#pragma once class AP_Param; #include "AP_HAL_Namespace.h" #include "AnalogIn.h" #include "GPIO.h" #include "RCInput.h" #include "RCOutput.h" #include "SPIDevice.h" #include "QSPIDevice.h" #include "Storage.h" #include "UARTDriver.h" #include "system.h" #include "OpticalFlow.h" #include "DSP.h" #include "CANIface.h" class AP_HAL::HAL { public: HAL(AP_HAL::UARTDriver* _uartA, // console AP_HAL::UARTDriver* _uartB, // 1st GPS AP_HAL::UARTDriver* _uartC, // telem1 AP_HAL::UARTDriver* _uartD, // telem2 AP_HAL::UARTDriver* _uartE, // 2nd GPS AP_HAL::UARTDriver* _uartF, // extra1 AP_HAL::UARTDriver* _uartG, // extra2 AP_HAL::UARTDriver* _uartH, // extra3 AP_HAL::UARTDriver* _uartI, // extra4 AP_HAL::UARTDriver* _uartJ, // extra5 AP_HAL::I2CDeviceManager* _i2c_mgr, AP_HAL::SPIDeviceManager* _spi, AP_HAL::QSPIDeviceManager* _qspi, AP_HAL::AnalogIn* _analogin, AP_HAL::Storage* _storage, AP_HAL::UARTDriver* _console, AP_HAL::GPIO* _gpio, AP_HAL::RCInput* _rcin, AP_HAL::RCOutput* _rcout, AP_HAL::Scheduler* _scheduler, AP_HAL::Util* _util, AP_HAL::OpticalFlow*_opticalflow, AP_HAL::Flash* _flash, AP_HAL::DSP* _dsp, #if HAL_NUM_CAN_IFACES > 0 AP_HAL::CANIface* _can_ifaces[HAL_NUM_CAN_IFACES]) #else AP_HAL::CANIface** _can_ifaces) #endif : uartA(_uartA), uartB(_uartB), uartC(_uartC), uartD(_uartD), uartE(_uartE), uartF(_uartF), uartG(_uartG), uartH(_uartH), uartI(_uartI), uartJ(_uartJ), i2c_mgr(_i2c_mgr), spi(_spi), qspi(_qspi), analogin(_analogin), storage(_storage), console(_console), gpio(_gpio), rcin(_rcin), rcout(_rcout), scheduler(_scheduler), util(_util), opticalflow(_opticalflow), flash(_flash), dsp(_dsp) { #if HAL_NUM_CAN_IFACES > 0 if (_can_ifaces == nullptr) { for (uint8_t i = 0; i < HAL_NUM_CAN_IFACES; i++) can[i] = nullptr; } else { for (uint8_t i = 0; i < HAL_NUM_CAN_IFACES; i++) can[i] = _can_ifaces[i]; } #endif AP_HAL::init(); } struct Callbacks { virtual void setup() = 0; virtual void loop() = 0; }; struct FunCallbacks : public Callbacks { FunCallbacks(void (*setup_fun)(void), void (*loop_fun)(void)); void setup() override { _setup(); } void loop() override { _loop(); } private: void (*_setup)(void); void (*_loop)(void); }; virtual void run(int argc, char * const argv[], Callbacks* callbacks) const = 0; private: // the uartX ports must be contiguous in ram for the serial() method to work AP_HAL::UARTDriver* uartA; AP_HAL::UARTDriver* uartB; AP_HAL::UARTDriver* uartC; AP_HAL::UARTDriver* uartD; AP_HAL::UARTDriver* uartE; AP_HAL::UARTDriver* uartF; AP_HAL::UARTDriver* uartG; AP_HAL::UARTDriver* uartH; AP_HAL::UARTDriver* uartI; AP_HAL::UARTDriver* uartJ; public: AP_HAL::I2CDeviceManager* i2c_mgr; AP_HAL::SPIDeviceManager* spi; AP_HAL::QSPIDeviceManager* qspi; AP_HAL::AnalogIn* analogin; AP_HAL::Storage* storage; AP_HAL::UARTDriver* console; AP_HAL::GPIO* gpio; AP_HAL::RCInput* rcin; AP_HAL::RCOutput* rcout; AP_HAL::Scheduler* scheduler; AP_HAL::Util *util; AP_HAL::OpticalFlow *opticalflow; AP_HAL::Flash *flash; AP_HAL::DSP *dsp; #if HAL_NUM_CAN_IFACES > 0 AP_HAL::CANIface* can[HAL_NUM_CAN_IFACES]; #else AP_HAL::CANIface** can; #endif // access to serial ports using SERIALn_ numbering UARTDriver* serial(uint8_t sernum) const; static constexpr uint8_t num_serial = 10; };