mirror of
synced 2025-02-20 23:04:09 -04:00
Blimp: Remove most commented out code and other cleanups
This commit is contained in:
@ -170,23 +170,6 @@ bool AP_Arming_Blimp::parameter_checks(bool display_failure)
check_failed(ARMING_CHECK_PARAMETERS, display_failure, "Check PILOT_SPEED_UP");
return false;
// checks MOT_PWM_MIN/MAX for acceptable values
// if (!blimp.motors->check_mot_pwm_params()) {
// check_failed(ARMING_CHECK_PARAMETERS, display_failure, "Check MOT_PWM_MIN/MAX");
// return false;
// }
// ensure controllers are OK with us arming:
// char failure_msg[50];
// if (!blimp.pos_control->pre_arm_checks("PSC", failure_msg, ARRAY_SIZE(failure_msg))) {
// check_failed(ARMING_CHECK_PARAMETERS, display_failure, "Bad parameter: %s", failure_msg);
// return false;
// }
// if (!blimp.attitude_control->pre_arm_checks("ATC", failure_msg, ARRAY_SIZE(failure_msg))) {
// check_failed(ARMING_CHECK_PARAMETERS, display_failure, "Bad parameter: %s", failure_msg);
// return false;
return true;
@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ protected:
bool pre_arm_checks(bool display_failure) override;
bool pre_arm_ekf_attitude_check();
// bool proximity_checks(bool display_failure) const override;
bool arm_checks(AP_Arming::Method method) override;
// mandatory checks that cannot be bypassed. This function will only be called if ARMING_CHECK is zero or arming forced
@ -201,9 +201,6 @@ void Blimp::rc_loop()
// ---------------------------
void Blimp::throttle_loop()
// update throttle_low_comp value (controls priority of throttle vs attitude control)
// update_throttle_mix();
// check auto_armed status
@ -217,7 +214,6 @@ void Blimp::update_batt_compass(void)
if (AP::compass().enabled()) {
// update compass with throttle value - used for compassmot
// compass.set_throttle(motors->get_throttle());
@ -287,9 +283,6 @@ void Blimp::three_hz_loop()
// check if we've lost contact with the ground station
// check if we've lost terrain data
// failsafe_terrain_check();
// one_hz_loop - runs at 1Hz
@ -482,7 +482,6 @@ private:
void read_radio();
void set_throttle_and_failsafe(uint16_t throttle_pwm);
void set_throttle_zero_flag(int16_t throttle_control);
// void radio_passthrough_to_motors();
int16_t get_throttle_mid(void);
// sensors.cpp
@ -507,7 +506,6 @@ private:
// system.cpp
void init_ardupilot() override;
void startup_INS_ground();
// void update_dynamic_notch() override;
bool position_ok() const;
bool ekf_has_absolute_position() const;
bool ekf_has_relative_position() const;
@ -518,9 +516,6 @@ private:
const char* get_frame_string();
void allocate_motors(void);
// // tuning.cpp
// void tuning();
// vehicle specific waypoint info helpers
bool get_wp_distance_m(float &distance) const override;
bool get_wp_bearing_deg(float &bearing) const override;
@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
#include "Blimp.h"
//most of these will become parameters...
//put here instead of Fins.h so that it can be changed without having to recompile the entire vehicle
// This is the scale used for RC inputs so that they can be scaled to the float point values used in the sin wave code.
#define FIN_SCALE_MAX 1000
@ -119,17 +117,18 @@ void Fins::output()
if (turbo_mode) {
//double speed fins if offset at max... MIR
//double speed fins if offset at max...
if (_amp[i] <= 0.6 && fabsf(_off[i]) >= 0.4) {
_omm[i] = 2;
// finding and outputting current position for each servo from sine wave
_pos[i]= _amp[i]*cosf(freq_hz * _omm[i] * _time * 2 * M_PI) + _off[i]; //removed +MAX_AMP because output can do -ve numbers
_pos[i]= _amp[i]*cosf(freq_hz * _omm[i] * _time * 2 * M_PI) + _off[i];
SRV_Channels::set_output_scaled(SRV_Channels::get_motor_function(i), _pos[i] * FIN_SCALE_MAX);
//For debugging purposes. Displays in the debug terminal so it doesn't flood the GCS.
::printf("FINS (amp %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f off %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f omm %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f)\n",
_amp[0], _amp[1], _amp[2], _amp[3], _off[0], _off[1], _off[2], _off[3], _omm[0], _omm[1], _omm[2], _omm[3]);
@ -143,7 +142,7 @@ void Fins::output_min()
// MIR - Probably want to completely get rid of the desired spool state thing.
// TODO - Probably want to completely get rid of the desired spool state thing.
void Fins::set_desired_spool_state(DesiredSpoolState spool)
if (_armed || (spool == DesiredSpoolState::SHUT_DOWN)) {
@ -1,23 +1,16 @@
//This class converts horizontal acceleration commands to fin flapping commands.
#pragma once
// #include <AP_Common/AP_Common.h>
// #include <AP_Math/AP_Math.h> // ArduPilot Mega Vector/Matrix math Library
#include <AP_Notify/AP_Notify.h> // Notify library
#include <AP_Notify/AP_Notify.h>
#include <SRV_Channel/SRV_Channel.h>
// #include <Filter/Filter.h> // filter library
// #include <AP_HAL/AP_HAL.h>
// #include <GCS_MAVLink/GCS.h>
extern const AP_HAL::HAL& hal;
// #define FINS_SPEED_DEFAULT 10 //MIR what is this?
#define NUM_FINS 4
#define NUM_FINS 4 //Current maximum number of fins that can be added.
