move mavlink structure/currentstate around for future mods
update old firmware git hashs
mod some error descriptions
AP_mount camera trigger mod
modify raw param display with units/range/desc
add radio support for 868mhz
update ch7 options
updated dataflashlog format
small df log parser mod for bad gps loc
renable menu to always dock. right click for autohide
Antenna Tracker mod from William Bryan
Scaling mods
battery screen mods
failsafe screen pwm checking
remove reverse radio options when we are using a quad
config menu reorganise
add Ateryx stuff
remove some mavlink 0.9 code
add arm/disarm button. Not yet implemented AC and AP Side.
modify heli setup screen
modify failsafe screen
fix old firmware under mono
workaround mono crash.
modify planner wp storage
tweak log dl screen
add change alt button
modify tlog wp extractor, multiple extractions
speed up srtm reading
fix lang edit.
language by hazy
move turning circle to be based on cog
add autodec on/off
mod 3dr radio uploader to read in 64 byte packets
add more georef caching. much faster now on more than 1 run.