I've refactored the param_parse tool to use various 'emitters'. An emitter
can take parameter info and output it in a particular format. Currently the
only supported emitters are the wiki and XML formats.
The goal of these changes is to create a standard machine readable description
of parameters - mainly for use by ground control stations, but it will also
enable spiffy scripting environments where code can refer symbolically to
vehicle parameters (reflectionish).
Open issue: Is there any sort of Ardupilot build id which can be included in
the generated XML? That would ensure that we select the correct paramdefs
for the load on the target (possibly by asking the target for a SHA or
somesuch). If that issue is resolved, then the filename for the XML
file should probably be something like:
It is worth noting that I've proposed a suffix of ".pdef.xml" for these file
types. This facilitates automated file handling on Android devices. On
Android you can register 'handlers' for particular file extensions and if
the user tries to open that extension in email or a web browser your app
will be given a chance to do something about it. The 'outer' xml extension
will allow naive editors to know that at least this is an xml file.
I will include a sample of the XML format with the pull-request for this CL.
- Allows use of hardware floating point on the Cortex-M4.
- Added "f" suffix to floating point literals.
- Call floating point versions of stdlib math functions.
- New interrupt system that handles certain Futaba receivers better (simultaneous changes on groups of R/C channels in fast intervals)
- Improved active channel detection requering 100 valid pulses before channel is marked active
- Removed forced throttle fail-safe after channel loss
- Lost channel detection signal for APM by setting channel output to 800us (not activated yet, need APM code to handle signals)
move mavlink structure/currentstate around for future mods
update old firmware git hashs
mod some error descriptions
AP_mount camera trigger mod
modify raw param display with units/range/desc
add radio support for 868mhz
update ch7 options
updated dataflashlog format
small df log parser mod for bad gps loc
renable menu to always dock. right click for autohide
failsafe: hide element not needed
ap_limits back - beta
add new accel setup - beta
fix planner config screen exception
fix quickview desc/units if never been configured
ammend serial dispose on usb devices detach
add item currentstate item description and units
ammend battery screen for 3dr power module
add trackbar zoom to flight data
add unit desccription
Antenna Tracker mod from William Bryan
Scaling mods
battery screen mods
failsafe screen pwm checking
remove reverse radio options when we are using a quad
config menu reorganise
add Ateryx stuff
- New improved fail-safe detection and handeling for single or multible signal loss and receiver malfuntion
- Improved LED status for APM 2.x
- Improved jitter performance (PPM output using nested interrupts)
RX - OFF = No input signal detected
RX - SLOW TOGGLE = Input signal OK
RX - FAST TOGGLE = Invalid input signal(s) detected
RX - ON = Input signal(s) lost during flight and fail-safe activated
TX - OFF = PPM output disabled
TX - FAST TOGGLE = PPM output enabled
TX - SLOW TOGGLE = PPM pass-trough mode
- PPM output will not be enabled unless a input signal has been detected and verified
- Verified inputs are lost during operaton (lose servo wire or receiver malfunction):
+ The PPM output channel for the lost input will be set to the default fail-safe value
+ PPM throttle output (ch3) will be permanently set to fail-safe (900us)
- Lost channel signal is restored:
+ PPM output for the restored channel will be updated with the valid signal
+ PPM throttle output (ch3) will not be restored, and will continue to output fail-safe (900us)
PPM PASS-THROUGH MODE (signal pin 2&3 shorted):
- PPM output will not be enabled unless a input signal has been detected
- Active signal on input channel 1 has been detected:
+ Any input level changes will be passed directly to the PPM output (PPM pass-trough)
+ If no input level changes are detected withing 250ms:
+ PPM output is enabled and default fail-safe values for all eight channels transmitted
+ Input level change detected again, PPM fail-safe output is terminated and normal PPM pass-through operation is restored
fix airspeed error scale and min ground speed
modify mount options
add german lang
fix terminal baud rate issue
msi mod- single msi for x86 and x64 and all win os's
PPM polarity reversing was not working when changing the Output PPM pin level before timer 1 / output compare init. The compare generator initialization was reverting the pin to low level. Instead of that a force match compare is used after timer / compare generator init to set the PPM output to high level.
workaround for global_pos_int problem
fix 3dr iv sensor pin selection
add ability to disable dist to home on flight data screen
remove traces of crom.controls (mono)
fix arm/disarm button
fix hud battery text overlaying
tweak hud resize
tweak main switcher
fix quickview text scaleing
fix dist to mav.
added french translation thanks oliver
change tooltip time
add 3dr iv
add distance to home
dataflashlog update
Reworked the PPM decoder (i did forget the sync symbol pre-pulse)
Splitted pre-pulse and pulse width variable for better reliability and easier processing
Base algorithm added for channel count auto detection in the decoder himself.
Replaced the #define for PPM_CHx_CHANNELS by PPM_CHx_MAX_CHANNELS.
Channel count #define was not needed anymore thanks to the channel count auto detection.
Channel detection post processing to do.
Work in progress on a new Redundancy dual PPM sum mode for PPM encoder.
- New library PPM_Encoder_v3.h and new manual manual_v3.txt
- New format conversion capability between input and output PPM frame timings and channel count.
This will be experimental until heavily tested. The main goal is to allow the use of low cost satellite receivers in a high safety setup, and allow a new teacher / student RC mode without link between the two pilot transmitters.
remove some mavlink 0.9 code
add arm/disarm button. Not yet implemented AC and AP Side.
modify heli setup screen
modify failsafe screen
fix old firmware under mono
workaround mono crash.
modify planner wp storage
tweak log dl screen
add change alt button
modify tlog wp extractor, multiple extractions
speed up srtm reading
fix lang edit.
add arduino chip detect
fix apm2,2.5 dialog test
add write timeout. this will stop planner hangs on bad serial devices.
change quickview decimal places to 0.00
fix map clicking issue.
fix wind direction wrapping
add airspeed use
modify firmware screen from Marooned
major flightdata tab change.
add save/load polygon from file
add some error handling dialogs
add useritems to HUD
change hdop scale
fix posible follow me bug (, vs .)
fix posible friendly params bug (, vs .)
tweak flightdata log playback timming
fix gridv2 bug. if no waypoint had been done, the grid wold fail
tweak some mission upload potential issues
add ability to get param list from a log (from startup)
add ability to get the first wp list in a log, if wps where received in that log.
tweak video capture library timing
add est distance traveled
add est flight time
AP_Mount now updated
add expermental firmware options.
fix hud avi record framerate
add 2 direction wp circle
tweak gridv2