always convert GPX

This commit is contained in:
Andrew Tridgell 2011-11-09 20:27:00 +11:00
parent 0820ff52a8
commit f4da7e96d2

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@ -50,6 +50,18 @@ def dump_logs(atype):
print("Saved log for %s to %s" % (atype, logfile))
return True
def convert_gpx():
'''convert any mavlog files to GPX and KML'''
import glob
mavlog = glob.glob(util.reltopdir("../buildlogs/*.mavlog"))
for m in mavlog:
util.run_cmd(util.reltopdir("../pymavlink/examples/") + " --nofixcheck " + m)
gpx = m + '.gpx'
kml = m + '.kml'
util.run_cmd('gpsbabel -i gpx -f %s -o kml,units=m,floating=1 -F %s' % (gpx, kml), checkfail=False)
return True
def test_prerequesites():
'''check we have the right directories and tools to run tests'''
print("Testing prerequesites")
@ -85,6 +97,7 @@ steps = [
skipsteps = opts.skip.split(',')
@ -134,6 +147,9 @@ def run_step(step):
if step == 'fly.ArduCopter':
return arducopter.fly_ArduCopter()
if step == 'convertgpx':
return convert_gpx()
raise RuntimeError("Unknown step %s" % step)
@ -157,7 +173,7 @@ def run_tests(steps):
passed = False
print(">>>> FAILED STEP: %s at %s (%s)" % (step, time.asctime(), msg))
print(">>>> PASSED STEP: %s at %s" % (step, time.asctime()))
if not passed:
print("FAILED %u tests: %s" % (len(failed), failed))