move mavlink structure/currentstate around for future mods
update old firmware git hashs
mod some error descriptions
AP_mount camera trigger mod
modify raw param display with units/range/desc
add radio support for 868mhz
update ch7 options
updated dataflashlog format
small df log parser mod for bad gps loc
renable menu to always dock. right click for autohide
add experimental antenna tracker find
add new apparam eeprom reader
add ground alt display to hud
mod stats
modify guided mode alt selection.
test flight planner tab on flight data tab
move some functions to the right click menu
add xplanes data in/out setup to be automatic.
add better mission upload handeling.
Modify BackStage View - will change again soon
modify target alt calc
change order on param lists
remove old firmware selection dialog
add hil mod flag to hil connect
implement main switcher - will change again soon
change some invokes to async, to prevent other threads slowing.
fix mavlink log graphing error
modify help text
general mono for mac fixs - still combating
Modify Hud center
add 3dr snr's and snr based distance estimate
display current frame type
fix disapearing window
add base xml level to param xml (xml standard)
add georef kml refrence
this includes adams new dynamic params
fix ac2 heli error
fix guide mode wp
fix tuning graph on mono
fix autozoom on planner map
modify prefetch - current screen
fix zoom bar for mono
fix base class for special functions