--[[ fast tuning of VTOL gains for multirotors and quadplanes This should be used in QLOITER mode for quadplanes and LOITER mode for copters, although it will work in other VTOL modes --]] --[[ - TODO: - disable weathervaning while tuning? - possibly lower P XY gains during tuning? - bail out on a large angle error? --]] local MAV_SEVERITY_INFO = 6 local MAV_SEVERITY_NOTICE = 5 local MAV_SEVERITY_EMERGENCY = 0 local PARAM_TABLE_KEY = 8 local PARAM_TABLE_PREFIX = "QUIK_" local is_quadplane = false local atc_prefix = "ATC" -- bind a parameter to a variable function bind_param(name) local p = Parameter() assert(p:init(name), string.format('could not find %s parameter', name)) return p end -- add a parameter and bind it to a variable function bind_add_param(name, idx, default_value) assert(param:add_param(PARAM_TABLE_KEY, idx, name, default_value), string.format('could not add param %s', name)) return bind_param(PARAM_TABLE_PREFIX .. name) end -- setup quicktune specific parameters assert(param:add_table(PARAM_TABLE_KEY, PARAM_TABLE_PREFIX, 12), 'could not add param table') local QUIK_ENABLE = bind_add_param('ENABLE', 1, 0) local QUIK_AXES = bind_add_param('AXES', 2, 7) local QUIK_DOUBLE_TIME = bind_add_param('DOUBLE_TIME', 3, 10) local QUIK_GAIN_MARGIN = bind_add_param('GAIN_MARGIN', 4, 60) local QUIK_OSC_SMAX = bind_add_param('OSC_SMAX', 5, 5) local QUIK_YAW_P_MAX = bind_add_param('YAW_P_MAX', 6, 0.5) local QUIK_YAW_D_MAX = bind_add_param('YAW_D_MAX', 7, 0.01) local QUIK_RP_PI_RATIO = bind_add_param('RP_PI_RATIO', 8, 1.0) local QUIK_Y_PI_RATIO = bind_add_param('Y_PI_RATIO', 9, 10) local QUIK_AUTO_FILTER = bind_add_param('AUTO_FILTER', 10, 1) local QUIK_AUTO_SAVE = bind_add_param('AUTO_SAVE', 11, 0) local QUIK_RC_FUNC = bind_add_param('RC_FUNC', 12, 300) local INS_GYRO_FILTER = bind_param("INS_GYRO_FILTER") local RCMAP_ROLL = bind_param("RCMAP_ROLL") local RCMAP_PITCH = bind_param("RCMAP_PITCH") local RCMAP_YAW = bind_param("RCMAP_YAW") local RCIN_ROLL = rc:get_channel(RCMAP_ROLL:get()) local RCIN_PITCH = rc:get_channel(RCMAP_PITCH:get()) local RCIN_YAW = rc:get_channel(RCMAP_YAW:get()) local UPDATE_RATE_HZ = 40 local STAGE_DELAY = 4.0 local PILOT_INPUT_DELAY = 4.0 local YAW_FLTE_MAX = 2.0 local FLTD_MUL = 0.5 local FLTT_MUL = 0.5 -- SMAX to set if none set at start local DEFAULT_SMAX = 50.0 -- work out vehicle type if param:get("Q_A_RAT_RLL_SMAX") then is_quadplane = true atc_prefix = "Q_A" gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_EMERGENCY, "Quicktune for quadplane loaded") elseif param:get("ATC_RAT_RLL_SMAX") then is_quadplane = false gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_EMERGENCY, "Quicktune for multicopter loaded") else gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_EMERGENCY, "Quicktune unknown vehicle") return end -- get time in seconds since boot function get_time() return millis():tofloat() * 0.001 end local axis_names = { "RLL", "PIT", "YAW" } local param_suffixes = { "FF", "P", "I", "D", "SMAX", "FLTT", "FLTD", "FLTE" } local stages = { "D", "P" } local stage = stages[1] local last_stage_change = get_time() local last_gain_report = get_time() local last_pilot_input = get_time() local last_notice = get_time() local tune_done_time = nil local slew_parm = nil local slew_target = 0 local slew_delta = 0 local axes_done = {} local filters_done = {} -- create params dictionary indexed by name, such as "RLL_P" local params = {} local param_saved = {} local param_changed = {} local need_restore = false for i, axis in ipairs(axis_names) do for j, suffix in ipairs(param_suffixes) do local pname = axis .. "_" .. suffix params[pname] = bind_param(atc_prefix .. "_" .. "RAT_" .. pname) param_changed[pname] = false end end -- reset to start function reset_axes_done() for i, axis in ipairs(axis_names) do axes_done[axis] = false filters_done[axis] = false end stage = stages[1] end -- get all current param values into param_saved dictionary function get_all_params() for pname in pairs(params) do param_saved[pname] = params[pname]:get() end end -- restore all param values from param_saved dictionary function restore_all_params() for pname in pairs(params) do local changed = param_changed[pname] and 1 or 0 if param_changed[pname] then params[pname]:set(param_saved[pname]) param_changed[pname] = false end end end -- save all param values to storage function save_all_params() for pname in pairs(params) do if param_changed[pname] then