/// -*- tab-width: 4; Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- /** update_vehicle_position_estimate - updates estimate of vehicle positions should be called at 50hz */ static void update_vehicle_pos_estimate() { // calculate time since last actual position update float dt = (hal.scheduler->micros() - vehicle.last_update_us) * 1.0e-6f; // if less than 5 seconds since last position update estimate the position if (dt < TRACKING_TIMEOUT_SEC) { // project the vehicle position to take account of lost radio packets vehicle.location_estimate = vehicle.location; location_update(vehicle.location_estimate, vehicle.heading, vehicle.ground_speed * dt); // set valid_location flag vehicle.location_valid = true; } else { // vehicle has been lost, set lost flag vehicle.location_valid = false; } } /** update_tracker_position - updates antenna tracker position from GPS location should be called at 50hz */ static void update_tracker_position() { // update our position if we have at least a 2D fix // REVISIT: what if we lose lock during a mission and the antenna is moving? if (gps.status() >= AP_GPS::GPS_OK_FIX_2D) { current_loc = gps.location(); } } /** update_bearing_and_distance - updates bearing and distance to the vehicle should be called at 50hz */ static void update_bearing_and_distance() { // exit immediately if we do not have a valid vehicle position if (!vehicle.location_valid) { return; } // calculate bearing to vehicle // To-Do: remove need for check of control_mode if (control_mode != SCAN && !nav_status.manual_control_yaw) { nav_status.bearing = get_bearing_cd(current_loc, vehicle.location_estimate) * 0.01f; } // calculate distance to vehicle nav_status.distance = get_distance(current_loc, vehicle.location_estimate); // calculate pitch to vehicle // To-Do: remove need for check of control_mode if (control_mode != SCAN && !nav_status.manual_control_pitch) { nav_status.pitch = degrees(atan2f(nav_status.altitude_difference, nav_status.distance)); } } /** main antenna tracking code, called at 50Hz */ static void update_tracking(void) { // update vehicle position estimate update_vehicle_pos_estimate(); // update antenna tracker position from GPS update_tracker_position(); // update bearing and distance to vehicle update_bearing_and_distance(); // do not perform any servo updates until startup delay has passed if (g.startup_delay > 0 && hal.scheduler->millis() - start_time_ms < g.startup_delay*1000) { return; } // do not perform updates if safety switch is disarmed (i.e. servos can't be moved) if (hal.util->safety_switch_state() == AP_HAL::Util::SAFETY_DISARMED) { return; } switch (control_mode) { case AUTO: update_auto(); break; case MANUAL: update_manual(); break; case SCAN: update_scan(); break; case STOP: case INITIALISING: break; } } /** handle an updated position from the aircraft */ static void tracking_update_position(const mavlink_global_position_int_t &msg) { vehicle.location.lat = msg.lat; vehicle.location.lng = msg.lon; vehicle.location.alt = msg.alt/10; vehicle.heading = msg.hdg * 0.01f; vehicle.ground_speed = pythagorous2(msg.vx, msg.vy) * 0.01f; vehicle.last_update_us = hal.scheduler->micros(); vehicle.last_update_ms = hal.scheduler->millis(); } /** handle an updated pressure reading from the aircraft */ static void tracking_update_pressure(const mavlink_scaled_pressure_t &msg) { float local_pressure = barometer.get_pressure(); float aircraft_pressure = msg.press_abs*100.0f; // calculate altitude difference based on difference in barometric pressure float alt_diff = barometer.get_altitude_difference(local_pressure, aircraft_pressure); if (!isnan(alt_diff)) { nav_status.altitude_difference = alt_diff + nav_status.altitude_offset; } if (nav_status.need_altitude_calibration) { // we have done a baro calibration - zero the altitude // difference to the aircraft nav_status.altitude_offset = -nav_status.altitude_difference; nav_status.altitude_difference = 0; nav_status.need_altitude_calibration = false; } } /** handle a manual control message by using the data to command yaw and pitch */ static void tracking_manual_control(const mavlink_manual_control_t &msg) { nav_status.bearing = msg.x; nav_status.pitch = msg.y; nav_status.distance = 0.0; nav_status.manual_control_yaw = (msg.x != 0x7FFF); nav_status.manual_control_pitch = (msg.y != 0x7FFF); // z, r and buttons are not used } /** update_armed_disarmed - set armed LED if we have received a position update within the last 5 seconds */ static void update_armed_disarmed() { if (vehicle.last_update_ms != 0 && (hal.scheduler->millis() - vehicle.last_update_ms) < TRACKING_TIMEOUT_MS) { AP_Notify::flags.armed = true; } else { AP_Notify::flags.armed = false; } }