--[[ example script to test lua socket API --]] local MAV_SEVERITY = {EMERGENCY=0, ALERT=1, CRITICAL=2, ERROR=3, WARNING=4, NOTICE=5, INFO=6, DEBUG=7} PARAM_TABLE_KEY = 47 PARAM_TABLE_PREFIX = "WEB_" -- add a parameter and bind it to a variable function bind_add_param(name, idx, default_value) assert(param:add_param(PARAM_TABLE_KEY, idx, name, default_value), string.format('could not add param %s', name)) return Parameter(PARAM_TABLE_PREFIX .. name) end -- Setup Parameters assert(param:add_table(PARAM_TABLE_KEY, PARAM_TABLE_PREFIX, 6), 'net_test: could not add param table') --[[ // @Param: WEB_ENABLE // @DisplayName: enable web server // @Description: enable web server // @Values: 0:Disabled,1:Enabled // @User: Standard --]] local WEB_ENABLE = bind_add_param('ENABLE', 1, 1) --[[ // @Param: WEB_BIND_PORT // @DisplayName: web server TCP port // @Description: web server TCP port // @Range: 1 65535 // @User: Standard --]] local WEB_BIND_PORT = bind_add_param('BIND_PORT', 2, 8080) --[[ // @Param: WEB_DEBUG // @DisplayName: web server debugging // @Description: web server debugging // @Values: 0:Disabled,1:Enabled // @User: Advanced --]] local WEB_DEBUG = bind_add_param('DEBUG', 3, 0) --[[ // @Param: WEB_BLOCK_SIZE // @DisplayName: web server block size // @Description: web server block size for download // @Range: 1 65535 // @User: Advanced --]] local WEB_BLOCK_SIZE = bind_add_param('BLOCK_SIZE', 4, 10240) --[[ // @Param: WEB_TIMEOUT // @DisplayName: web server timeout // @Description: timeout for inactive connections // @Units: s // @Range: 0.1 60 // @User: Advanced --]] local WEB_TIMEOUT = bind_add_param('TIMEOUT', 5, 2.0) if WEB_ENABLE:get() ~= 1 then gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.INFO, "WebServer: disabled") return end local BRD_RTC_TZ_MIN = Parameter("BRD_RTC_TZ_MIN") gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.INFO, string.format("WebServer: starting on port %u", WEB_BIND_PORT:get())) local sock_listen = Socket(0) local clients = {} local DOCTYPE = "" local SERVER_VERSION = "net_webserver 1.0" local CONTENT_TEXT_HTML = "text/html;charset=UTF-8" local CONTENT_OCTET_STREAM = "application/octet-stream" local HIDDEN_FOLDERS = { "@SYS", "@ROMFS", "@MISSION", "@PARAM" } local MNT_PREFIX = "/mnt" local MNT_PREFIX2 = MNT_PREFIX .. "/" local MIME_TYPES = { ["apj"] = CONTENT_OCTET_STREAM, ["dat"] = CONTENT_OCTET_STREAM, ["o"] = CONTENT_OCTET_STREAM, ["obj"] = CONTENT_OCTET_STREAM, ["lua"] = "text/x-lua", ["py"] = "text/x-python", ["shtml"] = CONTENT_TEXT_HTML, ["js"] = "text/javascript", -- thanks to https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Basics_of_HTTP/MIME_types/Common_types ["aac"] = "audio/aac", ["abw"] = "application/x-abiword", ["arc"] = "application/x-freearc", ["avif"] = "image/avif", ["avi"] = "video/x-msvideo", ["azw"] = "application/vnd.amazon.ebook", ["bin"] = "application/octet-stream", ["bmp"] = "image/bmp", ["bz"] = "application/x-bzip", ["bz2"] = "application/x-bzip2", ["cda"] = "application/x-cdf", ["csh"] = "application/x-csh", ["css"] = "text/css", ["csv"] = "text/csv", ["doc"] = "application/msword", ["docx"] = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document", ["eot"] = "application/vnd.ms-fontobject", ["epub"] = "application/epub+zip", ["gz"] = "application/gzip", ["gif"] = "image/gif", ["htm"] = CONTENT_TEXT_HTML, ["html"] = CONTENT_TEXT_HTML, ["ico"] = "image/vnd.microsoft.icon", ["ics"] = "text/calendar", ["jar"] = "application/java-archive", ["jpeg"] = "image/jpeg", ["json"] = "application/json", ["jsonld"] = "application/ld+json", ["mid"] = "audio/x-midi", ["mjs"] = "text/javascript", ["mp3"] = "audio/mpeg", ["mp4"] = "video/mp4", ["mpeg"] = "video/mpeg", ["mpkg"] = "application/vnd.apple.installer+xml", ["odp"] = "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation", ["ods"] = "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet", ["odt"] = "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text", ["oga"] = "audio/ogg", ["ogv"] = "video/ogg", ["ogx"] = "application/ogg", ["opus"] = "audio/opus", ["otf"] = "font/otf", ["png"] = "image/png", ["pdf"] = "application/pdf", ["php"] = "application