import emitter class RSTEmitter(emitter.Emitter): def preface(self): return """.. Dynamically generated list of Logger Messages .. This page was generated using Tools/autotest/logger_metdata/ .. DO NOT EDIT .. _logmessages: Onboard Message Log Messages ============================ This is a list of log messages which may be present in logs produced and stored onboard ArduPilot vehicles. """ def postface(self): return "" def start(self): self.fh = open("LogMessages.rst", mode='w') print(self.preface(), file=self.fh) def emit(self, doccos, enumerations): self.start() for docco in doccos: print('.. _%s:' %, file=self.fh) print("", file=self.fh) desc = docco.description print(, file=self.fh) print("~" * len(, file=self.fh) if desc is not None: print("\n%s\n" % desc, file=self.fh) rows = [] for f in docco.fields_order: # Populate the description column if "description" in docco.fields[f]: fdesc = docco.fields[f]["description"] else: fdesc = "" # Initialise Type/Unit and check for enum/bitfields ftypeunit = "" fieldnamething = None if "bitmaskenum" in docco.fields[f]: fieldnamething = "bitmaskenum" table_label = "Bitmask values" ftypeunit = "bitmask" elif "valueenum" in docco.fields[f]: fieldnamething = "valueenum" table_label = "Values" ftypeunit = "enum" # If an enum/bitmask is defined, build the table if fieldnamething is not None: enum_name = docco.fields[f][fieldnamething] if enum_name not in enumerations: raise Exception("Unknown enum (%s) (have %s)" % (enum_name, "\n".join(sorted(enumerations.keys())))) enumeration = enumerations[enum_name] bitmaskrows = [] for enumentry in enumeration.entries: # print("enumentry: %s" % str(enumentry)) comment = enumentry.comment if comment is None: comment = "" bitmaskrows.append([, str(enumentry.value), comment]) fdesc += "\n%s:\n\n%s" % (table_label, self.tablify(bitmaskrows)) # Populate the Type/Units column if "units" in docco.fields[f] and docco.fields[f]["units"] != "": ftypeunit = docco.fields[f]["units"] elif "fmt" in docco.fields[f] and "char" in docco.fields[f]["fmt"]: ftypeunit = docco.fields[f]["fmt"] # Add the new row rows.append([f, ftypeunit, fdesc]) if rows: print(self.tablify(rows), file=self.fh) print("", file=self.fh) self.stop() def stop(self): print(self.postface(), file=self.fh) self.fh.close() # tablify swiped from def tablify_row(self, rowheading, row, widths, height): joiner = "|" row_lines = [x.split("\n") for x in row] for row_line in row_lines: row_line.extend([""] * (height - len(row_line))) if rowheading is not None: rowheading_lines = rowheading.split("\n") rowheading_lines.extend([""] * (height - len(rowheading_lines))) out_lines = [] for i in range(0, height): out_line = "" if rowheading is not None: rowheading_line = rowheading_lines[i] out_line += joiner + " " + rowheading_line + " " * (widths[0] - len(rowheading_line) - 1) joiner = "#" j = 0 for item in row_lines: widthnum = j if rowheading is not None: widthnum += 1 line = item[i] out_line += joiner + " " + line + " " * (widths[widthnum] - len(line) - 1) joiner = "|" j += 1 out_line += "|" out_lines.append(out_line) return "\n".join(out_lines) def tablify_longest_row_length(self, rows, rowheadings, headings): check_width_rows = rows[:] if headings is not None: check_width_rows.append(headings) longest_row_length = 0 for row in check_width_rows: if len(row) > longest_row_length: longest_row_length = len(row) if rowheadings is not None: longest_row_length += 1 return longest_row_length def longest_line_in_string(self, string): longest = 0 for line in string.split("\n"): if len(line) > longest: longest = len(line) return longest def tablify_calc_row_widths_heights(self, rows, rowheadings, headings): rows_to_check = [] if headings is not None: rows_to_check.append(headings) rows_to_check.extend(rows[:]) heights = [0] * len(rows_to_check) longest_row_length = self.tablify_longest_row_length(rows, rowheadings, headings) widths = [0] * longest_row_length all_rowheadings = [] if rowheadings is not None: if headings is not None: all_rowheadings.append("") all_rowheadings.extend(rowheadings) for rownum in range(0, len(rows_to_check)): row = rows_to_check[rownum] values_to_check = [] if rowheadings is not None: values_to_check.append(all_rowheadings[rownum]) values_to_check.extend(row[:]) colnum = 0 for value in values_to_check: height = len(value.split("\n")) if height > heights[rownum]: heights[rownum] = height longest_line = self.longest_line_in_string(value) width = longest_line + 2 # +2 for leading/trailing ws if width > widths[colnum]: widths[colnum] = width colnum += 1 return (widths, heights) def tablify(self, rows, headings=None, rowheadings=None): (widths, heights) = self.tablify_calc_row_widths_heights(rows, rowheadings, headings) # create dividing lines bar = "" heading_bar = "" for width in widths: bar += "+" heading_bar += "+" bar += "-" * width heading_bar += "=" * width bar += "+" heading_bar += "+" # create table ret = bar + "\n" if headings is not None: rowheading = None if rowheadings is not None: rowheading = "" ret += self.tablify_row(rowheading, headings, widths, heights[0]) + "\n" ret += heading_bar + "\n" for i in range(0, len(rows)): rowheading = None height = i if rowheadings is not None: rowheading = rowheadings[i] if headings is not None: height += 1 ret += self.tablify_row(rowheading, rows[i], widths, heights[height]) + "\n" ret += bar + "\n" return ret