#define RC_SCALE 1000
class Fins
friend class Blimp;
// Fins(void);
enum motor_frame_class {
@ -33,24 +26,14 @@ public:
// var_info for holding Parameter information
static const struct AP_Param::GroupInfo var_info[];
// singleton support
// static Fins *get_singleton(void) { return _singleton; }
// desired spool states
// from AP_Motors_Class.h
enum class DesiredSpoolState : uint8_t {
SHUT_DOWN = 0, // all motors should move to stop
// GROUND_IDLE = 1, // all motors should move to ground idle
THROTTLE_UNLIMITED = 2, // motors should move to being a state where throttle is unconstrained (e.g. by start up procedure)
SHUT_DOWN = 0, // all fins should move to stop
THROTTLE_UNLIMITED = 2, // all fins can move as needed
// spool states
enum class SpoolState : uint8_t {
SHUT_DOWN = 0, // all motors stop
// GROUND_IDLE = 1, // all motors at ground idle
// SPOOLING_UP = 2, // increasing maximum throttle while stabilizing
THROTTLE_UNLIMITED = 3, // throttle is no longer constrained by start up procedure
// SPOOLING_DOWN = 4, // decreasing maximum throttle while stabilizing
bool initialised_ok() const
@ -75,23 +58,10 @@ protected:
// internal variables
const uint16_t _loop_rate; // rate in Hz at which output() function is called (normally 400hz)
uint16_t _speed_hz; // speed in hz to send updates to motors
// float _roll_in; // desired roll control from attitude controllers, -1 ~ +1
// float _roll_in_ff; // desired roll feed forward control from attitude controllers, -1 ~ +1
// float _pitch_in; // desired pitch control from attitude controller, -1 ~ +1
// float _pitch_in_ff; // desired pitch feed forward control from attitude controller, -1 ~ +1
// float _yaw_in; // desired yaw control from attitude controller, -1 ~ +1
// float _yaw_in_ff; // desired yaw feed forward control from attitude controller, -1 ~ +1
float _throttle_in; // last throttle input from set_throttle caller
float _down_out; // throttle after mixing is complete
// float _forward_in; // last forward input from set_forward caller
// float _lateral_in; // last lateral input from set_lateral caller
float _throttle_avg_max; // last throttle input from set_throttle_avg_max
// LowPassFilterFloat _throttle_filter; // throttle input filter
DesiredSpoolState _spool_desired; // desired spool state
SpoolState _spool_state; // current spool mode
float _air_density_ratio; //air density as a proportion of sea level density
float _time; //current timestep
bool _armed; // 0 if disarmed, 1 if armed
@ -112,7 +82,8 @@ protected:
float _yaw_off_factor[NUM_FINS];
int8_t _num_added;
// private:
//MIR This should probably become private in future.
float right_out; //input right movement, negative for left, +1 to -1
float front_out; //input front/forwards movement, negative for backwards, +1 to -1
@ -131,9 +102,6 @@ public:
return _spool_state;
// float mapf(float x, float in_min, float in_max, float out_min, float out_max) {
// return (x - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min) + out_min; }
float max(float one, float two)
if (one >= two) {
@ -152,7 +120,7 @@ public:
float get_throttle_hover()
return 0; //MIR temp
return 0; //TODO
void set_desired_spool_state(DesiredSpoolState spool);
@ -161,15 +129,8 @@ public:
float get_throttle()
return 0.1f; //MIR temp
return 0.1f; //TODO
void rc_write(uint8_t chan, uint16_t pwm);
// set_density_ratio - sets air density as a proportion of sea level density
void set_air_density_ratio(float ratio)
_air_density_ratio = ratio;
@ -39,29 +39,6 @@ void GCS_Blimp::update_vehicle_sensor_status_flags(void)
control_sensors_present |= MAV_SYS_STATUS_SENSOR_Z_ALTITUDE_CONTROL;
// switch (blimp.control_mode) {
// case Mode::Number::AUTO:
// case Mode::Number::AVOID_ADSB:
// case Mode::Number::GUIDED:
// case Mode::Number::LOITER:
// control_sensors_enabled |= MAV_SYS_STATUS_SENSOR_Z_ALTITUDE_CONTROL;
// control_sensors_health |= MAV_SYS_STATUS_SENSOR_Z_ALTITUDE_CONTROL;
// control_sensors_enabled |= MAV_SYS_STATUS_SENSOR_XY_POSITION_CONTROL;
// control_sensors_health |= MAV_SYS_STATUS_SENSOR_XY_POSITION_CONTROL;
// break;
// case Mode::Number::ALT_HOLD:
// case Mode::Number::GUIDED_NOGPS:
// case Mode::Number::SPORT:
// case Mode::Number::AUTOTUNE:
// case Mode::Number::FLOWHOLD:
// control_sensors_enabled |= MAV_SYS_STATUS_SENSOR_Z_ALTITUDE_CONTROL;
// control_sensors_health |= MAV_SYS_STATUS_SENSOR_Z_ALTITUDE_CONTROL;
// break;
// default:
// // stabilize, acro, drift, and flip have no automatic x,y or z control (i.e. all manual)
// break;
// }
if (ap.rc_receiver_present && !blimp.failsafe.radio) {
control_sensors_health |= MAV_SYS_STATUS_SENSOR_RC_RECEIVER;
@ -157,21 +157,7 @@ void GCS_MAVLINK_Blimp::send_position_target_global_int()
void GCS_MAVLINK_Blimp::send_nav_controller_output() const
// if (!blimp.ap.initialised) {
// return;
// }
// const Vector3f &targets = blimp.attitude_control->get_att_target_euler_cd();
// const Mode *flightmode = blimp.flightmode;
// mavlink_msg_nav_controller_output_send(
// chan,
// targets.x * 1.0e-2f,
// targets.y * 1.0e-2f,
// targets.z * 1.0e-2f,
// flightmode->wp_bearing() * 1.0e-2f,
// MIN(flightmode->wp_distance() * 1.0e-2f, UINT16_MAX),
// blimp.pos_control->get_alt_error() * 1.0e-2f,
// 0,
// flightmode->crosstrack_error() * 1.0e-2f);
float GCS_MAVLINK_Blimp::vfr_hud_airspeed() const
@ -212,7 +198,7 @@ void GCS_MAVLINK_Blimp::send_pid_tuning()
const AP_Logger::PID_Info *pid_info = nullptr;
switch (axes[i]) { //MIR Temp
switch (axes[i]) { //TODO This should probably become an acceleration controller?
