-- Send the FOLLOW_TARGET mavlink message to allow other vehicles to follow this one -- -- How To Use -- 1. copy this script to the autopilot's "scripts" directory -- 2. within the "scripts" directory create a "modules" directory -- 3. copy the MAVLink/mavlink_msgs_xxx files to the "scripts" directory -- 4. the FOLLOW_TARGET message will be published at 10hz -- load mavlink message definitions from modules/MAVLink directory local mavlink_msgs = require("MAVLink/mavlink_msgs") -- global definitions local MAV_SEVERITY = {EMERGENCY=0, ALERT=1, CRITICAL=2, ERROR=3, WARNING=4, NOTICE=5, INFO=6, DEBUG=7} local UPDATE_INTERVAL_MS = 100 -- update at about 10hz local FOLLOW_TARGET_CAPABILITIES = {POS=2^0, VEL=2^1, ACCEL=2^2, ATT_RATES=2^3} -- setup script specific parameters local PARAM_TABLE_KEY = 88 local PARAM_TABLE_PREFIX = "FOLT_" assert(param:add_table(PARAM_TABLE_KEY, PARAM_TABLE_PREFIX, 2), 'could not add param table') -- add a parameter and bind it to a variable local function bind_add_param(name, idx, default_value) assert(param:add_param(PARAM_TABLE_KEY, idx, name, default_value), string.format('could not add param %s', PARAM_TABLE_PREFIX .. name)) return Parameter(PARAM_TABLE_PREFIX .. name) end --[[ // @Param: FOLT_ENABLE // @DisplayName: Follow Target Send Enable // @Description: Follow Target Send Enable // @Values: 0:Disabled,1:Enabled // @User: Standard --]] local FOLT_ENABLE = bind_add_param("ENABLE", 1, 1) --[[ // @Param: FOLT_MAV_CHAN // @DisplayName: Follow Target Send MAVLink Channel // @Description: MAVLink channel to which FOLLOW_TARGET should be sent // @Range: 0 10 // @User: Standard --]] local FOLT_MAV_CHAN = bind_add_param("MAV_CHAN", 2, 0) -- send FOLLOW_TARGET message local function send_follow_target_msg() -- get vehicle location local curr_loc = ahrs:get_location() if curr_loc == nil then do return end end local capabilities = FOLLOW_TARGET_CAPABILITIES.POS -- get vehicle target velocity in m/s in NED frame local vel_target_NED = poscontrol:get_vel_target() if vel_target_NED ~= nil then capabilities = capabilities + FOLLOW_TARGET_CAPABILITIES.VEL else vel_target_NED = Vector3f() end -- get vehicle target acceleration in m/s/s in NED frame local accel_target_NED = poscontrol:get_accel_target() if accel_target_NED ~= nil then capabilities = capabilities + FOLLOW_TARGET_CAPABILITIES.ACCEL else accel_target_NED = Vector3f() end -- get vehicle current attitude as quaternion and rates local attitude_quat = ahrs:get_quaternion() local curr_rot_rate = ahrs:get_gyro() if attitude_quat ~= nil and curr_rot_rate ~= nil then capabilities = capabilities + FOLLOW_TARGET_CAPABILITIES.ATT_RATES else attitude_quat = Quaternion() curr_rot_rate = Vector3f() end local curr_rot_rate_NED = ahrs:body_to_earth(curr_rot_rate) -- prepare FOLLOW_TARGET message local follow_target_msg = {} follow_target_msg.timestamp = millis():toint() follow_target_msg.est_capabilities = capabilities follow_target_msg.lat = curr_loc:lat() follow_target_msg.lon = curr_loc:lng() follow_target_msg.alt = curr_loc:alt() * 0.01 follow_target_msg.vel = {vel_target_NED:x(), vel_target_NED:y(), vel_target_NED:z()} follow_target_msg.acc = {accel_target_NED:x(), accel_target_NED:y(), accel_target_NED:z()} follow_target_msg.attitude_q = {attitude_quat:q1(), attitude_quat:q2(), attitude_quat:q3(), attitude_quat:q4()} follow_target_msg.rates = {curr_rot_rate_NED:x(), curr_rot_rate_NED:y(), curr_rot_rate_NED:z()} follow_target_msg.position_cov = {0, 0, 0} follow_target_msg.custom_state = 0 -- send FOLLOW_TARGET message mavlink:send_chan(FOLT_MAV_CHAN:get(), mavlink_msgs.encode("FOLLOW_TARGET", follow_target_msg)) end -- display welcome message gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.INFO, "follow-target-send script loaded") -- update function to receive location from payload and move vehicle to reduce payload's oscillation local function update() -- exit immediately if not enabled if (FOLT_ENABLE:get() <= 0) then return update, 1000 end -- send FOLLOW_TARGET message send_follow_target_msg() return update, UPDATE_INTERVAL_MS end return update()