#include "AP_Networking_Config.h" #if AP_NETWORKING_ENABLED #include "AP_Networking.h" #include "AP_Networking_Backend.h" #include #include #include #include #include extern const AP_HAL::HAL& hal; #if AP_NETWORKING_BACKEND_CHIBIOS #include "AP_Networking_ChibiOS.h" #include #endif #include #include #include #if AP_NETWORKING_BACKEND_PPP #include "AP_Networking_PPP.h" #endif #if AP_NETWORKING_BACKEND_SITL #include "AP_Networking_SITL.h" #endif const AP_Param::GroupInfo AP_Networking::var_info[] = { // @Param: ENABLE // @DisplayName: Networking Enable // @Description: Networking Enable // @Values: 0:Disable,1:Enable // @RebootRequired: True // @User: Advanced AP_GROUPINFO_FLAGS("ENABLE", 1, AP_Networking, param.enabled, 0, AP_PARAM_FLAG_ENABLE), #if AP_NETWORKING_CONTROLS_HOST_IP_SETTINGS_ENABLED // @Group: IPADDR // @Path: AP_Networking_address.cpp AP_SUBGROUPINFO(param.ipaddr, "IPADDR", 2, AP_Networking, AP_Networking_IPV4), // @Param: NETMASK // @DisplayName: IP Subnet mask // @Description: Allows setting static subnet mask. The value is a count of consecutive bits. Examples: 24 =, 16 = // @Range: 0 32 // @RebootRequired: True // @User: Advanced AP_GROUPINFO("NETMASK", 3, AP_Networking, param.netmask, AP_NETWORKING_DEFAULT_NETMASK), #if AP_NETWORKING_DHCP_AVAILABLE // @Param: DHCP // @DisplayName: DHCP client // @Description: Enable/Disable DHCP client // @Values: 0:Disable, 1:Enable // @RebootRequired: True // @User: Advanced AP_GROUPINFO("DHCP", 4, AP_Networking, param.dhcp, AP_NETWORKING_DEFAULT_DHCP_ENABLE), #endif // @Group: GWADDR // @Path: AP_Networking_address.cpp AP_SUBGROUPINFO(param.gwaddr, "GWADDR", 5, AP_Networking, AP_Networking_IPV4), // @Group: MACADDR // @Path: AP_Networking_macaddr.cpp AP_SUBGROUPINFO(param.macaddr, "MACADDR", 6, AP_Networking, AP_Networking_MAC), #endif // AP_NETWORKING_CONTROLS_HOST_IP_SETTINGS_ENABLED #if AP_NETWORKING_TESTS_ENABLED // @Param: TESTS // @DisplayName: Test enable flags // @Description: Enable/Disable networking tests // @Bitmask: 0:UDP echo test,1:TCP echo test, 2:TCP discard test, 3:TCP reflect test // @RebootRequired: True // @User: Advanced AP_GROUPINFO("TESTS", 7, AP_Networking, param.tests, 0), // @Group: TEST_IP // @Path: AP_Networking_address.cpp AP_SUBGROUPINFO(param.test_ipaddr, "TEST_IP", 8, AP_Networking, AP_Networking_IPV4), #endif // @Param: OPTIONS // @DisplayName: Networking options // @Description: Networking options // @Bitmask: 0:EnablePPP Ethernet gateway, 1:Enable CAN1 multicast endpoint, 2:Enable CAN2 multicast endpoint, 3:Enable CAN1 multicast bridged, 4:Enable CAN2 multicast bridged // @RebootRequired: True // @User: Advanced AP_GROUPINFO("OPTIONS", 9, AP_Networking, param.options, 0), #if AP_NETWORKING_PPP_GATEWAY_ENABLED // @Group: REMPPP_IP // @Path: AP_Networking_address.cpp AP_SUBGROUPINFO(param.remote_ppp_ip, "REMPPP_IP", 10, AP_Networking, AP_Networking_IPV4), #endif AP_GROUPEND }; /* constructor */ AP_Networking::AP_Networking(void) { #if CONFIG_HAL_BOARD == HAL_BOARD_SITL if (singleton != nullptr) { AP_HAL::panic("AP_Networking must be singleton"); } #endif singleton = this; AP_Param::setup_object_defaults(this, var_info); } /* initialise networking subsystem */ void AP_Networking::init() { if (!param.enabled || backend != nullptr) { return; } #if AP_NETWORKING_CONTROLS_HOST_IP_SETTINGS_ENABLED // set default MAC Address as lower 3 bytes of the CRC of the UID uint8_t uid[50]; uint8_t uid_len = sizeof(uid); if (hal.util->get_system_id_unformatted(uid, uid_len)) { union { uint8_t bytes[4]; uint32_t value32; } crc; crc.value32 = crc_crc32(0, uid, uid_len); param.macaddr.set_default_address_byte(3, crc.bytes[0]); param.macaddr.set_default_address_byte(4, crc.bytes[1]); param.macaddr.set_default_address_byte(5, crc.bytes[2]); } #endif #if AP_NETWORKING_PPP_GATEWAY_ENABLED if (option_is_set(OPTION::PPP_ETHERNET_GATEWAY)) { /* when we are a PPP/Ethernet gateway we bring up the ethernet first */ backend = NEW_NOTHROW AP_Networking_ChibiOS(*this); backend_PPP = NEW_NOTHROW AP_Networking_PPP(*this); } #endif #if AP_NETWORKING_BACKEND_PPP if (backend == nullptr && AP::serialmanager().have_serial(AP_SerialManager::SerialProtocol_PPP, 0)) { backend = NEW_NOTHROW AP_Networking_PPP(*this); } #endif #if AP_NETWORKING_BACKEND_CHIBIOS if (backend == nullptr) { backend = NEW_NOTHROW AP_Networking_ChibiOS(*this); } #endif #if AP_NETWORKING_BACKEND_SITL if (backend == nullptr) { backend = NEW_NOTHROW AP_Networking_SITL(*this); } #endif if (backend == nullptr) { GCS_SEND_TEXT(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "NET: backend failed"); return; } if (!backend->init()) { GCS_SEND_TEXT(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "NET: backend init failed"); // the backend init function creates a thread which references the backend pointer; that thread may be running so don't remove the backend allocation. backend = nullptr; return; } #if AP_NETWORKING_PPP_GATEWAY_ENABLED if (backend_PPP != nullptr && !backend_PPP->init()) { GCS_SEND_TEXT(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "NET: backend_PPP init failed"); backend_PPP = nullptr; } #endif announce_address_changes(); GCS_SEND_TEXT(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO,"NET: Initialized"); #if AP_NETWORKING_TESTS_ENABLED start_tests(); #endif #if AP_NETWORKING_CAN_MCAST_BRIDGING_ENABLED if (option_is_set(OPTION::CAN1_MCAST_ENDPOINT) || option_is_set(OPTION::CAN1_MCAST_ENDPOINT)) { // get mask of enabled buses uint8_t bus_mask = 0; if (option_is_set(OPTION::CAN1_MCAST_ENDPOINT)) { bus_mask |= (1U<<0); } if (option_is_set(OPTION::CAN1_MCAST_ENDPOINT)) { bus_mask |= (1U<<1); } mcast_server.start(bus_mask); } #endif #if AP_NETWORKING_REGISTER_PORT_ENABLED // init network mapped serialmanager ports ports_init(); #endif } /* check if we should announce changes to IP addresses */ void AP_Networking::announce_address_changes() { const auto &as = backend->activeSettings; if (as.last_change_ms == 0 || as.last_change_ms == announce_ms) { // nothing changed and we've already printed it at least once. Nothing to do. return; } #if AP_HAVE_GCS_SEND_TEXT char ipstr[16]; GCS_SEND_TEXT(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "NET: IP %s", SocketAPM::inet_addr_to_str(get_ip_active(), ipstr, sizeof(ipstr))); GCS_SEND_TEXT(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "NET: Mask %s", SocketAPM::inet_addr_to_str(get_netmask_active(), ipstr, sizeof(ipstr))); GCS_SEND_TEXT(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "NET: Gateway %s", SocketAPM::inet_addr_to_str(get_gateway_active(), ipstr, sizeof(ipstr))); #endif announce_ms = as.last_change_ms; } /* update called at 10Hz */ void AP_Networking::update() { if (!is_healthy()) { return; } backend->update(); announce_address_changes(); } uint32_t AP_Networking::convert_netmask_bitcount_to_ip(const uint32_t netmask_bitcount) { if (netmask_bitcount >= 32) { return 0xFFFFFFFFU; } return ~((1U<<(32U-netmask_bitcount))-1U); } uint8_t AP_Networking::convert_netmask_ip_to_bitcount(const uint32_t netmask_ip) { uint32_t netmask_bitcount = 0; for (uint32_t i=0; i<32; i++) { // note, netmask LSB is IP MSB if ((netmask_ip & (1UL< 255) { return false; } addr[i] = v; s = strtok_r(nullptr, ":", &ptr); } return