   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
   (at your option) any later version.

   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   GNU General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
  base class for serially-attached simulated devices

#include <AP_HAL/AP_HAL.h>
#include <SITL/SITL.h>

#include "SIM_SerialDevice.h"

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>

using namespace SITL;

    // pipe for device to write to:
    int tmp[2];
    if (pipe(tmp) == -1) {
        AP_HAL::panic("pipe() failed");
    fd_my_end    = tmp[1];
    fd_their_end = tmp[0];

    // close file descriptors on exec:
    fcntl(fd_my_end, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC);
    fcntl(fd_their_end, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC);

    // make sure we don't screw the simulation up by blocking:
    fcntl(fd_my_end, F_SETFL, fcntl(fd_my_end, F_GETFL, 0) | O_NONBLOCK);
    fcntl(fd_their_end, F_SETFL, fcntl(fd_their_end, F_GETFL, 0) | O_NONBLOCK);

    // pipe for device to read from:
    if (pipe(tmp) == -1) {
        AP_HAL::panic("pipe() failed");
    read_fd_my_end    = tmp[0];
    read_fd_their_end = tmp[1];

    // close file descriptors on exec:
    fcntl(read_fd_my_end, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC);
    fcntl(read_fd_their_end, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC);

    // make sure we don't screw the simulation up by blocking:
    fcntl(read_fd_my_end, F_SETFL, fcntl(fd_my_end, F_GETFL, 0) | O_NONBLOCK);
    fcntl(read_fd_their_end, F_SETFL, fcntl(fd_their_end, F_GETFL, 0) | O_NONBLOCK);


bool SerialDevice::init_sitl_pointer()
    if (_sitl == nullptr) {
        _sitl = AP::sitl();
        if (_sitl == nullptr) {
            return false;
    return true;

ssize_t SerialDevice::read_from_autopilot(char *buffer, const size_t size) const
    const ssize_t ret = ::read(read_fd_my_end, buffer, size);
    // if (ret > 0) {
    //     ::fprintf(stderr, "SIM_SerialDevice: read from autopilot (%u): (", (unsigned)ret);
    //     for (ssize_t i=0; i<ret; i++) {
    //         const uint8_t x = buffer[i];
    //         ::fprintf(stderr, "%02X", (unsigned)x);
    //     }
    //     ::fprintf(stderr, " ");
    //     for (ssize_t i=0; i<ret; i++) {
    //         ::fprintf(stderr, "%c", buffer[i]);
    //     }
    //     ::fprintf(stderr, ")\n");
    // }
    return ret;

ssize_t SerialDevice::write_to_autopilot(const char *buffer, const size_t size) const
    const ssize_t ret = write(fd_my_end, buffer, size);
    // ::fprintf(stderr, "write to autopilot: (");
    // for (ssize_t i=0; i<ret; i++) {
    //     ::fprintf(stderr, "%02X", (uint8_t)buffer[i]);
    // }
    // ::fprintf(stderr, ") (\n");
    // for (ssize_t i=0; i<ret; i++) {
    //     ::fprintf(stderr, "%c", (uint8_t)buffer[i]);
    // }
    // ::fprintf(stderr, ")\n");
    return ret;