this helps to set a custom home location on sim, if the location is
outside of the locations in Tools/autotest/locations.txt
Usage: -l 37.872991,-122.302348,20,260
The location needs to be in the same format as the locations defined in
locations.txt inside autotest code was modified to call the ROS/ file
instead of the default /jsbsim/ ROS/ uses roslaunch
command to launch the last_letter simulator, which should be cloned
and compiled in the system.
GIT_Success.txt file was modified to depict the author's current
The location LGAT (Former National Airport of Athens, now an unofficial
model park) was added in the locations.txt file, since this is my
base of operations and start for my missions.
For full instructions/notes see Tools/vagrant/
* Old Vagrantfile updated to run faster and self init with our various
build dependancies.
* The script will now implicitly configure if necessary
* is now smart enough to use Screen sessions. Or
if those are not available to warn the user but run the command with logging
going to a file in /tmp.