AP_ADSB: uAvionix Transponder Status V3
+ Current version of ping200X sends the v1 status message periodically and the v3 status message in response to the transponder control message, so ardupilot needs to handle both gracefully; version 1 and version 3 are very different in structure and naively assuming one version over another will cause errors.
AP_ADSB: Process additional xpdr status v3 fields
AP_ADSB: Send GCS xpdr status at least every 10s
AP_ADSB: Send ping200X estimated HPL
+ When AP sends the ping200X the GPS data GDL90 message, it needs to provide a valid HPL for the ping200X to report a valid NIC.
AP_ADSB: Don't send unsolicited transponder status
AP_ADSB: Better initialization of xpdr id/config
AP_ADSB: Better initialization of frontend status
AP_ADSB: Suggestions from review
instead, add fields to canonical AP_ADSB location "_my_loc" to hold all of the information backends might want. This will allow consistent presentation of data regardless of backend type, and for the sources of the information to change more easily.