# 3DR (mRo) Control Zero H7 OEM Flight Controller revision G The Control Zero H7 OEM revision G is a flight controller produced by [3DR (mRo)](https://store.3dr.com/control-zero-h7-oem-g/). ![3DR Control Zero H7 OEM rev G - Top](https://vddwxegfxugwzpfnrrlp.supabase.co/storage/v1/object/public/Website-CDN/autopilot-img/CZOEM_revG_front.JPG) ![3DR Control Zero H7 OEM rev G - Bottom](https://vddwxegfxugwzpfnrrlp.supabase.co/storage/v1/object/public/Website-CDN/autopilot-img/CZOEM_revG_back.JPG?t=2024-03-08T20%3A18%3A49.140Z) ![3DR Control Zero H7 OEM rev G - Top w/ case](https://vddwxegfxugwzpfnrrlp.supabase.co/storage/v1/object/public/Website-CDN/autopilot-img/CZOEM_revG_case_front.JPG?t=2024-03-08T20%3A18%3A57.128Z) ![3DR Control Zero H7 OEM rev G - Bottomi w/ case](https://vddwxegfxugwzpfnrrlp.supabase.co/storage/v1/object/public/Website-CDN/autopilot-img/CZOEM_revG_case.jpg?t=2024-03-08T20%3A18%3A52.750Z) ## Features Processor STM32H743IIK6 32-bit Processor Sensors BMI088 6DOF ICM20602 6DOF ICM20948 9DOF DPS368 Baro Power External Power Supply Logic level at 3.3V Interfaces Bottom Connectors: 36pin front and 40pin back Samtec FTM-118-02-x and FTM-120-02-x 8x PWM / IO - DMA capable 1x RC Input 5x UARTs (2x with hardware flow control) 2x CAN 1x SPI 3x I2C SWD via TC2030 header SDCARD Socket Memory FRAM (256KB) Miscellaneous Onboard 3 color LED Buzzer Safety Button ### Uncased Weight and Dimensions Weight: 3.66g (13.oz) Width: 20mm (.79in) Length: 34mm (1.34in) *Case sold separately* ## Changelog - M10059C - Initial Release - M10059G adds external power supply and TCXO. ## Pinout ![Control Zero H7 OEM revision G pinout](https://vddwxegfxugwzpfnrrlp.supabase.co/storage/v1/object/public/Website-CDN/pinouts/czoem_pinout_revG_topview.png) ## UART Mapping - SERIAL0 -> USB1, for GCS connection - SERIAL1 -> USART2 (TELEM 1) DMA Enabled - SERIAL2 -> USART3 (TELEM 2) DMA Enabled - SERIAL3 -> UART4 (GPS) DMA Enabled - SERIAL4 -> UART8 (GPS 2) DMA Enabled - SERIAL5 -> UART7 (DEBUG) DMA Enabled - SERIAL6 -> USART6 (Additional USART) DMA Enabled - SERIAL7 -> USB2, MAVLink interface ## RC Input RC input is configured on the RC_IN pin. These are the supported RC input protocols: Spektrum DSM / DSM2 / DSM-X® Satellite compatible input and binding. Futaba S.BUS® & S.BUS2® compatible input. Graupner SUMD. Yuneec ST24. ## Analog Inputs The Control Zero H7 OEM revision G has 4 ADC inputs: - ADC1 Pin11 -> RSSI IN - ADC1 Pin14 -> Battery Voltage - ADC1 Pin15 -> Battery Current - ADC1 Pin18 -> 5V Sensor ## PWM Output The Control Zero H7 OEM revision G supports up to 8 PWM outputs. All DShot and BiDirDShot capable. The PWM outputs are distributed in 3 groups: - PWM 1-4 in group 1 - PWM 5-6 in group 4 - PWM 7-8 in group 8 Channels within the same group must use only one output rate. If any channel is using DShot or BiDirDShot the rest of the group will use the said output type. ## Power Supply This board requires a 5V, 1 Amps power supply. ## Battery Monitoring This board has a built-in voltage and current sensors. The following settings need to be present already on the board to work with a Power Zero Module (M10077): - BATT_MONITOR 4 - BATT_VOLT_PIN 14 - BATT_CURR_PIN 15 - BATT_VOLT_SCALE 15.3 - BATT_CURR_SCALE 50.0 *Other Power Module needs to be adjusted accordingly* ## Build `./waf configure --board=3DRControlZeroG` `./waf copter` (check ArduPilot's docs for more info about the available targets) The compiled binary will be located in `build/3DRControlZeroG/bin/arducopter.apj`. ## Uploading Firmware Any Control Zero H7 OEM revision G has a preloaded Ardupilot bootloader, which allows the user to use a compatible Ground Station software to upload the `.apj` file.