Apply filtering to baro innovation check and and don't apply innovation checks once aiding has commenced because GPS and baro disturbances on the ground and during launch could generate a false positive
Extended GPS loss can result in the earth field states becoming rotated and making it difficult for the EKF to recover its heading when GPS is regained.
During prolonged GPS outages, the position covariance can become large enough to cause the reset function to continually activate. This is fixed by ensuring that position covariances are always reset when the position is reset.
The innovation variance was being used incorrectly instead of the state variance to trigger the glitch reset.
This sets the fusion of the synthetic position and velocity to occur at the same time as the barometer
This makes filter tuning more consistent between GPS and non-GPS useage
Don't fuse other measurements on the same frame that magnetometer measurements arrive if running at a high frame rate as there will be insufficient time to complete other operations.