Added in an option so that if running SITL in a tmux session it will open a new window in tmux.
More or less an alternate option to screen.
It will detect if its running in a tmux session by checking the $TMUX and $TERM env variables.
I put it before other options because when I am running a tmux session even in a GUI environment
I would prefer a new Tmux window compared to a new terminal.
This will only run if youre already in a tmux session it will not launch a new session.
For full instructions/notes see Tools/vagrant/
* Old Vagrantfile updated to run faster and self init with our various
build dependancies.
* The script will now implicitly configure if necessary
* is now smart enough to use Screen sessions. Or
if those are not available to warn the user but run the command with logging
going to a file in /tmp.