- New interrupt system that handles certain Futaba receivers better (simultaneous changes on groups of R/C channels in fast intervals)
- Improved active channel detection requering 100 valid pulses before channel is marked active
- Removed forced throttle fail-safe after channel loss
- Lost channel detection signal for APM by setting channel output to 800us (not activated yet, need APM code to handle signals)
- New improved fail-safe detection and handeling for single or multible signal loss and receiver malfuntion
- Improved LED status for APM 2.x
- Improved jitter performance (PPM output using nested interrupts)
RX - OFF = No input signal detected
RX - SLOW TOGGLE = Input signal OK
RX - FAST TOGGLE = Invalid input signal(s) detected
RX - ON = Input signal(s) lost during flight and fail-safe activated
TX - OFF = PPM output disabled
TX - FAST TOGGLE = PPM output enabled
TX - SLOW TOGGLE = PPM pass-trough mode
- PPM output will not be enabled unless a input signal has been detected and verified
- Verified inputs are lost during operaton (lose servo wire or receiver malfunction):
+ The PPM output channel for the lost input will be set to the default fail-safe value
+ PPM throttle output (ch3) will be permanently set to fail-safe (900us)
- Lost channel signal is restored:
+ PPM output for the restored channel will be updated with the valid signal
+ PPM throttle output (ch3) will not be restored, and will continue to output fail-safe (900us)
PPM PASS-THROUGH MODE (signal pin 2&3 shorted):
- PPM output will not be enabled unless a input signal has been detected
- Active signal on input channel 1 has been detected:
+ Any input level changes will be passed directly to the PPM output (PPM pass-trough)
+ If no input level changes are detected withing 250ms:
+ PPM output is enabled and default fail-safe values for all eight channels transmitted
+ Input level change detected again, PPM fail-safe output is terminated and normal PPM pass-through operation is restored
PPM polarity reversing was not working when changing the Output PPM pin level before timer 1 / output compare init. The compare generator initialization was reverting the pin to low level. Instead of that a force match compare is used after timer / compare generator init to set the PPM output to high level.
- Added APM2 (ATmega32U2) support for using TX and RX status leds to indicate PWM and PPM traffic
<RX><OFF> no pwm input detected
<RX><TOGGLE> speed of toggle indicate how many channels are active
<RX><ON> input lost (failsafe)
<TX><OFF> ppm output not started
<TX><FAST TOGGLE> normal PWM->PPM output or PPM passtrough failsafe
<TX><SLOW TOGGLE> PPM passtrough