_semaphore.give(); // now update lastlog.txt with the new log number last_log_is_marked_discard = _front._params.log_disarmed == AP_Logger::LogDisarmed::LOG_WHILE_DISARMED_DISCARD; if (!write_lastlog_file(log_num)) { _open_error_ms = AP_HAL::millis(); } } /* write LASTLOG.TXT, possibly with a discard marker */ bool AP_Logger_File::write_lastlog_file(uint16_t log_num) { // now update lastlog.txt with the new log number char *fname = _lastlog_file_name(); EXPECT_DELAY_MS(3000); int fd = AP::FS().open(fname, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT); free(fname); if (fd == -1) { return false; } char buf[30]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%u%s\r\n", (unsigned)log_num, last_log_is_marked_discard?"D":""); const ssize_t to_write = strlen(buf); const ssize_t written = AP::FS().write(fd, buf, to_write); AP::FS().close(fd); return written == to_write; } #if CONFIG_HAL_BOARD == HAL_BOARD_SITL || CONFIG_HAL_BOARD == HAL_BOARD_LINUX void AP_Logger_File::flush(void) #if APM_BUILD_TYPE(APM_BUILD_Replay) { uint32_t tnow = AP_HAL::millis(); while (_write_fd != -1 && _initialised && !recent_open_error() && _writebuf.available()) { // convince the IO timer that it really is OK to write out // less than _writebuf_chunk bytes: if (tnow > 2001) { // avoid resetting _last_write_time to 0 _last_write_time = tnow - 2001; } io_timer(); } if (write_fd_semaphore.take(1)) { if (_write_fd != -1) { ::fsync(_write_fd); } write_fd_semaphore.give(); } else { INTERNAL_ERROR(AP_InternalError::error_t::logger_flushing_without_sem); } } #else { // flush is for replay and examples only } #endif // APM_BUILD_TYPE(APM_BUILD_Replay) || APM_BUILD_TYPE(APM_BUILD_UNKNOWN) #endif void AP_Logger_File::io_timer(void) { uint32_t tnow = AP_HAL::millis(); _io_timer_heartbeat = tnow; if (start_new_log_pending) { start_new_log(); start_new_log_pending = false; } if (erase.log_num != 0) { // continue erase erase_next(); return; } if (_write_fd == -1 || !_initialised || recent_open_error()) { return; } if (last_log_is_marked_discard && hal.util->get_soft_armed()) { // time to make the log permanent const auto log_num = find_last_log(); last_log_is_marked_discard = false; write_lastlog_file(log_num); } uint32_t nbytes = _writebuf.available(); if (nbytes == 0) { return; } if (nbytes < _writebuf_chunk && tnow - _last_write_time < 2000UL) { // write in _writebuf_chunk-sized chunks, but always write at // least once per 2 seconds if data is available return; } if (tnow - _free_space_last_check_time > _free_space_check_interval) { _free_space_last_check_time = tnow; last_io_operation = "disk_space_avail"; if (disk_space_avail() < _free_space_min_avail && disk_space() > 0) { DEV_PRINTF("Out of space for logging\n"); stop_logging(); _open_error_ms = AP_HAL::millis(); // prevent logging starting again for 5s last_io_operation = ""; return; } last_io_operation = ""; } _last_write_time = tnow; if (nbytes > _writebuf_chunk) { // be kind to the filesystem layer nbytes = _writebuf_chunk; } uint32_t size; const uint8_t *head = _writebuf.readptr(size); nbytes = MIN(nbytes, size); // try to align writes on a 512 byte boundary to avoid filesystem reads if ((nbytes + _write_offset) % 512 != 0) { uint32_t ofs = (nbytes + _write_offset) % 512; if (ofs < nbytes) { nbytes -= ofs; } } last_io_operation = "write"; if (!write_fd_semaphore.take(1)) { return; } if (_write_fd == -1) { write_fd_semaphore.give(); return; } ssize_t nwritten = AP::FS().write(_write_fd, head, nbytes); last_io_operation = ""; if (nwritten <= 0) { if ((tnow - _last_write_ms)/1000U > unsigned(_front._params.file_timeout)) { // if we can't write for LOG_FILE_TIMEOUT seconds we give up and close // the file. This allows us to cope with temporary write // failures caused by directory listing last_io_operation = "close"; AP::FS().close(_write_fd); last_io_operation = ""; _write_fd = -1; printf("Failed to write to File: %s\n", strerror(errno)); } _last_write_failed = true; } else { _last_write_failed = false; _last_write_ms = tnow; _write_offset += nwritten; _writebuf.advance(nwritten); /* the best strategy for minimizing corruption on microSD cards seems to be to write in 4k chunks and fsync the file on each chunk, ensuring the directory entry is updated after each write. */ #if CONFIG_HAL_BOARD != HAL_BOARD_SITL && CONFIG_HAL_BOARD_SUBTYPE != HAL_BOARD_SUBTYPE_LINUX_NONE last_io_operation = "fsync"; AP::FS().fsync(_write_fd); last_io_operation = ""; #endif #if AP_RTC_ENABLED && CONFIG_HAL_BOARD == HAL_BOARD_CHIBIOS // ChibiOS does not update mtime on writes, so if we opened // without knowing the time we should update it later if (_need_rtc_update) { uint64_t utc_usec; if (AP::rtc().get_utc_usec(utc_usec)) { AP::FS().set_mtime(_write_filename, utc_usec/(1000U*1000U)); _need_rtc_update = false; } } #endif } write_fd_semaphore.give(); } bool AP_Logger_File::io_thread_alive() const { if (!hal.scheduler->is_system_initialized()) { // the system has long pauses during initialisation, assume still OK return true; } // if the io thread hasn't had a heartbeat in a while then it is #if CONFIG_HAL_BOARD == HAL_BOARD_ESP32 uint32_t timeout_ms = 10000; #else uint32_t timeout_ms = 5000; #endif #if CONFIG_HAL_BOARD == HAL_BOARD_SITL && !defined(HAL_BUILD_AP_PERIPH) // the IO thread is working with hardware - writing to a physical // disk. Unfortunately these hardware devices do not obey our // SITL speedup options, so we allow for it here. SITL::SIM *sitl = AP::sitl(); if (sitl != nullptr) { timeout_ms *= sitl->speedup; } #endif return (AP_HAL::millis() - _io_timer_heartbeat) < timeout_ms; } bool AP_Logger_File::logging_failed() const { if (!_initialised) { return true; } if (recent_open_error()) { return true; } if (!io_thread_alive()) { // No heartbeat in a second. IO thread is dead?! Very Not // Good. return true; } if (_last_write_failed) { return true; } return false; } /* erase another file in async erase operation */ void AP_Logger_File::erase_next(void) { char *fname = _log_file_name(erase.log_num); if (fname == nullptr) { erase.log_num = 0; return; } AP::FS().unlink(fname); free(fname); erase.log_num++; if (erase.log_num <= _front.get_max_num_logs()) { return; } fname = _lastlog_file_name(); if (fname != nullptr) { AP::FS().unlink(fname); free(fname); } _cached_oldest_log = 0; erase.log_num = 0; } #endif // HAL_LOGGING_FILESYSTEM_ENABLED