Make sure you update the libraries from the arducopter trunk and the latest code from the ardupilotmega branch. Radio setup: ch1 = roll ch2 = pitch ch3 = throttle ch4 = yaw ch5 = mode switch - use your 3 position switch ch6 = used for in-air tuning - see AP_Config.h for options ch7 = use to set throttle hold value while hovering (quick toggle), hold to trim in air values - don't use your radio's trims! ch8 = NOT used!!! - this is the hardware manual - it's dangerous to use for quads BEWARE!!! CLI interactive setup - You must go through each item and set the values to match your hardware "setup" menu: erase - when installing ACM for the first time, run this to erases bad values from EEPROMS – just in case reset - Performs factory reset and initialization of EEPROM values radio - records the limits of ALL radio channels - very important!!! pid - restores default PID values - - only needed if you have changed them in flight with CGS, not for setup. frame - sets your frame config: [x, +, tri, hexax, hexa+, y6] motors - interactive setup of your ESC and motors, enter this mode, then plug-in battery, point at motors to make them spin throttle will output full range to each motor - this is good for esc calibration level - sets initial value of accelerometers - hold copter level modes - sets the flight modes assigned to each switch position (you have 5 available) current - enables an Attopilot current sensor: [on, off, milliamp hours] compass - enables the compass [on, off] declination - sets your local declination value – lookup online for accuracy [decimal degrees] sonar - Sonar hooks to the "pitot" port which is an analog input [on, off] show - a formatted output of all the settings "test" menu: pwm - outputs the pwm values of all 8 radio channels radio - outputs the control values of all 8 radio channels in degrees * 100 or other value (see radio.pde) gps - outputs GPS data rawgps - outputs raw, unparsed GPS data adc - outputs raw adc values imu - outputs euler angles battery - outputs voltage readings to analog in 0-3 current - outputs voltage and current from an AttoPilot current sensor relay - toggles the relay sonar - outputs sonar data in cm waypoints - dumps stored waypoint commands airpressure - raw output of absolute presure sensor compass - outputs compass angles in degrees (0 = north) xbee - outputs an XBEE sequence used for range testing mission - writes a default mission to EEPROM [null, 'wp'] - choosing 'wp' option will send the copter 15 meters North and back again. eedump - raw output of bytes in eeprom "logs" Menu: See the APM wiki to better understand how to dump logs and how to set the types of data you want to record. ACM Flight modes: Set these up in 'setup'/'modes'. Use your three position switch (channel 5) to select. Change the setting with your roll (Aileron) stick. Hit enter to save. All of the modes allow the user to control the copter with the normal controls. You can get yourself out of a jam sometimes by simply nudging the copter while in AUTO or LOITER modes. Options include: ACRO - rate control only. not for beginners STABILIZE - copter will hold any angle from -45 to 45° based on roll and pitch stick input. Manual throttle. SIMPLE - Remembers the yaw orientation of the copter when first entering SIMPLE mode, allowing the user to fly more intuitivey. Manual throttle. ALT_HOLD - altitude is controlled by the throttle lever. Middle is hold, high = rise, low = fall. LOITER - When selected, it will hold the current altitude, position and yaw. Yaw is user controllable. roll and pitch can be overridden temporarily with the radio. altitude is controlled by the throttle lever. Middle is hold, high = rise, low = fall. RTL - Will try and fly back to home at the current altitude. AUTO - Will fly the mission loaded by the Waypoint writer GUIDED - A future mode where the copter can be flown interactively from the GCS Special note: The props will NOT spin in stabilize when throttle is in the off position, even when armed. Arming is Yaw right for 1 sec, disarm is yaw left for 1 sec. Just give it some juice to confirm arming. Auto modes will NOT engage until the throttle is above neutral. So if you put the control switch to positio hold while it's on the ground, it will no spin up. Or at leat it shouldn't ;)