AP_Scripting: added throttle and height controller to aerobatic example

changed rolling circle to take the radius and number of
circles. negative radius for negative yaw rate and negative number of
circles for left roll
This commit is contained in:
Andrew Tridgell 2021-11-30 17:18:21 +11:00
parent 140adc126a
commit fe7e2ed657
1 changed files with 153 additions and 25 deletions

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@ -6,24 +6,32 @@ local roll_stage = 0
local ROLL_TCONST = param:get('RLL2SRV_TCONST') * 0.5
local PITCH_TCONST = param:get('PTCH2SRV_TCONST') * 0.5
local TRIM_THROTTLE = param:get('TRIM_THROTTLE') * 1.0
DO_JUMP = 177
local scr_user1_param = Parameter()
local scr_user2_param = Parameter()
local scr_user3_param = Parameter()
local scr_user4_param = Parameter()
assert(scr_user1_param:init('SCR_USER1'), 'could not find SCR_USER1 parameter')
assert(scr_user2_param:init('SCR_USER2'), 'could not find SCR_USER2 parameter')
assert(scr_user3_param:init('SCR_USER3'), 'could not find SCR_USER3 parameter')
assert(scr_user4_param:init('SCR_USER4'), 'could not find SCR_USER4 parameter')
k_throttle = 70
function bind_param(name)
local p = Parameter()
assert(p:init(name), string.format('could not find %s parameter', name))
return p
local SCR_USER1 = bind_param("SCR_USER1") -- height P gain
local SCR_USER2 = bind_param("SCR_USER2") -- height I gain
local SCR_USER3 = bind_param("SCR_USER3") -- throttle FF from pitch
local SCR_USER4 = bind_param("SCR_USER4") -- height knifeedge addition for pitch
local SCR_USER5 = bind_param("SCR_USER5") -- speed P gain
local SCR_USER6 = bind_param("SCR_USER6") -- speed I gain
local TRIM_THROTTLE = bind_param("TRIM_THROTTLE")
local TRIM_ARSPD_CM = bind_param("TRIM_ARSPD_CM")
local last_roll_err = 0.0
local last_id = 0
local initial_yaw_deg = 0
local wp_yaw_deg = 0
local initial_height = 0
-- constrain a value between limits
function constrain(v, vmin, vmax)
@ -73,6 +81,106 @@ function wrap_180(angle)
return res
-- a PI controller implemented as a Lua object
local function PI_controller(kP,kI,iMax)
-- the new instance. You can put public variables inside this self
-- declaration if you want to
local self = {}
-- private fields as locals
local _kP = kP or 0.0
local _kI = kI or 0.0
local _kD = kD or 0.0
local _iMax = iMax
local _last_t = nil
local _I = 0
local _P = 0
local _total = 0
local _counter = 0
local _target = 0
local _current = 0
-- update the controller.
function self.update(target, current)
local now = millis():tofloat() * 0.001
if not _last_t then
_last_t = now
local dt = now - _last_t
_last_t = now
local err = target - current
_counter = _counter + 1
local P = _kP * err
_I = _I + _kI * err * dt
if _iMax then
_I = constrain(_I, -_iMax, iMax)
local I = _I
local ret = P + I
_target = target
_current = current
_P = P
_total = ret
return ret
-- reset integrator to an initial value
function self.reset(integrator)
_I = integrator
function self.set_I(I)
_kI = I
function self.set_P(P)
_kP = P
function self.set_Imax(Imax)
_iMax = Imax
-- log the controller internals
function self.log(name, add_total)
-- allow for an external addition to total
-- return the instance
return self
local function height_controller(kP_param,kI_param,KnifeEdge_param,Imax)
local self = {}
local kP = kP_param
local kI = kI_param
local KnifeEdge = KnifeEdge_param
local PI = PI_controller(kP:get(), kI:get(), Imax)
function self.update(target)
local target_pitch = PI.update(initial_height, ahrs:get_position():alt()*0.01)
local roll_rad = ahrs:get_roll()
local ke_add = math.abs(math.sin(roll_rad)) * KnifeEdge:get()
target_pitch = target_pitch + ke_add
PI.log("HPI", ke_add)
return target_pitch
function self.reset()
PI.reset(math.max(math.deg(ahrs:get_pitch()), 3.0))
return self
local height_PI = height_controller(SCR_USER1, SCR_USER2, SCR_USER4, 20.0)
local speed_PI = PI_controller(SCR_USER5:get(), SCR_USER6:get(), 100.0)
