fix hud battery text overlaying
tweak hud resize
tweak main switcher
fix quickview text scaleing
fix dist to mav.
added french translation thanks oliver
change tooltip time
add 3dr iv
add distance to home
dataflashlog update
add popouts in config/setup
add more text to hud heading nw,ne,sw,se
add 5 m filter to antenna tracker
add refresh param buttons
remove the word old, as people still want it.
modify telem playback interface with slider bars
add posible fix to bad grid spacing
move mavlink code.
implement new arducopter pid tuning screen
included old for crossover.
add map rotation - follow plane
modify setup screen to show diffrent things based on ap software
language by hazy
move turning circle to be based on cog
add autodec on/off
mod 3dr radio uploader to read in 64 byte packets
add more georef caching. much faster now on more than 1 run.