params[pname]:set_and_save(params[pname]:get()) param_saved[pname] = params[pname]:get() param_changed[pname] = false end end end -- setup a default SMAX if zero function setup_SMAX() for i, axis in ipairs(axis_names) do local smax = axis .. "_SMAX" if params[smax]:get() <= 0 then adjust_gain(smax, DEFAULT_SMAX) end end end -- setup filter frequencies function setup_filters(axis) if QUIK_AUTO_FILTER:get() <= 0 then return end local fltd = axis .. "_FLTD" local fltt = axis .. "_FLTT" local flte = axis .. "_FLTE" adjust_gain(fltt, INS_GYRO_FILTER:get() * FLTT_MUL) adjust_gain(fltd, INS_GYRO_FILTER:get() * FLTD_MUL) if axis == "YAW" then local FLTE = params[flte] if FLTE:get() <= 0.0 or FLTE:get() > YAW_FLTE_MAX then adjust_gain(flte, YAW_FLTE_MAX) end end filters_done[axis] = true end -- check for pilot input to pause tune function have_pilot_input() if (math.abs(RCIN_ROLL:norm_input_dz()) > 0 or math.abs(RCIN_PITCH:norm_input_dz()) > 0 or math.abs(RCIN_YAW:norm_input_dz()) > 0) then return true end return false end reset_axes_done() get_all_params() -- 3 position switch local quick_switch = nil function axis_enabled(axis) local axes = QUIK_AXES:get() for i = 1, #axis_names do local mask = (1 << (i-1)) local axis_name = axis_names[i] if axis == axis_name and (mask & axes) ~= 0 then return true end end return false end -- get the axis name we are working on, or nil for all done function get_current_axis() local axes = QUIK_AXES:get() for i = 1, #axis_names do local mask = (1 << (i-1)) local axis_name = axis_names[i] if (mask & axes) ~= 0 and axes_done[axis_name] == false then return axis_names[i] end end return nil end -- get slew rate for an axis function get_slew_rate(axis) local roll_srate, pitch_srate, yaw_srate = AC_AttitudeControl:get_rpy_srate() if axis == "RLL" then return roll_srate end if axis == "PIT" then return pitch_srate end if axis == "YAW" then return yaw_srate end return 0.0 end -- move to next stage of tune function advance_stage(axis) if stage == "D" then stage = "P" else axes_done[axis] = true gcs:send_text(5, string.format("Tuning: %s done", axis)) stage = "D" end end -- get param name, such as RLL_P, used as index into param dictionaries function get_pname(axis, stage) return axis .. "_" .. stage end -- get axis name from parameter name function param_axis(pname) return string.sub(pname, 1, 3) end -- get parameter suffix from parameter name function param_suffix(pname) return string.sub(pname, 4) end -- change a gain function adjust_gain(pname, value) local P = params[pname] need_restore = true param_changed[pname] = true P:set(value) if string.sub(pname, -2) == "_P" then -- also change I gain local iname = string.gsub(pname, "_P", "_I") local ffname = string.gsub(pname, "_P", "_FF") local I = params[iname] local FF = params[ffname] if FF:get() > 0 then -- if we have any FF on an axis then we don't couple I to P, -- usually we want I = FF for a one sectond time constant for trim return end param_changed[iname] = true -- work out ratio of P to I that we want local PI_ratio = QUIK_RP_PI_RATIO:get() if param_axis(pname) == "YAW" then PI_ratio = QUIK_Y_PI_RATIO:get() end if PI_ratio >= 1 then I:set(value/PI_ratio) end end end -- return gain multipler for one loop function get_gain_mul() return math.exp(math.log(2.0)/(UPDATE_RATE_HZ*QUIK_DOUBLE_TIME:get())) end function setup_slew_gain(pname, gain) slew_parm = pname slew_target = gain slew_steps = UPDATE_RATE_HZ/2 slew_delta = (gain - params[pname]:get()) / slew_steps end function update_slew_gain() if slew_parm ~= nil then local P = params[slew_parm] local axis = param_axis(slew_parm) local ax_stage = string.sub(slew_parm, -1) adjust_gain(slew_parm, P:get()+slew_delta) slew_steps = slew_steps - 1 logger.write('QUIK','SRate,Gain,Param', 'ffn', get_slew_rate(axis), P:get(), axis .. ax_stage) if slew_steps == 0 then gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, string.format("%s %.4f", slew_parm, P:get())) slew_parm = nil if get_current_axis() == nil then gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_NOTICE, string.format("Tuning: DONE")) tune_done_time = get_time() end end end end -- return gain limits on a parameter, or 0 for no limit function gain_limit(pname) if param_axis(pname) == "YAW" then local suffix = param_suffix(pname) if suffix == "_P" then return QUIK_YAW_P_MAX:get() end if suffix == "_D" then return QUIK_YAW_D_MAX:get() end end return 0.0 end function reached_limit(pname, gain) local