--[[ battery state of charge (SOC) estimator based on resting voltage See Tools/scripts/battery_fit.py for a tool to calculate the coefficients from a log --]] local MAV_SEVERITY = {EMERGENCY=0, ALERT=1, CRITICAL=2, ERROR=3, WARNING=4, NOTICE=5, INFO=6, DEBUG=7} local PARAM_TABLE_KEY = 14 local PARAM_TABLE_PREFIX = "BATT_SOC" -- bind a parameter to a variable function bind_param(name) local p = Parameter() assert(p:init(name), string.format('could not find %s parameter', name)) return p end -- add a parameter and bind it to a variable function bind_add_param(name, idx, default_value) assert(param:add_param(PARAM_TABLE_KEY, idx, name, default_value), string.format('could not add param %s', name)) return bind_param(PARAM_TABLE_PREFIX .. name) end -- setup quicktune specific parameters assert(param:add_table(PARAM_TABLE_KEY, PARAM_TABLE_PREFIX, 32), 'could not add param table') --[[ // @Param: BATT_SOC_COUNT // @DisplayName: Count of SOC estimators // @Description: Number of battery SOC estimators // @Range: 0 4 // @User: Standard --]] local BATT_SOC_COUNT = bind_add_param('_COUNT', 1, 0) if BATT_SOC_COUNT:get() <= 0 then return end --[[ // @Param: BATT_SOC1_IDX // @DisplayName: Battery estimator index // @Description: Battery estimator index // @Range: 0 4 // @User: Standard --]] --[[ // @Param: BATT_SOC1_NCELL // @DisplayName: Battery estimator cell count // @Description: Battery estimator cell count // @Range: 0 48 // @User: Standard --]] --[[ // @Param: BATT_SOC1_C1 // @DisplayName: Battery estimator coefficient1 // @Description: Battery estimator coefficient1 // @Range: 100 200 // @User: Standard --]] --[[ // @Param: BATT_SOC1_C2 // @DisplayName: Battery estimator coefficient2 // @Description: Battery estimator coefficient2 // @Range: 2 5 // @User: Standard --]] --[[ // @Param: BATT_SOC1_C3 // @DisplayName: Battery estimator coefficient3 // @Description: Battery estimator coefficient3 // @Range: 0.01 0.5 // @User: Standard --]] --[[ // @Param: BATT_SOC2_IDX // @DisplayName: Battery estimator index // @Description: Battery estimator index // @Range: 0 4 // @User: Standard --]] --[[ // @Param: BATT_SOC2_NCELL // @DisplayName: Battery estimator cell count // @Description: Battery estimator cell count // @Range: 0 48 // @User: Standard --]] --[[ // @Param: BATT_SOC2_C1 // @DisplayName: Battery estimator coefficient1 // @Description: Battery estimator coefficient1 // @Range: 100 200 // @User: Standard --]] --[[ // @Param: BATT_SOC2_C2 // @DisplayName: Battery estimator coefficient2 // @Description: Battery estimator coefficient2 // @Range: 2 5 // @User: Standard --]] --[[ // @Param: BATT_SOC2_C3 // @DisplayName: Battery estimator coefficient3 // @Description: Battery estimator coefficient3 // @Range: 0.01 0.5 // @User: Standard --]] --[[ // @Param: BATT_SOC3_IDX // @DisplayName: Battery estimator index // @Description: Battery estimator index // @Range: 0 4 // @User: Standard --]] --[[ // @Param: BATT_SOC3_NCELL // @DisplayName: Battery estimator cell count // @Description: Battery estimator cell count // @Range: 0 48 // @User: Standard --]] --[[ // @Param: BATT_SOC3_C1 // @DisplayName: Battery estimator coefficient1 // @Description: Battery estimator coefficient1 // @Range: 100 200 // @User: Standard --]] --[[ // @Param: BATT_SOC3_C2 // @DisplayName: Battery estimator coefficient2 // @Description: Battery estimator coefficient2 // @Range: 2 5 // @User: Standard --]] --[[ // @Param: BATT_SOC3_C3 // @DisplayName: Battery estimator coefficient3 // @Description: Battery estimator coefficient3 // @Range: 0.01 0.5 // @User: Standard --]] --[[ // @Param: BATT_SOC4_IDX // @DisplayName: Battery estimator index // @Description: Battery estimator index // @Range: 0 4 // @User: Standard --]] --[[ // @Param: BATT_SOC4_NCELL // @DisplayName: Battery estimator cell count // @Description: Battery estimator cell count // @Range: 0 48 // @User: Standard --]] --[[ // @Param: BATT_SOC4_C1 // @DisplayName: Battery estimator coefficient1 // @Description: Battery estimator coefficient1 // @Range: 100 200 // @User: Standard --]] --[[ // @Param: BATT_SOC4_C2 // @DisplayName: Battery estimator coefficient2 // @Description: Battery estimator coefficient2 // @Range: 2 5 // @User: Standard --]] --[[ // @Param: BATT_SOC4_C3 // @DisplayName: Battery estimator coefficient3 // @Description: Battery estimator coefficient3 // @Range: 0.01 0.5 // @User: Standard --]] local params = {} local last_armed_ms = 0 --[[ add parameters for an estimator --]] function add_estimator(i) id = string.format("%u_", i) pidx = 2+(i-1)*5 params[i] = {} params[i]['IDX'] = bind_add_param(id .. "IDX", pidx+0, 0) params[i]['NCELL'] = bind_add_param(id .. "NCELL", pidx+1, 0) params[i]['C1'] = bind_add_param(id .. "C1", pidx+2, 111.56) params[i]['C2'] = bind_add_param(id .. "C2", pidx+3, 3.65) params[i]['C3'] = bind_add_param(id .. "C3", pidx+4, 0.205) end local count = math.floor(BATT_SOC_COUNT:get()) for i = 1, count do add_estimator(i) end local function constrain(v, vmin, vmax) return math.max(math.min(v, vmax), vmin) end --[[ simple model of state of charge versus resting voltage. With thanks to Roho for the form of the equation https://electronics.stackexchange.com/questions/435837/calculate-battery-percentage-on-lipo-battery --]] local function SOC_model(cell_volt, c1, c2, c3) local p0 = 80.0 local soc = c1*(1.0-1.0/(1+(cell_volt/c2)^p0)^c3) return constrain(soc, 0, 100) end --[[ update one estimator --]] local function update_estimator(i) local idx = math.floor(params[i]['IDX']:get()) local ncell = math.floor(params[i]['NCELL']:get()) if idx <= 0 or ncell <= 0 then return end local C1 = params[i]['C1']:get() local C2 = params[i]['C2']:get() local C3 = params[i]['C3']:get() local num_batts = battery:num_instances() if idx > num_batts then return end local voltR = battery:voltage_resting_estimate(idx-1) local soc = SOC_model(voltR/ncell, C1, C2, C3) battery:reset_remaining(idx-1, soc) end --[[ main update function, called at 1Hz --]] function update() local now_ms = millis() if arming:is_armed() then last_armed_ms = now_ms return update, 1000 end -- don't update for 10s after disarm, to get logging of charge recovery if now_ms - last_armed_ms < 10000 then return update, 1000 end for i = 1, #params do update_estimator(i) end return update, 1000 end gcs:send_text(MAV_SEVERITY.INFO, string.format("Loaded BattEstimate for %u batteries", #params)) -- start running update loop return update, 1000