// pid_info = &blimp.attitude_control->get_rate_roll_pid().get_pid_info();
// break;
@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ protected:
MAV_RESULT _handle_command_preflight_calibration(const mavlink_command_long_t &packet) override;
void send_position_target_global_int() override;
// void send_position_target_local_ned() override;
MAV_RESULT handle_command_do_set_roi(const Location &roi_loc) override;
MAV_RESULT handle_preflight_reboot(const mavlink_command_long_t &packet) override;
@ -33,11 +32,10 @@ protected:
MAV_RESULT handle_command_long_packet(const mavlink_command_long_t &packet) override;
MAV_RESULT handle_command_int_do_reposition(const mavlink_command_int_t &packet);
// void handle_mount_message(const mavlink_message_t &msg) override;
bool set_home_to_current_location(bool lock) override WARN_IF_UNUSED;
bool set_home(const Location& loc, bool lock) override WARN_IF_UNUSED;
void send_nav_controller_output() const override; //MIR can't comment out or build fails??
void send_nav_controller_output() const override; //TODO Apparently can't remove this or the build fails.
uint64_t capabilities() const override;
virtual MAV_VTOL_STATE vtol_state() const override
@ -25,53 +25,13 @@ struct PACKED log_Control_Tuning {
// Write a control tuning packet
void Blimp::Log_Write_Control_Tuning()
// get terrain altitude
// float terr_alt = 0.0f;
// float des_alt_m = 0.0f;
// int16_t target_climb_rate_cms = 0;
// if (!flightmode->has_manual_throttle()) {
// des_alt_m = pos_control->get_alt_target() / 100.0f;
// target_climb_rate_cms = pos_control->get_vel_target_z();
// }
// get surface tracking alts
// float desired_rangefinder_alt;
// if (!surface_tracking.get_target_dist_for_logging(desired_rangefinder_alt)) {
// desired_rangefinder_alt = AP::logger().quiet_nan();
// }
// struct log_Control_Tuning pkt = {
// time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(),
// throttle_in : attitude_control->get_throttle_in(),
// angle_boost : attitude_control->angle_boost(),
// throttle_out : motors->get_throttle(),
// throttle_hover : motors->get_throttle_hover(),
// desired_alt : des_alt_m,
// inav_alt : inertial_nav.get_altitude() / 100.0f,
// baro_alt : baro_alt,
// desired_rangefinder_alt : desired_rangefinder_alt,
// rangefinder_alt : surface_tracking.get_dist_for_logging(),
// terr_alt : terr_alt,
// target_climb_rate : target_climb_rate_cms,
// climb_rate : int16_t(inertial_nav.get_velocity_z()) // float -> int16_t
// };
// logger.WriteBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt));
// Write an attitude packet
void Blimp::Log_Write_Attitude()
// // Vector3f targets = attitude_control->get_att_target_euler_cd();
// targets.z = wrap_360_cd(targets.z);
// logger.Write_Attitude(targets);
// logger.Write_Rate(ahrs_view, *motors, *attitude_control, *pos_control);
// if (should_log(MASK_LOG_PID)) {
// logger.Write_PID(LOG_PIDR_MSG, attitude_control->get_rate_roll_pid().get_pid_info());
// logger.Write_PID(LOG_PIDP_MSG, attitude_control->get_rate_pitch_pid().get_pid_info());
// logger.Write_PID(LOG_PIDY_MSG, attitude_control->get_rate_yaw_pid().get_pid_info());
// // logger.Write_PID(LOG_PIDA_MSG, pos_control->get_accel_z_pid().get_pid_info() );
// }
// Write an EKF and POS packet
@ -97,15 +57,7 @@ struct PACKED log_MotBatt {
// Write an rate packet
void Blimp::Log_Write_MotBatt()
// struct log_MotBatt pkt_mot = {
// time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(),
// lift_max : (float)(motors->get_lift_max()),
// bat_volt : (float)(motors->get_batt_voltage_filt()),
// bat_res : (float)(battery.get_resistance()),
// th_limit : (float)(motors->get_throttle_limit())
// };
// logger.WriteBlock(&pkt_mot, sizeof(pkt_mot));
struct PACKED log_Data_Int16t {
@ -330,38 +282,6 @@ time_fade_out : time_fade_out
// // guided target logging
// struct PACKED log_GuidedTarget {
// uint64_t time_us;
// uint8_t type;
// float pos_target_x;
// float pos_target_y;
// float pos_target_z;
// float vel_target_x;
// float vel_target_y;
// float vel_target_z;
// };
// Write a Guided mode target
// pos_target is lat, lon, alt OR offset from ekf origin in cm OR roll, pitch, yaw target in centi-degrees
// vel_target is cm/s
// void Blimp::Log_Write_GuidedTarget(uint8_t target_type, const Vector3f& pos_target, const Vector3f& vel_target)
// {
// struct log_GuidedTarget pkt = {
// time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(),
// type : target_type,
// pos_target_x : pos_target.x,
// pos_target_y : pos_target.y,
// pos_target_z : pos_target.z,
// vel_target_x : vel_target.x,
// vel_target_y : vel_target.y,
// vel_target_z : vel_target.z
// };
// logger.WriteBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt));
// }
// type and unit information can be found in
// libraries/AP_Logger/Logstructure.h; search for "log_Units" for
// units and "Format characters" for field type information
@ -99,62 +99,6 @@ const AP_Param::Info Blimp::var_info[] = {
// @Bitmask: 0:Roll,1:Pitch,2:Yaw,3:AccelZ
GSCALAR(gcs_pid_mask, "GCS_PID_MASK", 0),
// // @Param: RTL_ALT
// // @DisplayName: RTL Altitude
// // @Description: The minimum alt above home the vehicle will climb to before returning. If the vehicle is flying higher than this value it will return at its current altitude.