/x-httpd-php", ["ppt"] = "application/vnd.ms-powerpoint", ["pptx"] = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation", ["rar"] = "application/vnd.rar", ["rtf"] = "application/rtf", ["sh"] = "application/x-sh", ["svg"] = "image/svg+xml", ["tar"] = "application/x-tar", ["tif"] = "image/tiff", ["tiff"] = "image/tiff", ["ts"] = "video/mp2t", ["ttf"] = "font/ttf", ["txt"] = "text/plain", ["vsd"] = "application/vnd.visio", ["wav"] = "audio/wav", ["weba"] = "audio/webm", ["webm"] = "video/webm", ["webp"] = "image/webp", ["woff"] = "font/woff", ["woff2"] = "font/woff2", ["xhtml"] = "application/xhtml+xml", ["xls"] = "application/vnd.ms-excel", ["xlsx"] = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet", ["xml"] = "default.", ["xul"] = "application/vnd.mozilla.xul+xml", ["zip"] = "application/zip", ["3gp"] = "video", ["3g2"] = "video", ["7z"] = "application/x-7z-compressed", } --[[ builtin dynamic pages --]] local DYNAMIC_PAGES = { -- main home page ["/"] = [[ ArduPilot

ArduPilot Web Server

Controller Status

]], -- board status section on front page ["@DYNAMIC/board_status.shtml"] = [[
GIT Hash
Arm Status
AHRS Location
GPS Location
]] } --[[ builtin javascript library functions --]] JS_LIBRARY = { ["dynamic_load"] = [[ function dynamic_load(div_id, uri, period_ms) { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open('GET', uri); xhr.setRequestHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache, no-store, max-age=0"); xhr.setRequestHeader("Expires", "Tue, 01 Jan 1980 1:00:00 GMT"); xhr.setRequestHeader("Pragma", "no-cache"); xhr.onload = function () { if (xhr.status === 200) { var output = document.getElementById(div_id); if (uri.endsWith('.shtml') || uri.endsWith('.html')) { output.innerHTML = xhr.responseText; } else { output.textContent = xhr.responseText; } } setTimeout(function() { dynamic_load(div_id,uri, period_ms); }, period_ms); } xhr.send(); } ]] } if not sock_listen:bind("", WEB_BIND_PORT:get()) then gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.ERROR, string.format("WebServer: failed to bind to TCP %u", WEB_BIND_PORT:get())) return end if not sock_listen:listen(20) then gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.ERROR, "WebServer: failed to listen") return end function hms_uptime() local s = (millis()/1000):toint() local min = math.floor(s / 60) % 60 local hr = math.floor(s / 3600) return string.format("%u hours %u minutes %u seconds", hr, min, s%60) end --[[ split string by pattern --]] local function split(str, pattern) local ret = {} for s in string.gmatch(str, pattern) do table.insert(ret, s) end return ret end --[[ return true if a string ends in the 2nd string --]] local function endswith(str, s) local len1 = #str local len2 = #s return string.sub(str,1+len1-len2,len1) == s end --[[ return true if a string starts with the 2nd string --]] local function startswith(str, s) return string.sub(str,1,#s) == s end local debug_count=0 function DEBUG(txt) if WEB_DEBUG:get() ~= 0 then gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.DEBUG, txt .. string.format(" [%u]", debug_count)) debug_count = debug_count + 1 end end --[[ return index of element in a table --]] function table_index(t,el) for i,v in ipairs(t) do if v == el then return i end end return nil end --[[ return true if a table contains a given element --]] function table_contains(t,el) local i = table_index(t, el) return i ~= nil end function is_hidden_dir(path) return table_contains(HIDDEN_FOLDERS, path) end local DAYS = { "Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat" } local MONTHS = { "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" } function isdirectory(path) local s = fs:stat(path) return s and s:is_directory() end --[[ time string for directory listings --]] function file_timestring(path) local s = fs:stat(path) if not s then return "" end local mtime = s:mtime() mtime = mtime + BRD_RTC_TZ_MIN:get()*60 local year, month, day, hour, min, sec, _ = rtc:clock_s_to_date_fields(mtime) if not year then return "" end return string.format("%04u-%02u-%02u %02u:%02u", year, month+1, day, hour, min, sec) end --[[ time string for Last-Modified --]] function file_timestring_http(mtime) local year, month, day, hour, min, sec, wday = rtc:clock_s_to_date_fields(mtime) if not year then return "" end return string.format("%s, %02u %s %u %02u:%02u:%02u GMT", DAYS[wday+1], day, MONTHS[month+1], year, hour, min, sec) end --[[ parse a http time string to a uint32_t seconds timestamp --]] function file_timestring_http_parse(tstring) local dayname, day, monthname, year, hour, min, sec = string.match(tstring, '(%w%w%w), (%d+) (%w%w%w) (%d%d%d%d) (%d%d):(%d%d):(%d%d) GMT') if not dayname then return nil end local mon = table_index(MONTHS, monthname) return rtc:date_fields_to_clock_s(year, mon-1, day, hour, min, sec) end --[[ return true if path exists and is not a directory --]] function file_exists(path) local s = fs:stat(path) if not s then return false end return not s:is_directory() end --[[ substitute variables of form {xxx} from a table from http://lua-users.org/wiki/StringInterpolation --]] function substitute_vars(s, vars) s = (string.gsub(s, "({([^}]+)})", function(whole,i) return vars[i] or whole end)) return s end --[[ lat or lon as a string, working around limited type in ftoa_engine --]] function latlon_str(ll) local ipart = tonumber(string.match(tostring(ll*1.0e-7), '(.*[.]).*')) local fpart = math.abs(ll - ipart*10000000) return string.format("%d.%u", ipart, fpart, ipart*10000000, ll) end --[[ location string for home page --]] function location_string(loc) return substitute_vars([[{lat} {lon} {alt}]], { ["lat"] = latlon_str(loc:lat()), ["lon"] = latlon_str(loc:lng()), ["alt"] = string.format("%.1fm", loc:alt()*1.0e-2) }) end --[[ client class for open connections --]] local function Client(_sock, _idx) local self = {} self.closed = false local sock = _sock local idx = _idx local have_header = false local header = "" local header_lines = {} local header_vars = {} local run = nil local protocol = nil local file = nil local start_time = millis() local offset = 0 function self.read_header() local s = sock:recv(2048) if not s then local now = millis() if not sock:is_connected() or now - start_time > WEB_TIMEOUT:get()*1000 then -- EOF while looking for header DEBUG(string.format("%u: EOF", idx)) self.remove() return false end return false end if not s or #s == 0 then return false end header = header .. s local eoh = string.find(s, '\r\n\r\n') if eoh then DEBUG(string.format("%u: got header", idx)) have_header = true header_lines = split(header, "[^\r\n]+") -- blocking for reply sock:set_blocking(true) return true end return false end function self.sendstring(s) sock:send(s, #s) end function self.sendline(s) self.sendstring(s .. "\r\n") end --[[ send a string with variable substitution using {varname} --]] function self.sendstring_vars(s, vars) self.sendstring(substitute_vars(s, vars)) end function self.send_header(code, codestr, vars) self.sendline(string.format("%s %u %s", protocol, code, codestr)) self.sendline(string.format("Server: %s", SERVER_VERSION)) for k,v in pairs(vars) do self.sendline(string.format("%s: %s", k, v)) end self.sendline("Connection: close") self.sendline("") end -- get size of a file function self.file_size(fname) local s = fs:stat(fname) if not s then return 0 end local ret = s:size():toint() DEBUG(string.format("%u: size of '%s' -> %u", idx, fname, ret)) return ret end --[[ return full path with .. resolution --]] function self.full_path(path, name) DEBUG(string.format("%u: full_path(%s,%s)", idx, path, name)) local ret = path if path == "/" and startswith(name,"@") then return name end if name == ".." then if path == "/" then return "/" end if endswith(path,"/") then path = string.sub(path, 1, #path-1) end local dir, _ = string.match(path, '(.*/)(.*)') if not dir then return path end return dir end if not endswith(ret, "/") then ret = ret .. "/" end ret = ret .. name DEBUG(string.format("%u: full_path(%s,%s) -> %s", idx, path, name, ret)) return ret end function self.directory_list(path) sock:set_blocking(true) if startswith(path, "/@") then path = string.sub(path, 2, #path-1) end DEBUG(string.format("%u: directory_list(%s)", idx, path)) local dlist = dirlist(path) if not dlist then dlist = {} end if not table_contains(dlist, "..") then -- on ChibiOS we don't get .. table.insert(dlist, "..") end if path == "/" then for _,v in ipairs(HIDDEN_FOLDERS) do table.insert(dlist, v) end end table.sort(dlist) self.send_header(200, "OK", {["Content-Type"]=CONTENT_TEXT_HTML}) self.sendline(DOCTYPE) self.sendstring_vars([[ Index of {path}

