/// -*- tab-width: 4; Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
#include "Compass.h"

const AP_Param::GroupInfo Compass::var_info[] PROGMEM = {
    // index 0 was used for the old orientation matrix
    AP_GROUPINFO("OFS",    1, Compass, _offset),
    AP_GROUPINFO("DEC",    2, Compass, _declination),
    AP_GROUPINFO("LEARN",  3, Compass, _learn), // true if learning calibration
    AP_GROUPINFO("USE",    4, Compass, _use_for_yaw), // true if used for DCM yaw
    AP_GROUPINFO("AUTODEC",5, Compass, _auto_declination),

// Default constructor.
// Note that the Vector/Matrix constructors already implicitly zero
// their values.
Compass::Compass(void) :
    _declination		(0.0),

// Default init method, just returns success.
    return true;

Compass::set_orientation(enum Rotation rotation)
    _orientation = rotation;

Compass::set_offsets(const Vector3f &offsets)


Vector3f &
    return _offset;

Compass::set_initial_location(long latitude, long longitude)
    // if automatic declination is configured, then compute
    // the declination based on the initial GPS fix
	if (_auto_declination) {
		// Set the declination based on the lat/lng from GPS
		_declination.set(radians(AP_Declination::get_declination((float)latitude / 10000000, (float)longitude / 10000000)));

Compass::set_declination(float radians)

  return _declination.get();

Compass::calculate_heading(float roll, float pitch)
//  Note - This function implementation is deprecated
//  The alternate implementation of this function using the dcm matrix is preferred
    float headX;
    float headY;
    float cos_roll;
    float sin_roll;
    float cos_pitch;
    float sin_pitch;
    float heading;

    cos_roll = cos(roll);
	sin_roll = sin(roll);
    cos_pitch = cos(pitch);
	sin_pitch = sin(pitch);

    // Tilt compensated magnetic field X component:
    headX = mag_x*cos_pitch + mag_y*sin_roll*sin_pitch + mag_z*cos_roll*sin_pitch;
    // Tilt compensated magnetic field Y component:
    headY = mag_y*cos_roll - mag_z*sin_roll;
    // magnetic heading
    heading = atan2(-headY,headX);

    // Declination correction (if supplied)
    if( fabs(_declination) > 0.0 )
        heading = heading + _declination;
        if (heading > M_PI)    // Angle normalization (-180 deg, 180 deg)
            heading -= (2.0 * M_PI);
        else if (heading < -M_PI)
            heading += (2.0 * M_PI);

    return heading;

Compass::calculate_heading(const Matrix3f &dcm_matrix)
    float headX;
    float headY;
    float cos_pitch = safe_sqrt(1-(dcm_matrix.c.x*dcm_matrix.c.x));
    float heading;

	// sin(pitch) = - dcm_matrix(3,1)
	// cos(pitch)*sin(roll) = - dcm_matrix(3,2)
	// cos(pitch)*cos(roll) = - dcm_matrix(3,3)

    if (cos_pitch == 0.0) {
        // we are pointing straight up or down so don't update our
        // heading using the compass. Wait for the next iteration when
        // we hopefully will have valid values again.
        return 0;

    // Tilt compensated magnetic field X component:
    headX = mag_x*cos_pitch - mag_y*dcm_matrix.c.y*dcm_matrix.c.x/cos_pitch - mag_z*dcm_matrix.c.z*dcm_matrix.c.x/cos_pitch;
    // Tilt compensated magnetic field Y component:
    headY = mag_y*dcm_matrix.c.z/cos_pitch - mag_z*dcm_matrix.c.y/cos_pitch;
    // magnetic heading
    // 6/4/11 - added constrain to keep bad values from ruining DCM Yaw - Jason S.
	heading = constrain(atan2(-headY,headX), -3.15, 3.15);

    // Declination correction (if supplied)
    if( fabs(_declination) > 0.0 )
        heading = heading + _declination;
        if (heading > M_PI)    // Angle normalization (-180 deg, 180 deg)
            heading -= (2.0 * M_PI);
        else if (heading < -M_PI)
            heading += (2.0 * M_PI);

    return heading;

  this offset nulling algorithm is inspired by this paper from Bill Premerlani


  The base algorithm works well, but is quite sensitive to
  noise. After long discussions with Bill, the following changes were

    1) we keep a history buffer that effectively divides the mag
       vectors into a set of N streams. The algorithm is run on the
       streams separately

    2) within each stream we only calculate a change when the mag
       vector has changed by a significant amount.

  This gives us the property that we learn quickly if there is no
  noise, but still learn correctly (and slowly) in the face of lots of
    if (_learn == 0) {
        // auto-calibration is disabled

    // this gain is set so we converge on the offsets in about 5
    // minutes with a 10Hz compass
    const float gain = 0.01;
    const float max_change = 10.0;
    const float min_diff = 50.0;
    Vector3f ofs;

    ofs = _offset.get();

    if (!_null_init_done) {
        // first time through
        _null_init_done = true;
        for (uint8_t i=0; i<_mag_history_size; i++) {
            // fill the history buffer with the current mag vector,
            // with the offset removed
            _mag_history[i] = Vector3i((mag_x+0.5) - ofs.x, (mag_y+0.5) - ofs.y, (mag_z+0.5) - ofs.z);
        _mag_history_index = 0;

    Vector3f b1, b2, diff;
    float length;

    // get a past element
    b1 = Vector3f(_mag_history[_mag_history_index].x,
    // the history buffer doesn't have the offsets
    b1 += ofs;

    // get the current vector
    b2 = Vector3f(mag_x, mag_y, mag_z);

    // calculate the delta for this sample
    diff = b2 - b1;
    length = diff.length();
    if (length < min_diff) {
        // the mag vector hasn't changed enough - we don't get
        // enough information from this vector to use it.
        // Note that we don't put the current vector into the mag
        // history here. We want to wait for a larger rotation to
        // build up before calculating an offset change, as accuracy
        // of the offset change is highly dependent on the size of the
        // rotation.
        _mag_history_index = (_mag_history_index + 1) % _mag_history_size;

    // put the vector in the history
    _mag_history[_mag_history_index] = Vector3i((mag_x+0.5) - ofs.x, (mag_y+0.5) - ofs.y, (mag_z+0.5) - ofs.z);
    _mag_history_index = (_mag_history_index + 1) % _mag_history_size;

    // equation 6 of Bills paper
    diff = diff * (gain * (b2.length() - b1.length()) / length);

    // limit the change from any one reading. This is to prevent
    // single crazy readings from throwing off the offsets for a long
    // time
    length = diff.length();
    if (length > max_change) {
        diff *= max_change / length;

    // set the new offsets
    _offset.set(_offset.get() - diff);