move mavlink structure/currentstate around for future mods
update old firmware git hashs
mod some error descriptions
AP_mount camera trigger mod
modify raw param display with units/range/desc
add radio support for 868mhz
update ch7 options
updated dataflashlog format
small df log parser mod for bad gps loc
renable menu to always dock. right click for autohide
add popouts in config/setup
add more text to hud heading nw,ne,sw,se
add 5 m filter to antenna tracker
add refresh param buttons
remove the word old, as people still want it.
modify telem playback interface with slider bars
add posible fix to bad grid spacing
move mavlink code.
implement new arducopter pid tuning screen
included old for crossover.
add map rotation - follow plane
modify setup screen to show diffrent things based on ap software