// // @Units: cm
// // @Range: 200 8000
// // @Increment: 1
// // @User: Standard
// GSCALAR(rtl_altitude, "RTL_ALT", RTL_ALT),
// // @Param: RTL_CONE_SLOPE
// // @DisplayName: RTL cone slope
// // @Description: Defines a cone above home which determines maximum climb
// // @Range: 0.5 10.0
// // @Increment: .1
// // @Values: 0:Disabled,1:Shallow,3:Steep
// // @User: Standard
// // @Param: RTL_SPEED
// // @DisplayName: RTL speed
// // @Description: Defines the speed in cm/s which the aircraft will attempt to maintain horizontally while flying home. If this is set to zero, WPNAV_SPEED will be used instead.
// // @Units: cm/s
// // @Range: 0 2000
// // @Increment: 50
// // @User: Standard
// GSCALAR(rtl_speed_cms, "RTL_SPEED", 0),
// // @Param: RTL_ALT_FINAL
// // @DisplayName: RTL Final Altitude
// // @Description: This is the altitude the vehicle will move to as the final stage of Returning to Launch or after completing a mission. Set to zero to land.
// // @Units: cm
// // @Range: 0 1000
// // @Increment: 1
// // @User: Standard
// GSCALAR(rtl_alt_final, "RTL_ALT_FINAL", RTL_ALT_FINAL),
// // @Param: RTL_CLIMB_MIN
// // @DisplayName: RTL minimum climb
// // @Description: The vehicle will climb this many cm during the initial climb portion of the RTL
// // @Units: cm
// // @Range: 0 3000
// // @Increment: 10
// // @User: Standard
// // @Param: RTL_LOIT_TIME
// // @DisplayName: RTL loiter time
// // @Description: Time (in milliseconds) to loiter above home before beginning final descent
// // @Units: ms
// // @Range: 0 60000
// // @Increment: 1000
// // @User: Standard
// GSCALAR(rtl_loiter_time, "RTL_LOIT_TIME", RTL_LOITER_TIME),
// #endif
// @Param: FS_GCS_ENABLE
// @DisplayName: Ground Station Failsafe Enable
// @Description: Controls whether failsafe will be invoked (and what action to take) when connection with Ground station is lost for at least 5 seconds. See FS_OPTIONS param for additional actions, or for cases allowing Mission continuation, when GCS failsafe is enabled.
@ -469,22 +469,11 @@ public:
// altitude at which nav control can start in takeoff
AP_Float wp_navalt_min;
// // button checking
// AP_Button *button_ptr;
// vehicle statistics
AP_Stats stats;
// ground effect compensation enable/disable
// AP_Int8 gndeffect_comp_enabled;
// temperature calibration handling
// AP_TempCalibration temp_calibration;
// whether to enforce acceptance of packets only from sysid_my_gcs
AP_Int8 sysid_enforce;
@ -74,16 +74,6 @@ bool Blimp::set_home(const Location& loc, bool lock)
if (!home_was_set) {
// record home is set
// // log new home position which mission library will pull from ahrs
// if (should_log(MASK_LOG_CMD)) {
// AP_Mission::Mission_Command temp_cmd;
// if (mode_auto.mission.read_cmd_from_storage(0, temp_cmd)) {
// logger.Write_Mission_Cmd(mode_auto.mission, temp_cmd);
// }
// }
// #endif
// lock home position
@ -107,22 +107,6 @@ enum GuidedMode {
// // Airmode
// enum class AirMode {
// };
// // Safe RTL states
// enum SmartRTLState {
// SmartRTL_WaitForPathCleanup,
// SmartRTL_PathFollow,
// SmartRTL_PreLandPosition,
// SmartRTL_Descend,
// SmartRTL_Land
// };
enum PayloadPlaceStateType {
@ -147,13 +147,6 @@ void Blimp::failsafe_ekf_event()
failsafe.ekf = true;
AP::logger().Write_Error(LogErrorSubsystem::FAILSAFE_EKFINAV, LogErrorCode::FAILSAFE_OCCURRED);
// // sometimes LAND *does* require GPS so ensure we are in non-GPS land
// if (control_mode == Mode::Number::LAND && landing_with_GPS()) {
// mode_land.do_not_use_GPS();
// return;
// }
// LAND never requires GPS.