true; } // returns the 32bit value of the active IP address that is currently in use uint32_t AP_Networking::get_ip_active() const { return backend?backend->activeSettings.ip:0; } // returns the 32bit value of the active Netmask that is currently in use uint32_t AP_Networking::get_netmask_active() const { return backend?backend->activeSettings.nm:0; } uint32_t AP_Networking::get_gateway_active() const { return backend?backend->activeSettings.gw:0; } /* wait for networking to be active */ void AP_Networking::startup_wait(void) const { if (hal.scheduler->in_main_thread()) { INTERNAL_ERROR(AP_InternalError::error_t::flow_of_control); return; } while (!hal.scheduler->is_system_initialized()) { hal.scheduler->delay(100); } #if AP_NETWORKING_BACKEND_CHIBIOS do { hal.scheduler->delay(250); } while (get_ip_active() == 0); #endif } /* send the rest of a file to a socket */ bool AP_Networking::sendfile(SocketAPM *sock, int fd) { WITH_SEMAPHORE(sem); if (sendfile_buf == nullptr) { uint32_t bufsize = AP_NETWORKING_SENDFILE_BUFSIZE; do { sendfile_buf = (uint8_t *)hal.util->malloc_type(bufsize, AP_HAL::Util::MEM_FILESYSTEM); if (sendfile_buf != nullptr) { sendfile_bufsize = bufsize; break; } bufsize /= 2; } while (bufsize >= 4096); if (sendfile_buf == nullptr) { return false; } } if (!sendfile_thread_started) { if (!hal.scheduler->thread_create(FUNCTOR_BIND_MEMBER(&AP_Networking::sendfile_check, void), "sendfile", 2048, AP_HAL::Scheduler::PRIORITY_UART, 0)) { return false; } sendfile_thread_started = true; } for (auto &s : sendfiles) { if (s.sock == nullptr) { s.sock = sock->duplicate(); if (s.sock == nullptr) { return false; } s.fd = fd; return true; } } return false; } void AP_Networking::SendFile::close(void) { AP::FS().close(fd); delete sock; sock = nullptr; } #include /* check for sendfile updates */ void AP_Networking::sendfile_check(void) { while (true) { hal.scheduler->delay(1); WITH_SEMAPHORE(sem); bool none_active = true; for (auto &s : sendfiles) { if (s.sock == nullptr) { continue; } none_active = false; if (!s.sock->pollout(0)) { continue; } const auto nread = AP::FS().read(s.fd, sendfile_buf, sendfile_bufsize); if (nread <= 0) { s.close(); continue; } const auto nsent = s.sock->send(sendfile_buf, nread); if (nsent <= 0) { s.close(); continue; } if (nsent < nread) { AP::FS().lseek(s.fd, nsent - nread, SEEK_CUR); } } if (none_active) { free(sendfile_buf); sendfile_buf = nullptr; } } } AP_Networking *AP_Networking::singleton; namespace AP { AP_Networking &network() { return *AP_Networking::get_singleton(); } } /* debug printfs from LWIP */ int ap_networking_printf(const char *fmt, ...) { WITH_SEMAPHORE(AP::network().get_semaphore()); #ifdef AP_NETWORKING_LWIP_DEBUG_FILE static int fd = -1; if (fd == -1) { fd = AP::FS().open(AP_NETWORKING_LWIP_DEBUG_FILE, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0644); if (fd == -1) { return -1; } } va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); vdprintf(fd, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); #else va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); hal.console->vprintf(fmt, ap); va_end(ap); #endif return 0; } // address to string using a static return buffer const char *AP_Networking::address_to_str(uint32_t addr) { static char buf[16]; // 16 for aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd return SocketAPM::inet_addr_to_str(addr, buf, sizeof(buf)); } #ifdef LWIP_PLATFORM_ASSERT void ap_networking_platform_assert(const char *msg, int line, const char *file) { AP_HAL::panic("LWIP: %s: %s:%u", msg, file, line); } #endif #endif // AP_NETWORKING_ENABLED