Index of {path}

]], {path=path}) for _,d in ipairs(dlist) do local skip = d == "." if not skip then local fullpath = self.full_path(path, d) local name = d local sizestr = "0" local stat = fs:stat(fullpath) local size = stat and stat:size() or 0 if is_hidden_dir(fullpath) or (stat and stat:is_directory()) then name = name .. "/" elseif size >= 100*1000*1000 then sizestr = string.format("%uM", (size/(1000*1000)):toint()) else sizestr = tostring(size) end local modtime = file_timestring(fullpath) self.sendstring_vars([[ ]], { name=name, size=sizestr, modtime=modtime }) end end self.sendstring([[
NameLast modifiedSize
]]) end -- send file content function self.send_file() if not sock:pollout(0) then return end local chunk = WEB_BLOCK_SIZE:get() local b = file:read(chunk) sock:set_blocking(true) if b and #b > 0 then local sent = sock:send(b, #b) if sent == -1 then run = nil self.remove() return end if sent < #b then file:seek(offset+sent) end offset = offset + sent end if not b or #b < chunk then -- EOF DEBUG(string.format("%u: sent file", idx)) run = nil self.remove() return end end --[[ load whole file as a string --]] function self.load_file() local chunk = WEB_BLOCK_SIZE:get() local ret = "" while true do local b = file:read(chunk) if not b or #b == 0 then break end ret = ret .. b end return ret end --[[ evaluate some lua code and return as a string --]] function self.evaluate(code) local eval_code = "function eval_func()\n" .. code .. "\nend\n" local f, errloc, err = load(eval_code, "eval_func", "t", _ENV) if not f then DEBUG(string.format("load failed: err=%s errloc=%s", err, errloc)) return nil end local success, err2 = pcall(f) if not success then DEBUG(string.format("pcall failed: err=%s", err2)) return nil end local ok, s2 = pcall(eval_func) eval_func = nil if ok then return s2 end return nil end --[[ process a file as a lua CGI --]] function self.send_cgi() sock:set_blocking(true) local contents = self.load_file() local s = self.evaluate(contents) if s then self.sendstring(s) end self.remove() end --[[ send file content with server side processsing files ending in .shtml can have embedded lua lika this: Using 'lstr' a return tostring(yourcode) is added to the code automatically --]] function self.send_processed_file(dynamic_page) sock:set_blocking(true) local contents if dynamic_page then contents = file else contents = self.load_file() end while #contents > 0 do local pat1 = "(.-)[<][?]lua[ \n](.-)[?][>](.*)" local pat2 = "(.-)[<][?]lstr[ \n](.-)[?][>](.*)" local p1, p2, p3 = string.match(contents, pat1) if not p1 then p1, p2, p3 = string.match(contents, pat2) if not p1 then break end p2 = "return tostring(" .. p2 .. ")" end self.sendstring(p1) local s2 = self.evaluate(p2) if s2 then self.sendstring(s2) end contents = p3 end self.sendstring(contents) self.remove() end -- return a content type function self.content_type(path) if path == "/" then return MIME_TYPES["html"] end local _, ext = string.match(path, '(.*[.])(.*)') ext = string.lower(ext) local ret = MIME_TYPES[ext] if not ret then return CONTENT_OCTET_STREAM end return ret end -- perform a file download function self.file_download(path) if startswith(path, "/@") then path = string.sub(path, 2, #path) end DEBUG(string.format("%u: file_download(%s)", idx, path)) file = DYNAMIC_PAGES[path] dynamic_page = file ~= nil if not dynamic_page then file = io.open(path,"rb") if not file then DEBUG(string.format("%u: Failed to open '%s'", idx, path)) return false end end local vars = {["Content-Type"]=self.content_type(path)} local cgi_processing = startswith(path, "/cgi-bin/") and endswith(path, ".lua") local server_side_processing = endswith(path, ".shtml") local stat = fs:stat(path) if not startswith(path, "@") and not server_side_processing and not cgi_processing and stat and not dynamic_page