#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e set -x CWD=$(pwd) OPT="/opt" ASSUME_YES=false QUIET=false sep="##############################################" OPTIND=1 # Reset in case getopts has been used previously in the shell. while getopts "yq" opt; do case "$opt" in \?) exit 1 ;; y) ASSUME_YES=true ;; q) QUIET=true ;; esac done BASE_PKGS="base-devel ccache git gsfonts tk wget gcc" SITL_PKGS="python-pip python-setuptools python-wheel python-wxpython opencv python-numpy python-scipy" PX4_PKGS="lib32-glibc zip zlib ncurses" PYTHON_PKGS="future lxml pymavlink MAVProxy pexpect argparse matplotlib pyparsing geocoder pyserial empy==3.3.4 dronecan packaging setuptools wheel" # GNU Tools for ARM Embedded Processors # (see https://launchpad.net/gcc-arm-embedded/) ARM_ROOT="gcc-arm-none-eabi-10-2020-q4-major" ARM_TARBALL="$ARM_ROOT-x86_64-linux.tar.bz2" ARM_TARBALL_URL="https://firmware.ardupilot.org/Tools/STM32-tools/$ARM_TARBALL" ARM_TARBALL_CHECKSUM="21134caa478bbf5352e239fbc6e2da3038f8d2207e089efc96c3b55f1edcd618" # Ardupilot Tools ARDUPILOT_TOOLS="ardupilot/Tools/autotest" function maybe_prompt_user() { if $ASSUME_YES; then return 0 else read -p "$1" if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then return 0 else return 1 fi fi } sudo usermod -a -G uucp "$USER" sudo pacman -Syu --noconfirm --needed $BASE_PKGS $SITL_PKGS $PX4_PKGS python3 -m venv --system-site-packages "$HOME"/venv-ardupilot # activate it: SOURCE_LINE="source $HOME/venv-ardupilot/bin/activate" $SOURCE_LINE if [[ -z "${DO_PYTHON_VENV_ENV}" ]] && maybe_prompt_user "Make ArduPilot venv default for python [N/y]?" ; then DO_PYTHON_VENV_ENV=1 fi if [[ $DO_PYTHON_VENV_ENV -eq 1 ]]; then echo "$SOURCE_LINE" >> ~/.bashrc else echo "Please use \`$SOURCE_LINE\` to activate the ArduPilot venv" fi python3 -m pip -q install -U $PYTHON_PKGS ( cd /usr/lib/ccache if [ ! -f arm-none-eabi-g++ ]; then sudo ln -s /usr/bin/ccache arm-none-eabi-g++ fi if [ ! -f arm-none-eabi-g++ ]; then sudo ln -s /usr/bin/ccache arm-none-eabi-gcc fi ) if [ ! -d $OPT/$ARM_ROOT ]; then ( cd $OPT; # Check if file exists and verify checksum download_required=false if [ -e "$ARM_TARBALL" ]; then echo "File exists. Verifying checksum..." # Calculate the checksum of the existing file ACTUAL_CHECKSUM=$(sha256sum "$ARM_TARBALL" | awk '{ print $1 }') # Compare the actual checksum with the expected one if [ "$ACTUAL_CHECKSUM" == "$ARM_TARBALL_CHECKSUM" ]; then echo "Checksum valid. No need to redownload." else echo "Checksum invalid. Redownloading the file..." download_required=true sudo rm $ARM_TARBALL fi else echo "File does not exist. Downloading..." download_required=true fi if $download_required; then sudo wget -O "$ARM_TARBALL" --progress=dot:giga $ARM_TARBALL_URL fi sudo tar xjf ${ARM_TARBALL} ) fi exportline="export PATH=$OPT/$ARM_ROOT/bin:\$PATH"; if ! grep -Fxq "$exportline" ~/.bashrc ; then if maybe_prompt_user "Add $OPT/$ARM_ROOT/bin to your PATH [N/y]?" ; then echo "$exportline" >> ~/.bashrc . "$HOME/.bashrc" else echo "Skipping adding $OPT/$ARM_ROOT/bin to PATH." fi fi exportline2="export PATH=$CWD/$ARDUPILOT_TOOLS:\$PATH"; if ! grep -Fxq "$exportline2" ~/.bashrc ; then if maybe_prompt_user "Add $CWD/$ARDUPILOT_TOOLS to your PATH [N/y]?" ; then echo "$exportline2" >> ~/.bashrc . "$HOME/.bashrc" else echo "Skipping adding $CWD/$ARDUPILOT_TOOLS to PATH." fi fi SCRIPT_DIR=$(dirname $(realpath ${BASH_SOURCE[0]})) ( cd "$SCRIPT_DIR" git submodule update --init --recursive ) echo "Done. Please log out and log in again."