Tools: Implement better Scrimmage support

This commit is contained in:
Arash Negahdar 2020-01-29 10:55:55 -05:00 committed by Andrew Tridgell
parent 98dfc69887
commit 908b63573e
2 changed files with 136 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -1239,6 +1239,41 @@ else:
if cmd_opts.delay_start:
progress("Sleeping for %f seconds" % (cmd_opts.delay_start,))
tmp = None
if cmd_opts.frame in ['scrimmage-plane', 'scrimmage-copter']:
# import only here so as to avoid jinja dependency in whole script
from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader
from tempfile import mkstemp
entities = []
config = {}
config['plane'] = cmd_opts.vehicle == 'ArduPlane'
config['terrain'] = 'mcmillan'
if location is not None:
config['lat'] = location[0]
config['lon'] = location[1]
config['alt'] = location[2]
config['entities'] = []
for k in offsets:
(x, y, z, heading) = offsets[k]
config['entities'].append({'x': x, 'y': y, 'z': z, 'heading': heading,
'to_ardupilot_port': 9003 + k * 10,
'from_ardupilot_port': 9002 + k * 10,
'to_ardupilot_ip': ''})
env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(os.path.join(autotest_dir, 'template')))
mission = env.get_template('scrimmage.xml').render(**config)
tmp = mkstemp()
atexit.register(os.remove, tmp[1])
with os.fdopen(tmp[0], 'w') as fd:
run_in_terminal_window('SCRIMMAGE', ['scrimmage', tmp[1]])
if cmd_opts.delay_start:
progress("Sleeping for %f seconds" % (cmd_opts.delay_start,))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href=""?>
<runscript xmlns:xsi=""
name="Straight flying">
<!-- <run start="0.0" end="100" dt="0.00833333" -->
<run start="0.0" end="10000000" dt="0.001"
{% if plane %}
{% endif %}
<end_condition>all_dead</end_condition> <!-- time, one_team, none-->
<terrain>{% if terrain %}{{ terrain }}{% else %}mcmillan{% endif %}</terrain>
<background_color>191 191 191</background_color> <!-- Red Green Blue -->
<gui_update_period>10</gui_update_period> <!-- milliseconds -->
{% if plane %}
<latitude_origin>{% if lat %}{{ lat }}{% else %}32.42553{% endif %}</latitude_origin>
<longitude_origin>{% if lon %}{{ lon }}{% else %}-84.79109{% endif %}</longitude_origin>
<altitude_origin>{% if alt %}{{ alt }}{% else %}75{% endif %}</altitude_origin>
{% else %}
<latitude_origin>{% if lat %}{{ lat }}{% else %}34.458281{% endif %}</latitude_origin>
<longitude_origin>{% if lon %}{{ lon }}{% else %}-84.180209{% endif %}</longitude_origin>
<altitude_origin>{% if alt %}{{ alt }}{% else %}450{% endif %}</altitude_origin>
{% endif %}
<entity_interaction enable_startup_collisions="false"
<!-- uncomment "seed" and use integer for deterministic results -->
<!-- ========================== TEAM 1 ========================= -->
{% for e in entities %}
<color>77 77 255</color>
<x>{% if e.x %}{{ e.x }}{% else %}0{% endif %}</x>
<y>{% if e.y %}{{ e.y }}{% else %}0{% endif %}</y>
<z>{% if e.z %}{{ e.z }}{% else %}0{% endif %}</z>
{% if plane %}<pitch>-20</pitch>{% endif %}
<heading>{% if e.heading %}{{ e.heading }}{% else %}0{% endif %}</heading>
<!-- Use this settings in SITL -->
<autonomy to_ardupilot_port="{% if e.to_ardupilot_port %}{{ e.to_ardupilot_port }}{% else %}9003{% endif %}"
from_ardupilot_port="{% if e.from_ardupilot_port %}{{ e.from_ardupilot_port }}{% else %}9002{% endif %}"
to_ardupilot_ip="{% if e.to_ardupilot_ip %}{{ e.to_ardupilot_ip }}{% else %}{% endif %}"
{% if plane %}
<!-- Use this settings in HIL through mavproxy -->
<!-- <autonomy to_ardupilot_port="5501" from_ardupilot_port="5502" mavproxy_mode="true">ArduPilot</autonomy> -->
<!-- <motion_model drawVel="0" drawAngVel="0" drawAcc="0" use_launcher="1" launch_time="60" launch_accel="200">${motion_model=JSBSimControl}</motion_model> -->
<motion_model drawVel="0" drawAngVel="0" drawAcc="0">{% if e.motion_model %}{{ e.motion_model }}{% else %}JSBSimControl{% endif %}</motion_model>
<visual_model>{% if e.visual_model %}{{ e.visual_model }}{% else %}zephyr-blue{% endif %}</visual_model>
{% else %}
servo_map="[ motor_0 0 1000 +2000 346.41 1200.0 +1 ]
[ motor_1 1 1000 +2000 346.41 1200.0 +1 ]
[ motor_2 2 1000 +2000 346.41 1200.0 +1 ]
[ motor_3 3 1000 +2000 346.41 1200.0 +1 ]"
<motion_model write_csv="true">{% if e.motion_model %}{{ e.motion_model }}{% else %}Multirotor{% endif %}</motion_model>
<visual_model>{% if e.visual_model %}{{ e.visual_model }}{% else %}iris{% endif %}</visual_model>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}