// does this mode require position?
if (!blimp.flightmode->requires_GPS() && (g.fs_ekf_action != FS_EKF_ACTION_LAND_EVEN_STABILIZE)) {
@ -118,198 +118,7 @@ void Blimp::failsafe_gcs_check()
// failsafe_gcs_on_event();
// failsafe_gcs_on_event - actions to take when GCS contact is lost
void Blimp::failsafe_gcs_on_event(void)
AP::logger().Write_Error(LogErrorSubsystem::FAILSAFE_GCS, LogErrorCode::FAILSAFE_OCCURRED);
// convert the desired failsafe response to the Failsafe_Action enum
Failsafe_Action desired_action;
switch (g.failsafe_gcs) {
desired_action = Failsafe_Action_None;
desired_action = Failsafe_Action_RTL;
desired_action = Failsafe_Action_SmartRTL;
desired_action = Failsafe_Action_SmartRTL_Land;
desired_action = Failsafe_Action_Land;
default: // if an invalid parameter value is set, the fallback is RTL
desired_action = Failsafe_Action_RTL;
// Conditions to deviate from FS_GCS_ENABLE parameter setting
if (!motors->armed()) {
desired_action = Failsafe_Action_None;
gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_WARNING, "GCS Failsafe");
} else if (should_disarm_on_failsafe()) {
// should immediately disarm when we're on the ground
desired_action = Failsafe_Action_None;
gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_WARNING, "GCS Failsafe - Disarming");
} else if (flightmode->is_landing() && ((battery.has_failsafed() && battery.get_highest_failsafe_priority() <= FAILSAFE_LAND_PRIORITY))) {
// Allow landing to continue when battery failsafe requires it (not a user option)
gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_WARNING, "GCS + Battery Failsafe - Continuing Landing");
desired_action = Failsafe_Action_Land;
} else if (flightmode->is_landing() && failsafe_option(FailsafeOption::CONTINUE_IF_LANDING)) {
// Allow landing to continue when FS_OPTIONS is set to continue landing
gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_WARNING, "GCS Failsafe - Continuing Landing");
desired_action = Failsafe_Action_Land;
} else if (control_mode == Mode::Number::AUTO && failsafe_option(FailsafeOption::GCS_CONTINUE_IF_AUTO)) {
// Allow mission to continue when FS_OPTIONS is set to continue mission
gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_WARNING, "GCS Failsafe - Continuing Auto Mode");
desired_action = Failsafe_Action_None;
} else if (failsafe_option(FailsafeOption::GCS_CONTINUE_IF_PILOT_CONTROL) && !flightmode->is_autopilot()) {
// should continue when in a pilot controlled mode because FS_OPTIONS is set to continue in pilot controlled modes
gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_WARNING, "GCS Failsafe - Continuing Pilot Control");
desired_action = Failsafe_Action_None;
} else {
gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_WARNING, "GCS Failsafe");
// Call the failsafe action handler
do_failsafe_action(desired_action, ModeReason::GCS_FAILSAFE);
// failsafe_gcs_off_event - actions to take when GCS contact is restored
void Blimp::failsafe_gcs_off_event(void)
gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_WARNING, "GCS Failsafe Cleared");
AP::logger().Write_Error(LogErrorSubsystem::FAILSAFE_GCS, LogErrorCode::FAILSAFE_RESOLVED);
// executes terrain failsafe if data is missing for longer than a few seconds
void Blimp::failsafe_terrain_check()
// trigger within <n> milliseconds of failures while in various modes
bool timeout = (failsafe.terrain_last_failure_ms - failsafe.terrain_first_failure_ms) > FS_TERRAIN_TIMEOUT_MS;
bool trigger_event = timeout && flightmode->requires_terrain_failsafe();
// check for clearing of event
if (trigger_event != failsafe.terrain) {
if (trigger_event) {
} else {
AP::logger().Write_Error(LogErrorSubsystem::FAILSAFE_TERRAIN, LogErrorCode::ERROR_RESOLVED);
failsafe.terrain = false;
// set terrain data status (found or not found)
void Blimp::failsafe_terrain_set_status(bool data_ok)
uint32_t now = millis();
// record time of first and latest failures (i.e. duration of failures)
if (!data_ok) {
failsafe.terrain_last_failure_ms = now;
if (failsafe.terrain_first_failure_ms == 0) {
failsafe.terrain_first_failure_ms = now;
} else {
// failures cleared after 0.1 seconds of persistent successes
if (now - failsafe.terrain_last_failure_ms > 100) {
failsafe.terrain_last_failure_ms = 0;
failsafe.terrain_first_failure_ms = 0;
// terrain failsafe action
void Blimp::failsafe_terrain_on_event()
failsafe.terrain = true;
gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL,"Failsafe: Terrain data missing");
AP::logger().Write_Error(LogErrorSubsystem::FAILSAFE_TERRAIN, LogErrorCode::FAILSAFE_OCCURRED);
if (should_disarm_on_failsafe()) {
} else if (control_mode == Mode::Number::RTL) {
} else {
// check for gps glitch failsafe
void Blimp::gpsglitch_check()
// get filter status
nav_filter_status filt_status = inertial_nav.get_filter_status();
bool gps_glitching = filt_status.flags.gps_glitching;
// log start or stop of gps glitch. AP_Notify update is handled from within AP_AHRS
if (ap.gps_glitching != gps_glitching) {
ap.gps_glitching = gps_glitching;
if (gps_glitching) {
AP::logger().Write_Error(LogErrorSubsystem::GPS, LogErrorCode::GPS_GLITCH);
gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL,"GPS Glitch");
} else {
AP::logger().Write_Error(LogErrorSubsystem::GPS, LogErrorCode::ERROR_RESOLVED);
gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL,"GPS Glitch cleared");
