Commit Graph

14 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Michael Oborne
919d0ac8fd Mission Planner 1.2.23
ammend serial dispose on usb devices detach
add item currentstate item description and units
ammend battery screen for 3dr power module
add trackbar zoom to flight data
add unit desccription
2012-11-27 22:19:59 +08:00
Michael Oborne
399e5d97a8 Mission Planner 1.2.21
Antenna Tracker mod from William Bryan
Scaling mods
battery screen mods
failsafe screen pwm checking
remove reverse radio options when we are using a quad
config menu reorganise
add Ateryx stuff
2012-11-25 13:42:46 +08:00
Michael Oborne
30e7b8e494 Mission Planner 1.2.20
fix airspeed error scale and min ground speed
modify mount options
add german lang
fix terminal baud rate issue
msi mod- single msi for x86 and x64 and all win os's
2012-11-15 19:18:53 +08:00
Michael Oborne
5cb5618814 Mission Planner 1.2.19
check for serial port name hang. and disable
add more failsafe screen status items
fix mavlink log graph bug
2012-11-10 11:16:51 +08:00
Michael Oborne
27607eacbd Mission Planner 1.2.17
add nested config page
add friendly comport names
add some exception handlers
add new old firmware hashs
remove more crom.controls stuff
enabled change speed
2012-11-04 16:45:39 +08:00
Michael Oborne
5dfb1bd129 Mission Planner 1.2.12
add arduino chip detect
fix apm2,2.5 dialog test
add write timeout. this will stop planner hangs on bad serial devices.
change quickview decimal places to 0.00
fix map clicking issue.
fix wind direction wrapping
add airspeed use
modify firmware screen from Marooned
major flightdata tab change.
add save/load polygon from file
add some error handling dialogs
2012-09-20 07:37:36 +08:00
Michael Oborne
9d2049bffb Mission Planner 1.2.6
add tracker location option.
fix current sensor screen
add more right click flight planner options.
make some connecting error messages more detailed.
add partial microdrones protocol output
2012-08-16 21:07:29 +08:00
Michael Oborne
32832dd296 Mission Planner 1.2.5
add experimental antenna tracker find
add new apparam eeprom reader
add ground alt display to hud
mod stats
modify guided mode alt selection.
test flight planner tab on flight data tab
move some functions to the right click menu
add xplanes data in/out setup to be automatic.
add better mission upload handeling.
2012-08-12 12:25:22 +08:00
Michael Oborne
f90d4b7ead Mission Planner 1.2.4
remove geofence tab
add guided alt remeber
change wp upload retry to 200 ms
2012-08-07 19:26:10 +08:00
Michael Oborne
8bebf0c394 APM Planner 1.1.99
Convert to IActivate, IDeactivate scheme, thanks andrew
add support for rfcomm* interfaces on linux
fix guage off screen draw mono issue.
remove use of BackStageViewContentPanel
andrews spacer changes - not using dues to screen space issue
change configpanel constructor to load xml directly
remove IMavlink Interface
fix hsi off screen draw issue on mono
modify hud to use sprite fonts, instead of drawing via GDI+
modify progress reporter to use a 10hz timer to update screen, using invoke/begininvoke fails on mono at 50hz (over 100ms per call).
fix targetalt and target airspeed jumping issue.
lots of cleanup on tab switching, ie stoping timers/other
3dr radio status led update
update ardurover car icon
speedup georef image screen. tested on over 1000 images.
2012-07-22 15:51:05 +08:00
Michael Oborne
46f004bcca APM Planner 1.1.95
fix config panel value change detection
add loiter_ to AC config screen
Add praram name to Friendly param, and exception ignoring.
fix param file note line
intergrate andrews gimbal config.
fix any possible log appending issues
remove old cli planner on connect
modify speech to not crash on windows mono
2012-07-01 17:51:22 +08:00
Michael Oborne
f56d3afccf APM Planner 1.1.81
mavlink 1.0 fixs
simulation hil fix for lorenz
modify default att rate to 10 hz
2012-05-07 22:28:40 +08:00
Michael Oborne
d59d26b7d2 APM Planner 1.1.75
implement new arducopter pid tuning screen
included old for crossover.
add map rotation - follow plane
modify setup screen to show diffrent things based on ap software
2012-04-25 18:10:11 +08:00
Michael Oborne
43b4359b28 planner cleanup
fixup mode names in joystick and flight data
add mavlink 0.9/1.0 error message
2012-04-24 21:49:27 +08:00