#pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include "SRV_Channel/SRV_Channel.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../AP_Bootloader/app_comms.h" #include #include "hwing_esc.h" #include #include #include #include #include #if HAL_NMEA_OUTPUT_ENABLED && !(HAL_GCS_ENABLED && defined(HAL_PERIPH_ENABLE_GPS)) // Needs SerialManager + (AHRS or GPS) #error "AP_NMEA_Output requires Serial/GCS and either AHRS or GPS. Needs HAL_GCS_ENABLED and HAL_PERIPH_ENABLE_GPS" #endif #if HAL_GCS_ENABLED #include "GCS_MAVLink.h" #endif #if defined(HAL_PERIPH_NEOPIXEL_COUNT_WITHOUT_NOTIFY) || defined(HAL_PERIPH_ENABLE_NCP5623_LED_WITHOUT_NOTIFY) || defined(HAL_PERIPH_ENABLE_NCP5623_BGR_LED_WITHOUT_NOTIFY) || defined(HAL_PERIPH_ENABLE_TOSHIBA_LED_WITHOUT_NOTIFY) #define AP_PERIPH_HAVE_LED_WITHOUT_NOTIFY #endif #ifdef HAL_PERIPH_ENABLE_NOTIFY #if !defined(HAL_PERIPH_ENABLE_RC_OUT) && !defined(HAL_PERIPH_NOTIFY_WITHOUT_RCOUT) #error "HAL_PERIPH_ENABLE_NOTIFY requires HAL_PERIPH_ENABLE_RC_OUT" #endif #ifdef HAL_PERIPH_ENABLE_BUZZER_WITHOUT_NOTIFY #error "You cannot enable HAL_PERIPH_ENABLE_NOTIFY and HAL_PERIPH_ENABLE_BUZZER_WITHOUT_NOTIFY at the same time. Notify already includes it" #endif #ifdef AP_PERIPH_HAVE_LED_WITHOUT_NOTIFY #error "You cannot enable HAL_PERIPH_ENABLE_NOTIFY and any HAL_PERIPH_ENABLE__LED_WITHOUT_NOTIFY at the same time. Notify already includes them all" #endif #ifdef HAL_PERIPH_NEOPIXEL_CHAN_WITHOUT_NOTIFY #error "You cannot use HAL_PERIPH_ENABLE_NOTIFY and HAL_PERIPH_NEOPIXEL_CHAN_WITHOUT_NOTIFY at the same time. Notify already includes it. Set param OUTx_FUNCTION=120" #endif #endif #include "Parameters.h" #if CONFIG_HAL_BOARD == HAL_BOARD_SITL void stm32_watchdog_init(); void stm32_watchdog_pat(); #endif /* app descriptor for firmware checking */ extern const app_descriptor_t app_descriptor; extern "C" { void can_printf(const char *fmt, ...) FMT_PRINTF(1,2); } class AP_Periph_FW { public: AP_Periph_FW(); CLASS_NO_COPY(AP_Periph_FW); static AP_Periph_FW* get_singleton() { if (_singleton == nullptr) { AP_HAL::panic("AP_Periph_FW used before allocation."); } return _singleton; } void init(); void update(); Parameters g; void can_start(); void can_update(); void can_mag_update(); void can_gps_update(); void send_moving_baseline_msg(); void send_relposheading_msg(); void can_baro_update(); void can_airspeed_update(); void can_rangefinder_update(); void can_battery_update(); void can_proximity_update(); void load_parameters(); void prepare_reboot(); bool canfdout() const { return (g.can_fdmode == 1); } #ifdef HAL_PERIPH_ENABLE_EFI void can_efi_update(); #endif #ifdef HAL_PERIPH_LISTEN_FOR_SERIAL_UART_REBOOT_CMD_PORT void check_for_serial_reboot_cmd(const int8_t serial_index); #endif #if CONFIG_HAL_BOARD == HAL_BOARD_CHIBIOS static ChibiOS::CANIface* can_iface_periph[HAL_NUM_CAN_IFACES]; #elif CONFIG_HAL_BOARD == HAL_BOARD_SITL static HALSITL::CANIface* can_iface_periph[HAL_NUM_CAN_IFACES]; #endif #ifdef HAL_PERIPH_ENABLE_SLCAN static SLCAN::CANIface slcan_interface; #endif AP_SerialManager serial_manager; #if AP_STATS_ENABLED AP_Stats node_stats; #endif #ifdef HAL_PERIPH_ENABLE_GPS AP_GPS gps; #if HAL_NUM_CAN_IFACES >= 2 int8_t gps_mb_can_port = -1; #endif #endif #if HAL_NMEA_OUTPUT_ENABLED AP_NMEA_Output nmea; #endif #ifdef HAL_PERIPH_ENABLE_MAG Compass compass; #endif #ifdef HAL_PERIPH_ENABLE_BARO AP_Baro baro; #endif #ifdef HAL_PERIPH_ENABLE_BATTERY struct AP_Periph_Battery { void handle_battery_failsafe(const char* type_str, const int8_t action) { } AP_BattMonitor lib{0, FUNCTOR_BIND_MEMBER(&AP_Periph_FW::AP_Periph_Battery::handle_battery_failsafe, void, const char*, const int8_t), nullptr}; uint32_t last_read_ms; uint32_t last_can_send_ms; } battery; #endif #if HAL_NUM_CAN_IFACES >= 2 // This allows you to change the protocol and it continues to use the one at boot. // Without this, changing away from UAVCAN causes loss of comms and you can't // change the rest of your params or verify it succeeded. AP_CANManager::Driver_Type can_protocol_cached[HAL_NUM_CAN_IFACES]; #endif #ifdef HAL_PERIPH_ENABLE_MSP struct { AP_MSP msp; MSP::msp_port_t port; uint32_t last_gps_ms; uint32_t last_baro_ms; uint32_t last_mag_ms; uint32_t last_airspeed_ms; } msp; void msp_init(AP_HAL::UARTDriver *_uart); void msp_sensor_update(void); void send_msp_packet(uint16_t cmd, void *p, uint16_t size); void send_msp_GPS(void); void send_msp_compass(void); void send_msp_baro(void); void send_msp_airspeed(void); #endif #ifdef HAL_PERIPH_ENABLE_ADSB void adsb_init(); void adsb_update(); void can_send_ADSB(struct __mavlink_adsb_vehicle_t &msg); struct { mavlink_message_t msg; mavlink_status_t status; } adsb; #endif #ifdef HAL_PERIPH_ENABLE_AIRSPEED AP_Airspeed airspeed; #endif #ifdef HAL_PERIPH_ENABLE_RANGEFINDER RangeFinder rangefinder; uint32_t last_sample_ms; #endif #ifdef HAL_PERIPH_ENABLE_PRX AP_Proximity proximity; #endif #ifdef HAL_PERIPH_ENABLE_PWM_HARDPOINT void pwm_irq_handler(uint8_t pin, bool pin_state, uint32_t timestamp); void pwm_hardpoint_init(); void pwm_hardpoint_update(); struct { uint8_t last_state; uint32_t last_ts_us; uint32_t last_send_ms; uint16_t pwm_value; uint16_t highest_pwm; } pwm_hardpoint; #endif #ifdef HAL_PERIPH_ENABLE_HWESC HWESC_Telem hwesc_telem; void hwesc_telem_update(); #endif #ifdef HAL_PERIPH_ENABLE_EFI AP_EFI efi; uint32_t efi_update_ms; #endif #ifdef HAL_PERIPH_ENABLE_RC_OUT #if HAL_WITH_ESC_TELEM AP_ESC_Telem esc_telem; uint32_t last_esc_telem_update_ms; void esc_telem_update(); uint32_t esc_telem_update_period_ms; #endif SRV_Channels servo_channels; bool rcout_has_new_data_to_update; uint32_t last_esc_raw_command_ms; uint8_t last_esc_num_channels; void rcout_init(); void rcout_init_1Hz(); void rcout_esc(int16_t *rc, uint8_t num_channels); void rcout_srv_unitless(const uint8_t actuator_id, const float command_value); void rcout_srv_PWM(const uint8_t actuator_id, const float command_value); void rcout_update(); void rcout_handle_safety_state(uint8_t safety_state); #endif #if AP_TEMPERATURE_SENSOR_ENABLED AP_TemperatureSensor temperature_sensor; #endif #if defined(HAL_PERIPH_ENABLE_NOTIFY) || defined(HAL_PERIPH_NEOPIXEL_COUNT_WITHOUT_NOTIFY) void update_rainbow(); #endif #ifdef HAL_PERIPH_ENABLE_NOTIFY // notification object for LEDs, buzzers etc AP_Notify notify; uint64_t vehicle_state = 1; // default to initialisation float yaw_earth; uint32_t last_vehicle_state; // Handled under LUA script to control LEDs float get_yaw_earth() { return yaw_earth; } uint32_t get_vehicle_state() { return vehicle_state; } #elif defined(AP_SCRIPTING_ENABLED) // create dummy methods for the case when the user doesn't want to use the notify object float get_yaw_earth() { return 0.0; } uint32_t get_vehicle_state() { return 0.0; } #endif #if AP_SCRIPTING_ENABLED AP_Scripting scripting; #endif #if HAL_LOGGING_ENABLED static const struct LogStructure log_structure[]; AP_Logger logger; #endif #if HAL_GCS_ENABLED GCS_Periph _gcs; #endif // setup the var_info table AP_Param param_loader{var_info}; static const AP_Param::Info var_info[]; uint32_t last_mag_update_ms; uint32_t last_gps_update_ms; uint32_t last_gps_yaw_ms; uint32_t last_relposheading_ms; uint32_t last_baro_update_ms; uint32_t last_airspeed_update_ms; bool saw_gps_lock_once; static AP_Periph_FW *_singleton; enum { DEBUG_SHOW_STACK, DEBUG_AUTOREBOOT }; // show stack as DEBUG msgs void show_stack_free(); static bool no_iface_finished_dna; static constexpr auto can_printf = ::can_printf; }; namespace AP { AP_Periph_FW& periph(); } extern AP_Periph_FW periph;