/* ************************************************************ */
/* DataFlash_SITL Log library                                 */
/* ************************************************************ */
#pragma once

#include <AP_HAL/AP_HAL.h>


#include "DataFlash_Block.h"

class DataFlash_SITL : public DataFlash_Block
    void              BufferWrite (uint8_t BufferNum, uint16_t IntPageAdr, uint8_t Data);
    void              BufferToPage (uint8_t BufferNum, uint16_t PageAdr, uint8_t wait);
    void              PageToBuffer(uint8_t BufferNum, uint16_t PageAdr);
    void              WaitReady();
    uint8_t           ReadStatusReg();
    uint8_t           ReadStatus();
    uint16_t          PageSize();
    void              PageErase (uint16_t PageAdr);
    void              BlockErase (uint16_t BlockAdr);
    void              ChipErase();

    // write size bytes of data to a page. The caller must ensure that
    // the data fits within the page, otherwise it will wrap to the
    // start of the page
    // If pHeader is not NULL then write the header bytes before the data
    void		    BlockWrite(uint8_t BufferNum, uint16_t IntPageAdr, 
				       const void *pHeader, uint8_t hdr_size,
				       const void *pBuffer, uint16_t size);

    // read size bytes of data to a page. The caller must ensure that
    // the data fits within the page, otherwise it will wrap to the
    // start of the page
    bool 		    BlockRead(uint8_t BufferNum, uint16_t IntPageAdr, void *pBuffer, uint16_t size);

    DataFlash_SITL(DataFlash_Class &front, DFMessageWriter_DFLogStart *writer) :
        DataFlash_Block(front, writer) { }
    void        Init() override;
    void        ReadManufacturerID();
    bool        CardInserted();