// set_mode_RTL_or_land_with_pause - sets mode to RTL if possible or LAND with 4 second delay before descent starts
// this is always called from a failsafe so we trigger notification to pilot
void Blimp::set_mode_RTL_or_land_with_pause(ModeReason reason)
// attempt to switch to RTL, if this fails then switch to Land
if (!set_mode(Mode::Number::RTL, reason)) {
// set mode to land will trigger mode change notification to pilot
} else {
// alert pilot to mode change
AP_Notify::events.failsafe_mode_change = 1;
// set_mode_SmartRTL_or_land_with_pause - sets mode to SMART_RTL if possible or LAND with 4 second delay before descent starts
// this is always called from a failsafe so we trigger notification to pilot
void Blimp::set_mode_SmartRTL_or_land_with_pause(ModeReason reason)
// attempt to switch to SMART_RTL, if this failed then switch to Land
if (!set_mode(Mode::Number::SMART_RTL, reason)) {
gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_WARNING, "SmartRTL Unavailable, Using Land Mode");
} else {
AP_Notify::events.failsafe_mode_change = 1;
// set_mode_SmartRTL_or_RTL - sets mode to SMART_RTL if possible or RTL if possible or LAND with 4 second delay before descent starts
// this is always called from a failsafe so we trigger notification to pilot
void Blimp::set_mode_SmartRTL_or_RTL(ModeReason reason)
// attempt to switch to SmartRTL, if this failed then attempt to RTL
// if that fails, then land
if (!set_mode(Mode::Number::SMART_RTL, reason)) {
gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_WARNING, "SmartRTL Unavailable, Trying RTL Mode");
} else {
AP_Notify::events.failsafe_mode_change = 1;
bool Blimp::should_disarm_on_failsafe()
if (ap.in_arming_delay) {
@ -280,12 +280,7 @@ void Mode::zero_throttle_and_relax_ac(bool spool_up)
int32_t Mode::get_alt_above_ground_cm(void)
int32_t alt_above_ground_cm;
// if (blimp.get_rangefinder_height_interpolated_cm(alt_above_ground_cm)) {
// return alt_above_ground_cm;
// }
// if (!pos_control->is_active_xy()) {
// return blimp.current_loc.alt;
// }
if (blimp.current_loc.get_alt_cm(Location::AltFrame::ABOVE_TERRAIN, alt_above_ground_cm)) {
return alt_above_ground_cm;
@ -294,113 +289,6 @@ int32_t Mode::get_alt_above_ground_cm(void)
return blimp.current_loc.alt;
// void Mode::land_run_vertical_control(bool pause_descent)
// {
// float cmb_rate = 0;
// if (!pause_descent) {
// float max_land_descent_velocity;
// if (g.land_speed_high > 0) {
// max_land_descent_velocity = -g.land_speed_high;
// } else {
// max_land_descent_velocity = pos_control->get_max_speed_down();
// }
// // Don't speed up for landing.
// max_land_descent_velocity = MIN(max_land_descent_velocity, -abs(g.land_speed));
// // Compute a vertical velocity demand such that the vehicle approaches g2.land_alt_low. Without the below constraint, this would cause the vehicle to hover at g2.land_alt_low.
// // cmb_rate = AC_AttitudeControl::sqrt_controller(MAX(g2.land_alt_low,100)-get_alt_above_ground_cm(), pos_control->get_pos_z_p().kP(), pos_control->get_max_accel_z(), G_Dt);
// // Constrain the demanded vertical velocity so that it is between the configured maximum descent speed and the configured minimum descent speed.
// // cmb_rate = constrain_float(cmb_rate, max_land_descent_velocity, -abs(g.land_speed));
// }
// // update altitude target and call position controller
// pos_control->set_alt_target_from_climb_rate_ff(cmb_rate, G_Dt, true);
// pos_control->update_z_controller();
// }
// void Mode::land_run_horizontal_control()
// {
// float target_roll = 0.0f;
// float target_pitch = 0.0f;
// float target_yaw_rate = 0;
// // relax loiter target if we might be landed
// if (blimp.ap.land_complete_maybe) {
// loiter_nav->soften_for_landing();
// }
// // process pilot inputs
// if (!blimp.failsafe.radio) {
// if ((g.throttle_behavior & THR_BEHAVE_HIGH_THROTTLE_CANCELS_LAND) != 0 && blimp.rc_throttle_control_in_filter.get() > LAND_CANCEL_TRIGGER_THR){
// AP::logger().Write_Event(LogEvent::LAND_CANCELLED_BY_PILOT);
// // exit land if throttle is high
// if (!set_mode(Mode::Number::LOITER, ModeReason::THROTTLE_LAND_ESCAPE)) {
// set_mode(Mode::Number::ALT_HOLD, ModeReason::THROTTLE_LAND_ESCAPE);
// }
// }
// if (g.land_repositioning) {
// // convert pilot input to lean angles
// get_pilot_desired_lean_angles(target_roll, target_pitch, loiter_nav->get_angle_max_cd(), attitude_control->get_althold_lean_angle_max());
// // record if pilot has overridden roll or pitch
// if (!is_zero(target_roll) || !is_zero(target_pitch)) {
// if (!blimp.ap.land_repo_active) {
// AP::logger().Write_Event(LogEvent::LAND_REPO_ACTIVE);
// }
// blimp.ap.land_repo_active = true;
// }
// }
// // get pilot's desired yaw rate
// target_yaw_rate = get_pilot_desired_yaw_rate(channel_yaw->get_control_in());
// if (!is_zero(target_yaw_rate)) {
// auto_yaw.set_mode(AUTO_YAW_HOLD);
// }
// }
// // process roll, pitch inputs
// loiter_nav->set_pilot_desired_acceleration(target_roll, target_pitch, G_Dt);
// // run loiter controller
// loiter_nav->update();
// float nav_roll = loiter_nav->get_roll();
// float nav_pitch = loiter_nav->get_pitch();
// if (g2.wp_navalt_min > 0) {
// // user has requested an altitude below which navigation
// // attitude is limited. This is used to prevent commanded roll
// // over on landing, which particularly affects heliblimps if