limit = gain_limit(pname) if limit > 0.0 and gain >= limit then return true end return false end -- main update function local last_warning = get_time() function update() if quick_switch == nil then quick_switch = rc:find_channel_for_option(math.floor(QUIK_RC_FUNC:get())) end if quick_switch == nil or QUIK_ENABLE:get() < 1 then return end if have_pilot_input() then last_pilot_input = get_time() end local sw_pos = quick_switch:get_aux_switch_pos() if sw_pos == 1 and (not arming:is_armed() or not vehicle:get_likely_flying()) and get_time() > last_warning + 5 then gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_EMERGENCY, string.format("Tuning: Must be flying to tune")) last_warning = get_time() return end if sw_pos == 0 or not arming:is_armed() or not vehicle:get_likely_flying() then -- abort, revert parameters if need_restore then need_restore = false restore_all_params() gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_EMERGENCY, string.format("Tuning: reverted")) tune_done_time = nil end reset_axes_done() return end if sw_pos == 2 then -- save all params if need_restore then need_restore = false save_all_params() gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_NOTICE, string.format("Tuning: saved")) end end if sw_pos ~= 1 then return end if get_time() - last_stage_change < STAGE_DELAY then update_slew_gain() return end axis = get_current_axis() if axis == nil then -- nothing left to do, check autosave time if tune_done_time ~= nil and QUIK_AUTO_SAVE:get() > 0 then if get_time() - tune_done_time > QUIK_AUTO_SAVE:get() then need_restore = false save_all_params() gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_NOTICE, string.format("Tuning: saved")) tune_done_time = nil end end return end if not need_restore then -- we are just starting tuning, get current values gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_NOTICE, string.format("Tuning: starting tune")) get_all_params() setup_SMAX() end if get_time() - last_pilot_input < PILOT_INPUT_DELAY then return end if not filters_done[axis] then gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, string.format("Starting %s tune", axis)) setup_filters(axis) end local srate = get_slew_rate(axis) local pname = get_pname(axis, stage) local P = params[pname] local oscillating = srate > QUIK_OSC_SMAX:get() local limited = reached_limit(pname, P:get()) if limited or oscillating then local reduction = (100.0-QUIK_GAIN_MARGIN:get())*0.01 if not oscillating then reduction = 1.0 end local new_gain = P:get() * reduction local limit = gain_limit(pname) if limit > 0.0 and new_gain > limit then new_gain = limit end local old_gain = param_saved[pname] if new_gain < old_gain and string.sub(pname,-2) == '_D' and param_axis(pname) ~= 'YAW' then -- we are lowering a D gain from the original gain. Also lower the P gain by the same amount -- so that we don't trigger P oscillation. We don't drop P by more than a factor of 2 local ratio = math.max(new_gain / old_gain, 0.5) local P_name = string.gsub(pname, "_D", "_P") local old_P = params[P_name]:get() local new_P = old_P * ratio gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, string.format("adjusting %s %.3f -> %.3f", P_name, old_P, new_P)) adjust_gain(P_name, new_P) end setup_slew_gain(pname, new_gain) logger.write('QUIK','SRate,Gain,Param', 'ffn', srate, P:get(), axis .. stage) gcs:send_text(6, string.format("Tuning: %s done", pname)) advance_stage(axis) last_stage_change = get_time() else local new_gain = P:get()*get_gain_mul() if new_gain <= 0.0001 then new_gain = 0.001 end adjust_gain(pname, new_gain) logger.write('QUIK','SRate,Gain,Param', 'ffn', srate, P:get(), axis .. stage) if get_time() - last_gain_report > 3 then last_gain_report = get_time() gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, string.format("%s %.4f sr:%.2f", pname, new_gain, srate)) end end end -- wrapper around update(). This calls update() at 10Hz, -- and if update faults then an error is displayed, but the script is not -- stopped function protected_wrapper() local success, err = pcall(update) if not success then gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_EMERGENCY, "Internal Error: " .. err) -- when we fault we run the update function again after 1s, slowing it -- down a bit so we don't flood the console with errors --return protected_wrapper, 1000 return end return protected_wrapper, 1000/UPDATE_RATE_HZ end -- start running update loop return protected_wrapper()