---@diagnostic disable: param-type-mismatch ---@diagnostic disable: missing-parameter local mavlink_msgs = require("mavlink/mavlink_msgs") local msg_map = {} local heartbeat_msgid = mavlink_msgs.get_msgid("HEARTBEAT") msg_map[heartbeat_msgid] = "HEARTBEAT" -- initialize MAVLink rx with buffer depth and number of rx message IDs to register mavlink.init(10, 1) -- register message id to receive mavlink.register_rx_msgid(heartbeat_msgid) local test_named_value = 0.0 function update() local msg,chan,timestamp_ms = mavlink.receive_chan() if msg then gcs:send_text(6, string.format("Received message on channel %d at %s", chan, tostring(timestamp_ms))) local parsed_msg = mavlink_msgs.decode(msg, msg_map) if parsed_msg.msgid == heartbeat_msgid then gcs:send_text(6, string.format("Received heartbeat from %d", parsed_msg.sysid)) end else gcs:send_text(6, "No heartbeat received") end test_named_value = test_named_value + 1.0 -- send named value float mavlink.send_chan(0, mavlink_msgs.encode("NAMED_VALUE_FLOAT", {time_boot_ms = millis():toint(), name = "test", value = test_named_value})) return update, 1000 end return update()