- FreeRTOS task functions must not return or exit.
- vTaskDelete(NULL) deletes the calling task.
Signed-off-by: Rhys Mainwaring <rhys.mainwaring@me.com>
- modification of CMakeLists to use new component names of idf 5.3;
- removing big sdkconfig, which changes a lot, when upgrading idf and to use sdkconfig.defaults, which contain only non default defines;
- Updated idf installation packages list, according to espressif documentation;
- Updated README.md to reflect changes in sdkconfig handling;
- Fixed WDT in Scheduler, it was broken with idf 5.3;
- fixed compilation issues with GCC 13 (which is used by idf 5.3);
- fixed bug in case when HAL_ESP32_WIFI defined as 0 (disable wifi)
- Added ESP32 targets sdkconfig (auto generated) to .gitignore
getting a loop rate of around 130 on both now
source modules/esp_idf/export.sh
./waf configure --board=esp32s3empty --debug
./waf copter
cd build/esp32buzz/esp-idf_build/
ninja menuconfig
./waf configure --board=esp32buzz --debug
./waf copter
cd build/esp32buzz/esp-idf_build/
ninja menuconfig
and try to get both the resulting modified sdkconfig as smiilar as possible - this causes s3 to use qio, which is faster, and also puts the wifi stuff onto CORE1 on both configs.
loop_rate: actual: 148.097137Hz, expected: 400Hz
loop_rate: actual: 147.908691Hz, expected: 400Hz
loop_rate: actual: 188.718842Hz, expected: 400Hz
loop_rate: actual: 191.819748Hz, expected: 400Hz
bump tick rate to 1kz to match chibios
experimentally make delay_microseconds not delay, and only yield ( vTaskDelay yields to higher-priority tasks )
ESP32 disable all watchdogs
emit info to console to tell user where to connect tcp/udp and what ports
comment out bad code throwing a ptr error
- Add INS_ACC offsets to param to skip calibration for esp32empty
- Update esp32empty.h
- Change tabs to whitespace.
- Update wifi details
- Format comment in esp32empty
- Update serial defaults and uarts
- Use IO_MUX for UART_NUM_2 (TX 17, RX 16)
- Update scheduler
- Disable initialisation check in timer thread if HAL_INS_NONE
- Print main loop rate every 10s
- Remove serial(n)->begin() calls
Signed-off-by: Rhys Mainwaring <rhys.mainwaring@me.com>