using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Reflection; using System.Windows.Forms; using ArducopterConfigurator.PresentationModels; using ArducopterConfigurator.views; using ArducopterConfigurator.Views; namespace ArducopterConfigurator { public partial class mainForm : Form, IView { private MainVm _vm; public mainForm(MainVm vm) { InitializeComponent(); SetDataContext(vm); } // IPresentationModel to IView map private readonly Dictionary _viewMap = new Dictionary { {typeof (SensorsVm), typeof (FlightDataView)}, {typeof (TransmitterChannelsVm), typeof (TransmitterChannelsView)}, {typeof (MotorCommandsVm), typeof (MotorCommandsView)}, {typeof (AcroModeConfigVm), typeof (AcroConfigView)}, {typeof (StableModeConfigVm), typeof (StableConfigView)}, {typeof (PositionHoldConfigVm), typeof (PositionHoldConfigView)}, {typeof (AltitudeHoldConfigVm), typeof (AltitudeHoldConfigView)}, {typeof (SerialMonitorVm), typeof (SerialMonitorView)}, {typeof (FlightControlPidsVm), typeof (FlightControlPidsView)}, {typeof (PositionAltitudePidsVm), typeof (PositionAltitudePidsView)}, }; private Control CreateAndBindView(IPresentationModel model) { if (_viewMap.ContainsKey(model.GetType())) { var viewtype = _viewMap[model.GetType()]; var view = Activator.CreateInstance(viewtype); var methodInfo = this.GetType().GetMethod("BindView"); var closedBindViewMethod = methodInfo.MakeGenericMethod(model.GetType()); return closedBindViewMethod.Invoke(this, new[] { model, view }) as Control; } else { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("model","Cannot find entry in view map for type: " + model.GetType()); } return null; } // called via reflection above to close the T public Control BindView(T model, IView view) where T : IPresentationModel { view.SetDataContext(model); return view.Control; } protected void BindButtons(MainVm vm) { foreach (var c in this.Controls) if (c is Button) (c as Button).Click += btn_Click; vm.PropertyChanged += CheckCommandStates; CheckCommandStates(this,new PropertyChangedEventArgs(string.Empty)); } void CheckCommandStates(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e) { foreach (var c in this.Controls) { var btn = c as Button; if (btn == null) continue; var cmd =btn.Tag as ICommand; if (cmd!=null) btn.Enabled = cmd.CanExecute(null); } } protected void btn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var cmd = (sender as Button).Tag as ICommand; if (cmd != null) if (cmd.CanExecute(null)) cmd.Execute(null); } #region Implementation of IView public void SetDataContext(MainVm vm) { _vm = vm; mainVmBindingSource.DataSource = vm; availablePortsBindingSource.DataSource = vm.AvailablePorts; foreach (var monitorVm in _vm.MonitorVms) { var tp = new TabPage(monitorVm.Name) {Tag = monitorVm}; var control = CreateAndBindView(monitorVm); if (control != null) { tp.Controls.Add(control); control.Size = tp.ClientRectangle.Size; } tabCtrlMonitorVms.TabPages.Add(tp); } var tabVm = tabCtrlMonitorVms.SelectedTab.Tag as IPresentationModel; _vm.Select(tabVm); UpdateConnectionStatusLabel(); _vm.PropertyChanged += ((sender, e) => UpdateConnectionStatusLabel()); // hack for INPC subscribe bug in Mono if (Program.IsMonoRuntime) vm.PropertyChanged += ((sender, e) => mainVmBindingSource.ResetBindings(false)); } public Control Control { get { return this; } } #endregion private void tabCtrlConfigs_Selected(object sender, TabControlEventArgs e) { var control = e.TabPage.Controls[0]; control.Size = e.TabPage.ClientRectangle.Size; var tabVm = e.TabPage.Tag as IPresentationModel; _vm.Select(tabVm); } private void mainForm_SizeChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { ResizeChildControls(); } private void MainFormLoaded(object sender, EventArgs e) { ResizeChildControls(); BindButtons(_vm); if (System.Deployment.Application.ApplicationDeployment.IsNetworkDeployed) { var ad = System.Deployment.Application.ApplicationDeployment.CurrentDeployment; Text = "Arducopter Configurator " + ad.CurrentVersion; } else { Text = "Arducopter Configurator (No Version)"; } } private void ResizeChildControls() { foreach (TabPage tabPage in tabCtrlMonitorVms.TabPages) { var control = tabPage.Controls[0]; control.Size = tabPage.ClientRectangle.Size; } } private void UpdateConnectionStatusLabel() { switch (_vm.ConnectionState) { case MainVm.SessionStates.Disconnected: lblConnectionStatus.Text="Not Connected"; break; case MainVm.SessionStates.Connecting: lblConnectionStatus.Text="Connecting..."; break; case MainVm.SessionStates.Connected: lblConnectionStatus.Text="Connected - version " + _vm.ApmVersion; break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } } } }