#include <AP_HAL/AP_HAL.h> #include <AP_HAL_Empty/AP_HAL_Empty.h> #include <AP_Arming/AP_Arming.h> #include <GCS_MAVLink/GCS_Dummy.h> #include <AP_Vehicle/AP_Vehicle.h> #include <AP_SerialManager/AP_SerialManager.h> #include <AP_Logger/AP_Logger.h> #include <AP_GyroFFT/AP_GyroFFT.h> #include <AP_InertialSensor/AP_InertialSensor.h> #include <AP_Baro/AP_Baro.h> #include <AP_ExternalAHRS/AP_ExternalAHRS.h> #include <AP_Scheduler/AP_Scheduler.h> #include <AP_Arming/AP_Arming.h> #include <SITL/SITL.h> #if CONFIG_HAL_BOARD == HAL_BOARD_SITL const AP_HAL::HAL &hal = AP_HAL::get_HAL(); static const uint32_t LOOP_RATE_HZ = 400; static const uint32_t LOOP_DELTA_US = 1000000 / LOOP_RATE_HZ; static const uint32_t RUN_TIME = 120; // 2 mins static const uint32_t LOOP_ITERATIONS = LOOP_RATE_HZ * RUN_TIME; void setup(); void loop(); static AP_SerialManager serial_manager; static AP_BoardConfig board_config; static AP_InertialSensor ins; static AP_Baro baro; AP_Int32 logger_bitmask; static AP_Logger logger{logger_bitmask}; #if HAL_EXTERNAL_AHRS_ENABLED static AP_ExternalAHRS external_ahrs; #endif static SITL::SIM sitl; static AP_Scheduler scheduler; // create fake gcs object GCS_Dummy _gcs; const struct LogStructure log_structure[] = { LOG_COMMON_STRUCTURES }; const AP_Param::GroupInfo GCS_MAVLINK_Parameters::var_info[] = { AP_GROUPEND }; class Arming : public AP_Arming { public: Arming() : AP_Arming() {} bool arm(AP_Arming::Method method, bool do_arming_checks=true) override { armed = true; return true; } }; static Arming arming; class ReplayGyroFFT { public: void init() { fft._enable.set(1); // FFT_ENABLE fft._window_size.set(64); // FFT_WINDOW_SIZE fft._snr_threshold_db.set(10); // FFT_SNR_REF fft._fft_min_hz.set(50); // FFT_MINHZ fft._fft_max_hz.set(450); // FFT_MAXHZ fft.init(LOOP_RATE_HZ); fft.update_parameters(); } void loop() { fft.sample_gyros(); fft.update(); // calibrate the FFT uint32_t now = AP_HAL::millis(); if (!arming.is_armed()) { char buf[32]; if (!fft.pre_arm_check(buf, 32)) { if (now - last_output_ms > 1000) { hal.console->printf("%s\n", buf); last_output_ms = now; } } else { logger.PrepForArming(); arming.arm(AP_Arming::Method::RUDDER); logger.set_vehicle_armed(true); // apply throttle values to motors to make sure the fake IMU generates energetic enough data for (uint8_t i=0; i<4; i++) { hal.rcout->write(i, 1500); } } } else { if (now - last_output_ms > 1000) { hal.console->printf("."); last_output_ms = now; } } fft.write_log_messages(); } AP_GyroFFT fft; uint32_t last_output_ms; }; static ReplayGyroFFT replay; void setup() { hal.console->printf("ReplayGyroFFT\n"); board_config.init(); serial_manager.init(); const bool generate = false; if (generate) { sitl.vibe_freq.set(Vector3f(250,250,250)); // SIM_VIB_FREQ sitl.drift_speed.set(0); // SIM_DRIFT_SPEED sitl.drift_time.set(0); // SIM_DRIFT_TIME sitl.gyro_noise[0].set(20); // SIM_GYR1_RND } else { sitl.speedup.set(100); // SIM_SPEEDUP sitl.gyro_file_rw.set(SITL::SIM::INSFileMode::INS_FILE_READ_STOP_ON_EOF); // SIM_GYR_FILE_RW } logger_bitmask.set(128); // IMU logger.Init(log_structure, ARRAY_SIZE(log_structure)); ins.init(LOOP_RATE_HZ); baro.init(); replay.init(); } static uint32_t loop_iter = LOOP_ITERATIONS; void loop() { if (!hal.console->is_initialized()) { return; } ins.wait_for_sample(); uint32_t sample_time_us = AP_HAL::micros(); ins.update(); ins.periodic(); logger.periodic_tasks(); ins.Write_IMU(); replay.loop(); uint32_t elapsed = AP_HAL::micros() - sample_time_us; if (elapsed < LOOP_DELTA_US) { hal.scheduler->delay_microseconds(LOOP_DELTA_US - elapsed); } if (sitl.gyro_file_rw != SITL::SIM::INSFileMode::INS_FILE_READ_STOP_ON_EOF && loop_iter-- == 0) { hal.console->printf("\n"); exit(0); } } AP_HAL_MAIN(); #else #include <stdio.h> const AP_HAL::HAL& hal = AP_HAL::get_HAL(); static void loop() { } static void setup() { printf("Board not currently supported\n"); } AP_HAL_MAIN(); #endif