then local fsize = stat:size() local mtime = stat:mtime() vars["Content-Length"]= tostring(fsize) local modtime = file_timestring_http(mtime) if modtime then vars["Last-Modified"] = modtime end local if_modified_since = header_vars['If-Modified-Since'] if if_modified_since then local tsec = file_timestring_http_parse(if_modified_since) if tsec and tsec >= mtime then DEBUG(string.format("%u: Not modified: %s %s", idx, modtime, if_modified_since)) self.send_header(304, "Not Modified", vars) return true end end end self.send_header(200, "OK", vars) if server_side_processing or dynamic_page then DEBUG(string.format("%u: shtml processing %s", idx, path)) run = self.send_processed_file(dynamic_page) elseif cgi_processing then DEBUG(string.format("%u: CGI processing %s", idx, path)) run = self.send_cgi elseif sock:sendfile(file) then return true else run = self.send_file end return true end function self.not_found() self.send_header(404, "Not found", {}) end function self.moved_permanently(relpath) if not startswith(relpath, "/") then relpath = "/" .. relpath end local location = string.format("http://%s%s", header_vars['Host'], relpath) DEBUG(string.format("%u: Redirect -> %s", idx, location)) self.send_header(301, "Moved Permanently", {["Location"]=location}) end -- process a single request function self.process_request() local h1 = header_lines[1] if not h1 or #h1 == 0 then DEBUG(string.format("%u: empty request", idx)) return end local cmd = split(header_lines[1], "%S+") if not cmd or #cmd < 3 then DEBUG(string.format("bad request: %s", header_lines[1])) return end if cmd[1] ~= "GET" then DEBUG(string.format("bad op: %s", cmd[1])) return end protocol = cmd[3] if protocol ~= "HTTP/1.0" and protocol ~= "HTTP/1.1" then DEBUG(string.format("bad protocol: %s", protocol)) return end local path = cmd[2] DEBUG(string.format("%u: path='%s'", idx, path)) -- extract header variables for i = 2,#header_lines do local key, var = string.match(header_lines[i], '(.*): (.*)') if key then header_vars[key] = var end end if DYNAMIC_PAGES[path] ~= nil then self.file_download(path) return end if path == MNT_PREFIX then path = "/" end if startswith(path, MNT_PREFIX2) then path = string.sub(path,#MNT_PREFIX2,#path) end if isdirectory(path) and not endswith(path,"/") and header_vars['Host'] and not is_hidden_dir(path) then self.moved_permanently(path .. "/") return end if path ~= "/" and endswith(path,"/") then path = string.sub(path, 1, #path-1) end if startswith(path,"/@") then path = string.sub(path, 2, #path) end -- see if we have an index file if isdirectory(path) and file_exists(path .. "/index.html") then DEBUG(string.format("%u: found index.html", idx)) if self.file_download(path .. "/index.html") then return end end -- see if it is a directory if (path == "/" or DYNAMIC_PAGES[path] == nil) and (endswith(path,"/") or isdirectory(path) or is_hidden_dir(path)) then self.directory_list(path) return end -- or a file if self.file_download(path) then return end self.not_found(path) end -- update the client function self.update() if run then run() return end if not have_header then if not self.read_header() then return end end self.process_request() if not run then -- nothing more to do self.remove() end end function self.remove() DEBUG(string.format("%u: removing client OFFSET=%u", idx, offset)) sock:close() self.closed = true end -- return the instance return self end --[[ see if any new clients want to connect --]] local function check_new_clients() while sock_listen:pollin(0) do local sock = sock_listen:accept() if not sock then return end -- non-blocking for header read sock:set_blocking(false) -- find free client slot for i = 1, #clients+1 do if clients[i] == nil then local idx = i local client = Client(sock, idx) DEBUG(string.format("%u: New client", idx)) clients[idx] = client end end end end --[[ check for client activity --]] local function check_clients() for idx,client in ipairs(clients) do if not client.closed then client.update() end if client.closed then table.remove(clients,idx) end end end local function update() check_new_clients() check_clients() return update,5 end return update,100