Type sizes:
char      : 1
short     : 2
int       : 2
long      : 4
long long : 8
bool      : 1
void*     : 2

Operation timings:
Note: timings for some operations are very data dependent
nop           0.07 usec/call
cli/sei       0.14 usec/call
micros()      3.04 usec/call
millis()      1.34 usec/call
fadd          8.68 usec/call
fsub          8.74 usec/call
fmul          7.21 usec/call
fdiv          7.21 usec/call
dadd          8.68 usec/call
dsub          8.74 usec/call
dmul          5.64 usec/call
ddiv          5.57 usec/call
sin()       114.10 usec/call
cos()       103.03 usec/call
tan()       147.92 usec/call
iadd8         0.48 usec/call
isub8         0.48 usec/call
imul8         0.67 usec/call
idiv8        12.93 usec/call
iadd16        0.92 usec/call
isub16        0.92 usec/call
imul16        1.48 usec/call
idiv16       13.24 usec/call
iadd32        1.80 usec/call
isub32        1.80 usec/call
imul32        4.57 usec/call
idiv32       37.71 usec/call
memcpy128    56.76 usec/call
memset128    49.71 usec/call
delay(1)   1005.14 usec/call

Additional notes:

 eeprom_read_byte: 2 usec/call
 eeprom_write_byte: first call costs 5 usec, each subsequent byte
                    costs 3480 usec as it waits for the EEPROM to be
                    ready from the previous byte

 pgm_read_byte: 0.5 usec per byte