Reworked the process flow. Created the aviation vs rover themes.
Created visual operator feedback for prearm checks, GPS, EKF, gyro init,
radio failsafe, and low battery. This also includes work by Hugh Eaves
to open up the full extended properties of the Oreo LEDs. Not only are
far more functions available, but you can override and do custom things
via mavlink.
Jaime did the hard work on this one. He reworked notify device
selection to take place on init rather than on compile like before. The
notify decivces are mostly set on compile using preprocessor directives
based on board type. I created NTF_OREO_THEME. This will allow the
user to enable/disable the OreoLED driver. And it also allows you to
select between aircraft and rover lighting themes. This allows the Solo
to use the OreoLEDs, and doesn't waste the memory on vehicles not
equipped with Oreo LEDs. The OreoLED driver is restricted to Pixhawk 2
FCs by proprocessor directive due to memory constraints. So it will
never work by accident on another board.
There is also a new notify flag for GPS Fusion. This flag is true when
the EKF is happy with the GPS, actively using it for position
Uses EKF filter state to set the new gps_fusion notify flag. This allows
the GCS and notify devices to specifically be notified if the GPS is or
is not usable.
Evaluated solo specific tones file vs standard px4 tones files. The
only thing the Solo had that standard ArduPilot does not have is the GPS
unplugged tone and the power off tone.
* Some tones have a different tune, which is fine. We want the Solo to
sound like ArduPilot if it is running ArduPilot.
* GPS unplugged tone abandoned. Determined to be unnecessary.
* Power off tone merged into standard px4 tones file. Smart battery
signalling a power off will make use of this tone. Has application for
any smart battery equipped vehicle, not just Solo.
* Removed all references and dependencies to `ToneAlarm_PX4_Solo.cpp`
and `ToneAlarm_PX4_Solo.h`
* Deleted `ToneAlarm_PX4_Solo.cpp` and `ToneAlarm_PX4_Solo.h` since
they're no longer needed.
Copter-3.5 testing resulted in a significant number of users reporting various issues like poshold and autotune were not functioning because their RC inputs were straying out of the deadzones
Increase Roll, Pitch and Yaw IMAX from 0.444 or 0.222 to 0.5
Decrease Yaw Filter from 5hz to 2.5hz based on the results of autotunes on many vehicles which always seems to produce values between 2 and 3hz
getting to 60 was taking far too long (15 minutes or so). 45 is more
This is a result of the fix to the invensense temperature detection
only reset position on pitch or roll input
also increases the max angle error for twitching in autotune. When a
vehicle is not well tuned the limit can prevent twitching