/* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ /* simulator connector for ardupilot version of SilentWings */ #include "SIM_SilentWings.h" #if HAL_SIM_SILENTWINGS_ENABLED #include #include #include extern const AP_HAL::HAL& hal; using namespace SITL; static const struct { const char *name; float value; bool save; } sim_defaults[] = { { "AHRS_EKF_TYPE", 10 }, { "INS_GYR_CAL", 0 }, { "EK2_ENABLE", 0 }, { "ARSPD_ENABLE", 1 }, { "ARSPD_USE", 1 }, { "INS_ACC2OFFS_X", 0.001 }, { "INS_ACC2OFFS_Y", 0.001 }, { "INS_ACC2OFFS_Z", 0.001 }, { "INS_ACC2SCAL_X", 1.001 }, { "INS_ACC2SCAL_Y", 1.001 }, { "INS_ACC2SCAL_Z", 1.001 }, { "INS_ACCOFFS_X", 0.001 }, { "INS_ACCOFFS_Y", 0.001 }, { "INS_ACCOFFS_Z", 0.001 }, { "INS_ACCSCAL_X", 1.001 }, { "INS_ACCSCAL_Y", 1.001 }, { "INS_ACCSCAL_Z", 1.001 }, }; SilentWings::SilentWings(const char *frame_str) : Aircraft(frame_str), last_data_time_ms(0), first_pkt_timestamp_ms(0), time_base_us(0), sock(true), home_initialized(false), inited_first_pkt_timestamp(false) { // Force ArduPlane to use sensor data from SilentWings as the actual state, // without using EKF, i.e., using "fake EKF (type 10)". Disable gyro calibration. // Set a few other parameters to specific values to keep the calibration checks happy. // TO DO: fix this. Setting parameters in this way doesn't appear to have any effect. for (uint8_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(sim_defaults); i++) { AP_Param::set_default_by_name(sim_defaults[i].name, sim_defaults[i].value); if (sim_defaults[i].save) { enum ap_var_type ptype; AP_Param *p = AP_Param::find(sim_defaults[i].name, &ptype); if (!p->configured()) { p->save(); } } } } /* Create and set in/out socket */ void SilentWings::set_interface_ports(const char* address, const int port_in, const int port_out) { // Ignore the specified port_in. // try to bind to a specific port so that if we restart ArduPilot // Gazebo keeps sending us packets. Not strictly necessary but // useful for debugging if (!sock.bind("", _port_in)) { fprintf(stderr, "SITL: socket in bind failed on sim in : %d - %s\n", _port_in, strerror(errno)); fprintf(stderr, "Aborting launch...\n"); exit(1); } printf("Bind %s:%d for SITL in\n", "", _port_in); sock.reuseaddress(); sock.set_blocking(false); _sw_address = address; // Ignore the specified port_out. printf("Setting Silent Wings interface to %s:%d \n", _sw_address, _sw_port); } /* decode and send servos */ void SilentWings::send_servos(const struct sitl_input &input) { char *buf = nullptr; // Turn off direct joystick input to the simulator. All joystick commands // should go through Mission Planner and get properly fused with ArduPlane's // control inputs when in automatic flight modes. float joystick = 0.0f; float aileron = filtered_servo_angle(input, 0); float elevator = filtered_servo_angle(input, 1); float throttle = filtered_servo_range(input, 2); float rudder = filtered_servo_angle(input, 3); ssize_t buflen = asprintf(&buf, "JOY %f\n" "AIL %f\n" "ELE %f\n" "RUD %f\n" "THR %f\n", joystick, aileron, elevator, rudder, throttle) - 1; if (buflen < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Fatal: Failed to allocate enough space for data\n"), exit(1); } ssize_t sent = sock.sendto(buf, buflen, _sw_address, _sw_port); free(buf); if (sent < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Fatal: Failed to send on control socket\n"), exit(1); } if (sent < buflen) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to send all bytes on control socket\n"); } } /* Receive an update from the FDM This is a blocking function */ bool SilentWings::recv_fdm(void) { fdm_packet tmp_pkt; memset(&pkt, 0, sizeof(pkt)); ssize_t nread = sock.recv(&tmp_pkt, sizeof(pkt), 0); // nread == -1 (255) means no data has arrived if (nread != sizeof(pkt)) { return false; } memcpy(&pkt, &tmp_pkt, sizeof(pkt)); // data received successfully return true; } void SilentWings::process_packet() { // pkt.timestamp is the time of day in SilentWings, measured in ms // since midnight. // TO DO: check what happens when a flight in SW crosses midnight if (inited_first_pkt_timestamp) { uint64_t tus = (pkt.timestamp - first_pkt_timestamp_ms) * 1.0e3f; time_now_us = time_base_us + tus; } else { first_pkt_timestamp_ms = pkt.timestamp; time_base_us = time_now_us; inited_first_pkt_timestamp = true; } dcm.from_euler(radians(pkt.roll), radians(pkt.pitch), radians(pkt.yaw)); accel_body = Vector3f(pkt.ax * GRAVITY_MSS, pkt.ay * GRAVITY_MSS, pkt.az * GRAVITY_MSS); // This is g-load. gyro = Vector3f(radians(pkt.d_roll), radians(pkt.d_pitch), radians(pkt.d_yaw)); // SilentWings provides velocity in body frame. velocity_ef = dcm * Vector3f(pkt.vx, pkt.vy, pkt.vz); // SilentWings also provides velocity in body frame w.r.t. the wind, from which we can infer the wind. wind_ef = dcm * (Vector3f(pkt.vx, pkt.vy, pkt.vz) - Vector3f(pkt.vx_wind, pkt.vy_wind, pkt.vz_wind)); airspeed = pkt.v_eas; airspeed_pitot = pkt.v_eas; Location curr_location; curr_location.lat = pkt.position_latitude * 1.0e7; curr_location.lng = pkt.position_longitude * 1.0e7; curr_location.alt = pkt.altitude_msl * 100.0f; ground_level = curr_location.alt * 0.01f - pkt.altitude_ground; Vector3f posdelta = origin.get_distance_NED(curr_location); position.x = posdelta.x; position.y = posdelta.y; position.z = posdelta.z; update_position(); // In case Silent Wings' reported location and our location calculated using an offset from the home location diverge, we need // to reset the home location. if (curr_location.get_distance(location) > 4 || abs(curr_location.alt - location.alt)*0.01f > 2.0f || !home_initialized) { printf("SilentWings home reset dist=%f alt=%.1f/%.1f\n", curr_location.get_distance(location), curr_location.alt*0.01f, location.alt*0.01f); // reset home location home.lat = curr_location.lat; home.lng = curr_location.lng; origin.lat = home.lat; origin.lng = home.lng; // Resetting altitude reference point in flight can throw off a bunch // of important calculations, so let the home altitude always be 0m MSL home.alt = 0; position.x = 0; position.y = 0; position.z = -curr_location.alt; home_initialized = true; update_position(); } // Auto-adjust to Silent Wings' frame rate // This affects the data rate (without this adjustment, the data rate is // low no matter what the output_udp_rate in SW's options.dat file is). double deltat = (AP_HAL::millis() - last_data_time_ms) / 1000.0f; if (deltat < 0.01 && deltat > 0) { adjust_frame_time(1.0/deltat); } last_data_time_ms = AP_HAL::millis(); report.data_count++; report.frame_count++; if (0) { printf("Delta: %f Time: %" PRIu64 "\n", deltat, time_now_us); printf("Accel.x %f\n", accel_body.x); printf("Accel.y %f\n", accel_body.y); printf("Accel.z %f\n", accel_body.z); printf("Gyro.x %f\n", gyro.x); printf("Gyro.y %f\n", gyro.y); printf("Gyro.z %f\n", gyro.z); printf("Pos.x %f\n", position.x); printf("Pos.y %f\n", position.y); printf("Pos.z %f\n", position.z); printf("Roll %f\n", pkt.roll); printf("Pitch %f\n", pkt.pitch); printf("Yaw %f\n", pkt.yaw); } } /* Extrapolates sensor data if Silent Wings hasn't sent us a data packet in a while. */ bool SilentWings::interim_update() { if (AP_HAL::millis() - last_data_time_ms > 200) { // don't extrapolate beyond 0.2s return false; } float delta_time = frame_time_us * 1e-6f; time_now_us += frame_time_us; extrapolate_sensors(delta_time); update_position(); report.frame_count++; return true; } /* Update the Silent Wings simulation by one time step. */ void SilentWings::update(const struct sitl_input &input) { if (recv_fdm()) { process_packet(); // Time has been advanced by process_packet(.) send_servos(input); } else if (interim_update()) { // This clause is triggered only if we previously // received at least one data packet. // Time has been advanced by interim_update(.) send_servos(input); } // This clause is triggered if and only if we haven't received // any data packets yet (and therefore didn't attempt // extrapolating data via interim_update(.) either). if (!inited_first_pkt_timestamp){ time_advance(); } else { if (use_time_sync) { sync_frame_time(); } } update_mag_field_bf(); uint32_t now = AP_HAL::millis(); if (report.last_report_ms == 0) { report.last_report_ms = now; printf("Resetting last report time to now\n"); } if (now - report.last_report_ms > 5000) { float dt = (now - report.last_report_ms) * 1.0e-3f; printf("Data rate: %.1f FPS Frame rate: %.1f FPS\n", report.data_count/dt, report.frame_count/dt); report.last_report_ms = now; report.data_count = 0; report.frame_count = 0; } } #endif // HAL_SIM_SILENTWINGS_ENABLED