#pragma once

#include "Blimp.h"
class Parameters;
class ParametersG2;

class GCS_Blimp;

class Mode


    // Auto Pilot Modes enumeration
    enum class Number : uint8_t {
        LAND =          0,  // currently just stops moving
        MANUAL =        1,  // manual control
        VELOCITY =      2,  // velocity mode
        LOITER =        3,  // loiter mode (position hold)

    // constructor

    // do not allow copying
    Mode(const Mode &other) = delete;
    Mode &operator=(const Mode&) = delete;

    // child classes should override these methods
    virtual bool init(bool ignore_checks)
        return true;
    virtual void run() = 0;
    virtual bool requires_GPS() const = 0;
    virtual bool has_manual_throttle() const = 0;
    virtual bool allows_arming(bool from_gcs) const = 0;
    virtual bool is_autopilot() const
        return false;
    virtual bool has_user_takeoff(bool must_navigate) const
        return false;
    virtual bool in_guided_mode() const
        return false;

    // return a string for this flightmode
    virtual const char *name() const = 0;
    virtual const char *name4() const = 0;

    virtual bool is_landing() const
        return false;

    // mode requires terrain to be present to be functional
    virtual bool requires_terrain_failsafe() const
        return false;

    // functions for reporting to GCS
    virtual bool get_wp(Location &loc)
        return false;
    virtual int32_t wp_bearing() const
        return 0;
    virtual uint32_t wp_distance() const
        return 0;
    virtual float crosstrack_error() const
        return 0.0f;

    void update_navigation();

    // pilot input processing
    void get_pilot_desired_accelerations(float &right_out, float &front_out) const;


    // navigation support functions
    virtual void run_autopilot() {}

    // helper functions
    bool is_disarmed_or_landed() const;

    // functions to control landing
    // in modes that support landing
    void land_run_horizontal_control();
    void land_run_vertical_control(bool pause_descent = false);

    // convenience references to avoid code churn in conversion:
    Parameters &g;
    ParametersG2 &g2;
    AP_InertialNav &inertial_nav;
    AP_AHRS &ahrs;
    Fins *&motors;
    RC_Channel *&channel_right;
    RC_Channel *&channel_front;
    RC_Channel *&channel_down;
    RC_Channel *&channel_yaw;
    float &G_Dt;

    // Navigation Yaw control
    class AutoYaw


        // yaw(): main product of AutoYaw; the heading:
        float yaw();

        // mode(): current method of determining desired yaw:
        autopilot_yaw_mode mode() const
            return (autopilot_yaw_mode)_mode;
        void set_mode_to_default(bool rtl);
        void set_mode(autopilot_yaw_mode new_mode);
        autopilot_yaw_mode default_mode(bool rtl) const;

        // rate_cds(): desired yaw rate in centidegrees/second:
        float rate_cds() const;
        void set_rate(float new_rate_cds);

        // set_roi(...): set a "look at" location:
        void set_roi(const Location &roi_location);

        void set_fixed_yaw(float angle_deg,
                           float turn_rate_dps,
                           int8_t direction,
                           bool relative_angle);


        float look_ahead_yaw();
        float roi_yaw();

        // auto flight mode's yaw mode
        uint8_t _mode = AUTO_YAW_LOOK_AT_NEXT_WP;

        // Yaw will point at this location if mode is set to AUTO_YAW_ROI
        Vector3f roi;

        // bearing from current location to the ROI
        float _roi_yaw;

        // yaw used for YAW_FIXED yaw_mode
        int32_t _fixed_yaw;

        // Deg/s we should turn
        int16_t _fixed_yaw_slewrate;

        // heading when in yaw_look_ahead_yaw
        float _look_ahead_yaw;

        // turn rate (in cds) when auto_yaw_mode is set to AUTO_YAW_RATE
        float _rate_cds;

        // used to reduce update rate to 100hz:
        uint8_t roi_yaw_counter;

    static AutoYaw auto_yaw;

    // pass-through functions to reduce code churn on conversion;
    // these are candidates for moving into the Mode base
    // class.
    bool set_mode(Mode::Number mode, ModeReason reason);
    GCS_Blimp &gcs();

    // end pass-through functions

class ModeManual : public Mode

    // inherit constructor
    using Mode::Mode;

    virtual void run() override;

    bool requires_GPS() const override
        return false;
    bool has_manual_throttle() const override
        return true;
    bool allows_arming(bool from_gcs) const override
        return true;
    bool is_autopilot() const override
        return false;


    const char *name() const override
        return "MANUAL";
    const char *name4() const override
        return "MANU";



class ModeVelocity : public Mode

    // inherit constructor
    using Mode::Mode;

    virtual void run() override;

    bool requires_GPS() const override
        return true;
    bool has_manual_throttle() const override
        return false;
    bool allows_arming(bool from_gcs) const override
        return true;
    bool is_autopilot() const override
        return false;


    const char *name() const override
        return "VELOCITY";
    const char *name4() const override
        return "VELY";



class ModeLoiter : public Mode

    // inherit constructor
    using Mode::Mode;

    virtual bool init(bool ignore_checks) override;
    virtual void run() override;

    bool requires_GPS() const override
        return true;
    bool has_manual_throttle() const override
        return false;
    bool allows_arming(bool from_gcs) const override
        return true;
    bool is_autopilot() const override
        return false;


    const char *name() const override
        return "LOITER";
    const char *name4() const override
        return "LOIT";

    Vector3f target_pos;
    float target_yaw;
    float loop_period;

class ModeLand : public Mode

    // inherit constructor
    using Mode::Mode;

    virtual void run() override;

    bool requires_GPS() const override
        return false;
    bool has_manual_throttle() const override
        return true;
    bool allows_arming(bool from_gcs) const override
        return false;
    bool is_autopilot() const override
        return false;


    const char *name() const override
        return "LAND";
    const char *name4() const override
        return "LAND";