// // there is any position estimate drift after touchdown. We
// // limit attitude to 7 degrees below this limit and linearly
// // interpolate for 1m above that
// float attitude_limit_cd = linear_interpolate(700, blimp.aparm.angle_max, get_alt_above_ground_cm(),
// g2.wp_navalt_min*100U, (g2.wp_navalt_min+1)*100U);
// float total_angle_cd = norm(nav_roll, nav_pitch);
// if (total_angle_cd > attitude_limit_cd) {
// float ratio = attitude_limit_cd / total_angle_cd;
// nav_roll *= ratio;
// nav_pitch *= ratio;
// // tell position controller we are applying an external limit
// pos_control->set_limit_accel_xy();
// }
// }
// // call attitude controller
// if (auto_yaw.mode() == AUTO_YAW_HOLD) {
// // roll & pitch from waypoint controller, yaw rate from pilot
// attitude_control->input_euler_angle_roll_pitch_euler_rate_yaw(nav_roll, nav_pitch, target_yaw_rate);
// } else {
// // roll, pitch from waypoint controller, yaw heading from auto_heading()
// attitude_control->input_euler_angle_roll_pitch_yaw(nav_roll, nav_pitch, auto_yaw.yaw(), true);
// }
// }
float Mode::throttle_hover() const
return motors->get_throttle_hover();
@ -438,58 +326,6 @@ float Mode::get_pilot_desired_throttle() const
return throttle_out;
// Mode::AltHoldModeState Mode::get_alt_hold_state(float target_climb_rate_cms)
// {
// // Alt Hold State Machine Determination
// if (!motors->armed()) {
// // the aircraft should moved to a shut down state
// motors->set_desired_spool_state(Fins::DesiredSpoolState::SHUT_DOWN);
// // transition through states as aircraft spools down
// switch (motors->get_spool_state()) {
// case Fins::SpoolState::SHUT_DOWN:
// return AltHold_MotorStopped;
// case Fins::SpoolState::GROUND_IDLE:
// return AltHold_Landed_Ground_Idle;
// default:
// return AltHold_Landed_Pre_Takeoff;
// }
// } else if (takeoff.running() || takeoff.triggered(target_climb_rate_cms)) {
// // the aircraft is currently landed or taking off, asking for a positive climb rate and in THROTTLE_UNLIMITED
// // the aircraft should progress through the take off procedure
// return AltHold_Takeoff;
// } else if (!blimp.ap.auto_armed || blimp.ap.land_complete) {
// // the aircraft is armed and landed
// if (target_climb_rate_cms < 0.0f && !blimp.ap.using_interlock) {
// // the aircraft should move to a ground idle state
// motors->set_desired_spool_state(Fins::DesiredSpoolState::GROUND_IDLE);
// } else {
// // the aircraft should prepare for imminent take off
// motors->set_desired_spool_state(Fins::DesiredSpoolState::THROTTLE_UNLIMITED);
// }
// if (motors->get_spool_state() == Fins::SpoolState::GROUND_IDLE) {
// // the aircraft is waiting in ground idle
// return AltHold_Landed_Ground_Idle;
// } else {
// // the aircraft can leave the ground at any time
// return AltHold_Landed_Pre_Takeoff;
// }
// } else {
// // the aircraft is in a flying state
// motors->set_desired_spool_state(Fins::DesiredSpoolState::THROTTLE_UNLIMITED);
// return AltHold_Flying;
// }
// }
// pass-through functions to reduce code churn on conversion;
// these are candidates for moving into the Mode base
// class.
@ -523,14 +359,6 @@ GCS_Blimp &Mode::gcs()
return blimp.gcs();
// set_throttle_takeoff - allows modes to tell throttle controller we
// are taking off so I terms can be cleared
// void Mode::set_throttle_takeoff()
// {
// // tell position controller to reset alt target and reset I terms
// pos_control->init_takeoff();
// }
uint16_t Mode::get_pilot_speed_dn()
return blimp.get_pilot_speed_dn();
@ -149,71 +149,18 @@ protected:
// return expected input throttle setting to hover:
virtual float throttle_hover() const;
// Alt_Hold based flight mode states used in Alt_Hold, Loiter, and Sport
// enum AltHoldModeState {
// AltHold_MotorStopped,
// AltHold_Takeoff,
// AltHold_Landed_Ground_Idle,
// AltHold_Landed_Pre_Takeoff,
// AltHold_Flying
// };
// AltHoldModeState get_alt_hold_state(float target_climb_rate_cms);
// convenience references to avoid code churn in conversion:
Parameters &g;
ParametersG2 &g2;
// AC_WPNav *&wp_nav;
// AC_Loiter *&loiter_nav;
AP_InertialNav &inertial_nav;
AP_AHRS &ahrs;
// AC_AttitudeControl_t *&attitude_control;
Fins *&motors;
// Fins *&motors;
RC_Channel *&channel_right;
RC_Channel *&channel_front;
RC_Channel *&channel_down;
RC_Channel *&channel_yaw;
float &G_Dt;
// note that we support two entirely different automatic takeoffs:
// "user-takeoff", which is available in modes such as ALT_HOLD
// (see has_user_takeoff method). "user-takeoff" is a simple
// reach-altitude-based-on-pilot-input-or-parameter routine.
// "auto-takeoff" is used by both Guided and Auto, and is
// basically waypoint navigation with pilot yaw permitted.
// user-takeoff support; takeoff state is shared across all mode instances
// class _TakeOff {
// public:
// void start(float alt_cm);
// void stop();
// void get_climb_rates(float& pilot_climb_rate,
// float& takeoff_climb_rate);
// bool triggered(float target_climb_rate) const;
// bool running() const { return _running; }
// private:
// bool _running;
// float max_speed;
// float alt_delta;
// uint32_t start_ms;
// };
// static _TakeOff takeoff;
// virtual bool do_user_takeoff_start(float takeoff_alt_cm);
// method shared by both Guided and Auto for takeoff. This is
// waypoint navigation but the user can control the yaw.