-- a controller to target a zero pitch angle and zero heading change, used in a roll
-- output is a body frame pitch rate, with convergence over time tconst in seconds
function pitch_controller(target_pitch_deg, target_yaw_deg, tconst)
@ -92,8 +200,8 @@ end
-- a controller for throttle to account for pitch
function throttle_controller(tconst)
local pitch_rad = ahrs:get_pitch()
local thr_ff = scr_user3_param:get()
local throttle = TRIM_THROTTLE + math.sin(pitch_rad) * thr_ff
local thr_ff = SCR_USER3:get()
local throttle = TRIM_THROTTLE:get() + math.sin(pitch_rad) * thr_ff
return constrain(throttle, 0.0, 100.0)
@ -102,6 +210,7 @@ function do_axial_roll(arg1, arg2)
if not running then
running = true
roll_stage = 0
gcs:send_text(0, string.format("Starting roll"))
local roll_rate = arg1
@ -123,7 +232,7 @@ function do_axial_roll(arg1, arg2)
if roll_stage < 2 then
target_pitch = scr_user2_param:get()
target_pitch = height_PI.update(initial_height)
pitch_rate, yaw_rate = pitch_controller(target_pitch, wp_yaw_deg, PITCH_TCONST)
vehicle:set_target_throttle_rate_rpy(throttle, roll_rate, pitch_rate, yaw_rate)
@ -171,34 +280,42 @@ function do_rolling_circle(arg1, arg2)
if not running then
running = true
rolling_circle_stage = 0
rolling_circle_yaw = initial_yaw_deg
rolling_circle_yaw = 0
rolling_circle_last_ms = millis()
speed_PI.reset(math.max(SRV_Channels:get_output_scaled(k_throttle), TRIM_THROTTLE:get()))
gcs:send_text(0, string.format("Starting rolling circle"))
local roll_rate = arg1
local throttle = arg2
local radius = arg1
local num_rolls = arg2
local pitch_deg = math.deg(ahrs:get_pitch())
local roll_deg = math.deg(ahrs:get_roll())
local yaw_deg = math.deg(ahrs:get_yaw())
local gspeed = ahrs:groundspeed_vector():length()
local radius = scr_user4_param:get()
if radius < 1 then
radius = 50.0
local circumference = math.pi * 2.0 * radius
local circumference = math.abs(math.pi * 2.0 * radius)
local circle_time = circumference / gspeed
local yaw_rate_dps = 360.0 / circle_time
local now_ms = millis()
local dt = (now_ms - rolling_circle_last_ms):tofloat() * 0.001
rolling_circle_last_ms = now_ms
if radius < 0.0 then
yaw_rate_dps = -yaw_rate_dps
local roll_rate = (360.0 * num_rolls) / circle_time
rolling_circle_yaw = rolling_circle_yaw + yaw_rate_dps * dt
if rolling_circle_stage == 0 then
if wrap_180(yaw_deg - initial_yaw_deg) > 45 then
if math.abs(rolling_circle_yaw) > 10.0 then
rolling_circle_stage = 1
elseif rolling_circle_stage == 1 then
if math.abs(wrap_180(yaw_deg - initial_yaw_deg)) < 5 then
if math.abs(rolling_circle_yaw) >= 360.0 then
running = false
-- we're done
gcs:send_text(0, string.format("Finished rollcircle r=%.1f p=%.1f", roll_deg, pitch_deg))
@ -207,10 +324,20 @@ function do_rolling_circle(arg1, arg2)
local target_roll = num_rolls * math.abs(rolling_circle_yaw)
local roll_error = wrap_180(target_roll - roll_deg)
local roll_error_P = 0.5
local roll_rate_corrected = roll_rate + roll_error * roll_error_P
if rolling_circle_stage < 2 then
target_pitch = scr_user2_param:get()
pitch_rate, yaw_rate = pitch_controller(target_pitch, rolling_circle_yaw, PITCH_TCONST)
vehicle:set_target_throttle_rate_rpy(throttle, roll_rate, pitch_rate, yaw_rate)
target_pitch = height_PI.update(initial_height)
vel = ahrs:get_velocity_NED()
throttle = speed_PI.update(TRIM_ARSPD_CM:get()*0.01, vel:length())
throttle = constrain(throttle, 0, 100.0)
speed_PI.log("SPI", 0.0)
pitch_rate, yaw_rate = pitch_controller(target_pitch, wrap_360(rolling_circle_yaw+initial_yaw_deg), PITCH_TCONST)
vehicle:set_target_throttle_rate_rpy(throttle, roll_rate_corrected, pitch_rate, yaw_rate)
@ -244,6 +371,7 @@ function update()
running = false
last_id = id
initial_yaw_deg = math.deg(ahrs:get_yaw())
initial_height = ahrs:get_position():alt()*0.01
-- work out yaw between previous WP and next WP
local cnum = mission:get_current_nav_index()