// void auto_takeoff_run();
// void auto_takeoff_set_start_alt(void);
// altitude above-ekf-origin below which auto takeoff does not control horizontal position
// static bool auto_takeoff_no_nav_active;
// static float auto_takeoff_no_nav_alt_cm;
// Navigation Yaw control
class AutoYaw
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ void ModeLand::run()
void Blimp::set_mode_land_with_pause(ModeReason reason)
set_mode(Mode::Number::LAND, reason);
// land_pause = true;
//TODO: Add pause
// alert pilot to mode change
AP_Notify::events.failsafe_mode_change = 1;
@ -7,9 +7,6 @@
// should be called at 100hz or more
void ModeManual::run()
// convert pilot input to lean angles
// float target_right, target_front;
// get_pilot_desired_accelerations(target_right, target_front);
motors->right_out = channel_right->get_control_in();
motors->front_out = channel_front->get_control_in();
@ -23,7 +20,4 @@ void ModeManual::run()
// motors->output(); //MIR need to add sending direction & throttle commands.
@ -36,25 +36,11 @@ void Blimp::init_rc_in()
// init_rc_out -- initialise motors
void Blimp::init_rc_out()
// motors->init((AP_Motors::motor_frame_class)g2.frame_class.get(), (AP_Motors::motor_frame_type)g.frame_type.get());
// MIR will need motors->init later when we switch to other fin config.
// enable aux servos to cope with multiple output channels per motor
// update rate must be set after motors->init() to allow for motor mapping
// motors->set_update_rate(g.rc_speed);
// motors->set_throttle_range(channel_down->get_radio_min(), channel_down->get_radio_max());
// refresh auxiliary channel to function map
setup a default safety ignore mask, so that servo gimbals can be active while safety is on
// uint16_t safety_ignore_mask = (~blimp.motors->get_motor_mask()) & 0x3FFF;
// BoardConfig.set_default_safety_ignore_mask(safety_ignore_mask);
@ -78,9 +64,6 @@ void Blimp::read_radio()
// RC receiver must be attached if we've just got input
ap.rc_receiver_present = true;
// pass pilot input through to motors (used to allow wiggling servos while disarmed on heli, single, coax blimps)
// radio_passthrough_to_motors();
const float dt = (tnow_ms - last_radio_update_ms)*1.0e-3f;
rc_throttle_control_in_filter.apply(channel_down->get_control_in(), dt);
last_radio_update_ms = tnow_ms;
@ -156,7 +139,7 @@ void Blimp::set_throttle_and_failsafe(uint16_t throttle_pwm)
// set_throttle_zero_flag - set throttle_zero flag from debounced throttle control
// throttle_zero is used to determine if the pilot intends to shut down the motors
// Basically, this signals when we are not flying. We are either on the ground
// or the pilot has shut down the blimp in the air and it is free-falling
// or the pilot has shut down the vehicle in the air and it is free-floating
void Blimp::set_throttle_zero_flag(int16_t throttle_control)
static uint32_t last_nonzero_throttle_ms = 0;
@ -174,15 +157,6 @@ void Blimp::set_throttle_zero_flag(int16_t throttle_control)
//MIR What does this mean??
// pass pilot's inputs to motors library (used to allow wiggling servos while disarmed on heli, single, coax blimps)
// void Blimp::radio_passthrough_to_motors()
// {
// motors->set_radio_passthrough(channel_right->norm_input(),
// channel_front->norm_input(),
// channel_down->get_control_in_zero_dz()*0.001f,
// channel_yaw->norm_input());
// }
return the throttle input for mid-stick as a control-in value
@ -6,8 +6,6 @@ void Blimp::read_barometer(void)
baro_alt = barometer.get_altitude() * 100.0f;
@ -42,10 +42,6 @@ void Blimp::init_ardupilot()
// update motor interlock state
// update_using_interlock();
init_rc_in(); // sets up rc channels from radio
// allocate the motors class
@ -263,21 +259,6 @@ void Blimp::update_auto_armed()
if (ap.land_complete && motors->get_spool_state() != Fins::SpoolState::THROTTLE_UNLIMITED && ap.using_interlock) {
} else {
// arm checks
// // for tradheli if motors are armed and throttle is above zero and the motor is started, auto_armed should be true
// if(motors->armed() && ap.using_interlock) {
// if(!ap.throttle_zero && motors->get_spool_state() == Fins::SpoolState::THROTTLE_UNLIMITED) {
// set_auto_armed(true);
// }
// // if motors are armed and throttle is above zero auto_armed should be true
// // if motors are armed and we are in throw mode, then auto_armed should be true
// } else if (motors->armed() && !ap.using_interlock) {
// if(!ap.throttle_zero) {
// set_auto_armed(true);
// }
// }
@ -297,13 +278,13 @@ bool Blimp::should_log(uint32_t mask)
// return MAV_TYPE corresponding to frame class
MAV_TYPE Blimp::get_frame_mav_type()
return MAV_TYPE_QUADROTOR; //MIR changed to this for now - will need to deal with mavlink changes later
return MAV_TYPE_QUADROTOR; //TODO: Mavlink changes to allow type to be correct
// return string corresponding to frame_class
const char* Blimp::get_frame_string()
return "AIRFISH";
return "AIRFISH"; //TODO: Change to be able to change with different frame_classes
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ def build(bld):
'AP_AdvancedFailsafe', #for some reason compiling GCS_Common.cpp (in libraries) fails if this isn't included...
'AP_AdvancedFailsafe', # TODO for some reason compiling GCS_Common.cpp (in libraries) fails if this isn't included.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user